Sumi de ii Desu. Kamawanaide Kudasai

Days of Distress Beginning 17

Ujino welcomed the guests today during Tsubaki. And as a guest, I went to Heavenly Moon with a man named Yukiyoshi Nagahama, who held the position of a billholder.

A bill difference refers to a trader who received or sold rice on behalf of his family in order to obtain a commission. In addition to the brokerage business, he used the rice as collateral to carry out financial operations, livestock huge wealth, and was considered to be a rich man with enough money to rot.

Simply put, the difference between the bills is the flagbook, the salad dealer of your family.

"Hanaki, it's beautiful again today"


However, Ujino had no desire to tame this human being in the third day of sitting.

Because I'm a man, not for that reason.

I don't really think it's sincere to flatter that a good customer, whether of the same sex, would be happy… but it's not as disgusting.

I also think that if God were to tell us to sleep with men as a condition of freeing ourselves playmen, we would raid them with our hands up.... but I don't like it in the first place.

But this man named Nagahama, aside from his courtesy in the sitting area, held the hand of a flower queen that should not be touched, and even his eyelashes tried to make a hand out of it.

I would have reached the ban, but I couldn't get rid of this man this time only badly. That being said, he has some bad rumors.

This Yoshihara, once in, has nothing to do with his identity, and if he disrespects me, he'll be hand-helded, and I can't get into a brothel. Together, no matter how great this country is, it can only be a butterfly drowned in a beautiful flower that is neglected if it steps into its feet.

But 'gold' exists in all times.

As long as there is that 'gold', this Yoshihara is a privileged place.

No matter how many times you are banned, this Nagahama uses excess money to open Daimon and enter Yoshihara as many times as possible.

And the worst thing about this guy was that when he found the playman of his choice, at the end of the day, he was a slightly... not nearly pervert who slapped a lot of money and made a contract and bought him to death until he was no longer available.

The next time Nagahama caught his eye, Ujino Hanaki from the Tenzuki brothel. The heavenly moon playman, dubbed the most expensive in Yoshihara, couldn't even reach Nagahama, who is said to have how much gold it is.

No, I got my hands on it, but I wanted to do more than buy a Heavenly Moon playman for a while. But the price of the contract is higher than buying a castle. The meaning is slightly different, but sometimes it is just said to be inclined.

The reason I nominated Ujino was simply because it suited his taste. She looks like a woman, not a woman. The sexuality of this man is that he likes men like women.

In a world where women naturally play at night, Nagahama's habits are often considered insane. The fact that a man rolls out into a town at night in the first place was in itself a laughable thing and was out of common sense. Besides, what you want is same-sex, not heterosexual.

"Ujino Hanaki. Is it not time for you to forgive my heart?

"You don't have to be."


Despite the fact that Ujino had been heard from earlier, his eyes remained looking straight ahead without changing phase and facing the man.

Ujino's act of keeping silence is Hanaki's attitude itself.

I don't easily return words to someone who doesn't forgive my heart.

And instead, it is the role of new-builders and men's entertainers to cut up the scene. Pour drinks, show your art, and at least serve your guests.

"Hanaki, I don't know"

But there's something wrong with the customer's man.

The new construction firmly notices the condition and gently ears to Ujino. The whispers you are talking about will be noticed by the guests if the scene is shivering, but luckily they are protected by the sound of the three lines played by the man geisha, so there is little risk that the content will be leaked.

"Hanaki, please run away. It fits. '

Slowly closing his eyelids to the words, Ujino opens his eyes again and stares at Nagahama.

In fact, this sitting area was designed for a certain purpose. It's not just about the heavens and the moon, it's okay to say that it was set up throughout Yoshihara.

"I don't know"

Ujino is not a person who judges people by their appearance. And I've been thinking, but I don't think I'm going to be able to say that all this time.

On Nagahama's greasy forehead, I don't think I wiped it by hand earlier. The eyeballs are gnawed like frogs. I could imagine that my stomach would be sloppy and my daily lifestyle, especially my diet, would be very luxurious. Poor self-management skills would also be a factor.

And people who probably don't look sloppy don't have a sloppy personality either. It is also the person of this classification who has many self-centered figures.

First of all, there are rumors walking out to this man, and such preconceptions have been included first, so I wasn't talking about judgment being what it looks like.

"I don't know, I'm betting my fortune on this sitting area. Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold."

Nagahama stares back at Ujino with his vain eyes.

Shinjuku sat quietly in front of him and hung his hands on the door behind his back.

"Hanaki will lower your seating area once for the sake of the rice."

"Or is it"?

"Something? Hanaki is also a child of man. Of course."

I have never heard of Nagahama, such as Hanaki, who leaves the sitting area in a jar. That's the most important thing. It's impossible for a playboy to step back in the sitting area when he shows such dementia that he wants to go to the bathroom.

"Are you making fun of me!?

"... Lady Nagahama, excuse me"

When Ujino stood up early with his feathers and hem on, he stared at Nagahama for about a beat before leaving the room behind.

"Huh? Oh, oh."

Hanaki, who didn't open her mouth until then, opened her mouth and spoke for the first time, so Nagahama replies with surprise.

But then.

Hanaki said it had been a while before she went to her room, but there was no sign that she would ever come back.

And the late consequences of Nagahama's suspicion of it into action lead to this.


You colorful old man!

And it's good to get warm in your heart, but just because it's on doesn't change the situation. It doesn't change how disgusting it is. More disgust strikes me than Ningro seems to vomit.

What if this guy is Nagahama's pervert?

"Wazumi, Sakuho"

I'm not the only one who's disgusted. You don't have to look around to be sure that everyone here isn't physiologically accepting him.

Take refuge in Matsuyoshi, who is shivering his body, and wave to the newly built Sakuho and Wazumi, who are temporarily up to his seating area, instructing him to step back.

"Ha. What can I do for you?"

"I am Yoshiyuki Nagahama. Isn't the feather, soda, still a wild daisy flower queen? So it smells rational and luxurious. My forefingers move, too."

Nithari, and a man comes closer to this side with a tongue lick.

Was this guy still that Nagahama?

I heard that a man named Nagahama has no annihilation eye for a man like a woman, and that the treatment of that jerk-off playman is rather crude. I can't believe he was buying Brother Ujino...

If you're going to metaphor the way he looks, that's gamma. Toad. But what the hell does it mean to be such a body if I pack it? The selfish body also has enough.

I'm sorry to say this, but my chappie, who's not human, is hundreds of times cooler.

"This is against the rules."

"Will you talk to me without paying me? Oh, yeah, well, I should still have turned it into a wild daisy flower queen from the start. You Long House bastard. Tab me like a good one."

Nagahama makes his breath rough with a grin.

Kiko, Kiko, whoa, whoa!

Rot, my eyes rot!

I'm sick!!

When I say talk, it just seems like I'm getting rid of it from where I see it.

I don't speak Japanese!

I can't stand to face it long enough and feel like I want to shrink my hands and feet like a turtle. If I had the armor, I would have immediately pulled my neck in and run away from this suspicious man.

I just want to be a turtle now.

If hope comes true because of this, elephant turtle.

"Let me touch that ball-like skin, O wild chrysanthemum flower queen"

Jiri, and the man comes by again.

I mean, hey!

Wasn't someone after this guy?

You were obviously interacting with someone like you were playing a getaway play earlier, weren't you?

Why is no one behind him!!

"... I don't know what you mean."

and lowered a little back, pretending to be a blur, even as he shouted in his heart. Matsuyo-sama also keeps up with my movements.

But when the man smiled sparingly at the way it looked, he showed me a blade shining in chilli and silver with his hands on his nose.

That was a short knife.


I don't know, I don't even feel like putting out words anymore.

... I wonder why I let it out here now.

I'm careless to say this, but there was a lot to get out of it, wasn't there? It didn't have to be this occasion, did it? This guy is serious. What are you doing here?

But that's why I'm not going to surrender, and Matsuyo-sama is here, so I'm confused about deliberately dealing with him as a customer in response to requests.

"Master Nojuku?

Matsuyoshi, while hiding behind him, seemed to have seen the man's knife perfectly, and it was on his back that he made his body tremble with vicli.

I'm sorry, Matsuyo-sama. Scary, isn't it?

"It's okay, Matsuyo."

My protective knife is under the tatami I'm sitting on.

If you peel the third eye off the edge, a sharp knife will represent you while you fit in the sheath. I learned how to handle a knife from my uncle for the degree of protection, so I'm not a wacko who doesn't know how to handle it. However, I have never been pointed at a blade by a person who really tries to do harm, so I am somewhat anxious. Practice is an exercise.

I slowly crawled my hand into my tatami eyes to avoid being suspicious of a man. First, second, and so on.

Even I'm really scared of this situation as much as I want to tremble.

"Then why don't you come over here and talk to me?

In the meantime, I only went in to forgive my mouth.

I don't think it's going to buy me time either.

"I'm not satisfied with that. It's not the mouth you want to talk to, it's the beautiful body of a man."

The man exasperates.

No, he can't.

Even though I said I didn't smell particularly crusty, I got a cracked look as if I smelled even the rotten smell.

"Come on, look, come on"

A finger hits the third eye of the tatami.

I didn't know. I'm not a wacko.

I was just hearing rumors about how this man has behaved towards Yoshihara.

Some were made impossible as men, and some were bought by him and lost their lives. If he was a cheap playman, he would have used needles and poisons without any trouble. Although everyone around Nagahama thought he was crazy, no one tried to stop him. It is a sin. It's the same with the people living in Yoshihara and the owners of the brothels. Me too, of course. If anyone had raised their voices about this, maybe it would have turned out differently.

How thoughtless and cruel everyone was.

Why is a guy like this walking outside pretending to be a big shot?

Why is everyone below this man?

But I don't know why.

I don't care who doesn't ask me if I live here, I'm going to hate myself for knowing why every second of the time.

There was force in my fingertips that grabbed my eyes.

View Nagahama.

"You really..."

I think you should see hell once.


"It's hundreds of billions of years early for you to buy wild daisies. There's a lot to be desired."

But suddenly, with that voice, a blade was stuck around the man's neck.


A space that was loosely unstable stretches a pin and a thread of tension in an instant so that the scene is torn apart.

All of a sudden, when I tried to get a knife in my hand, both my opponents and I had their eyes rounded and flashed, from behind them came the people wearing even more black.

"Give me some rope!

"Put your forehead on there!

From the outfit, they can also be described as the police of this Yoshihara. These are the people from the Sanro Garrison. As soon as you entered Yoshihara's Daimon, on your left was Yoshihara's own police station called the "Sanro Soldier's Guild", which was where men dispatched from each sight monitored the escape of playmen. Okaki's jar is also in front of me.

The various incidents that occurred in Yoshihara mainly revolved around these men.

So is this some kind of incident?

"Who were you going to target next? I don't think she's an end shop girl."

The voice is Brother Shimizu.

As he spoke, he became grumpy and heavily roared, as if the Great Demon was telling the sinners to go to hell.

Besides, it is his brother, Isama himself, who is pushing a blade against the man's neck. A sharp cleavage eye was shooting hard through Nagahama from behind.

Why did your brother do such a thing?

The busy situation still persists.

"Nagahama. You can no longer enter this Yoshihara. Finally, your house is no longer the same. Sorry to hear that."

If it was Pocahontas, a new person came into the room again. The outfit is more splendid than the Sanro's, wearing a cassette on his head, and on the back of the black feathers it says Big Big Big and 'Bong'.

"What are you guys!? What the fuck!!

Nagahama, who saw it, suddenly began to wolf.

"Tell me you don't have any more money you love. Split up, the bastards. It was a mistake in the first place to get your hands on this moon. It is no exaggeration that those who can be considered the culmination of Yoshihara gather around in the great sight of their Lord..."

"Get off me! I'll stay."

"You can make a scene if you like.... Thank you, Lord Shimizu. We'll rope it in here later."

Everyone surrounds Nagahama.

My brother Yi, who was restrained with a knife, also saw how it was, and drew the knife from the man's neck.

"Father, Shimizu, you're brilliant."

Then Yukino-sama slapped her hand and let her peek into her face from Hikomori.

Oh, Father?

"It feels a little too much."

"But it would be just as good for that man."

Brother Ripple and Brother Ujino come into the room.

"Ujino Hanaki, Ribbed Hanaki, Shimizu Hall, thank you for your cooperation"

The man called your father bows toward those three.

What is this?

What is happening where my depository does not know? I'm sure Matsuyo-sama, Wazumi and Sakuho are in a better state.

"No, no, I don't care how you use it. You've always dropped me money in this brothel."

My daughter.

And it was my uncle who came later with a laugh.

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