Sumi de ii Desu. Kamawanaide Kudasai

Begins with two years of month1

It's been two years since I've been here.

I haven't lived in a place where the playmen lived for about a year, and now I live under my uncle. In the living area of your uncle, the owner of the brothel.

Not only me, but also Autumn Water, Wind and Orchid.

I became a vulture.

An introductory vulture is an elite whose future has been promised, so to speak, can be assured of a flower queen. More than a normal vulture.

7, 8 to 11 introducing vulture, 12 to 14 introducing new construction, 15 to flower queen.

I'm pretty sure the vertical newbuilding could be a flower queen, but the upbringing is there, so there's no good chance of being a good flower queen. Are you sure you can become a new model?

Then what does vertical new building mean!! It's a blur!! I suppose, but I say it's a bunch of kids who say it's only because they "have" the potential, but maybe... Until then, if I grow it without getting better, I say if it gets better, it's Hanaki.... It's a very rude story for them.

A child is chosen who will surely become a beautiful man in the future.

Sure, although I am convinced because it is conditionally unnatural for a flower queen to say that he is a beautiful man, no matter how small it was from a vulture, even though he is poorly equipped to grow from vulture and become a flower queen smoothly.

I was flabbergasted to hear this.

Totally different than the first one taught. Wasn't it bald or something I was in a brothel before I was 10, uncle!!

You just take care of yourself, learn the art, become a vertical new build and not Hanaki!! and.

No, I'm a geisha, not a flower queen?

He really wanted to introduce vultures sooner, but he said that the vultures were stretched because there were only four of us and if they did, there would be no more vultures to attach to the flower queen.

Four new vultures came in a year after I came in, so it seems to have been executed in anticipation.

Wasn't it less vulture?

When I say that,

"We have three Hanaki. Normally, there's only one person in one place. Well, I can't believe it, man. I've been desperate to find a good bald spot there."

They were in a hurry to find baldness because the autumn waters would remain 12 without becoming induced baldness. Aside from whether the amount of vulture is good at this time.

Later I found out, but what do you care? Heavenly Moon Whorehouse was a luxury whorehouse. There is no such thing as a gourd and a Hanaki class.

Now if the introducing vulture turns into a flower queen, there will be six in the future with a plus three.

I don't know, I could have stayed with my brothers. I wanted to be bald around here. As a mere seller of art, you don't have to become a lure vulture to grow there with your brothers and sisters. Why? All the questions arise.

My uncle taught me arts more rigorously than my brother taught me. I think I'm about to lift my finger.

The introduction is here until the age of 12. He is educated in his uncle's brilliance more than a normal vulture. Then, after returning to his brothers, he is planted with manipulation of the man for the first time there. In other words, the purpose of my uncle is to perfect his art and education.

From then on, it will be newly built and nurtured in the brothel.

And the suspicions you notice. No, that's what I thought from the beginning.

"Am I not going to be a fool...?

'Well. But since I first saw you, I don't sell colors. Come on, Gonyo Gonyo...'

'No, well, it means you have to be the best geisha ever!

I was anxious to ask, but I didn't know what I was talking about because my mouth was kind of cloudy in the second half. Well, what? I'm really curious.

If it's normal, the vultures can go out into the sitting area, too, so if you ask me why I couldn't get out or the autumn waters.

"We're not going to put the guy we're going to bring in in front of our guests."

That's right.

Apparently, I've been fooled from the beginning.

Brother Yi seemed to know from the beginning, and Brother Shimizu Yi and the others revealed in their hearts with regret that 'I was ready to leave you so much, but I still miss you'.

Since we entered your uncle's living area, we cannot go to the place where our brothers and sisters are, nor can we come. I just moved next to a brothel, but it is absolutely forbidden for a playman to come in.

They told me not to go inside the brothel where your guests were. It will be five years before I return to my brothers and sisters when I am 12, so I will not see them for long.

Akimizu and the others are older so they can go back faster than me. Cheating.

I was clutching a folded sheet of paper as I looked at the cherry blossoms outside in one room given to that liar, Oyaji.

"Take this."

"Read it when you get there."

That's the paper that Brother Shimizu gave me, but a year later, I still haven't opened it and read it.

When I saw your brother Yi's letter, he was going to be lightly homesick, so I left him sleeping in the box.

But I still care, so this is how I hold the paper from time to time and I look at it jealously.

I wonder what it says.

"Noju, what is that?

"Wow, Ran. I'm surprised."

Looking at the paper, Orchid Daisy returns to his room, who would have finished today's archery. My hands were stiff because I was a kite, and I came closer with my fingers squeaking.

When you stop because your joints get thicker, Ran-chan.

It's been 2 years but I don't really know how the orchids have changed. I was too close.

I know each of them grew a bit tall, but I was originally the smallest, so I can't compare them to look at them. The hair has not been cut, so the autumn water, wind, orchids and chrysanthemums are definitely stretched around the shoulders. Orchid is like a girl because she has her hair in bulk. I won't tell you because I would definitely be angry if I told him in person.

"Sentence given to your brother Kimizu? Kana."

"Sentence? Why are you questioning me?"

'Cause I haven't opened it yet.

When Orchid came to the edge where I was, he lowered his hips next to me.

Everyone now wears long clothes to get used to playboy kimonos. Me too, of course.

The color is blue, once again a pair of looks for all four. Looks like some kind of brother.

"lend it to me for a second"

"What? Why?"

Orchid Chrysanthemum, who was peeking from next to his waist, bumps the paper out of my hand at what he thought. What, some baked bun grudge!!

And disrespectful people who make sure they don't see the contents from me. What are you doing ignoring the owner!?

"Chip, pervert"

You finished looking at it, and when you throw it away, Orchid heads to the lattice window in the opposite direction to the edge. I wonder what you're going to do with the letter. So I said, "I saw the contents. If I'm done, I want it back."

That's what I thought, and suddenly I got my hands on paper out of the lattice.

Oh, what, what, what.

At that time, strong winds flow with the view.


"Wow, evil no"

The paper that Orchid had left his hand and fell somewhere as it was splendidly flushed by the wind.

You're lying!! I never read it!

Orchid! What are you doing to me? Ah!

"What is it? Is that what this is about? It felt like you were doing fine."

That's not what I want to say. I am.

Not at all, not at all! Oh, my God!

"Oh, no, no, no! Ran-chan's bahhhh!!!!

I ran out, screaming but believing it was still nearby.

"Wow, is that the voice Noju right now?

"Isn't Orchid doing something again? I guess it's okay to throw this away than that. No name, no paper for practice?

Akimizu and the wind found white paper floating in a small pond in the courtyard in sight as they returned to their room after an audition.

My uncle loves this courtyard, so when there is garbage or dirt, he gets very angry. The two of them knew it and hurried to remove the paper.

"Nebula Lagoon, Mijiki, Between Me and My Fudge."

Paper with one of a hundred songs written if you look at it.

The letters have been distorted, but it does say so.

Why is this thing falling into a pond in the courtyard?

"Don't you want it? You can't read and you can't use it anymore."

"Mm-hmm. Shall we burn it to the fire in Kondo and dispose of it?"

"With that said, what's for dinner today? I hope some kids don't like wild daisies, my uncle gets mad at me for eating late."

"Autumn water is mean, isn't it?"

"There isn't... here either"

Somewhere, somewhere, my brother's paper.

If this is going to happen, open it and read it.

'I blame you!

"Yeah. But I'll see you again."

"Yes! Um, you know what?"

"Wait, No-Ju, take this."

"Read it when you get there."

"Nebula Lagoon, Mijiki, Between Me and My Fudge."

(I love you. That's why I can't see you. What the hell is life like?)

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