Ao took the Uchiha brothers and walked into the room between the Thousand Hands Pillar, and similarly, several Thousand Hands Clan people gathered in the room between the Thousand Hands Pillars, among which the Thousand Hands Pillar was also present.

Thousand Hand Pillar sat half-lying on the sleeping bed, holding a white cloth stained red with blood in his hand, and weakly beckoned to Ao.

Ao walked up to him and saluted, “First Lord, what’s wrong with you”

The words were still as cold as ever, without the slightest fluctuation of emotion, as if greeting the thousand hand pillars casually in the past.

The few Thousand Hands clan and the Thousand Hands present did not get angry, where was the long-standing personality of Ao, even his parents and mentor Uchiha were dead, his expression did not change, only he lowered his head sadly.

Could it be that his expression changed because of the current weakness between the thousand hand pillars.

Qianshou Zhujian smiled and said weakly, “Guo Ao, I should have been not bad to you all along, now I am going to die, will you be happy to kill the death of the enemy”

He’s dead? It’s good to die, Guo Ao wishes that he would die right now, so that the Ninja War would break out, and Ao would no longer have to be afraid because of the Thousand Hand Pillars.

However, Pride is not ruthless, in the past seven years, Thousand Hands Pillar has taken great care of him, Pride has always remembered it in his heart, but this kindness cannot be repaid, Pride needs to master strong power before he can repay him.

Pretending to be a little hurried, “Don’t talk nonsense, don’t you know how to treat ninjutsu, treat yourself quickly”

Senjujuma smiled again: “I’m happy, you’re not a heartless person, I have: Cough…”, said this, coughed violently, the white cloth in his hand covered his chew, and blood continued to seep out from the white cloth.

“That lion must have a way to cure you.”

Proud hands quickly froze, and after finishing the knot, he stretched out one hand to the shoulder between the thousand hand pillars.


Ao’s hand was slapped away by the Thousand Hand Pillar, and the anti-psychic technique was useless.

Frowning, he said, “Why not go?”

Qianshouzhu forced down the cough, and said weakly: “It’s useless, anxiety disturbs your thinking, you should know very well that if the immortals can cure me, they will not let me take you in advance before”

Ao loosened his brows and did not retort “Say your last wishes”

Thousand Hand Pillar waved his hand, signaled Ao to enter the point, took out a piece of paper that had been crumpled into a ball from his arms, and handed it to Ao.

Ao walked in and took the paper, and looked at the thousand hand pillars suspiciously.

“I have two last wishes, that is the first of them, you can wait and see it by yourself, I hope you can fulfill it.”

Another last wish, I hope you will replace Madara and become the third generation Hokage and guard Konoha created by the two of us”

This last wish, just entered the courtyard, saw the sad expressions of those Thousand Hands Clan, Ao had some guesses that the Thousand Hands Pillar called him, maybe for this matter, but is this possible?

Another last wish made Ao a little unguessable.

Several of the Thousand Hands Clan present, including the Thousand Hands Commander, lowered their heads, clenched their fists, and did not speak.

Ao said, “You can’t say this last wish to me, you need to say it to everyone in Konoha.”

Thousand Hand Pillar immediately sat up straight, patted his head, his expression was no longer as weak as before, on the contrary, his spirit was very strong, and he smiled, “Haha, I knew that you little devil would answer me like this, I guessed it”

Arrogant’s eyes widened, and he looked at the Thousand Hand Pillar in amazement.

Several people present raised their heads and were shocked, what was going on, how did they become so spirited, and shouted “Brother, this, this…”

“Joke, joke, I’m teasing Guo Ao”

Joke? Is this a joke? Thousand hands clenched his fists, full of anger, and shouted loudly, “You bastard, I really want to beat you to death now”

The rest of the Thousand Hands Clan also continued slightly angrily.

“Patriarch, how can you be like this”

“Father, you’re going too far.”


With everyone’s anger, he also clenched his fists, widened his eyes, and looked angrily at the Thousand Hand Pillar.

But this is pretend.

The first Hokage will joke about this to amuse Guo Ao? No matter how low-level and boring the Thousand Hand Pillar is, it is impossible to play tricks on the sadness of the Thousand Hand Clan.

Proud believed that this was the return of light between the thousand hand pillars, and after a while, he would straighten his feet, braid, and fly to Western Elysium.

Thousand Hand Pillar was roared this time, did not lower his head depressed, and smiled: “I’m sorry, I just wanted to bet on his reaction before, I didn’t want to be bet by me, it’s so cool”

Saying this, he raised his hand, patted his chew, and yawned “Hmm… It’s so sleepy, you guys disperse, by the way, tell the clansmen that it’s just a joke, don’t care.”

“Hmph” Qianshou walked out angrily, and the rest of the people also shook their heads and followed.

Ao Shunshi left with the surprised Uchiha brothers.

After everyone left, Thousand Hand Pillar lay down straight, covered the quilt, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep may not take until the period of the Four World Wars to wake up.

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