Naruto covered his head and roared angrily, while Jiraiya beside him chose to ignore it.

  He walked straight to the bar and sat down, apparently ready to eat

  And Naruto who was behind him also sat down beside him, scolding 'how to fix' in a low voice.

  Kasaka Yuto couldn't help being amused when he saw this pair of teachers and students who had a strange way of getting along

  He could see the feelings of the two under the quarrel

  In addition to the identities of teachers and students, the two are more inclined to friends

  "What would you like to order?"

  Kasaka Yuto smiled and looked at the two and asked

  "Let's order some side dishes, and then order more of the mead from last night. From last night to now, I'm really greedy."

  Zilai also touched his stomach casually, his face full of longing and anticipation

  And the Naruto on the side was completely clueless.

  Teenagers still don't like things like wine.

  Yuto Kasaka nodded to indicate that he wrote it down and then asked:

  "What do you want to eat for the main meal?"

  After he finished asking, the voices of both master and apprentice rang out at the same time.

  “Two Ramen”

  "I want ramen!"

  Jiraiya's calm voice blends with Naruto's somewhat impatient voice

  "As a disciple, don't just grab the teacher's words!"

  "Then, as a teacher, do what a teacher should be like!"

  The bickering between the master and the apprentice makes people wonder if the tacit understanding between the two is fake.

  Yuto Kazaka burst into laughter in his heart

  "A total of two?"

  He asked again

  "Yes, I have one and this idiot has one. By the way, they all have to be large, and they have to put two more eggs in it, and put more fish on the board."

  also added

  He was talking here, while Naruto Naruto nodded silently with his arms folded beside him.

  The look on his face is serious

  There are still words in the mouth

  "That's right, that's it"

  He whispered to himself, which fell into the ears of Yuto Kasaka, and he couldn't help but let Yuto Kazaka look at the other party one more time.

  Kasaka Yuto then glanced at Jiraiya again

  I can't help feeling in my heart

  The relationship between these two is really good~

  After Kasaka Yuto responded, he went to the back kitchen to make ramen for Jiraiya and Naruto

  By the way, I randomly made two side dishes for Thor to serve them out.

  Before the noodles came up, Jiraiya was already finished with a sip of wine and a sip of food.

  His rough face also flushed a little more because of this

  Although Naruto beside him muttered all kinds of dissatisfaction, but Jirai didn't care at all.

  One side is the student muttering, and the other is the teacher who is laughing and drinking

  This scene is inexplicably a bit harmonious

  And in the back kitchen, Kasaka Yuto is also busy with ramen

  He thought about the request that Jiraiya said, and thought about what kind of ramen to make.

  There are thousands of types of ramen, and the doorway is not a simple word to sum it up.

  After thinking for a few seconds, he made a decision.

  Let's make Japanese ramen~


  A good bowl of ramen asks for soup, but Yuto Kasaka didn't boil it

  But fortunately, there is a quick brewing soup that I bought back.

  This thing is a condensed soup dumpling, invented to take care of the convenience of those housewives

  Yuto Kasaka thought it was very useful, so he bought some and came back

  The taste is also good

  Although the soup that has undergone rigorous modern science and technology cannot be compared with the soup made by those masters who specialize in this way

  But compared to the average noodle house, this condensed soup is enough to beat them

  In fact, there are many noodle restaurants out there that buy this concentrated instant soup

  Then add additional seasoning

  This is convenient. Compared with the hard work, it can save a lot of man-hours~

  Kasaka Yuto squeezed the packet into a pot full of water, and as the hot water boiled, the color of the pot changed towards milky white and light yellow.

  Yuto Kasaka threw a few small cabbage and a few slices of winter melon into it, then closed the lid and didn't care anymore.

  Turn to low heat and let it cook for a while

  In this way, the fiber from the cabbage and winter melon will penetrate better into the soup, making the soup more rich.

  Kasaka Yuto Kaohsiung, buckled into silk, flicked his wrist, and the noodles were shaking like silver threads in the air

  Another pot is used to boil water. The soup is the last to be poured, not for cooking noodles. You still have to use water to cook noodles.

  When the noodles are cooked, remove them from the cold water and set aside

  This process will make the noodles tighten, so as to naturally form a crispy taste, but this process is actually controversial

  Some people think that this process will cause the noodle itself to lose nutrients

  Some people are obsessed with the taste after the noodles are too cold

  Ramen masters often quarrel over this

  After Kasaka Yuto fished out the noodles, he beat four eggs into it.

  Poached eggs in one hand, and then put the fish plate in the fence and handed it to boiling water to scald it.

  Then I took out two noodle bowls, put the cold noodles in, then two eggs on one side, and then sprinkled the hot and soft fish plate on top

  Then he opened the lid of the soup pot again.

  The cabbage and wax gourd in there have been boiled, showing a translucent appearance.

  Especially the winter melon, crystal clear like white jade

  Use chopsticks to pick out the cabbage and winter melon slices and put them in the noodle bowl

  The side dishes are all ready

  Silver-white noodles, snow-white poached eggs, pink fish plate, clear wax gourd slices, emerald-like cabbage

  It's just this look that makes people jealous

  last step!

  pour soup

  Kasaka Yuto scoops the pot with a spoon, and pours two spoons of soup directly into the bowl

  The slightly yellow-colored soup enriches this side with layers

  if describe

  Then this is like a hot spring with a 'noodle' theme

  All kinds of side dishes are in it

  They all complement each other, just like everything in nature

  When Yuto Kasaka brought this ramen out, both Jiraiya and Naruto were surprised

  But Jiraiya is a little weaker than Naruto's reaction.

  After all, he is much more mature than Naruto.

  "Looks great!!!"

  Naruto shouted loudly

  He couldn't wait to taste the soup

  A look of 'healing' appeared on his face

  It's like encountering something that's been gone for a long time

  I also slurped my mouthful of noodles

  There was a look of satisfaction and joy on his face.

  "I didn't expect the manager's ramen skills to be so good! It's amazing!"

  I also felt that I ate another bite.

  "It's the first time I've eaten such delicious ramen after following the lustful fairy for so long, ah!!! I'm so moved!!!"

  Naruto shouted with great excitement

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