233: George and see (8)

“It’s Chief Huh. As instructed, while monitoring the director of the counterintelligence bureau, we caught a scene where he came into contact with the assistant secretary of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Mo Sang-jae.”

Team leader Huh said to Cheol-woo in a very excited voice. The director of counterintelligence was a close aide to the chief of Kijo, who expelled him and President Baek from the intelligence service.

“What about the conversation?”

“Of course I recorded it.”

he was just excited As the position of the director of counterintelligence, the person who had not caught even the slightest bit of pods was properly caught in the trap.

“Deputy Secretary Mo asked the Director of Counterintelligence to deal with Park. We even talked about the next presidential election.”

“The next great power, what is it?”

“It’s a conversation they shed at a drinking party. Let’s hear it first.”

Team leader Huh quickly turned on the edited dialogue. It was easier to report this way than it is to explain a hundred times.

“I have nominated the next presidential candidate from over there.”


“It’s Nayangman.”

「···Incheon Mayor Nayangman·····?」


“her! That yangban must have lost a lot of momentum these days…?”

“So, you’re trying to convince me. There are many things to be anxious and regretful about these days. Maybe even if we just put out our hands, they’ll bite. Huh!」

“I caught that bastard. As long as the CIA pushes it back on top of the original foundations I have, I will eat up the power.”

“So, we also have to lay the ground rice in advance. Wouldn’t that be a good way to earn money later? haha!”

The edited conversation ended here. Waiting for Cheol-woo’s reaction, team leader Huh was silent for a moment.

“Are you two CIA spies?”

“There is no other solid evidence. However, it is clear that it is ‘Fifth Row’ in the context of the situation!”

“The fifth column….”

Voluntary espionage formed inside an organization or community. Although the shape-jae may be a dark-haired American, the chief of counterintelligence was definitely a native spy who grew up in Korea.

And if the head of the counterintelligence bureau was in the fifth row, it was highly likely that the chief of Kijo, who was behind him, was the same person.

“There was a saying floating around inside the organization like a secret, not a secret. Half of the heads of the intelligence service are black-haired Americans, and the other half are pro-Japanese…”

Huh confirmed it. Although there was no other physical evidence, it was said that the identities of them were certain.

“Don’t expect me to change the intelligence service by any chance! Poisonous mushrooms are not seeds that will disappear just because they are plucked. I used it because I needed it, and I have no intention of doing anything for the public interest!”

“I know the order. But I want to get revenge on me and the people who have suffered so far. If I don’t have a chance, I don’t know, since I’ve caught a pod like this, at least enough to stir it inside …”

“What revenge do you do without the malt?”

Cheol-woo interrupted Team Leader Huh’s words in the middle. The lukewarm thing was uncomfortable just to look at.

“I don’t know if I don’t do it at all, but once I’ve decided to take revenge, I have to do it hot!”

“…but if that happens, the work done by the intelligence department will also be severely affected…?”

“If you are a bastard who does that kind of work, how much do you have to get hit? It’s not too late to worry about something like that after taking revenge.”

Captain Huh was silent again. He said it as if the person who said he wasn’t interested in water changes a while ago was going to blow up the intelligence department.

“Hmmmm! What I’m saying is that I don’t like what I’m doing for my country and people… I’m not saying that I shouldn’t even take revenge.”

“Yes, I will think about it then. What is the scope of revenge…”

“Yeah, that’s what Team Leader Huh and the team do on their own. First of all, I need to imprison the mayor of Incheon and the deputy prime minister of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance.”

“Am I the mayor and the deputy prime minister?”

“I think the Yankees are trying to play a joke on Korean politics, so you have to prepare in advance. Can’t we just let them do good things? We should also get some rice cakes. Huh!”

In the eyes of Team Manager Huh, what Cheol-woo was trying to do was not very different from Assistant Secretary Mo. He didn’t just receive orders from other factions, the only difference was that he moved on his own and used them.

“There is nothing complicated about it. A large sum of money is lying on the side of the road, and the person worrying about it is a head. In that case, I pick it up and look at it. How to do that is the next question…”

“…I think so.”

As if team leader Huh knew that he was in trouble with the question, ‘What is this guy’s true identity?’, he clearly stated the rules of conduct. Hearing his words may seem like a no-brainer, but in reality, it was a huge event that involved the CIA’s South Korean duke, a high-ranking government official, and the next presidency.

‘But strangely, it seems like it’s not really a big deal, right?’

In the days of the intelligence service, this would have been surprising, but now it seems like such a trivial matter. Have you ever wondered, ‘Has your liver swelled up?’ I felt like I wanted to get a checkup.

“Then, what do you do with the case of Inspiration Park, which Assistant Secretary Mo asked the director of counterintelligence?”

“Leave it alone. Because that’s what I asked him through G Company.”

“Yeah, are you saying that this is something that Director Jang made up?”

“Yeah, I’m going to run into Japanese guys who came across the water this morning from Busan. That’s what the police do It’s like blowing your nose without touching your hand. Huh!”

Team leader Huh, who was listening to the story, trembled by itself. The victim would never even dream that this was planned by someone.

And after a while, the picture behind it was drawn in his mind as if it had been sent from Cheol-woo.

A collaboration between the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and the Director of Counterintelligence at the Ministry of Information. If this fact is leaked to their enemies, it will be difficult for them to comfortably maintain their position on it.

That was the revenge that Team Leader Huh and those who had suffered from them wanted. It was Chul-woo who made that opportunity.

“Yeah, I’ll take care of the rest. thank you.”

“Yeah, good job. Huh!”

Cheol-woo smiled as if he was satisfied and hung up the battle. I had nowhere to go, but I just had something to do.

“What are you going to do now?”

“…I’m going to go under Director Jang.”

Park, who was sitting in the backseat of the car and looking out the window, asked out of nowhere. Team leader Seo, who was driving the car heading for Busan, glanced at the rearview mirror and answered.

Park, who lost everything, was like a ghost. There was no energy in the voice he spoke.

If I can safely go to Southeast Asia by boat from Busan, I will never set foot on this land again in my life. He had lived his entire life, and he might have lost the chance to be buried in this land forever.

“What are you going to do?”

“…why do I have to run away, avoiding them and thugs? Thanks to that, I won’t be able to get on a plane comfortably.”

“Are the Japanese kids already here?”

“There is no such thing as a country that is close and far away. Korea is like the neighborhood next door to them. It’s a street you can cross over for lunch if you like. That’s what’s putting my life in jeopardy right now. Two days!”

Park Shin-hye smiled sadly. The situation was as sudden as when the Japanese government was defeated and disappeared overnight.

Did I say that those who prosper by the sword perish by the sword? As the saying goes, he, who had prospered with money, was being chased by them.

You’ll probably have to avoid them until you die. Fortunately, there was a glimmer of hope because he had the money he had hidden with his grandson.

“Since when?”

“Since when have you been attached to him?”


“···doubt? I’ve never done anything like that before. Because I never trusted anyone in the first place. Two days!”

Team leader Seo made a face saying ‘As expected’. He had never been the one to trust anyone.

“Then why did you keep with me?”

“…that’s because there’s no one there. After all, everything is suspicious anyway, so what are you going to change people for?”

“That was also the reason.”

“As you know, I’ve been to the hospital on my own, and used the wiretapping machine. But I still don’t know how to find me. Even though I purposely wore you and changed houses from time to time. Do you know why?”

“He said that he had secretly installed a friend finder app on his smartphone. I only found out about it a while ago.”

“Chi, find a friend…. Oh rotten! The world is changing so quickly, can you keep up?”

Park, who learned the secret, was distraught as he looked at the cell phone he was holding. It was just funny that he had revealed his location to himself.

“That’s how it happened. That’s it. Two days!”

“It looks like you have reached your destination.”

While the two of them were talking, the car suddenly entered Busan. A little further away, you will arrive at the port where the boat that Park will ride is waiting.

Eventually, the car stopped in front of a small fishing port in Busan. This was one of the routes used for smuggling with Japan.

“Are you okay? This must be one of the places they know…”

“Are you worried about me now? that would be bad luck There are not one or two smuggling routes, so should we meet here? Two days!”

“The grandson is coming down now. Please wait a moment and we will see you.”

Park closed his eyes and nodded quietly. He looked relieved that Cheol-woo kept his promise.

And after a while, Park’s grandson arrived. The idiot-like grandson, who still couldn’t understand the situation, whined, saying he didn’t want to leave.

“Hey, Park Sang!”

“Yes, how did you guys get here…?”

In order to avoid the eyes of those looking for him, Park was deliberately trying to go out on a fishing boat to the high seas. From there, the plan to transfer to a larger boat went awry like this from the beginning.

The fishing port where he was going to board was already being watched by the Japanese who had crossed the sea. And after a while, the other guys who had been contacted flocked to the port one after another.

In a panic, Park found the car in which the team leader was riding. But Team Leader Seo had already left the place.

“Now, shall we talk about the money left on board the ship? I’m sure we’ll spit it all out at the price we moved. Huh!”

“These guys! Do you know who I am and treat you like this? Call your bosses right now. I have nothing to say about pyramids like you…”

“Park Sang! I guess you haven’t figured out the situation yet. Will you be able to survive here? We didn’t hear any such instructions…”

“Sah, please save me! I’ll give you any money…”

“Five! Park Sang-sang’s grandson would rather speak. It looks like you don’t know anything just by looking at it, but…”

“These guys! Leave my grandchildren alone. Just like you said, he’s just an idiot who doesn’t know anything!”

“Whoa! Still, the bloodline would be quite expensive. If you cut off your grandson’s fingers one by one, won’t your hard tongue loosen up a bit? huh”

The guy smiled coldly. His smile seemed sharper than the sword he was holding.

30 minutes later.

Wow! Wow! Beep, beep!

A police car surrounded the front of the pier with the sound of sirens. Some men watching from the car resisted, but were lightly suppressed by the dispatched police commando.

“You are surrounded. If you don’t resist, I’ll guarantee your safety!”

Surprised by the siren, they rushed out to the dock and encouraged them to surrender through a loudspeaker. But that was just an act of catering.

“Chick show! Come on, let the boat go!”

“There is no one on our side to drive the boat.”

“Absolutely do it! Or die here.”

“Do it, I’ll do it.”

After a while, as soon as the sound of the ship’s engine was heard, they walked on the anchor line. Only then did the police officer realizing that they were going to run away and gave the order to shoot.

“Never miss them! Allow shooting! You call back to the Coast Guard as soon as possible. How can a boat be slower than a car? Sibal!”

bang! valid! Druck!

Police officers from different affiliations pulled the trigger at once. Everyone was taken aback by the hasty orders from the superior.

bang! valid!

Suddenly, bullets flew from the ship. Only then did the police realize that this was no ordinary smuggling case.

They were able to secure their ships with the help of the Coast Guard, who arrived late after engaging in such a long battle. The inside of the ship I looked at was covered with a sea of ​​blood.

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