221: Scream and see (5)

“The money in the safe, did you take it?”

“What else do you mean?”

As soon as Inspiration Park answered Chul-woo’s call, he asked all of them. Anyone who is not given time to ask questions is bound to stumble.

He tried to penetrate the opponent’s mind by aiming at that gap, but such a clever trick did not work for him.

After hearing his answer, Park Ji-won decided to put off Cheol-woo for a while on suspicion. Other than that, there were plenty of people to be suspicious of.

“What safe are you talking about?”

“No! I was speechless for a moment.”

“…Anyway, am I working hard on my money? It seems like I’m only getting out of here now…”

At those words, the old man Park looked at his ship. The tests he received at the hospital revealed that he had no foreign body in his stomach.

However, whenever he called, Cheol-woo was grasping his own movement like a ghost. At first he was suspicious of his close entourage, so he was careful, but to no avail.

“How about that one?”

“What do you mean?”

“There were rumors that we were filing for bankruptcy…”

“But the fire broke out just in time, and I became a complete fool. G-Company probably won’t negotiate for a while. Even if you stay still, the negotiating unit price will drop.”

Inspired by Park, he stabbed reality so much that it hurts. Power naturally entered the hands of Park Ji-won, who was holding the phone.

“So the construction…? If you leak the fact that you took my money and eat it, you wouldn’t be safe…?”

“I’ll take care of that, so don’t worry about that… Anyway, give me the promised money or on time. Don’t even think about doing something useless… Huh!”

At Cheol-woo’s warning, Park’s eyes flashed wildly. He tried to grasp the intention hidden in the double expression.

“Is it useless…? Do you think I have only that much power?”

“I don’t think G Company will work for the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act, and if you’re the Deputy Prime Minister, don’t believe it too much.”

“…are you warning me right now, there is something. Why are you?”

“It’s okay if I trade with the side that wins, but the battlefield is so tilted that I don’t like watching it. Huh!”

“…so what else can I say…?”

“You are trying to eat this raw. Would this make me feel like cheering for you?”

“I have as much money as I can give you in my ssamzie. Don’t worry about it.”

He was luring money as bait. It’s the money you have to give anyway…

“It’s a disappointment if you’re playing with my money. Even if it’s new money… Anyway, I’ll give you one tip. The big boss of Kangho Group asked me this morning. Did you move the Ministry of Finance?”

In an instant, a cold sweat came out of Park’s back. His deal with the Ministry of Finance was not something to jump out of here.

It was as if everyone in the world had discovered the hidden plaque. And it reached the ears of those who should never know.

“I said I didn’t know. I don’t even need to know that…”

“Did he accept that?”

“I do not know···.”

Park’s stomach swelled. Talking to this guy, his head got too complicated.

I felt like I was getting back the methods I had used for others. In addition, there is the danger of not knowing when and where he will hit, so he did not even have time to plan the plate according to his own intentions.

“I see.”

“I don’t care whether you know it or not, give me my money right away. I would wait comfortably if I showed my sincerity, but if I don’t move too much at that age, I’ll be crippled.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll give it to you on time…”

“That comment sounds like a debtor.”

“…my, I will contact you as soon as I have the money. then!”

Cheol-woo grabbed the horse’s tail and continued to raise the medicine. However, Park’s interest had already gone to those who had entrusted money to him.

In the meantime, he had been ignoring their protests with his own strength. But the moment he heard Cheol-woo’s words, she intuited that something was unusual this time.

“How dare these pyramids look at me. Puffy!”

His hand holding the phone trembled. Since he was weak for a while, he was only looking for a chance to be bitten by miscellaneous things everywhere.

“Team Leader Seo, go to the □□ Savings Bank!”

“ah! Before that, I need to go to the hospital and get another MRI.”

“Yes, I will prepare.”

Team leader Seo grabbed the door of the car and bowed his head. Park’s words clearly showed what he was thinking.

‘No matter how much you try, nothing will come out. Huh!’

From the moment he heard that Chul-woo gave him a vitamin pill, he laughed at Park’s suspicion. It was obvious that the doctor’s words would become unbelievable.

“Inspiration, it must have been very complicated in my head. Huh!”

“Why are you laughing so badly?”

After going to the bathroom, Director Yang, who was sitting across from me, looked at Cheol-woo, who was smiling and asked. But Cheol-woo lightly ignored his question.

It was because of the two managers who had just ordered coffee. Director Yang also said that it would be the case, ignoring Cheol-woo’s reaction.

“Kyah! It tastes like this too. Strangely, it doesn’t taste like this unless it’s a company coffee shop.”

“Hey, are you? It’s probably because it’s coffee I bought with money from my pocket, not the company coffee shop.”

“···Hmm! You can’t ignore that, right?”

Cheol-woo drank half the coffee from the mug in front of him. Cold brew made with African beans cost over 10,000 won per cup.

Literally, the price of a bowl of soup flew away with one sip. Seeing that he drank it coldly, Director Yang’s stomach swelled.

“Damn, what kind of coffee costs two bowls of soup for a cup? bitterness in the eater…”

When the two directors roared, the two deputies were terrified. Noticing them, they ordered an ordinary iced Americano.

“Is this for coffee or rent?”

“···········! That would be it.”

The coffee shop on the first floor of the company was doing very well. However, within the company, rumors spread that the profits would go into the pocket of the president, Min-tae.

Doing business in the yolk land of Seoul came with many additional conditions. And some of the profits went to the land owner.

“Thanks to that, I can drink such delicious coffee without going out of the office in this chilly weather…”

“Is your building a good rental?”

“Well, I’m not in control, so I don’t know?”

Director Yang pointed out the building in front of him, as if he was not even offering coffee to the owner of the building in front of him. However, Cheol-woo’s attitude of not paying much attention only deepened his feelings.

“If you don’t take care of it, who will?”

“I entrusted the management of the building to a professional company, and I gave the rental account to my mother.”

“Sheesh, you’ve worked so well.”

“The room isn’t full yet, so there won’t be much left, except for the maintenance fee.”

“why not? That’s Gangnam, right?

“Because I raised the monthly rent higher than the nearby market price.”

“Why did you do that?”

“How much money would you get if you gave it to me so cheaply that I filled the room? We only need to pay the maintenance fee of our house on the roof. It’s almost like you’re living for the two of them for free.”

“What is it, you guys are renting out the house of Director Jang?”

The two managers, who were quietly drinking only coffee, nodded their heads quietly. Just by looking at his face, he could tell that he was living for free.

“Damn, should I sell my house and go into yours?”

“Are you sleeping? Why are you selling a decent apartment?”

“Just in case, I had a hard time getting it from the bottom of the marriage, but it seems like the marriage is wrong…. The management fee is as much as buying a monthly rent. In that case, I would rather sell the house and turn it into a long-term investment…”

“Who said Mr. Yang accepted you? Even looking at it sometimes, I get so stressed…”

“hey! Who is talking? It is rather me who is always stressed…”

Director Yang was furious at Cheol-woo’s attitude that he had no problem. I said this as a complaint, but I was very saddened to be treated like this.

“Anyway, I got it from the director, so I will serve today as a proxy. With those two over there…”

“Yes? Why are we?”

“Did you drink coffee? Then should I run?”

“We ate it without even knowing it…”

“If you don’t like it, do you vomit it 10 times?”

Cheol-woo’s recklessness caused the two to cry. The two just followed what they were told.

“now! Don’t do that, listen to Manager Jang. You, too, have to learn the hospitality atmosphere anyway. Don’t bully subcontractors unnecessarily even later, and taste the dirty feeling of serving clients first. All this will turn into blood and flesh.”

The two men, who were hesitant to say they had to work outside of business hours, easily agreed to the words of Director Yang. No matter what anyone said, there was nothing more reassuring than the teachings of an archer.

“Then, please send the time and place to my cell phone. I’m busy, so…”

“hey! Where else are you going?”

“I have a lot of work to do today. Then I’ll see you later…”

Cheol-woo, who emptied the mug, jumped up. It was because Linda, who had recovered her condition, called him.

“Wow! That’s why NYT, NYT do it…”

President Baek, who had just moved into the second building he bought, admired the article posted on the portal. The online version of the NYT Asian bureau, which sits downstairs in his office, had thousands of comments in just a few hours.

If you look at the age group displayed at the bottom of the article, the 20s and 30s mostly read the article. It was proof that he was already being trusted by the young Koreans.

「The Pharaoh Hotel has been established as an abomination of Incheon Airport. It came as a shock to foreign visitors.”

To match the title of the article, there was a photo highlighting the burnt side. By cleverly deceiving the angle, the building itself seemed to have been completely destroyed.

People who saw the photos and articles all at once criticized the carelessness of the relevant authorities. And even when things got to this point, he criticized the creditors for trying to get out of their hands like cutting off a lizard’s tail.

To readers who did not know the before and after of the incident, it appeared that the creditors were about to stop losing as soon as the fire broke out. Perhaps thanks to such public opinion, the tone of the major media outlets that treated G Company as an aggressor changed all at once.

“Sibeol, that’s why you’re listening to chirping noises.”

After hearing something from NYT’s Asia bureau chief George Lee, he chewed on the local media. It was because he had heard that G Company had drugged the press in time.

Then the attitude of the media changed as if it had been like that. It made me feel pathetic to pay money to see these jerks.

However, from the standpoint of dealing with the public, these slurs could not be ignored. So I even subscribed to various daily newspapers as many as the number of employees.

His loud phone rang just in time. After confirming that it was Cheol-woo’s phone call, he cleared his voice and politely received the transfer.

“Did the move go well?”

“Yeah, I packed up my moving stuff and started working in earnest.”

“Chief Huh?”

“The information team also entered the office. They said they would settle down and bring in the necessary equipment. Do you have to listen to the manager too?”

“I guess so.”

“Did you call for that? If that’s the case, could you contact Manager Huh directly?”

“No, what did Dain call you about?”

“ah! We just finished working on the practice room and recording studio. Filming for the music video and pictorial has ended, and the schedule for the new song activity has already been announced. We plan to call the reporters tomorrow for a new song presentation and release the music video on You Tube at midnight.”

“What do you think the reaction will be?”

“Because I have already seen the nertube reaction in an abbreviated way, I am confident that it is more than moderate. But is it a question of whether there will be more reactions than that?”

“What is the opinion of President Baek?”

“I think it’s a bit more difficult than medium beats.”

He answered cautiously. It was a work that Cheol-woo was forced to carry out from the beginning.

So, in the form of a pre-music video, we even confirmed the public’s pre-reaction. Surprisingly, the response was not bad, but President Baek was still not sure of his success.

It was also a result of a very positive interpretation of the medium beat. The A&R team carefully predicted that this album would be a success.

So, I put more energy into the music video and arrangement than planned. After all, the money is overflowing right now, and he said that Cheol-woo is responsible for everything.

‘But if you see a deficit, you’ll hold me accountable. Damn it…’

He believed in Cheol-woo’s abilities, but did not believe in his temperament. As always, the responsibility for failure rests with the subordinates.

“Are you going to start promoting as soon as you release a song?”

After all, this is what I wanted to ask. When Dain is busy with activities, it is a masterpiece of openly cheating (?).

The powerless white sander had no choice but to give a mouth-watering answer. A sigh of relief seemed to come through the phone.

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