When approaching the happy endings during the game on the fresh water route,

"I'm sorry, fresh water. I let that man die. I want you to forgive me for this identity. '

"Dear Lord... why"

'At least I want to make amends. Hey Shimizu, why don't you get out of the brothel and live outside'

'No... there are people I don't want to leave'

'I'm here to talk to a princess... can you take it?

'So to me!

It's Princess Eriko of the Last Mountain Castle.

"Aili?... No Way"

'I could not be bound to my beloved. So at least you have to be happy with the one you love'

My father, the boss, comes out in the second half with the feeling that

A few years later he noticed his men's failure, but he came to Heaven and Moon via his uncle to apologize to Shimizu.

Then the conversation progresses, escaping from the brothel, into a stream of happy endings in the field. I recall before that Aili is actually the princess of this place, but in these occasions the setting is effectively utilized. Heroin correction?... strongest.

But... it's convenient to speak Japanese, and it's easy because we can talk about it in "Yakaya" or "You're welcome".


"Brother Isama."

When I think about it in my head, Brother Shimizu is embarrassed again.

Oh, I think I woke you up.

And I was curious to peek at my brother Yisama in chills.


My gaze stopped in my brother's stomach at the words that came to my mind.

With that said, a horizontal line like three earthworms swelling in the lower abdomen...

My brother Yi in the game tells me his belly wound is a stain in his life. That I got hungry wanting to live. That he didn't die after cutting it three times. The weakness and shallowness of my determination remain as a wound, which is why I could not forgive myself.

But in addition, it reminds me of when my mother died, and suffering is also why I hate the wounds.

How... how tough on me.

How sweet for me that sugar cane is going to be harvested from my head.

It was sweet. I am.

But what would you have done if I were you?

Did you want to die?

Or... did you wish to live like Brother Shimizu?

I don't know about mothers because they don't have my mother in this world right now, and I hardly have any previous memories.

But what if everyone in Heavenly Moon is dead? What if he kills himself without being able to help or do anything?

Just thinking about that makes my back feel cold and unpleasant.


"Noisy? Are you awake?

"Ah, Orchid."

Jeez, looking at Brother Shimizu Yi, I heard Orchid from a bit far away.

If you take your gaze off your brother Yi and look for the voice lord with your eyes, you can see the guy with his face from while Brother Zhu He Yi and Brother Ujino Yi were asleep.

Uh, how long have you been awake?

I felt no sign at all.

But when I look over the room again, they're all rolling like corpses in chaos. Besides, I can see the belly of Brother Zhu He Yisama and the other playmen from the chills kimono and it's very cold. I'll catch a cold.

It's getting colder for me to watch. Let's at least have a belly roll in the winter. Belly roll. What a stretch of salad I have wrapped around my waist.

Don't you have an apprentice?


Speaking like that in my heart, I can speak up again.

Oh, I forgot a little about Orchid. I'm sorry.

Orchid Chrysanthemum, who looks at this one like he's asleep, lacks a yawn as he rubs his eyes.

You know, that? Is that it?

He was a geek yesterday.

You're a gello kid.

You're a geropie.

"Lose it, Pippy."

"Become, you're selling fights!

When I said that, I squeezed my strength and Mecha Orchid stared at me with a pull and tremor.

I'm still weak on this mess of hands. I wish I could calm down a little more. You look amazing. But that's where Orchid is, so it's funny.

I keep laughing and jerking off at myself, and I'm having fun wondering if it's mean.

Really sorry, Orchid.

I'm sorry it was fun.


"Ugh! You know how I feel about being drunk eight liters by you!

"Ha eight liters!?

Eight liters!?


"Eight liters!

"Clearly, I'm gonna die! Orchid, wow! Soooo cool!!

"I don't mean no."

No, I think I threw up because of what happened.

The orchid chrysanthemum laughs a little lit as she puffs her cheeks with her fingers... kinda cute.

Damn, I'm busy with guys.

But if that's all they drank, it's a story that makes them snort.

If I were you, I wouldn't lose alcohol at all if I just threw up and slept a little. I wonder if this guy is really okay.

In a way, alcoholic?

"No more nausea?

"Full speed."

"Are you okay? Head or something"

"That's an idea of what you mean by that word."


I'm worried my head won't hurt. Because it doesn't mean your head is stupid.

This guy knows who I am. Konkushin.

I stick my lips out so mu on my nose that I stare at Orchid.


... Hey... hey, have you laughed now?

Was he that busy? Huh?

Know my discomfort, sir.

Oh, but we're each other when it comes to offense.

"I'm just normally worried -!

"Are you having a hard time with that system?

Orchid Daisy points to me and says.

I was still in Brother Ribbon's arms when I thought about it. Orchid's right. Honestly, my neck hurts because I do talk with my head up in that condition. It hurts a lot.

I want to say or say one thing before that.

... What do you mean nobody wakes up after all this talk between two gaggers?

Hey, hey.

If a suspicious person came in now, what would he do?... Huh? You want me and Orchid to clean it up? Mm-hmm. Unhelpful.

Or so. Me freaking out like an asshole at what mostly doesn't even dust.

You can call me chicken or whatever.

But first of all, I want to do something about the inability to move. I'd like to borrow it because it's fine with cat hands.

Even if it's Orchid's hand that still just looks at me from afar.

"Orchid, can I have Brother Ribbon's arm raised for a moment?

"Wake it up already. Give me one shot in the crotch."

"Mmm. But if I didn't have to wake you up, I'd never have crossed it."

Brother Ribbon's arm can hardly retreat to the point of stuttering.

Orchid Chrysanthemum is right. If you kick a man's steeple with your feet, that'll wake you up...

I can't do such a terrible thing.

I can't.

"I mean, it's so cold, they're all going to fall asleep in belly and catch a cold. I want to hang a duvet, Orchid, please help me."

"I'm gonna catch a cold."

"Ha. Stupid. You're the one who caught the cold."

"What the hell!!

That's a total hustle.

Guys who don't get their bodies worked up don't get busy, kid.

"... there you go."

But Orchid said to leave me alone, so I felt like I had no choice but to come here and raise my arms to Brother Ribbon.

But not sleeping well enough that I couldn't get out of it, even the man's orchid seemed a little tight.

The kid's arm is pulling again. I'm a mess.

Orchid, come on!

You can do it!!

And on top of me supporting him, Orchid was working hard without being told that his face was slightly red but he was desperate to pull it off.

"Heavy! Why are you so muscular?"


"Heavy or powerful..."

What a mess for both of us, but I managed to slip my body through the gap that Orchid was able to lift and I succeeded in escaping.

And wake up your upper body, which is finally free.

Wow... my neck hurts.

The cockroach will ring.

Oh, Brother Ribbon... you're not awake, are you? Yeah. I'm fine.

When I confirm and gently leave my brother Yi, I open the room entrance with Orchid to get the duvet. There are about eight duvets inside, and there are the same number of pieces in the other side of the stash, so there will be sixteen pieces in total, but for the number of people...

Mm-hmm. Is that enough?

In the meantime, I'm going to call everyone one at a time... but it won't be enough, so I'm going to hang it for a few people.

This would put everyone on the line.

Brother Yisama and Brother Akura Yisama at the time of dyeing, Brother Zhu He Yisama and Brother Ujino Yisama. and in turn hang futons in pairs. The moment I hung it, it was funny to watch because everyone would unconsciously tuck it in the futon. Yeah, it's cute.

Okay, next... Ah.

Oh well.

Silver and blue hair came into view.

Needless to say, they are two anothers.

"If it winds up, I'll be here. Oh, there's also autumn water. I didn't expect to fall asleep side by side..."

"Uh, they were weird yesterday."

"That's not the usual, Orchid."


Turning in turn, he discovered that the wind and autumn water were sleeping amicably. Something excites me a little. No, don't call me a pervert or something, right? Because that's not what I meant. True.

I don't want to abuse anything else, but I definitely wanted to take pictures if I had a camera.

Soaking in such thoughts, orchid chrysanthemum, who seems to have finished hanging on the new constructions and vultures in the distance, points to the duvet I have.

"Hey, call Brother Shimizu Yi and Brother Ribbon Yi as soon as possible... no, I will"

"Yes, hang up."

I hang the last one between the two sleeping a little further away from the wind and autumn water.

Oh, my God. You two have beautiful sleeping faces.

But Brother Ribbon, you have tatami marks on your left cheek. Brother Shimizu... is a boulder. Although it is depressed, it is no damage to the face because the face is turned sideways and only attached to the tatami folds to the critical ears.

Don't lose too many gaps in a way.

As usual, wild daisies spreading wasteful thoughts in his head, after hanging a futon and taking a breath, approach softly beside fresh water.

If you look closely at your brother Yi's face, you are not laughing, angry or sad. I'm closing my eyes with no expression. So... no, no, no, I guess so. I'm asleep.

and poke at my stupid reality.

That said, when I grow up, I say I'll stop dreaming, but I guess it's true. But if I can see it, I want you to keep it and have an interesting dream. I want to see too much laughter and tears in my brother's eyes.

Noju laughs at fresh water.

"Brother Shimizu, I am happy to meet you. Oh, for everyone, of course. hehe. My brother..."

Just a little bit, do you feel happy?

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