Sumi de ii Desu. Kamawanaide Kudasai

Days of Distress Beginning 27

I feel the discomfort I felt in the wind from my brother.

When I asked the wind, I said, "Huh? ♪ What's that delicious? In the state, my thoughts came off brilliantly. So Dakeredmo.

Damn, the guys here who make it all love to pump the secret scent. I'm not a dog. I can't really get my nose to smell like that, and I wouldn't if I had trouble judging. Because if I tell you, I don't have the brains or the sense of smell to be able to win a big small-time trial in one shot, like Hanasa Kaji's one, I don't have talent in the first place.

"Brother Yi. I'm not going to choose any more means."

As silence flowed between me and my brother, the sound of the wind broke in as I predicted the timing.

He gets here by scratching his older brothers from behind with his hands.

The only reason it's a little rough is because I've been running. My shoulders are moving big. I had a bunch of paper in my hand. But I sneeze to grip it, so I swallowed up whether I even found it in unwanted trash.

I don't sneeze if it's important stuff.

"Wind, did you find anything?

"This is it."

I handed my brother Yisama a bunch of paper with a sweat grip in his hand. Isn't that garbage? Brother Yi opened it carefully so as not to show it to me, his eyes narrowed and he ran his gaze on the paper.


My arms finally came off at that time, so luckily I try to get out of this. All right, keep an eye on that paper.

But as soon as I tried to turn my body back, my stomach was stiffened with a gut of one arm, so I stopped running. I'm not going to let you get away with it no matter how.

How clever of you not to look at me.

"This is -... amazing. And she is. Well, I guess it's time for the limit."

That's how my brother Yisa, who had been eyeing the paper for a while, took a breath and raised his gaze, smiling bitterly as if he was tired.

I regret the conversation between me and my brother, but I am very concerned about the paper right now.

I wonder if it says something.

Who would she be?

I reached out softly, but the paper was driven far away because of my aiming brother Yi. I can't reach it. I wouldn't even let my middle finger pat swim. No, I don't think this is because my arms are short. Because it's completely different.

"Here, no."


"No, you can't. Hey, Wind."


Tagged. What are these people? How long have we been friends with such a breath of abalone?

"I'm an asshole."

"Well, well. Okay, wild daisies?

"? Um"

"You've been sensitive to people's minds for a long time. Sorry to sound tight, but no matter how loving you are, it's hard for her to point the same feelings at wild daisies anymore"

That's what my brother Sasa tells me with a harsh face.

I've turned down.

He seems to be saying it softly, and that word is a little harsh on me at that point.

Everyone around me is listening to what it is, and I'm not in the mood to not listen. Are you really a playboy? This is the time to read and scatter the air.

I should give my voice to Brother Shimizu, who cut this story out on this occasion in the first place, but I couldn't get into it because I also felt it was kind of out of order. Yes, I am a cautious man.

Or I said sensitive to the subtlety of people's minds, so there are limits unless they are also espers.

Sure, if you're a brother or something, you might have a business that absorbs some of the other person's feelings, but isn't it too presumptuous that you did?

"I won't say anything to you about how you know so much. I know you probably won't answer me if I ask. Even the wind won't tell me anything. But I didn't even try to talk."


You seem to understand this world, you don't.

Yet these people know something I don't. I can't help but toothpick.

To me with a repentant face, my brother Yisa laughed as bitterly as she had just done.

I don't want you to look like that.

"Everything, we'll talk when it's all over. Promise."

"Everything, all of it?

"Yes. When you can have a real smile. Must be."

Brother Yi's arm slowly stretches toward me.

He accidentally stood on his approaching hand, but his hand passed beside his face. Makes your eyes glimpse.

And if you think he grabbed the back of his head as it was, he gently stroked his neck with his fingertips.

It tickles as a touch.

"I don't know what to do."

Still, the gaze that can be directed is the same as just now.

I look back as I peek into the back of Brother Shimizu's eyes.

"Aili is my first, same-sex friend and companion"


"He also taught me how to do horses"


"They laughed at each other."


"Nogi, say and run for me"

"You love her.... I know."

Pom, I was stroked in the head.

But I'm going to ask her to go back to where she came from.

"Original, place?

"Because you cared about Lori. So I've been reluctant to, but I don't need that anymore either"

Brother Yisa turns to the wind lying beside her.

"Wind, wild daisies, come with me. Let's go to your uncle."

To put it all out, he then made me stand. My arm remained grabbed.

Are you going to your uncle's now?

To talk about going to my uncle's place in the exact course of what we were talking about earlier......

"Ribbon, please. Look at my love."

Brother Shimizu Yisa slaps Brother Ribbon Yisa on the shoulder that was nearby.

"? What's up?

"It's pathetic for you to be alone, isn't it? I made a corner call, so why don't you stay with me?"

Is Aili alone now?

"We're coming because we need to talk to your uncle."

"... I see... solitary."

…… There will be winds. "

Next to being spread out a conversation I don't understand well, and speaking of which, I pull an arm of autumn water that remains naked under a tree.

"Autumn Water, I give this back!

Before I went to my uncle, I hurried and peeled off my long clothes from my shoulder and gave them to Autumn Water. If you were dressed like that forever, you'd catch a cold, because even though the sun is shining in March, there's a chilly breeze. Playing men don't get sick.

"Ah? No, keep your feathers woven. I don't care if you're wandering around dressed like that"

Wait, which mouth is saying?

I'd rather be wandering around in the middle of nowhere.

"No, that way."

"No, you did."

Yeah, there's an exposure freak!

"Brother Nogiku, are you going to change already?

Someone pulled my sleeve modestly as the two of us pressed questions.

Hmm? And when I look down, Wazumi looks at me with his mouth as a letter to. Wazumi?

She wore a little half a wax and looked lonely, so I got worried. I wonder what's wrong.

The left arm grabbed by my brother Yi stays put and strokes Wazumi's head with his empty right hand. Fluffy blue beautiful hair. I envy you, cat hair.

"What's going on?

"... n"


Wazumi, with the sleeve she had grabbed off, held her belly wondering if she would leave as she was.

"If you change your clothes, your brother will return to your brother."

"Huh?... whoa!

Someone holds me from behind, too.

"Brother Nojuku!

"My brother!

This voice is a good moon and a bead house.

"Happy Moon, Pearl House?

I'm somehow stuck with three vultures right now. What is this? This is a cute situation.

I was confused and sent my gaze to Brother Shimizu, and he smiled at me.... liked, is it?

Brother Ujino Yisama and Orchids also look at me and the vultures and nod.

"Mm-hmm. From the wild daisies...... everyday against vultures, you had an uncoverable release of motherhood. I don't know if I can do it."

"You're a complete woman now, you."

Motherhood…. You look like a woman?

"Brother Ujino, what do you mean?

"So you're the oldest woman nearest"

Orchid answered when I asked Brother Ujino.

Side by side. Why did you break in? You've wasted a lot of respect.


Watch arms wrapped around your hips.

I mean, does that mean I look like a mother to these kids or something?

Sure, the cat was adorable, but being adorable, everyone was just as adorable. Besides, we still met for three days about Wazumi. I don't remember doing anything that I would totally like in such a short period of time, as much as I can remember. One way or another, I regret it, but I feel that Akimizu and Sakuho, who took a bath with Wazumi yesterday, are more friendly than the other.

"My brother Nogiku, no, he's my mother. It's my mother!

Mutsuki said that and put more effort into his arms. Something tells me I'm very clear and I'm a mother. Umeki used to say 'like my mother', but I wonder if I've been old for a long time. But I don't feel particularly bad when they say so far. No, I rather feel like long live my mother.

You got caught up in it, even the vultures who didn't hug you, thrust at my hips with daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-daddy-

Come here. Hey, it's dangerous.

I pound everyone's head.

I think I know what it was like to stroke our heads when we were little. Sometimes it's cute, but I think my brother and I were treating our children as one adult.

"I'm me. What he looked like doesn't change his personality, and Brother Noju said he was dressed like this. I'm Japanese-style, Mutsuki, everyone's brother."

Showing your teeth and laughing at all those who are short.

"And me too, you think everyone in Heavenly Moon is like a family, don't you? Brother Ujino, sometimes I look like your mother."

"Are you Uji's brother?

Mutsuki sees Brother Ujino Isama.

"Am I my mother..."

"Um, brother Yi. Actually, I thought so too."

"Oh, so am I."

"Me, too."

"Me and me."

Everyone cumming out one after the other, cutting my words into wings. Orchid was also ashamed to raise his hand 'Me too...'

Ugh, heh, still a kid. It wasn't a mistake to hear you say something in your bedroom like, "Ujime's..."

But Brother Ujino himself looked delicate when he heard it from everyone. A face I don't know what to say. I guess I never thought he thought so himself.

But I guess so. Looks like we were all together on what we thought.

"Brother Nojuku Y."


Umebi makes him wear long clothes in autumnal waters with faces such as shabu-shabu. That's Plum. You're moving differently.

"Still, it's very beautiful, after all. I'm sure the heavenly lady in the myth may look like her brother Yi"

"What...?...... haha! That's too much. Then all the women in the world will be goddesses."

Wave and laugh away. I admired the gift of education or the sarcasm with which words praising women came out of Umebi.


"Come and protect me."

Cuddle the guard with one arm as he leaned over at his feet.

That's why I didn't realize that Bosori and Umebi muttered afterwards, 'How can that be the only way to bend your understanding?'

"Well, let's go then"

Brother Shimizu drew my arm, I slid through everyone who was coming to the courtyard and went up indoors. The wind was walking next to Brother Shimizu, and he seemed to be aiming for a place of purpose with us.

Their combination somehow reminds me of that day. I don't know how to say it, but Shimizu's brother Yisa and the wind exchanged words out loud, that mysterious situation.

I wonder what these two know and don't know.

The guardian in the arm seems comfortable sleeping swallowed. Nice, the cat. Easy.



As I watched the protection with my hands pulled, I heard Chappie from next door. Why is that?

'Cause there's a wind over there...


"Why are you there?"

If you look at him, Chappie is peeking at me with a little face out of his kimono collar in the wind. I stuffed my two fingers next to my face and said, 'Hey, how are you?' I don't know where you are. You look like a charlatan.

What are you doing?

"Chappie's not smart, is she? Much smarter than daisy."

The wind poisons Chappie's head while she spits at me.

Oh, my God, don't get angry, silver hair.

I turn sideways and get my tongue out peppy. I thought I'd spit it out anyway, but as a man or as a woman, I stopped because I wondered if that was a bit. Besides, there's no way the wind is frightened by that. I end up being laughed at fluorescently with my nose. Definitely.

Damn, what a day it is.

My uncle chased me around, treated me like a dressing doll, gave me a perfect hearing (attack) on the back in a sense of Erie, everyone saw me like this, and now I'm going around and taking him to my uncle.

This is a bad year in many ways.

"Hey, what was that paper earlier?"

"Noisy, I can see your breasts"

"Huh? Ah, oh!! That's a lie! It's a good match!

Don't tell me you're seeing breasts or anything!

When my mouth was shaking, my brother, who was pulling me, laughed nicely when he switched us. Oh good smile, I can't believe it, but it felt like a stinging and invisible needle was stabbing my body. What is this? What the hell is on me?

Turning to the wind next door, he is whistling and looking in the wrong direction.

"Hmm, I can't grow up"

"The wind?

Who can't grow up?

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