203: Take a picture and see (3)

“Hey, what is all this?”

“What? It’s just money.”

President Baek couldn’t believe it even after seeing it with his own eyes. It wasn’t the fallen leaves on the street in autumn, and his office was covered in money.

“How much is this…?”

“It’s a hundred billion. Can CEO Baek smell the money too? Huh!”

Geumryong smiled as he waved the bundle of money. Still, he dropped wads of money from afar.

“Did you pick a building?”

“yes! I signed a contract for a 10-story building in Oksu-dong. There was a good building in Seongsu-dong, but here Manager Huh insisted on the Oksu-dong building…”

“In order to form an intelligence team, it is essential to have an entrance that allows you to go in and out without exposing yourself to the outside. There was only one building I saw today that met those standards.”

When CEO Baek expressed his dissatisfaction, Manager Huh immediately countered. I didn’t want to be misunderstood in a situation where a relationship of trust had not yet been established.

“Why does President Baek seem to have more regrets about other buildings?”

“I think other buildings are more economical from other aspects such as the office building of an entertainment company and location.”

“How are you?”

“We signed a contract for the building in Oksu-dong for 24.6 billion won. It has 10 floors above ground and 3 underground floors, and there is a parking lot…”

“No, it’s a building that President Baek covets.”

“Yes, you mean the Seongsu-dong building? The market price is similar to Oksu-dong. Instead, the number of floors is a little small, but the area around it is now coming to mind, so the future value is much…”

Cheol-woo, who was watching TV while listening to his story, threw a bundle of money. A bundle of old 50,000 won bills was placed on the table with a heavy sound.

“Then buy both! It’s the money left over anyway, so why not put it in real estate?”

“Two, you want to buy both?”

“Yeah, I completely entrust the FNK office building to President Baek. Leave the priesthood there and take as many as you need. There’s also a carrying box over there, so take your own. Instead, the accounting treatment should be meticulous.”

“…Yes, I will keep that in mind!”

President Baek’s back was bowed. It’s not like OnePlus One, is there anyone who won’t be amazed by buying a building as a set?

After a fight with the former owner of the building, I saved 400 million won, but I couldn’t even get that out of my mouth. She now has a few wads of money rolling around in the office, and it doesn’t look like she’s bragging about a profit.

“Did Manager Huh like the building?”

“yes! As I said, it is secret and the Han River is just a short distance away, so it was the best base for the information team.”

“How many team members have you decided to join?”

“Right now, there are nine people including me. There may be more people in the future.”

“Isn’t it possible to hire ex-presidents like Baek? There is no law that says that only incumbents should use it…”

“It is clear where this line will go after retirement. Most of them change jobs to the security team or the information team at the secretariat of a large corporation. If you approach recklessly, there is a high risk that only this identity will be discovered. If necessary, you can only access it after conducting preliminary research. We need more time.”

Huh said sternly. Again, they knew the source’s physiology best.

Cheol-woo nodded at his words and threw a bundle of money in front of him as well. Heo saw it and asked what it meant.

“This is the initial fund for the information team. Just take 1 billion out of the pile of money over there. You don’t need to report where you use it, just use it at your own discretion. We will invest additional funds when the intelligence team starts working, so don’t worry about money and buy the necessary equipment first.”

Manager Huh bowed his head and smiled. Giving him a billion dollars to spend was a sign that he would trust him.

It was much better to have a boss who showed this through actions than a boss who seduced people with all kinds of cowardice. Somehow, I had a feeling that things in the future would be very exciting.

The hunks and dwarves who were watching it made blank expressions. I was moved to see a wonderful scene that could only be seen in a movie unfolding in front of her eyes.

“Oh! Then what am I missing?”

“Did you give me money to buy the building? What else do you need…?”

“I know how to spend some money…”

“Do you think I look like an idiot or give you a request?”

President Baek tried to cut in one leg and was only beaten. Even if I swipe one of the bundles of money everywhere, I would be able to avoid paying rent…

‘for a moment! It’s not like this, but if you put an officetel in your new office building…’

“Hey, look at your eyes. I warn you in advance, if you get caught doing something stupid, you’ll be resting for a few days on the island.”

“Damn, why are you doing this to me?”

“Are you asking because you really don’t know that?”

President Baek bowed his head without saying a word. That’s why people shouldn’t live by sinning.

“A tug-of-war is continuing between overseas acquirers and creditors who are in conflict over the recovery issue of Pharaoh Resort. The creditors, who were hit by the delay in the reconstruction of the resort, are against the government . . .”

nw! Paah!

Hwaryeong put on an angry expression and turned off the TV by picking up the remote control. As one side brought up the issue of accounting fraud, the other side immediately put pressure on the government.

The creditors announced that they would make the most of the home ground advantage. As if waiting, the press properly framed it.

Obviously, half of the shares were owned by large corporations called Kangho and Daeyoung. However, the media blatantly drove Pharaoh’s acquirer to an overseas company called G Company.

Even the press release distributed by this company was not quoted at all. They didn’t even need to know whose side they were on.

“Hey, guinea pigs. Now they are spreading fake news outright, damn it.”

She grunted and looked at the computer monitor. Internet portals were also covered with articles of the same type.

The funny thing is that the SNS section below it is full of articles about Linda. The temperature difference between the media and SNS was so extreme that I wondered if this was the same country.

That’s why the younger generation cheered for a woman named Linda. She has already become a women’s wannabe, and she even got the nickname ‘Linda sister’.

“Looking at the article, I think the country is going to be in big trouble because of just one resort, but the young kids aren’t interested at all…. Do I really need to stop advertising in newspapers?”

According to her, the domestic media have already entered their own league. The young generation leading the fashion turned away from the media, and preferred media that only middle-aged and older generations could easily access.

However, it was the middle-aged and elderly people that led to direct sales to department stores and distribution businesses. That’s why the media is desperately trying to catch up with that generation.

“And if you cut off advertising expenses, you will immediately write retaliatory articles. Damn, this is the press, motherfucker?”

As she grumbled, she knew the company was responsible for making the press that way. The media, addicted to the prey given to them by large corporations, seldom wanted to leave them.

“Aww! I also have one of my knights. First click on ‘Like’… Ho Ho!”

I didn’t want to receive too much attention from the media and the public, but it wasn’t bad to be the object of envy. Between her innate talent and trauma, she struggled every time.

“What, why are there so many articles about Dain of this year these days? First, hit ‘dislike’. eh! Are they making a comeback? Damn it, what a timing…”

Although we devised a strategy like an armistice, we didn’t want to see Dain going well. But the comeback is just in time.

For some reason, I felt bad for helping this fucking bitch with my own hands. It’s because of someone else that he doesn’t want to be pushed out.

Secretary Kim came in while she was chewing on her nails to quench her anger. She and she have delivered the long-awaited news.

“FNK approved the commercial shoot. However, the advertisement start date should coincide with the comeback date.”

“Sheesh! Who wants to set a date on the subject of working for money?”

She just twisted her stomach. If they even made an advertisement contract on good terms, I would bow my head and say, ‘Oh, thank you.’

“I didn’t think an advertisement contract would be made on either our side or the other side, but it did happen.”

“Could you dare put our proposal on the topic of yours?”

“You’ve been through it a few times already. Before that, the boss and his celebrity had a fight while holding the nod of their heads… After that, I didn’t make any proposals…”

Secretary Kim sighed as she recalled that time. As I recalled running around trying to keep the incident from being published, my blood pressure suddenly skyrocketed.

“Who’s got the haircut? How strong is that bitch. I never even touched that bitch’s hair. Ah-oh! At that time, I should have punched a fist in the face…”

As if in anger at the thought of it, she slammed the desk roughly with her fist. She couldn’t even win by force and was still angry that she had spit on her a few times.

“Please, don’t say things like that. If I did, the media would immediately bite the chaebol for being ripped off…”

“Hey! Is it so wrong for me to wear a costume that I have confirmed? If you sign a contract, you have to faithfully follow the instructions. How dare you say that your design sucks on the theme of ‘Eul’.”

“There was a clause in the contract that clothes that did not fit the image could be rejected…”

“Who is Secretary Kim? Why do you keep taking sides with that bitch? Because I hit that bitch first. You saw it too!”

“You shouldn’t have cursed in the first place. You swear loudly so the staff can hear you, and then you tell me what to do.”

“What should I do about coming out, I can’t even swear at my company?”

“yes! Swearing is something you can’t do as you please. Did you not know?”

“···shit! Damn it, Jotto… There is no one on my side.”

She bit the tip of the ballpoint pen and sweared openly. She shouted at her after her secretary Kim hastily turned her head to make sure her door was locked.

“Again, his mouth, his mouth! Lady, please be careful with your mouth. And stop chewing your ballpoint pen.”

“Damn, then give me a cigarette or something…! Sibel, Jang Cheol-woo What is this bastard doing? I’m on the verge of going crazy like this, but there’s no news…”

She blew smoke out of her ears, and Secretary Kim was busy swallowing the bursting sigh. If I had known that dating a man would be this hard… shit!

“Manager Huh, try to arrange a seat with the other team members. Still, we have to have a meeting.”

“Our side is already ready. Just tell us the time and we will arrange a seat for you.”

Cheol-woo said turning off the TV. The media bit G-Company as if they were weaving each other. I was expecting it, but the intensity was stronger than I expected.

That said, there were a lot of entangled guys. It was as if I could hear the screams of the pharaoh’s bites from all directions.

More and more, the existence of an information team was necessary. Prior to taking action, the first priority was to decide which one to put on the dog’s collar and which one to remove.

“Then there will be nothing to drag. Let’s do it in today. Please find the location and send me your address and time.”

“Yes, I will prepare right away.”

“Then go first. Wouldn’t it be better for CEO Baek to hurry up to sign another contract?”

After the two greeted each other, they went outside. Each of them held a large box in their hand.

The classification of new and old notes was finished, and only Cheol-woo and Geum-ryong remained in the office. The dwarfs and the big boys followed President Baek and moved the box.

“Hey! Bigger than ever. Why don’t you give a billion dollars to a guy you’ve never seen before?”

“So that there is no backtracking. If you’re a bastard with that money, it’s more profitable not to spend it in the first place.”

“Wow! The exam papers are very expensive. Huh!”

“Why, would you like to take an expensive exam too?”

“Okay, I’ll decline. i don’t know you If that guy jumped out like that, he would experience terrifyingly how scary the world is. If you die well, you’re lucky. Huh!”

He laughed as if it was funny just thinking about it. Then he looked at the piles of priesthood piled up on one side of the office.

“But, what about that? If you just use it, you’ll be tracked…?”

“Well, would you like to donate to a charity?”

“All 20 billion…?”

Cheolwoo said indifferently. At that sound, Geumryong’s mouth widened. At the same time, his eyes twinkled.

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