Sumi de ii Desu. Kamawanaide Kudasai

Memory of the Wind (km) 3

She was good at getting into people's minds.

He sews a gap like a snake and touches a core that no one else can understand.

The words we wanted, the things we liked, gave them to us before we knew everything.

Something in this brothel that will not be filled.

She buried it so easily, she was like light to us.



Wife watching me lying in a warm futon beside her.

My vision is distorted.

Cold things caught my eye and flowed to the base of my ear. Once out, it overflows and doesn't stop. I can see the pillow getting damp. Biting the whimper to death, he turned to the other side to distract him from her.

"Oh, don't cry, I'll see you again."

He holds the hand that was slightly out of the futon.

Oh, what have I seen?

Aren't you an idiot? Are you stupid?

Did I repeat this life again? [M]

I became an idiot chasing around a woman's ass.

How many times do you think this?

I don't like it anymore, I'm tired.

Harder than dying.

Think about it and you'll see. How could I not know that Aili was lying?

How many times will this be the tenth time we have become a couple with Aili? It's a fallen one, myself. I still want to laugh at you for being a flower queen.

I don't know.

Second, I notice something.

That man.

As far as I can remember, I've never fallen in love or naturally become a couple with her.

No, you said you liked Aili, but in the end you didn't take any action, and your memories are burning that you didn't accept even when Aili was imminent, because you went under the patronage of a familiar guest, lost your life in the Great Yoshihara Fire, or when the season dawned and you were free.

This is more than five times I have been able to comfort her and flush her and gain love for her because she was unwilling to accept it. It's a shame.

But all the other Hanaki and playmen did, so why isn't he the only one?

Do you have any previous memories?

Then I wish you had helped her more.

... No, I can't.

Is it manned again?

But there is another strange thing.

There is no Hanaki's brother, Yi, who has existed in the brothel many times before.

Brown-haired, light-haired brother Y. He is the same age as Brother Sasa Yi, and rather than being manly or brother skin, he is more of a sister skin person. He was a beautiful man, more like an aunt than a mother, like a little more of Brother Ujino's personality.

I certainly should have been there last time.

Even the man, I remember being a couple with Aili many times.

"You, I was happy."

Oh, my wife's face looks ugly and distorted.

I shouldn't have made you happy.

I didn't mean to be happy.


Reach for her trembling hand.

If I can take you, I'll send you to hell with me.

This is far from an eternal oath, hoping for an eternal end.

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