Sumi de ii Desu. Kamawanaide Kudasai

Beginning with Year 7 Story 9

In Yoshihara, where the cherry blossom season is celebrated, that event, which is the norm, begins again.

"It's amazing ~. They all have nominations this year"

"Well, those are my boulders. Your nose is high... move your hands."


"That's Brother Akura's customer name, this way."

"Oh, true"

"Noju, is this one of them?

"Uh hey. Oh... here it is."

The time has come to see the flowers.

Me, Orchid Chrysanthemum, and the other newcomers who are good at calligraphy are now making flower name tags with my uncle. It's like just a decoration to be placed in the designated seats of the Hanami guests and the playmen, carefully finishing them one by one.

A large tatami room, flower paper, colored paper, ink with colorful strings and moulded paper scattered all over the brush… like after some little kid plays in the nursery.

We will focus our work on our uncle, and we will spend our lives on this until this evening.

"Why don't we just write the customer name on regular paper?

"Move your hands with Sassa from Yi, you idiot"

You don't need flowers or anything, do you? I think so, but my uncle insists that it's quite important to say this, so I move my hand even as I boo.

I would be impressed to see a flower name tag with beautiful decorations and colors if I did give it to my customers, but I will end up saying a hassle for those of us who are going to work with Chimatima. Mostly, the person telling you to move your hands is just looking at everyone with one hand in the flue. I say I'm just looking at it, but my uncle has it all on his own to think about designing bills, compiling a list of all the customers, and deciding to set up a flower view and instructing them.

I know you're being rude to your fatigued uncle, but when you have to lie down in front of him and spa the flue, even though you know, 'Don't interrupt this uncle!!' makes me want to scream.

But I wouldn't have been there if I hadn't, and I'd be in trouble if my uncle hadn't been there when there was a part I didn't know. I can't say anything.

"No, you're not taking a bath today, you're wiping it clean, right? I mean, are you feeling okay? Why don't you take a break?

"Orchid, you're sweet."

"Either way, don't say it! You're not an idiot, you idiot!!

A month early when I get my period. At the suggestion of Brother Ujino Yisa and Uncle, I did not take a bath during my period, but wiped my body and washed it with a hand wipe wet with water. By the way, it was Brother Ujino who reported my period to Uncle Sokko. I am a reliable mother.

"Right. Nojuku, even if you move, it's me. Hey, sit down today, and rest in your room when you're done."

"Huh. But it doesn't hurt as much as I think. I'm fine."

"Get some rest because it's good, you idiot!!

"What is it!!

Because it is an unknown realm for men, they were worried and worried.


I'm free. I'm free.



Shut up, you guys.

As the work is done and everyone does their own work and auditions, I am jealous on the seat of your room as my uncle has told me.

It's been an hour, but I didn't do anything. It's not wacky. I even practiced trio lines and kites and read the song album. But only self-practice. By the time I started practicing for half an hour, when my concentration wasn't as good as a grain of rice, I was playing pompous pompous pompous rhythms with my hands, staring at the back of the three sides of the line in a drum.

The song made me sleepy on line 13. It's strange because if you don't read it, the sleeper won't attack you, but if you read it, the sleeping angel will descend on your head.

(Grunts ~)

Oh, with that said, I haven't had dinner.

My stomach made a huge noise and said, 'Let them eat!' and rings all over the room.

(Grunting, grunting)

I can't help it, let's get something to eat in the dining room. My brother-in-law is about to cook today, and I wonder if we can talk to each other.

Orchid told me not to leave the room, or something... but let's lay the futon down and duvet it properly and put a duvet round him inside as a wild chrysanthemum dummy. If Orchid can fool you in a 'is this guy asleep' way even if he came back to his room while I was gone, okay.

"Keep an eye on Chappie and her protection in the room! If Orchid tries to touch my futon, it's a threat!



"Oops... dependable"

Just heard 2 hearty replies (not sure. It is only a wild daisy interpretation) Open the door and exit from the room to the hallway.

"It's night already..."

The sky you can see through the window in this hallway I'm walking into the dining room now is a little past dusk and I can hear the stars sparkling. The stars were blinking in the sky, and I felt so close I could create the illusion that the more I reached out I could grasp them.

Don't feel like I didn't see much of this sky in the world I was in before. The stars are farther away... Far, far. Plus, I think there was a day when it was clear but I couldn't see anything.

"What is it yet!

"~ Omena ~ Umeki. I have a bad liquor habit, but I was a good customer. Can we wait a little longer?

"I don't know..."

When I got down to the ground floor in a hurry to think, I heard such conversations from nearby.

Trouble? The rushing voice of the bald plum tree strangely lingers in my ear.

"What's going on?

"Brother Nojuku!

Something bothered me, so I hung up on him. Tell me you hung it up, or I just want to stick my neck in to say so because I was scattered free.

Ha! Call me a wild horse, too.

"I want to get ready for my brother Yi, but I haven't finished cleaning up my room!

"How much later?

"Four and a half minutes short... by the time I see the moon"

"I see the moon already!?

I don't know what to say. Don't you have literally no time for another 5 minutes?

Plum trees that keep my eyes moistened by my words and still seem to cry out. Ah, don't cry, Umeki!! You're gonna ruin my pretty face!... No, no, the crying face is cute too!!

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll help you, you know. Don't cry. Here, bring the futon."

"Brother Yisama..."

"Because Umebi is not bad.... Dear Uncle. I told you I'd think of measures, but already!

"Oh, why don't you.... Umeki, look, hurry up!


And then... I drop off the plum tree that ran out, and I open the room.

"? Oh, wild daisies"

"Are you done cleaning now?

"Oh, if you lower this, it's over."

"What, Nooki, are you going to help me with Umeki? Bad. No, really."

"I don't have time, and I'm free. Besides, it's hard when you're in a bowl with a guest."

I won't let Umeki do anything about it. * Begins with - see daily 4

"Brother Yi, I brought a futon!

"Wow, you're early."

It hasn't been a minute. Who is this girl?... Oh, I use boxes with rollers that I used to use. As convenient as it gets, isn't it?

"All right, that's it!... Umeki, are you sorry? I asked you to get ready."

"No, I'm fine. Yes!"

"Then Umeki, bring the Ariake lamp to the middle of the room"


The moon is visible, by the way. I didn't know when guests and playmen were coming to the room, so I'll get ready early after the cleaning.

Futon laying is quicker for me so I can get the futon that Umebi brought...... that,

"Three layers?

"What is it? Brother Isama."

Three layers is just Hanaki, isn't it?

Is that it?

"Brother Yi, the Ariake light is fine. I'll give you a duvet!

"Ugh, yeah."

Let's not focus on laying it down now. The duvet's out there, too, and if you do it a little bit... Ah.

"Oh, wait a minute! The duvet is out, so it's okay."

"Brother Yi! I can't get out of the break-in!!

"Yes!? What's wrong with you!

"The hem is hooked to something..."


I shouldn't, I'll stay like this. Then I'll come.

I hurry up to the break-in with plum trees and explore the causes. Then, apparently, the hem was hooked onto the crisp object of the wood on the floor plate. I can't fit it and try to pull it, but I can't take it at all. It's dark in the break-in and I try to take it by hand, but I can't take it at all. Rather, the sassacre only grows larger.

Oh, I'm so sorry, Uncle!

At the same time I think a bad feeling passes my head.

this situation… as if the

"It's between the lights today."

"The door is open."

"Oh, are you the new vulture?

A guest was heard from outside the room on the lid. This is the room between the lights the guests are talking about.

"... Shh!

"of, Brother Nojuku Isama..."


Umeki, be quiet.

Softly close the door of the S-softly push in as you stand your index finger in front of your mouth toward Umebi.

"Brother Nojuku Isama..."


Me and Umeki nestled in a broken in.

... What is this situation? What is this situation?

It's not like that. Isn't it the same situation as the nightmares we had when we were vultures?

Feel like we can make it through the morning? Seriously.

"Brother I... I,... I'm sorry"

"It's okay. Because it's not Umeki's fault. I'll complain to your uncle later."

Yes, I speak in a hissopotamus voice, but I'm not at peace right now.

Sooner or later, the torture of hearing will be terrible to me. No, I'm fine, but I can't resist seeing it from a third party to make little Umebi listen to adult 'ahem, uh-huh'. While adult time doesn't start...

"Oh... hey..."

"Head? Or would you prefer a cheek?

Tits. Damn right!

"It's mean... Shimizu-sama."

"Brother Shimizu!!

"of, Brother Nojuku Isama..."

What a deja vu.

What a coincidence.

No. Is it the earliest fate?

Why do you ask about the same person twice in your life and in the same situation? God.

"Umeki, I'm gonna block your ears for a second, so come here."

"Like this...?

"Hehe. I'll give you a hug, come here some more."


Are you going to make this darling boy listen to you?

... or I think I could easily hem it off of Sassacre right now. It was easy for Umebi to come to me. What's going on, Amen?

"My brother, I kind of remember my mother."

Fumiyu, and the look of Umeki hugging her face against my uncharted chest... is so cute.... Well... I can't see it because it's in the break-in. I'm looking at it with my heart's eye.

"I'll keep your ears down. You're not sleeping anymore."

"Nojuku, brother y sama......"

I'll go to bed soon, too.

I can't block my ears this time.

"Wow, the... ah."

"Mm... what?

"Love, and..."

"... I..."

Hey, hey!

Please, let me sleep. Yeah...


That's how a night of nightmares dawns for wild daisies, the next morning.


"Umeki no!

"If you're here, answer me -!

"Oh, man."

It's kind of bumpy and loud. Don't go to sleep here. Why don't you be quiet now? I'm going to die.

I mean, what was I doing? and wild daisy thinking with her eyes closed while holding plum trees in her push-in and fuzzing with her head still asleep.


Sure... I was helping Plum Tree, laying the futon, and with that, Plum Tree couldn't get out of the break-in...



Hmm? Protection?

I kind of hear cats rinsing their nails and rinses a little further ahead of where I am. You mean a little further, right in front of you?

Rattling - span!

"- Noisy!!

"... mmm."

I think I heard Brother Shimizu's voice nearby.... Oh, with that said, you were just in a scattered hearing execution of shame yesterday. Brother Shimizu, I've been hearing voices from you and your customers.

I wonder when I slept. Unlike back then, I don't think I slept right away. I think I've been awake for at least an hour since then.

"Umebi can't leave inside..."

"Hey, Umeki, you're awake. Get away. '

I'm asleep.

"I thought you were awake!

My body feels a little lighter.

'Oh, no more... a child named you... This is the second time...'

Next came the sense of levitation.

No heart, or a warm feeling wrapped in something.

"Fresh water, don't be so depressed"

'But well,... you can only say you're sad'

"Brother Ujino, you are honest."

"You think Orchid should be more honest,"


Yeah. Yeah, shut up. Shut up. That's great.

Who is it, really? I'm sleepy. I'm sleepy. Me.... should we wake up here and let him in even if he's thirsty? Yeah?

"Ugh...... uhh"

Doing so, the daisy slowly opens her sleeping eyes out.


"Hey, good morning"

The moment I opened my lid, I entered that vision with my eyes narrowed to the dazzling morning sun, to the gentle eyes of black, a troubled brow that lowered like a little trouble and still a beautiful arc-drawn lip. Glossy, pitch-black hair is so close to hanging on my forehead, it's a mess in the hearts of the women of the world. This one is bad...

"Ki, Mi... Huh? And why..."

"I'd like to ask wild daisies, too. Why are you here?



Apparently, the warm cause was Brother Shimizu. He's holding me sideways on his own lap to support my back.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. I'm so sorry! I mean, I was listening to my best words yesterday, and I can't... be ashamed to stick around!

I think, hurry away from my brother Yi.

As soon as I got there was a wrinkle between my brother's eyebrows, but... I knew you were angry. Right? You don't have a wax to be angry with, do you?

"Ah, back in the day... my brother Sasa's,... was in exactly the same condition as that day... or worse, so I took the liberty of helping Umeki with his work"

"Brother Nojuku!

"Ah... that customer again."

"You must be Zhu He's a guest, right? You're weird too, but they like you. Apologize to both of you."

"Uh-oh, I'm sorry! Umeki on Noju, I'm so sorry."

"Steady, my uncle goes out strong - according to"

In other words, if you look around again, there are the brothers of the heavenly moon playmen, the ribbed brothers, Brother Ujino, the wind in Autumn Water, even the Red Kid. Umeki looks worried about him while being held by Brother Ujino.

"No, Brother Zhu He Yi is not bad. But I don't have time for this at all. At the end of the day, the hem of the plum tree claw hooked me up to the claw of the shove, and along the way came my guest and brother Yisa. And he hid behind his back."

"... but, No-ju, I'm sorry to do that to you again."

Brother Shimizu leaning down with his hands on his forehead.

I'm surprised, too. I mean, I'm going to pass by surprised and enlighten you.

I mean, bad things? Brother Shimizu, do you think you did something wrong? I'm at a wrong door! Sure, it was the worst situation, but that was the result of my hands and invitations, so if you say so, I have nothing to do with Brother Shimizu, who was doing his job right. Nothing at all. Nothing at all. There is no such thing as Mijinko.

"No no, it's my fault!!... I should have left in a confession that I honestly didn't make it"

"No, so in the end it didn't hurt the mood of the guests, so your response is often not a mistake... I wish you didn't like me."

Hate it? What are you talking about? This guy.

Or this flow, which is very similar to the foretaste of that sweet period.... I don't want that one. I don't think so. You can't be human.

"Um, as I said before, I respect your brother Yi. So..."

Please activate the spoil period as before. Because I can't stand it.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

"Don't respect me."

"But to the playman,"

"Please, you have..."

"Well, but I like you, brother! If it's not respect, what can I say?


Blah blah blah, I like my brother Yisa even when he asks me so much about his good words. I can also say that I admire that he is able to do the deed as a playman, and I love my brother Yisa's own thing.

Overall, this would be nothing but 'respect'.

If you look at your brother, you can hear him holding his mouth down and looking in the wrong direction.

And after sizzling as it is, turn towards me and at the same time take your hands off my mouth and look me in the eye.

"No, you're right... now, I guess that's enough. To me."


"Yeah, that's enough."

By the way, Orchid is brilliant, my dummy doll? He seemed to fool me, and until he woke me up in the morning, he didn't realize at all that it wasn't me.

Umeki and the bald guy in the same room didn't seem to realize that Umeki wasn't here all night because he always fell asleep first.

That's how the "Noju & Umeki Missing Incident" spread instantly at first light in the morning, gained nothing with the olfactory power of protection that led everyone to the two of us.

"Protect, you're amazing."

"Nyas (Ha! Naturally)"

"What happened to Chappie?

"Nyanya (asleep)"

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