192: Break through (1)

“Puck! Uh-uh! Clap!

Cheol-woo kept kicking the wall. The two sides of the living room were made of stone except for the entrance where he entered and the room where Park came out.

Kicking the walls with their feet, they crumbled down. And the guys who were waiting behind them fell under the wall.

“Old man, over there…”

“Yeah, yes.”

Everyone, except for Cheol-woo, was bewildered by the collapse of the wall. The collapsed walls were quite thick, and the guys under the collapsed walls could not even stand up properly.

Team leader Seo was among those who were frozen in this embarrassing situation. It was then that he understood why Cheol-woo didn’t take off his shoes.

Of course, he didn’t believe the wall would come down if someone kicked it. But he couldn’t deny it, even as he saw the incredible sight with his own eyes.

And I remembered what Cheol-woo had said as he entered the house.

‘Keep Inspiration Park!’

I realized that that was the situation I was talking about. At the same time, she grabbed Park’s stiff shoulder and found a place to escape.

Fortunately, Cheol-woo’s eyes were focused on the stupid gangsters. So he decided to run away unconditionally in the opposite direction to him.

The two fled to the master bedroom where Park was staying. Meanwhile, the sound of the stone wall breaking down was heard again.

‘Are there no walls left in the living room?’ The two of them looked back at the same time with a question. She then became a pillar of salt like Lot’s wife in Sodom and Gomorrah.


The third collapse occurred on the roof of the living room. Cheol-woo broke the wooden pole that supported the roof by kicking it.

And at some point, I followed them into the bedroom. Like an alien on Earth’s doomsday, he glared at them, shooting rays of light from his eyes.

“Old man, get out of here.”

“That, yes…”

Whik! Pussack!

Team leader Seo, instinctively feeling the danger, rushed to Cheol-woo to buy time. But before he could even come into contact with his body, he was struck by a reverse technique and flew through the roof.

Hi! widely! slur!

Park, who did not let go of his spirit, pressed the hidden switch in the midst of it. Then the door hidden behind the folding screen occupied one side of the room opened.

“You bastard’s inspiration. Well, you dug a fox’s den!”

Cheol-woo smiled as if it was plastic and tried to grab Park’s back. But at that moment, from the living room, which had become a mess, some gangsters came into the room and attacked Cheol-woo.

hey hey!

“Die, you monster bastard!”

The blood dripping from his head met the white dust and hardened like blackish cement. The guy who made such a foolish goal swung it around with a baseball bat in his hand.

The momentum of those who rushed as if they had already given up on their lives was quite fierce. However, in a narrow room, he was not a chor-woo to be faced with a long weapon or a retarded son wielding a weapon.

Whik! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!

With one short step, he dug into the middle of them and lightly fired boxing uppercuts in a row. The guys who got hit in the stomach one by one were friendly, and sat down as if their bowels had burst.

But, taking advantage of that gap, Park, who had experienced everything before and after birth, hid in the fox’s den. As soon as he entered the door, it quickly closed.

[The passage connects to the house in the back.]

The route of Park’s escape was being relayed by the Warrior. All the houses in this alley were connected by this fox den.

“Inspirational man, did you dig the fox den properly? Huh!”

After arranging the gangsters lightly, Cheol-woo lightly kicked the closed door. Then, the door, which seemed to be solid, went straight ahead along with the wall.

ur ur! Cool, cool!

He quickly avoided it, but the whole room was bound to become a pit of dust. Covered in dust, he approached the small iron gate on one side of the wall, leaving the open fox den.

“It’s a very old-fashioned safe.”

Behind the collapsed wall, there was more than just a fox den. There was also a hidden safe there.

Dial-type old safes were hidden throughout the house in the alley along with the fox’s den. It was hidden little by little by a real fox-like inspiration.

“You have to get paid for your work. Should I call it a demolition fee this time? Huh!”

A mischievous smile spread across his dusty face. As if he knew his heart, the Warrior marked the structure of the safe and the point of impact.

Tight! It’s crazy!

As indicated by the Warrior, he hit hard with his foot between the dial and the handle. Then there was the feeling and the sound of the rebar breaking from inside the safe.

Whik! Quick!

Then he grabbed the iron handle and turned it strongly. Then, the rest of the ring holding the lock broke and the door of the safe opened without force.

Inside the small safe were cash, IOUs, and borrowed-name stocks. Perhaps because of the limited capacity of the safe, the amount was not large.

“Warrior, find something to hold.”

[There is a black bag at 6 o’clock on the left.]

A round sports bag was found among the rubble, so disorganized that the naked eye could not find it. She swept everything inside the safe, and Cheol-woo hummed her hum.

Then, without any regrets, I entered the open fox’s den. There were still many houses to be demolished, and there were many safes to keep.

“Hey, stop that guy! come here quickly These guys!”

Park, who had rushed in, took a deep breath and gathered the gangsters in the back house. The guys who had entered the main room, where they couldn’t even get to normally, looked around the room out of curiosity.

I used to call these guys money, but I didn’t know when I would put a knife in if I could see a hole. So, Park was gathering enough organizations to be wary of each other.

For the same reason, I didn’t even come across these scumbags. I never imagined that the day would come when I would dare to bring these guys into my living room.

“You guys, look ahead! he’s coming He will come…!”

But now, there was no time to think about such a principle. I didn’t think that demonic bastard would let him be nice.

The fear I experienced for the first time in my life kept me going backwards. The more the gangsters kept pushing into the bedroom.

“I, old man. What is here…”

Because the secret passage was closed, the thugs thought they had entered a secluded room. Park was constantly looking at the wall and shouting, so I couldn’t figure out what the English was.

bang! ur ur!

But they soon learned why Park was talking like a madman. The wall collapsed and a passage appeared, but they couldn’t see it with their own eyes because it was being laid under the wall.


Park, startled by the sound of the walls collapsing, ran from the living room floor to the yard. Then he screamed madly at the sane thugs in other places.

“Hey, that guy… All that guy, right now…”

Park Shin-hye trembled and pointed to the bedroom. But from there, only a lump of dust rose and spread out.

Moments later, the walls of the other room connected to the living room collapsed. And as the impact continued, the entire Japanese-style house with the letter ‘ㅁ’ collapsed.

“Ah! my legs!”

“Hey, what kind of lightning is this…”


Screams were heard from all sides. Even the pillars supporting the house collapsed, and everyone in the house was crushed by the rubble of the building.

“Hey, what the hell is this?”

The thugs who were standing in the yard with tools in their hands took a step backwards without realizing it. And Park, who was in the yard, forcibly dragged his shaky legs and ran out of the house.

“Cool, cool! A.C., if I had known this would happen, I would have brought a gas mask.”

Cheol-woo appeared with his hands waving through the dust rising in a lump. A black mask hung over his face, and a black bag was in his hand.

It was a mask I bought at a pharmacy in the middle just in case. However, there was so much dust that not even a single mask had a jaw.

[Mr. Park ran away to the house across the alley.]

Even inside the dust pit, it was the way to find a safe and clean it out. It felt like I was playing a game of picking up spilled items while chasing the final boss.

When the elements of the building picked up by the Warrior were destroyed, the building collapsed in the end. It felt like the accumulated stress was relieved as I narrowly deflected and crushed the depressed area.

“This is honey. Huh!”

“Hey, what this bastard is saying…”

Fortunately, in the yard, the thugs who weren’t angry were bluffing instead of stepping back. However, when Cheolwoo grabbed a few cars, he quietly laid down a futon in the yard.

From Chul-woo’s point of view, it felt good because it relieved stress and earned pocket money. Otherwise, they would have been completely destroyed in one place or another.

“Hey, Master Park! Hiding is not the end of the problem! Why are you not thinking like this? Ttttttttt!”

After leaving the completely collapsed house, he entered through the front door opposite the alley and made a good move. But there weren’t many problems in the world that could be solved with words.

The yards and houses were full of gangsters who were ordered by Park. Everyone was frightened and hesitant, but the impression was harsh.

“her! This inspiration is really cool. You took good care of your body, it’s as good as a young man. Huh!”

Even as he entered the house full of gangsters with weapons, there was no hesitation in his steps. And immediately the door was locked, and the desperate screams of people echoed throughout the house.

ur ur! ur ur!

aww! Whoa!

For a while, buildings collapsed, and people screamed endlessly. And in the end, Park has lost his place to go.

“Dude, why are you doing this to me?”

“Why are you doing this to me?”

Park, who had lost strength in his legs, ran into him in the last room. All the houses in the alley were torn down, and all the fox dens collapsed.

And he didn’t know that everything in this room was empty except for the safe. I didn’t have the time to question that now, but…

“Are you asking because you don’t know?”

“yes! I’m asking because I don’t know. Did I even harm you?”

“If you stand in my way, that will harm you.”

“You know what to ask? This time you kicked me in the foot. Huh!”

“Hey, who dares this guy…”

Park’s face flushed and his eyes were wide open. But it was no different from the barking of a frightened dog.

“after! What do you want?”

“World peace, peace of mind, family health…?”

“This guy is really… After~! What do you want me to do for you to come under me?”

“Five! Are you still offering scouting in this situation? That’s an inspiration, I’m not very smart. Try to understand the situation, understand the situation…”

Cheol-woo spoke and raised his feet. His shoes were covered in white dust.

As if trying to kill an ant by stepping on it, he stretched out his feet towards the young man who was sitting in the room. It would have been absurd in normal times, but now it was after witnessing nine houses collapse under those feet.

“My wife, I’ll give you a hundred billion. As long as you come under me…”

“Because it’s late, do you keep doing that?”

His feet approached slowly, as if savoring a step. Looking at the soles of the shoes that had turned white, the old man Park shouted the deal of his life.

“Hey, two hundred billion! I’ll give it to you in cash, please…!”

stop! Cheol-woo’s feet stopped as if Park’s earnestness worked. It was when Park breathed a sigh of relief as he saw his feet stopped in front of him.



Team leader Seo, who flew through the roof, attacked Cheol-woo from behind.

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