273: Going on a business trip again (7)

“What! What kind of crazy bastard…?”

“He came back after being kicked out for drunk driving. My father is the president of a media company, so there is no one in this industry to touch me.”

After receiving Ilho’s call, CEO Baek jumped. A certain little boy threw a ripple in his quiet daily life.

The company was moved to a new building, and 2 My Girl was recording a worldwide hit with a dance song with a strange pongjjak rhythm. It was a situation in which to quickly stop domestic activities, swept money from Southeast Asia, and then move on to activities in the United States and Europe.

But it’s been a month like this. He wanted to cut off the branches as soon as he noticed what kind of guy he was.

“What about Dain?”

“Once I went to the hospital and gave up the diagnosis, Il-ryong called me and sent me home together.”

“That bastard…?”

“I just broke my wrist. I feel like I should show the traces of my hard work…”

“Well done! I just did a few more harpoons. It definitely sucks…”

“I thought it would, but there were too many eyes to see, so I made it short.”

“Sibel! What if there are many eyes to see? Now what are you going to do with this? If Manager Jang knows, start with me right away… Eww!”

President Baek was suddenly speechless. As he thought of the future to come, he was choked right away.

Anyone who knows Cheol-woo will understand how dangerous this is. In the face of his absolute violence, money or power had no meaning.

“there···. First of all, I’d like to ask Dain to explain it well…”

“Would you like to do that for now?”

Neither Ilho nor Baek were the kind of people who would go anywhere and say sorry. In particular, Ilho has a reticent personality, so he doesn’t show his dislike even if he doesn’t like it.

However, he suggested that Da-in make a request to calm Cheol-woo. And President Baek quickly accepted his proposal.

As such, they had trauma for Cheolwoo. They knew all too well that the whole world would turn white when he started washing the laundry.

“You poked me a little.”

“It’s what the boss does rather than me…”

“Since when did you start calling me the boss? It was only in this case that I pursued the position. okay! I’m the boss, so listen to me! First of all, you sneak a peek at Dain…”

“older brother! You’ve changed a lot. I always said that my brother would take on the difficult tasks first…”

“Yanmar! You too, get old and sit in this seat. Then, you will know whether people change or not. Don’t gossip, just ask Face-to-face with a pitiful expression as much as possible…”

“···Sheesh! Okay. president!”

Ilho answered with a sullen voice. Now, as if trying to keep a distance, he pronounced the title of the president again and again.

The two brothers seemed to have different personalities, but in this case, they acted like the opposites. In particular, he had the talent to make people feel very dirty in a situation where the judging was disturbing.

“men and horses! It’s all about living together. Rather than that, there is no reaction from the little boy’s side?”

“For now, it’s quiet, but everyone at the scene said that it wouldn’t end like this. He said something similar had happened in the past…”

“…then I’ll deal with that. Because these babies are still, we see it as a bale. I have to show you why the gold implementation is the gold implementation this time. Puffy!”

Before meeting Chul-woo, he was the chief of Geum, collecting many weaknesses by running dirty errands for chaebols. Thanks to this, I have been living my life without any difficulties as the president of an entertainment agency.

The big scandal that would explode if she was still was still in his hands. On top of that, if I requested data from Cheol-Woo and Team Leader Heo, I was confident that the life of any guy would be ruined in an instant.

“You have to get results as quickly as possible! That way I can stop sparks from bouncing at me.”

After finishing the call with Ilho, CEO Baek made a promise again and picked up the phone again. As the matter was the matter, he intended to use whatever was available to him.

Director Yang called Cheol-woo. He said he was going to Mongkok, where Kangho Group’s branch is located.

“Chief Zhang! Cool, cool!”

“What are you doing?”

Director Yang was coughing while trying to talk. It was difficult to breathe, so before I could utter a few words, the words were interrupted again.

“Suddenly, a tear gas bomb exploded…”

“Do you protest there?”

“I think so.”

“How are you there?”

“Mongkok Intersection… Cologne, Colloc!”

“Where is the street? Please tell me the signs you see around you!”

“It says □□bank.”

[The intersection of Nathan Rd and Argyle St.]

The warrior showed the map and marked the location. Mongkok was on the Kowloon Peninsula, and it took about 15 minutes by car via the undersea tunnel.

“Close your nose and stay still there. Do not hit the pressure stick while installing it. It will take about 15 minutes by car.”

“come fast! The police here collided with the protesters, so it’s very messy right now. Cologne!”

“Yes, yes! I’ll be there soon. So, don’t be swept away and stay calm.”

I had just returned to the dorm to keep the cookie box. He called the desk and hurriedly called a cab and went down to the lobby.

Roads in Hong Kong drive on the left. If you look at the scenery running in the opposite lane to a familiar direction, you may experience slight car sickness.

I’d rather take the steering wheel myself. He was rather uncomfortable sitting in the passenger seat or in the back seat.

Queek! Rumble! widely!

I handed a few colorful Hong Kong dollars to the taxi driver and got out of the car. Barricades were erected to prevent access to the main road leading to the protest site.

It was a surprise demonstration to avoid the police trying to obstruct the assembly. That’s why the police blocking the road seemed to be in a hurry.

Cheol-woo looked around quickly. Even if he spoke words, he could easily deceive and pass through because he was a police officer.

However, it was impossible to be deceived at the level of just listing words. So I had to either drill it by force or find another hole.

“shit! So, what are you following me for…”

He grumbled and entered the building next to the road. He was going to escape into the alleyway through the windows of the buildings that were close together.

[Tiring! The hack for Tenwang is complete.]

While bypassing the barricade through the narrow window of the building, a beeping sound was heard from the warrior. Using more than 600 million surveillance cameras and AI facial recognition technology, the Chinese government hacked the Tenwang (sky net) system that monitors the entire country.

Chul-woo, who remembered that there was such a thing, gave instructions to the Warrior as soon as he arrived in Hong Kong. The Warrior, who hacked the CIA’s confidential documents without a trace, performed another difficult task.

“It’s fine. Find a mover from Mong Kok downtown!”

[Starts to find a target.]

With the words announcing the start of the operation, a small screen appeared on one side of Cheol-woo’s retina. We scanned the faces of people moving along the road starting from the □□ bank that Director Yang said.

The search using Tenwang was different from the previous ones. Multiple people were scanned at the same time, and personal information, including their social credit numbers, immediately came to mind.

If he wanted to, he could wipe out the bank balances of everyone found in an instant. The meeting between King Ten and the Warrior made Cheol-Woo like a god.

“these guys. It’s already been installed in Hong Kong. Thankfully, that’s right. Huh!”

Cheol-woo’s steps slowed down. Even if he didn’t have to move, he was able to easily find Ms. Yang using Tenwang.

[Beep! I found it.]

‘Show me the location and situation!’

In less than three minutes, I found Director Yang’s position in the crowd. According to his orders, the Warrior showed the location of the two directors and the video from CCTV.

It was about 15 meters away from the place where protesters and Hong Kong police met. Director Yang sat down in the middle of a narrow alley and covered his face with his clothes.

“That yangban, you’re really good at it. Huh!”

Like a stealth function, half of her body was inserted into the gap between the buildings. And since he took off his shirt and put it on his head, it was difficult to tell if it was a person or an object in the midst of confusion.

Fortunately, Tenwang also included a body shape analysis function. Thanks to the Chinese government, which never spares money for such a monitoring system, it was easy to find Director Yang.

Bang, bang! Beep Yoowook! Push City!

The police fired tear gas and rubber bullets generously. As it was fired indiscriminately like the continental scale, it was likely that some people would die from being hit by that big tear gas grenade.

Spicy tear gas gas reached the tip of his nose. However, it had no effect on his respiratory system managed by the Warrior.

But he deliberately covered his mouth with his arm and approached the place where the sheep was crouching like an ostrich. If you walk around too well, people will look at you strangely.

‘Warrior, please delete all videos and data related to me recorded in Tenwang.’

[··· Running.]

A huge system of surveillance networks was arbitrarily manipulated by the Warriors. In fact, it was as if control and supervision over all of China had been transferred to him.

[warning! Some of the police forces suppressing the protests approach the direction of Mr. Yang.]

‘shit! At this time…’

The procession of protesters, unable to withstand tear gas and water cannons, quickly collapsed. Then, to subdue the scattered protesters, heavily armed police officers entered the alley with batons and round and transparent shields.

Director Yang, who was in the middle of a small alley, did not know that fact yet. Protesters and police rushed towards where he was sitting.

puck! puck! Aww! Oops!

Police officers armed with sword suits and helmets mercilessly swung batons at the fleeing protesters. Some smashed the head of a fallen person with the tip of the shield they were holding.

come all the way!

Cheol-woo, who had barely reached the end of the alley, found a police officer approaching from the other side. It was the moment when he was about to hit the wriggling director with a shield without confirmation.

Whik! puck!

Kudang! dump!

Cheol-woo, who flew with great strides, hit the policeman with the body as it was. The police, who could not find him, hit him in the side and flew to the outside wall of the building and rolled over.

“■■■, ■■! ■■?”

The police officer, who saw the helmet and the sword suit, cursed and tried to stand up again from the floor. Then he pointed the rubber gun hanging behind his back at him.

Whik! Whoops!

There was no more mercy from the moment the gun was pointed at him. He approached the police with big and quick steps and lightly kicked the tip of the police helmet with his toe.


A helmet with a face shield, not a combat cap, had a weakness that it was too large. Not being able to react quickly from the outside, and even a little force on the tip of the helmet could turn the neck bone on the inside of the helmet like a lever.

With the sound of bones breaking, he lay helplessly on the floor. And then he shook his whole body violently.

“Director Yang, get up now!”

Even though it was a rubber bullet gun, he completely sent a cop who turned the gun at him anyway. Then he went up to Isa Yang, who was still wearing his jacket, and patted him on the side of his head.

“Chulwoo! Oh my, what kind of fuss is this?”

Director Yang, hearing his voice, poked his face under the cloak he was wearing. And when I found him, I complained without hesitation.

“Shut up and get up now! If we stay here, we’ll both get hit by blind rubber bullets. hurry!”

He lifted the two directors like a bale. His retina showed a small force approaching this way.

“Hey! What is this? Hey, is this person possibly dead?”

“I didn’t die. just fell over Rather, run to death this way. If the director doesn’t want to be like that…”

Director Yang was shocked to see the downed policeman. It looked like something was going to happen, but I was so scared that I couldn’t even put my face out of my clothes.

As Cheol-woo said, the police were still holding their breath. There were only a few seconds left before that breath ended.

So the muscle spasms of the police gradually subsided. Soon your muscles will stiffen and your breathing will be blocked.

surprise for a while. Surprised by Cheol-woo’s words, Director Yang jumped out in an instant. When an urgent situation arose, the person’s personality was revealed.

“Not that way, the other way around! There’s a lot of police over there… You bastard!”

Running to live, I found a place to die. Judging from what he was doing, even that yangban ate too much to live long.

“Chulwoo! Don’t let go of my hand! If you let this go, you are a really bad guy.”

Director Yang shed tears and runny noses, breaking all curses. Every time he saw such a squirrel, the strength slowly loosened from his hand.

“Don’t let go! Don’t let go, you bastard! Whoops!”

‘Warrior, record it! Do some close-ups too!’


In this way, the life meme of the disgrace of Yang was created.

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