289: See you again (6)

“Where else are you going?”

“I have an urgent business to do.”

Cheol-woo picked up his ears after hearing the nagging voices of Director Yang, and stood up from his seat. Then, Yang, who had the egg tart in his mouth, asked him.

“Have you spilled what I have said so far through your ears? Being alone with the second boss is burdensome.”

“Then you can’t be alone. There is an exercise facility in the hotel, go to a coffee shop and drink coffee. Well, what is this, like an older yangban child?”

“What, kid? Yanmar! you also···. shit! Anyway, it seemed like something was going to happen soon. Just by looking at the faces of the broadcasters or hotel staff, I was in a big mood even when I was three or four months old. But where are you going in this country?”

Director Yang was a person with a good sense of the strange side. A gentleman who could not speak English well read the atmosphere around him like a ghost.

‘Does this mean that fortune-telling octopuses are dragons?’

Suddenly, I remembered the fortune teller octopus who was guessing the winning team in the FIFA tournament. If you look down from the top of the egg tart, it was an octopus.

“Just. Because I have a very good eye…”

“mind! I am the person who has survived that difficult corporate life with this until now. Even herbivores have at least one ability to save their lives.”

Director Yang heard that there are many motives for joining the company. They also said that they looked closely at what was going on within the group through their informal network.

Besides, I was the first among my classmates to move in. Nevertheless, he had a good reputation for taking care of his motives without straining his neck.

Is that your own personal network management know-how? Anyway, he had a talent for asking for inside information.

“Like the saying that even slugs have a knack for rolling?”

“Why are slugs appearing out of nowhere? I don’t know if it’s a golbang… ah! Suddenly I want to drink a beer at Golbengi. Don’t you dig golbeng here?”

“I do not know? I heard rumors that there is something similar, but the spices are different, so it probably doesn’t suit your taste.”

“In case you’re going out….”

“I do not like it!”

“hey! What country’s law is it to say you hate everything before you even listen to your boss?”

“What is the law of having a subordinate run an errand for a kettle while trembling because he is afraid of being alone? If you make up your mind about this and stick with it, it won’t end up as a lieutenant.”

“a! What kind of cruel words between us…”

“What’s with us?”

“Um! While I’m buying you coffee with bloody money? Come to think of it, I was running your coffee shuttle! If you get this too…”

I ran out of the room before I could say anything else. It was clear that if she had to stay, she would grab hold of the pod and run her small errands.

“Yanmar! If you want to go out, get some more cookies!”

“It’s not some hikikomori. Are you going to stay in bed on a business trip?”

“Then are you going out in this state? I’m on a business trip, have you been dispatched?”

The fight between the two did not end until the moment they left the room. After all, they didn’t come on a business trip together.

‘See if I’ll come with you again on a business trip!!’

After a while, the two agreed.

“Oh! older brother!”

“Are you alone?”

When Cheol-woo knocked, Zahar opened the door. The car battery was still in his lap.

Seeing him alone in the room, Cheol-woo asked Irina’s whereabouts. Then he pointed to the bathroom.

glance! shoot ah!

I heard the sound of running water in the bathroom. Seeing her acting casually with her grown-up bachelor, I wondered between the two of her.

“I have absolutely no sensation below my waist. That’s why I’m not treated like a man. Hi-Hi!”

“Isn’t it very bright for something like that?”

Zahar said with a nonchalant expression. Looking back, his personality and mentality seemed strong.

“If there is no hope, I will be frustrated, but I still have this.”

He smiled, pointing to his head. His determination to overcome his obstacles with his good brain seemed solid.

“Did you make the Warrior, did you do it yourself?”

“Sure. But what kind of warrior are you talking about?”

“How many warriors are there?”

“First of all, I’ve done two technical demonstrations. AI chips and artificial muscles. Of course, both are just early prototypes.”

“Then why are people chasing you? Did they be mean to you?”

“Wow! That’s… all the technologies I’ve developed are for overcoming my obstacles. But I didn’t have the money to do research, so I tried to sell some of my research. It was then that the U.S. Department of Defense approached me.”

Zahar briefly summarized his work. Having moved to the United States from Russia with the support of the US Department of Defense, he knew he would be free to conduct his own research.

But less than a year later, the CIA began to meddle in his research. Looking back, he seemed to have a political feud between the Pentagon and the CIA.

“I kept trying to change the direction of my research. From then on, I saw an opportunity to escape while pretending to follow the tombs. Then Irina sister approached me and it happened.”

“I could have just researched what they asked me to do.”

“Then there is no point in studying. My research is only a means of overcoming my obstacles. I’m telling you to keep researching artificial muscles that have failed over and over again. my true! If I hang on to something that doesn’t work, I’m far from my goal.”

“Did the artificial muscle fail?”

“It doesn’t respond delicately enough to hold the center of the lower body. It only strengthens the strength of the partial muscles.”

“The guy I’ve been dealing with seems to have improved his agility, right?”

“It probably used drugs. The use of powerful neurotransmitters can speed up the reaction, but the person who receives it instead develops very strong poisoning. And the dosage is increasing. Then, if you exceed a certain period and amount, your heart and brain will stop. You can’t risk your life or your life just to take one step. So the study is completely ruined. What!”

Listening to Zahar’s story, I got a rough idea of ​​the situation. The war between the Pentagon and the CIA was an open secret in their industry.

In particular, the Navy SEAL, the most elite special forces unit, was even wearing the stigma of being a CIA scavenger. After a political struggle, the CIA took over the operational control of the Navy Seal, and was in charge of dirty operations around the world.

The Ministry of National Defense, who regarded it as a thorn in the eye, insisted on the recovery of operational rights numerous times. Of course, the CIA couldn’t easily let go of its vested interests.

‘Perhaps a special team was formed. To lure the reservists of the Navy Seal team…’

If it is not easy to fill the staff, of course, they will try to increase the survival rate and operational success rate by reinforcing the equipment. And just then, a genius named Zahar who was good at such research appeared.

Frequent exposure to atrocious operating environments can destroy a person’s humanity in an instant. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which you experience then, manifests itself in two patterns.

Common escapism and social maladjustment. And the other, on the contrary, was to become addicted to that reality.

Even among the mercenaries, there were many men who could not forget the excitement and rushed to this place immediately after being discharged from the military. Among them, there were quite a few people with severe disabilities.

‘If you show them a suit with artificial muscle technology, they will do anything.’

The CIA couldn’t have known that. They have long since turned into a power group that puts the interests of the organization ahead of their own.

“I was researching to overcome the problems of artificial muscles with technology using artificial intelligence. But they took it all away. shit! Trying to repeat the process again was daunting, and above all, I was angry and couldn’t stand it.”

Before the return, it had proceeded according to Zahar’s wishes. However, as Cheol-woo annihilated Devguru in New York, the direction of the research changed abruptly because of the practicality issue.

“So you ran away. with that girl’s help. So was she going to go back to Russia?”

At his question, Zahar rolled his eyes wide. He then wrapped one hand around his mouth and whispered softly.

“But actually, I don’t know who Irina’s sister belongs to. If it’s the Russian government, it’s more reassuring, but if it’s the Red Mafia, it’s the same as before. But he didn’t say anything, so I was really worried.”

“her! You are living a life without measures.”

“When you see it like this, it makes you want to grab something and watch it. The research I’m doing costs a lot of money. So, we started with artificial muscles that looked plausible. Damn it!”

Zahar tapped the armrest of the wheelchair. It was a great technology to show this level of mobility only with DC power.

“Then do you have any family or relatives in Russia?”

“no! Her father, a nuclear physicist, died in an accident, and her mother also died a few years later from a chronic illness. In fact, his father is half Chechen, so he doesn’t have much to do with it. Fortunately, there is an outsider, but there has been no news for a long time…”

In fact, I’ve been living with just one head. It was admirable just to have come this far with an uncomfortable body.

“Then do you have any plans to go to Korea with me? I’ll let you do whatever research you want…”

“Korea, K-POP! If I go there, can I meet 2 My Girl in person?”

A light flashed in Zahar’s eyes. This was the same look in the eyes of Manager Ahn who was talking about 2 My Girl.

“Are you also a fan of girl groups?”

“Sure. I’m a steamed fan! What hobbies do I have? By the way, watching You Tube is the only pleasure.”

I should have known from the time my brother and sister did. Judging from what he said about ‘Jin’, this guy was a fan of Jinseong.

“I am the major shareholder of FNK. So···.”

“If FNK is 2 My Girl’s agency? Absolutely call! My heart is already in Korea. Now all you have to do is go. Huh!”

No explanation was needed. Sometimes, the madness in the eyes of such a devotee surpassed the madness of the mercenaries.

“By the way, do you have that artificial intelligence? How far is that…”

While talking, his ears were directed towards the bathroom. Then, as soon as the sound of the water in the shower stopped, his mouth shut as well.

“Let’s go back and tell the story. For now, I am resting comfortably here.”

“Please bring me my wheelchair. If possible, bring me a laptop too. I’m bored to death!”

“Yeah, I got it. Then see you tomorrow.”

Cheol-woo stood up with one knee he had attached to the floor. Until now, one knee had been on the floor in order to be at eye level with Zahar.

And at that moment, the bathroom door opened and Irina walked out. Her volume, wrapped in a white towel, was revealed.

But she had no hesitation. Rather, she lifted her chin, blatantly showing her confidence.

‘Red Mafia-kun!’

Cheol-woo’s eyes were on her shoulder tattoo. The star pattern engraved on her shoulder proved that she belonged to her organization.

Russia viewed tattoos as negatively as Korea did. So, mainly criminals used tattoos as a tool to record their crimes.

Irina’s glance at her tattoo was a star and a skull. A killer belonging to the organization. That’s what the tattoo meant.

At that moment, Cheol-woo’s cell phone rang. It was Minseok’s phone call.

He seldom called because he knew he was on a business trip. Still, calling at this hour meant that something had happened.

He came out and answered the phone. Her now was not the time to provoke her.

First of all, I had to go to the royal family with Wolf in the parking lot first. If it goes like Director Yang said, the checkpoint and search will be further strengthened from tomorrow.

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