Sumi de ii Desu. Kamawanaide Kudasai

Days of Distress Beginning 5

In February, around the time the peak of the cold tries to pass.

"Good morning, Brother Ten!

"In your case,“ I guess. ”Yeah."

"Haha, you can tell. Mr. Nojuku-san, thank you very much."

"That's what I say to Rigi!

Wake up and head to the dining room, where you can smell good morning flavors.

Rice cooks make their groceries early in the morning for the playmen and serve them delicious meals. I am also used to seeing my brother-in-law Yisa standing in the cooking area after many years, and I look forward to seeing her in the dining room like this at the beginning of the day.

I still call you 'brother', but you're telling me that's better, so I'm not hesitating to call you.

"Please fish for breakfast"


Since the meal is for fish or mountain vegetables today, I choose the fish and sit in an empty spot until I can.

Looking over the dining room, there were only about three of them but me, and few seemed to be still awake.

... Well, that's what I aimed for.

"Are you alone, my brother?

"Yeah? Want to eat with me?


I stretched my legs out on a wide tatami as I sat down and bluffed, and the bald child hung me up. I was called from behind, so if you turn around and invite me to eat with you, I'll get a healthy reply.

I'm glad I just thought I was lonely for dinner alone.

"Become and excuse me"

"Yes, please. Oh, look, I'm gonna get my foot paralyzed, so stretch it out?

I sat out in the front seat, so I urged myself to do so while showing my stretched legs as bran.

"Is Brother Yi a mountain vegetable? Are you crazy?

"I'm a fish. Mutsuki is a mountain vegetable, right?

"Eh heh, because I love vegetables"

This boy came in three years later than Umeki. His name is Mutsuki. I say this name because I was born in January.

I am not a pull-in vulture, but other brothers and sisters told me that I work hard to learn and encourage the arts every day.

Brother Zhu He is following you, and you may be seen with him often.

Because there are already many different vultures and new constructions under other flower queens, the next best earner of flower queens is basically supposed to receive vultures, and although not flower queens, the next best earner is Brother Zhu He Yi.

As you can see, of course there are vultures and new constructions under that orchid chrysanthemum. When it's time, it's basic to coach them and take care of them until they're alone.

In the process of growing vultures and new construction, a lot of money will be needed, but it is not the brotherhood that bears it, but the brother playman.

Although it has nothing to do with the daily cost of food or the single clothes that are paid for, the trio lines, kites, and brushes used in the archery are to be given by the brother play man, and the cost of the new construction becoming a one-person play man is also given by the brother play man from kimono to whatever.

Therefore, baldness and new construction cannot be done by the same playman.

By the way, when my uncle says, "Tailor your kimono", he says that the cost is paid by the brothel.

Seems like the three brothers of Hanaki were putting it out for me when I was there, so it was a triple split.

My uncle said that since the early days there have been so many people in the brothel who have more vultures and new buildings than they used to be.

Sure, because when I came in, there were only four vultures, including me, and those four had a hard time finding other vultures before they were drawn in.

The other brothels also heard of two bald men.

Yet now every brothel says there must be more than five vultures.

I wonder what the hell is going on in the world.

I'm not sure because I didn't detail the circumstances of such a brothel or Yoshihara in the game.

And in March, there will be new construction, vultures, besides plum trees, beneath me.

They're coming in again.

Until then, I was supposed to help take care of other Hanaki people, and I just taught calligraphy during this good moon.

Instead of teaching with the flower queen above, I call it instruction to my room. What I was doing is the same thing I used to do when I was little. But the difference is that it's not a draw, so I ask you to go out to the sitting area and talk to the customer if you need to.

Blah, blah, blah. I can make you debut a lot ahead of the draw, so these kids don't have time to prepare their minds.

"Ooh, we made it - Noju. Come and get it."


"Happy Moon is a mountain vegetable."

"I'll have it!

Me receiving from the handover mouth and eating well with a quick front seat. I can wear Walrus, but I was a little cautious in the past, so I stopped.

Mutsuki had always started eating in the front seat as usual. He's a well-behaved kid from the beginning, but I think he's fine.

All I can think about is how easy I can be.


"Brother Y."

Tasting the miso soup that worked with the simmering stock with admiration…, he hung up and was slapped on the shoulder with a ton.

"Good morning, Brother Nojuku"

Good morning, Umeki.

I am greeted in the morning with a nickel and a dazzling smile on Umebi holding my meal with both hands.

So is the smile, but the blonde hair is glittering.

"Is it good next door? I'm having dinner now, too."

"I don't mind. Not at all. Umebi is a fish?

"Yep. You're with your brother Yi."

His curly blonde hair came down calm and loose waves over the years.

"Umeki-san! Good morning!

"Ha, I'm fine. Good morning, Mutsuki."

The little one who opens her little mouth and says hello to her very hazy. With a dull face, this one is more dazzling in the eyes.

Mutsuki apparently admires Umebi, and sets a goal that one day it will be a new building like Umebi.

Sometimes the only draw-in is plum wood right now, and he seems to admire the specially inspired draw-in newbie. Of course, that's not all I admire, but the calm and gorgeous brilliant dance of Umebi, which also performs tough arches, is tattooed by my uncle.

He's also a kind, serious, good kid who knows what he's dealing with.

... now, but I'm so sorry that such a good kid is attached to me (and Autumn Water) the other way around.

Such a good boy Umebi strokes the head of the Moon with a pom when he puts the meal before us both. Are you happy if I was stroked? My eyes were would-be and my cheeks were red and elevated.

Cute already.

"Hehe, the moon is lit. But Umeki's always early in the morning."

"I guess I haven't done what I call a job yet. More strange than that is what is happening to Brother Nojuku Yi at this hour. Aren't you sleepy?"

"A little sleepy"

"I'm happy to be able to eat morning meals with you every day, but please take care of your body. But even your brother suddenly falls..."

"Ugh, Umeki, no!"

Place the chopsticks on top of the tea bowl and squirt your cheeks in a hug on the plum tree across the street.

"It's so solid, and uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

"Brother Yi. My cheeks hurt."

I'm really sorry it came with mine (and Autumn Water) down there. He's a good guy!!

Are you sure, God!?

"Brother Ning Ro is good."


"I haven't had a good man yet."

"In my mouth..."

"Yes. I was thinking about it now"


Thanks for your quick answer.


Then 30 minutes later.

"Phew. I ate. I ate."

"It's quite a stomach, isn't it?"


Mutsuki, who was a mountain vegetable, finished eating early and went back to his room. Even if I said I would return, I would definitely head to Brother Zhu He Yi soon.

Me and Umeki are a treat now. It's not that the pace is slow, it's just not half the difference between the amount of vegetables and fish.

It was a dedication divided into perfect vegetarians or carnivores.

I'm going to take a dose before I clean up my meal, and I'm going to put in a cup of Self's tea for two in the dining room. Umeki told me that I would do it, but let me behave as my brother here.

Warm green tea feels good on the body.

"You're often with vultures and newcomers these days"

"Everybody's cute."

He begins to talk to the public as he meditates his eyes on the smell of tea and the dust.

Although the scale is small when it comes to public discourse.

If you want to give it an official name, would you like to talk about phosphorus in the brothel?

"Well, I'm sorry to hear you stepped in."


Cohon, and honking his throat, he says.

"Did you even have a fight with your brothers?

"Fight? No, I'm not fighting. I just need to interact more with the vultures and the newcomers once in a while."

"But it's been about a month."


"I don't see Hanaki's older brothers and Noju's older brothers together very often."

"Didn't the rice deflect time from the wax?

Hey, being a tough kid inside.

Do you even know that?

A month after that. Umeki is right, I'm out of time for dinner with everyone.

That said, we're all falling apart, so we need to make good adjustments there.

If you want to go to the dining room and have someone from Hanaki, go around to the room. Go right, go straight into the dining room and go to another playman, or eat alone.

Sometimes we eat together without being called out, but in that case, we scratch the rice into our mouth with Mach and finish eating quickly. Sometimes he sits next to me silently, so in that case he's already lenient.

It's not good to overdo either. But when I went back to my room, I couldn't stay alert, and someone came to invite me to dinner.

I'm not hungry.

"Yes, I'm doing well on your horse right now"

"I've eaten it."

and occasionally bring up the woman's circumstances and say no for a reason.

Very pitiful.

That's how I keep you from being with everyone...

Would it still be too blatant?

"But during this time, you rarely auditioned with Autumn Water and me, did you?

"That's true, though."

"Because we're not always together. I think we were just together before."

Are you convinced or not of my answer like that... well, the latter.

'Really?' he nods with a wrinkle between his brows.

"Instead, I started seeing Aili better, so here's the thing"

"Like this?"

Plum trees with their chest suppressed and bitter faces.

What's up, Umeki!!

"This is how I felt like a son who felt a precursor to my father and mother splitting up..."

How do you feel about that?

Though I know what you know.

We're only four years apart.

It was a wild chrysanthemum with a distant eye for what Umeki said.

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