Sumi de ii Desu. Kamawanaide Kudasai

Begins with Year 7 Story 3

I recall how important it is that the New Year's holidays in the name of the Return Welcome Party come to an end in the evening and I try to return to my room with everyone.

"Where is Aili!!

"What? Aili?

My Sweet Girl!!

"He's on the third floor where the cooker, the superintendent, and the man live. Upstairs."

"But I think it's time we went outside to get some money. It's that one at night and... why don't you do it in the daytime tomorrow?

"It is."

"Noju, can I come with you tomorrow? []/(exp, adj-i) (yoji) place of love/place of love/


Huh. I said, "Blood out of your ass, how are you? 'I just want to go ask, but that's... no, well, because I'm a willing wack to be my own man. It's kind of nice to be asked that nearby.

It's not like the maiden heart is more responsive now, but it still doesn't feel good, and I'd like to go alone if I could.

"Ya, I figured I'd go tonight! Come tomorrow, Wind."

"Then I'll come with you tonight."

"What's wrong with the wind?

What the fuck?

Why are you trying to come with me so much? Let me go alone. Alone! I'm not taking you!!

"Well, I figured tomorrow."

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow, too."


See a silver-haired demon with jito eyes.

It's like, 'You think I'm gonna make him refuse?' And I feel like I'm being followed by a black needle behind my head. Satan, go back to the darkness!

"You don't even know where the room is, do you? I'll see you in the daylight, then. 'Cause I'm going to a room with wild chrysanthemums and orchids."

"... Yes"

I'll see you later ~. I'll go back to my room with Autumn Water. Me and Orchid seem to be in opposite directions, so I turn my back and step out.

... Well, even if the wind comes with you, you can ask questions in Eric Kossoli's ear and we'll talk. It will become impossible.

But I really wonder why he was so persistent. I don't even think he's going to make it easy on me to ask. I would have listened earlier, but I didn't because I felt that the atmosphere would never give me a decent answer.

Absolutely, it's something I should go see by myself... that I'm shy of because of the wind... that I can't go alone...


... Oh!!

Girls' room.

I can't go alone.


Because it's embarrassing.


Because I like it.

Conclusion = Love

Hey, Kazuki, could you possibly fall in love with Erie!!?


"Hey wild daisies. That's disgusting."

MUFF... then I have no choice. I'm convinced why you were so persistent and that you created an atmosphere where you didn't want to talk about wax.

Guff... why don't we go with him!

Nyohoho... I'm going to go and go and go home and say Pew.


"Assholes can't go in the room."

Yeah, I think I got to my room while I was expanding in my head.

"Nyah! (hustle!)"

"Gekogeko (hustle)"

"Hey, you guys. I feel so despised now."

"It's my fault. It's my fault. All right, we're in the room, so why don't we get dressed and wipe our hands and go take a bath? Stay in your room with Chappie."

It looks like the luggage is already in the bag, so I'll get a single clothes and a hand wipe out of it. Oh, should I lay the futon too? It's a pain in the ass to take a bath. I wonder which side of the orchid chrysanthemum is better, the push-in side?... No, but it could be a grating window side full of liberation. Hmmm...

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who

"? Ever."

"I'm not stupid!?

"... at last. Well, let's go."


I don't care. I don't care.

I don't know what I care about anymore, but I've been friends since I was a little girl.

Besides, I'm sure you don't even care about your brothers. Because you're used to seeing women naked. I only think that I saw a body without the colourful letters of a woman like this, "Oh, I'm just a person of a different gender."



Open the sliding stripper door.

"Oh, are you here? We're going to take a bath from here."

Autumn water, wind, playman's brother Yisa and the vultures were in the strip yard with Walla Walla. It is the same sight in a large brothel.

Autumn Water and the others seemed to have the right time, and they were just about to take off their clothes and go in.

"Listen to me! He's still going to take a bath with you!?

A child who pushes me away, rushes to the autumn water and the wind, and yells at me as he points at me.

Still say it, you son of a bitch.

Oh, look, I'm sighing with my neck shaking beside me like a wind or something, "Oh, man, totally..." You're totally making fun of me, Orchid.

"Ha. Orchid chrysanthemum... because then where does the wild chrysanthemum go in? As long as I'm a playman, I can't go outside to get money and water. You can't boil water at different times just for daisies, so you can't help it."

"That's right, Orchid. Roughly, wild chrysanthemums are not women. A man."

Yeah, you're right.

"Are you wearing a salad?"

"Yeah, once."

Autumn water was the first to react when I saw my salad, which I could see silently taking off my kimono, regardless of the orchid.

"Is it tight?

"Not at all"


Although it is somewhat oppressive, it is not as tight as if it were tight or not. I'm still breast-feeding (Hinno) because of the salad, whether it's from the source again or not. It's not tight. It's not tight. I can't get a scratch.

Please, I only hope that you will not grow up safely.


"Um, are you here now? You guys."

"It was a good bath today."

"Ah. Brother Ribbon Y."

"Brother Ujino, you're early."

It was Brother Ribbon and Brother Ujino who came out of the bathroom door. Yeah, good guys with dripping water, too.

I mean, Brother Ribbon... I'm glad you're okay. Looking at the absence of any scratches, I wonder if the reason he was missing from the halfway room meant he was hiding somewhere so he wouldn't be attacked.

... but the big blue-purple mole on the right flank told the story that something could not be prevented. Ki... Brother Shimizu Isama.

... that, wait a minute... hmm...? Did you say "Brother Ribbon" and "Brother Ujino" this autumn? Oui, when did you change the way you called me?

Brother y, brother y, brother y... no wait. I've never seen anyone call me "Brother Isama" but a bald child. Could it be that a little boy called his own father or mother 'boobs' and 'stays', but when he got older, he said 'Uncle!' Is there that phenomenon that I call "Fukuro" or something?

"Hih, you say it's one growth!?

"What's up, daisy?"

Autumn water sees me screaming with my hands on my eyes with weird eyes.

Oh, don't look.

I grew up on my own, totally!! (unreasonable. stupid after all)

It's good, even I call it.

I'll try to end one growth process!


"Ha, it's hot... Is that, like, wild daisies going in now?

"Brother Shimizu Yi!


Brother Ujino Yisa... It was Brother Shimizu Yisa m... Brother Yisa who came out after Brother Yi.... I'm still a good colored man who drips water too.

My brother, Yi, who is now growing admirably, calls me Brother Shimizu, No. 1.

"Uh, wild daisies. I don't know who told you what... but I dare you to wipe your hands in the bathroom and hide your front and come in, okay? Good?"

"Uh, but me"

"I'm still in the bath, so call me when you're ready. I'll pick you up."

"Yeah, but get out now"

"Look, keep the autumn waters in first. I don't have half an hour."


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