In fact, things about transfer students spread much faster than Kitami Sawagawa thought.

In just one day, word spread throughout the first grade about a beautiful girl named Yukinoshita Yukino who was a transfer student.

Is it too easy to study or is it too full to do?

During the club activities, Kitami Sawagawa also asked the only member of the department, Miss Megumi Kato, specifically about this matter.

“People are curious, and Yukinoshita classmates are such beautiful girls.”

Megumi Kato replied while manipulating the handle.

The game she played was Tank Wars, and after the last teaching, she was able to play this game independently.

“Kato will also be curious about the other party’s affairs?” Kitami Zekawa proofreads the typo on the paper.

“No, Yukishita-san and ordinary me have no chance to get in touch.”


Minister Kitami doesn’t think so: “You are very cute, slender and not fat, not thin legs, very suitable for wearing stockings, and according to my observations, Kato’s chest is unexpectedly material.” ”

“I’m happy to say that…..,” Kato Wye paused, a little embarrassed by the next words: “But why is it so obscene?” ”

“Then I’ll talk differently, Kato-san has a white and flawless face, a beautiful and elegant body, and a gentle and quiet smile…”

Barabala praised, paused, and he concluded:

“In short, such a cute Kato-san is not an ordinary girl.”

“…,” Megumi Kato blushed and exhaled: “It is worthy of being the first grade Kitami-kun, with such strong language ability.” ”

It should be concealed, right?

Kitami Zegawa wiped a handful of sweat, fortunately secretly observing her and not being discovered.

“What are you nervous about? Kitami-kun. She stared at him with a smile.

“Didn’t… It was too hot. ”

Sure enough, it was discovered, right?

“Huh.” She laughed silently and changed the topic: “Since just now, I have been curious, what has Kitami-san been writing?” ”


The game script was completed and Kitami Zekawa printed it out for final proofreading and revision.

“Script for club activities?”

“Club activities? Who would waste time pondering these things, I wrote the game script! ”

“The game script … Can I watch it? ”

“If you keep it a secret, it’s not that you can’t see it.”

Regarding the fact that Kitami Sawagawa is a game screenwriter, he is in the same society, and Megumi Kato will know sooner or later.

And there is no need to hide from her, the girl’s tone is still very tight.

“I won’t say it.”

“Come here.” He waved his hand.

When Megumi Kato came over, Kitami Saigawa switched places with her and took over her game.

I pressed the pause to start button, and after clearing the level, I found that I had only reached the tenth level.

Hey, Miss Kato, it turns out that you were in the tenth level for half an hour!

Are you guys who are tanks bullying my ministry?


Kitami Sawakawa, immersed in revenge, did not speak.

Megumi Kato also calmed down and looked at the script.

The room was only the sound of BGM of games and the occasional page turning.

On the branch outside the window, two snuggled sparrows groom each other.

From time to time, they will stare at the room.

An hour later, Kitami Zegawa stood up and moved his muscles.

He went to the window and picked up the kettle to refill his own tea.

“Tweet Tweet”

The sparrow outside the window called at him.

Kitami Zekawa grinned, pretending to have a fierce expression

Suddenly, the two sparrows were startled.

They flew to the window and swooped and tried to peck him.

Through the glass, the attacks were all ineffective.

Moreover, people did not attack, but their beaks hurt badly.

“Tweet Tweet”

After shouting again, the two sparrows flew away unwillingly.

Even if he didn’t understand the language of beasts, Kitami Sawagawa felt that the last cry must be scolding him.

When she took the disposable paper cup and poured a cup of tea again, she didn’t notice it when she put it next to Megumi Kato.

She looked very seriously, seemingly word for word.

Kitami Sawakawa doesn’t know if this is Megumi Kato’s reading habit, or because his script is really so good.

Because, his script is not so complicated, it can be read in an hour in a simple way.

And Megumi Kato, who is immersed in a state of reading, will also have an expression that she usually can’t see.

Sometimes, she frowns.

Sometimes, her cute little face shows doubts.

Sometimes, the corners of her mouth will exude a shallow smile.

Kitami Sawakawa guessed the plot she was watching now based on the change in her expression.

After taking a sip of tea, the taste of the tea was more mellow and fragrant than before.

This is the tea brought by Megumi Kato, which is obviously more expensive than the cheap black tea she brought before.

Other than that:

On the table were some biscuits, bread, sweets———— which Megumi Kato brought.

The walls were plastered with those previously idle posters———— which were posted by Megumi Kato.

There are wind chimes hanging in front of the window, and once the wind blows through the window, it makes a crisp and soft sound———— which is hung by Megumi Kato.

In a short period of time, Megumi Kato brought life to this community.

Compared to him, Megumi Kato is obviously more attentive to this society.

Taking a long sip of tea, he put down his cup and went back into the fight.

After two hours, Megumi Kato put down the script, and Kitami Sawagawa’s game was played to one hundred and thirty levels.

“How?” Kitami Sawagawa poured out the cold tea and poured her a new cup.

Megumi Kato took a shallow sip and nodded: “Well, it’s very powerful.” ”

“How awesome?”

Megumi Kato thought for a while: “That, how to say, the characters are very good, especially the plot of the heroine Jun Moriya is very moving.” ”

She is not good at flowery words, and can only try to express her ideas.

Then, her voice changed, and her pure eyes revealed puzzled doubts.

“But why does the male protagonist have to date so many women?”

“Obviously the male protagonists are all with Jun Moriya, why do they want to fall in love with other girls?”

“This is the character branch.” Kitami Saekawa explained the Galgame situation to her in detail: “When a person’s character story is over, you can attack other girls according to your preferences!” ”

She shook her head: “I still don’t understand.” ”

“You think, isn’t the purpose of portraying so many female characters so that the player can find what they like?”

“And the main story is the only one, and you can’t have it at the same time, so what to do?”

“At this time, the side story appears, which can not only raid your favorite characters, but also do not conflict with the main line.”

“In fact, the game is already very subtle, and in reality, it is very common for a man to have N women at the same time.”

“Men hide them in the dark, and let them willingly pay for her, which is abominable!”

He suddenly slammed the table.

“What’s wrong?” Megumi Kato thought what had happened.

“Such a life is unexpectedly enviable!”

Gritting his teeth, Kitami Zegawa said enviously.

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