I mean, I hate a woman named Nodaisy.

"How many times have I told you not to go into the river like a kimono?"

"Because you can't let the fish get away with it!

First of all, I'm stubborn and I don't listen.

I look down on Jen Royally, a woman who has become like a man who wets her kimono and puts his ass on it. I preach aloud all the time to look at it at times like this, which is often made basic.

I'm not kidding, he's a few times better than me.

It has been for a long time.

When he first came to the brothel, I didn't think it was a joke.

Woman bald, playboy? What are you talking about?

I was seriously worried as a young man that my uncle's head had finally gone crazy. I was genuinely scared to accept the situation around me as I naturally did.

Being close also means that unless you're a human being, the guy you don't like, if you're with all the time, your emotions will shift, and you'll get used to it. Not to mention if you're a young kid, you can be best friends with him right away if you breathe. If it's been around for more than a decade, it's more like getting used to it.

"I'm holding my arm again. It's gonna hurt."

"No, you don't originally. Here."

It's my habit to rub my birth wound when I'm upset.

Originally on his right arm, he has scars like burns.

The guy I meet at first sight probably saw it and often came up with the truth about whether it was in a fire, abused, bullied, etc. Of course there are no such facts. Because her mother was a very gentle man.

She was a fine mother who could brag with her breasts around her, like trying to help her child with herself, even if she was caught in a fire, whether it was hurting her or putting me in a bullying environment.

It's a scar that calls for all sorts of speculation, but to a man named Nojuku, I didn't show it to him to ask that at all. Just about saw the wound and said a word, "You look like a rabbit," and they said what they thought of the shape.

What is a rabbit? Can such a fuzzy thing be found on my arm?

Though so frustrating, I remember him talking somewhere and it was funny. I know it's a different point of view, but I honestly enjoyed what I didn't understand. Human beings with similar sensibilities to themselves are of course preferred, but being in contact with such a completely different human being felt that way to me, living in that Yoshihara, I could have been a bird flying in the blue sky.

"Orchid, look, I got a big one!

Without getting tired of it or punishing him, he comes running over with a big fish in his hand.

My hair is shorter and sappier than mine. Why did you cut long hair that you didn't cut so hard? Noju's eyes, asking me to just cut them, were looking at me as I looked at someone.

I didn't ask why I hung up. I don't even ask her any more when she tells me I should hang up because I'm in the way. I hang up because I'm in the way. That's why.

I hate a woman named Nodaisy.

I hate a man named Nodaisy, too.

You will not be distracted, as you used to be.

Burning thoughts burned out a long time ago.

It's just that I truly love one human being named Nojuku.

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