Sumi de ii Desu. Kamawanaide Kudasai

It begins with two in the 10th year of the world.

"A room in a brothel.

"I was in the room where I was called...

"You should be dead!!


"He made me curse.

"And he grabs his neck and pushes his face against a plaid window.

Who is it?

Call 1 ● … for help.

Call for help on 2 ● ….

3 ● Bear with it and bite your lips.





"Get up."



"Hmm... I knew it"



I get called my name out loud and wake up from sleep.

If you jump up like you've been bounced, a young man with blue hair is right in front of you.... Oh, autumn water. Thank you for showing off Sarasara's beautiful hair from her sleep.

But will your house still grow? Boned hands and arms say youth or adulthood anymore?

"Hmm... Cocksucker."

Sleep tight.

Autumn water turned 18 this year.

Deep blue eyes are so sharper than they were when they were primed. I can't wait to hear your eyes drool like laughing from time to time. 'That's right.

The hairstyle hasn't changed at all and Autumn Water doesn't seem to be willing to stretch beyond her shoulders. Probably the most unusual thing since I was little. Oh, put it on your hair.

He's tall, he's got a lot of shoulder width.

By the way, if Brother Shimizu Isama or Brother Ribbon Isama leaks a lot of color, Autumn Water is a hidden erotic. Does it feel like saying? Specifically? Even so, I'm not very good at explaining it, so I'll leave it to your imagination.

Still, the sunlight entering through the lattice hits me straight in the face and depressing.

... sunlight strikes directly......?


"I promised to go out there, but if you didn't want to wake up, you wouldn't be here. It's lunch. Besides, today you're going to be archaic on Umebi."

"... my head cracks. It's so cold!

"You're hungover."

Cross your hands and rub your arms desperately. Friction Powers ~.

But this cold to say the sun is shining.

The winter cold of the Edo period is not insulting.

Usually the sleeping minister is bad, my body walks everywhere while sleeping, but it didn't stick out of the futon because of the cold and it seems to fit nicely.

... an honest body in many ways.

If it's so cold, the boulder chappie will hibernate, too.

"Geeko... cum"


You'd think so, but he's not their frog.

On the cushion next to my futon. There's a thick little blanket there. Among them is a charcoal-wrapped, hand wrapped pocket.

And nearby is a small green life form.

... No, extraterrestrial life forms are seated.

"Gauge Gauge Co"

"Uh... just be quiet, Chappie. Because it comes to Keane's head. Keane."

As always, he's fine.


"Are you all right?

I'm fifteen. Am I safe? had become a flower queen to. Well, things aren't safe at the point where I'm a biological woman.

My uniform went through Hanaki Road just like everyone else. Do it, kimono. Next door was rattled with who was walking, but I finished the road safely.

However, the part about Hanada-sama also cooperated, and for some reason she didn't work with me, but I was supposed to work with a woman I didn't know. What do you mean?

"He's weird. You're drunk in front of a customer, but you're drunk as soon as they're gone."

"I'm worried about plain ~."

I don't sell colors.

Various customers come to Nojuku when they hear rumors. They come half-challengingly to try to sell the colors somehow.

But if you keep saying no, you give up, you get bored.

If this keeps happening, I... don't have customers, do I? and wild chrysanthemums thought for a while too.

The moves she's been desperately polishing since she was vulture. upbringing. All of them were top notch and outstanding. The moves of wild daisy, which had been learned as a flower queen since he was too young to be five years old, were more beautiful, smarter, and more vivid than anyone else. It attracted the hearts of its guests.

The instrumentality is also becoming famous as being beautiful and neutral among men and the most indistinguishable woman or man among the few flower queens currently. But still, man, I want to be whispered love by such a beautiful man because the fact that he says it is flows to Yoshihara. There are a lot of customers.

I don't sell colors.... No, unsold daisies have no choice but to attract customers with moves and manipulation. If you think about it, this result may be obvious if you try it from the Lord Ryuyi.

Also, don't sell colors = they don't belong to anyone. The interpretation of the guests who say that makes it easier to receive the mistake of saying 'It's just me...' just the whisper of love that Noisy rolls out to the average playman or flower queen.

Not to mention less, there are flower queens who have not been floored in their lifetime.

And Ryuyi, who saw this state of wild daisies,

"I don't know if I can just sit around for food and beverage entertainment."

I want everyone to do that if they can make money without selling colors.

But then we have to lower the charges. Even if you can't get into the floor, customers will come in unchanged because the price drops, but because the price drops, you will still be in debt after the beginning of the year.

Besides, the state of the daisy nowadays will undoubtedly have its own power, but only because everyone sells color. Sometimes I say. It is because of the presence of different colors.


Can't we do something about it and change it from the fundamentals of Yoshihara? That was the problem that had recently surrounded Ryuyi's head.

"I guess the bath went right in"

"I went in after everyone."

Current age of fifteen. I've been taking a bath with everyone so far, but since about a year ago I've been taking a separate bath.

From around the corner after 14, it's new to my memory that the salad wrapped around my chest has gotten strangely tight.

What a ribbed brother you noticed as soon as my body grew up like that.

Look at me in the bathroom with you, one day you say something,

"No more... no more, here."

"You said it well, Brother Ribbon!

What's wrong? What's wrong?

Chest. Chest? Fuckin 'asshole!!

And I remember Orchid was making a scene together.

Ke. You hustling bastard.

That's how we talked, and my uncle instructed me to go in after everyone, which means the last time.

The last even if the seating area is finished early.

Whatever's the last. Use leftover water.

I'm not dissatisfied because it would be good if my body washed, but it's a bit harsh because I sleep a little slower than everyone else.

We don't have time to go today.

"... sorry. Er... well, then I'll pat you on the shoulder now, so forgive me!

"And my back."

"Copy that!

I can't keep my promise, so I massage myself out to sin.

My arm's ringing.

"Speaking of which, Matsuyo-sama, were you here yesterday?

"Hmm?... Yeah."

"You're Hayase today. You're doing great even though you don't go in the floor."

Akimizu, who sleeps on a tatami and speaks with his back bump pressed against me, knows more about the guests coming that day than I do myself. I was about to go ask my uncle who the customer was today, but I saved him a lot of trouble.

This guy... I'm sure if he was in high school, he'd do a student chairman or something.

"Something. Come on.... do you like my woman person?

"A mistake. Wake up."


The customers are so cute.

If you hang up, it turns red and wacky, and if you laugh, you laugh back at me thoughtfully. Plus you want to spend time with me like this, which makes me kind of happy.

At the same time, I can't help but be sorry.

I'm not really sure how I see myself from the customer, but it's obvious that he likes me, or at least wants more than just to try and cuddle from an attitude.

But you can never do that to me.

So instead of being able to do it, I have to be satisfied with the utmost hospitality I can offer.

I told Matsuyo-sama yesterday that I will never go on the floor with anyone. You can't keep buying me like that, so you have to tell every customer every time.

"No," he said.

We can satisfy ourselves with art, but we can't satisfy ourselves in that sense.

But everyone keeps their mouths shut and says' Still '. Not what I could have said, but I'm too healthy to cry. No, I'm really sorry already. I'm so sorry.

So with all those thoughts at least, I'm responding with all my might, too, but it's no exaggeration that a little guilt is creating me as a playman today, as Hanaki.

Instead, there is no falsehood in the words that come out of your mouth.

... Ah... Ya lied a bit.

Sometimes I say a little over the top. Excuse me.

But I think all the women who are customers are cute and important. I'm really sorry I can't be with you as a man.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

"This is my tenth one in the month. How much will you give me?"

"I guess it's for the sake of chappie."

"Something strangely friendly and jealous."

Still, as a flower queen, five more years.

I want to work hard with everyone.

With that said, it's like I was dreaming of something.

What was that?

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