190: Weave and see (7)

“OK got it! Leave now.”

Cheol-woo finished the phone call with the team leader. Then he slowly got up from his chair.

“Are you really going to go see Park?”

“then! Is there any reason why I refuse to come?”

Hwaryeong looked at him with worried eyes. The business community’s evaluation of Park’s inspiration was that of a wealthy bastard.

I was reluctant to look for him, unless urgently needed. As a result, his influence in the business world has diminished considerably.

None of the gangsters he calls was touched. The police and the media, as well as the prosecution, tried to quietly cover up the cases related to them.

In fact, it was as if they had taken control of the domestic violence scene. And he moved as quietly as possible while receiving the food that Park gave him.

“Is he the actual creditor head?”

“Yeah, domestic and Japanese capital is being invested in borrowed names through him. Pharaoh’s main bank must also be seen as actually acting according to Park’s intentions.”

In the course of investigating Pharaoh, Steve also discovered the existence of Park. And through Cheol-woo, he recognized that he was the core of all problems.

“What are you going to do with him?”

“Well! For now, I’m going to try and see what I’ve been through, but on the other hand, I’ll meet and decide. It doesn’t look like it’s going to go as planned unless you think about it in advance.”

It was said that there was no countermeasure against Inspiration Park. Maybe that was a more ironic act.

In fact, he was the man who destroyed all the gangs in New York by himself. Hwaryeong and Linda were the only ones worried about him here.

So Cheol-woo left the hotel. And just as I was about to start the car, the phone rang again. it was dain

“Everyone, Dain-ah…!”

“I was just leaving the hotel after a brief meeting after the press conference.”

Her voice was cold. Cheol-woo, whose feet were numb, held her breath and waited for her next words.

“Should we meet?”

“Well then… I need to meet you. When is a good time?”

“I am busy now. I had to go to the company to coordinate the comeback schedule…”

“Call me whenever you like. No matter what happens, I will run right away.”

“···Sheesh! okay. I’ll call you when I have time.”

she hung up the phone Perhaps she was satisfied with Cheol-woo’s answer, but at the end of the story, she felt a bit of smoke.

“phew! How did I become like this?”

Now, just hearing her voice automatically made a cold sweat run down my back. It was because she knew that she had committed a great sin on her own.

Knowing that, I could never let them go. She had so much affection for each and every one of them that she couldn’t have the confidence to live happily without seeing them.

“I can’t. I need to release some stress.”

Turning on the car, Cheol-woo made a conclusion. A specific way to deal with Inspiration Park…

“Linda Grace…”

Manager Huh held the mouse and tapped the top of the mouse with his finger. He, too, was thinking while looking at the articles floating around on the Internet.

On his desk lay some secrets that the media did not know. And among them were the schedule and approximate movement of Cheol-woo in New York and LA.

“What is this goblin-like guy…?”

With the information he obtained, he was never able to solve this esoteric puzzle. He went like a parachute into a large corporation for some unknown reason.

However, I was assigned to a department that was failing. What was the reason for the parachute to be deployed in such a place? I couldn’t figure it out.

Then, he became a partner with the small and medium-sized organization, the Geumryongpa, and turned a worthless land into a hot spring resort. With that, the two companies were put on a dump, and several chaebols sounded through stock price manipulation (?).

However, there were no charges of manipulation. Will this really make sense?

Other than that, he bought a building worked by gangsters, won the first prize in the lottery, and robbed an entertainment company that a Chinese organization was trying to take over, and appointed a boss.

“What is this, he lives alone in the world.”

Up to that point, I somehow understood. However, before and after the business trip to the United States, I had no choice but to doubt the reliability of the information.

A former member of the search corps, who was discharged from the military service, was able to play an active part in what is called the second LA riot. If it was a Korean man, he could become a great soldier at once if he just gave him a gun in that situation.

But logic was broken when the FBI suspected he might have been involved in the collapse of gangs operating in Los Angeles and New York. In addition, there were signs that the CIA tried to launch an investigation related to it, but failed.

“Does this make sense, does it mean that one human named Jang Cheol-Woo can steam up a decent country? shit!”

It was a jumble of fragmentary information, so it was impossible to weave it into a big storyline. Rather, such information acts as a major obstacle to access to the core.

That was the conclusion of Manager Huh, who had thick bones in the strategic judgment room. This information was of no help in judging the person named Cheol-Woo Jang.

“After all, this is the key…”

He glanced at a photo that appeared in an online article. The photo was taken when Linda and Cheol-woo were standing side by side.

“A global conglomerate and a young executive at a large domestic corporation.”

The title of the article was an aggression no matter who looked at it. It was an obvious masterpiece of trying to catch readers by forcing the impossible to weave.

But their intentions were right. The public’s interest in the good man and the beautiful woman caused a bigger repercussion than the facts.

It was a gossip that quickly faded, but it is now at the top of various portals. Keywords such as ‘young manager’ and ‘gang-ho group handsome boy’ were at the top of search terms along with words related to Linda.

“But you mean this could be true, right? Huh!”

To others, it was just a fantasy, but now it was a serious problem for him. However, even with the evidence, it was not easily believed.

People knew a woman named Linda only as a wealthy heiress. But those who deal with advanced information have already noticed her true identity.

A nephew of the incumbent president of the United States. And a global wealthy man who runs casinos and hotels around the world, mainly in New York.

Literally, he was a being with money and power in both hands. Her words had enough power to shake the Korean index.

With a single word from her, the government had no choice but to be nervous. The impact will be even greater in a time when the trade war is sharp as it is now.

“Inspiring Park and Linda Grace . . . It’s really unanswered. shit!”

Half of the government officials had a connection with Park. Therefore, even if he was a high-ranking government official, he could not be touched.

The power of a president with a fixed term cannot be counted than that of Park, who has been making money since the founding of the country. And if you think about the connections connected to him…

As Cheol-woo said, if he touched the inspiration, he had to be prepared to take off his clothes that day. The NIS was also overflowing with high-ranking officials who had close contact with Park.

“It makes me even more upset that the answer has already been decided. In the end, I have to entrust my life to Iza… ”

Normally, I would never have touched the inspiration of Park. In that case, it could have disappeared without even a mouse or a bird.

But now a force has emerged that can oppose him. The two forces, which even the most powerful person in this country could not do, were slowly forming an angle.

Anyway, if I kept my seat like this, I thought I would die of cancer after struggling with frustration. At that point, I wanted to make a sound.

“It’s me! Send some kids around Park. Except for those who don’t like it, only join those who want to be together until the end. yes all! I will go to the scene right away.”

There was no reason to hesitate beyond the decision line. She put her blunt coat back on over her hanger and looked at the pass hanging around her neck.

It was time to put down the pass that was hanging like one body. Feeling the complexity and strange anticipation at the same time, Manager Huh organized the documents on the desk.

And he pushed the documents related to Cheolwoo into the shredder. All of Cheol-woo’s files that were already on the informant’s network were deleted. These documents were his last traces.

“President, is a foreigner looking for you? If I told you that I was introduced by Mr. Bay, you would know…”

“uh! Please come in.”

President Baek greeted a foreigner who came to the office. He was Brian.

The fat South American man in a cowboy hat had a chunky 007 bag in his hand.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Brian Lopez. Just feel free to call me Brian. haha!”

“I am Geum-cheol Plat, who is in charge of the position of president of FNK. I have already been contacted. Please sit this way.”

Brian gave strength to the hand shaking hands. It was like a little test he evaluated people.

President Baek did not panic and gave strength to his hand. They both smiled and worked so hard that their skin turned white.

“It’s something McKay asked me to deliver. He couldn’t come to Korea with me, so I came instead.”

Brian put the bag he was carrying on the table. The Korean secretary accompanying him translated it into his tongue twisted pronunciation.

“Is this the answer?”

“no way? This is an unofficial fund. Support for FNK will be transferred as soon as the contract is finalized. They say you know where to use it…?”

“Yes, I have been instructed.”

President Baek nodded and admitted. There will be money in the bag, and that’s the unofficial fund to build an intelligence team.

shudder! omg!

I pulled the bag and unlocked the lock. The password was given by Brian in advance.

Inside the bag were five bundles of old hundred dollar bills. It was so thick that it was difficult to close the bag again.

“There are only 1,000 sheets in the Atache Case. The rest are in the car. In Korea, apple boxes are famous, so I brought them there. haha!”

The cash in the bag was about 100,000 dollars, or about 120 million won in Korean Won.

“What do you usually use in the US?”

“Of course, golf bags are the best. It’s easy to carry and more than 10,000 sheets can fit inside. Huh!”

“A box of apples would be enough for over 20,000 sheets…”

“So I put it there. There seems to be a lot of slush funds in Korea as well. Seeing this kind of culture develop…”

“We mostly do tea. Politicians…”

“Five! Also, that’s the best. If you carry it in a trailer full of things . . .”

So the two of them built useless self-esteem. An in-depth conversation ensued about how to feed the bad money more effectively.

Then, after a while, I signed an investment contract. The secretary in charge of the interpreter put on a face that looked like he was about to die from their chatter.

A contract worth more than 100 billion units was made with no sincerity. The two of them left the company together to experience Korea’s drinking culture.

The rest was a matter for the lawyers on both sides to settle. There was nothing to pay attention to, as it was a contract that was made anyway.

Cheeky! widely!

The car with Cheolwoo was parked on a narrow hillside. There wasn’t much space to park here.

The manager came out just in time. I saw several men in suits standing crookedly through the alley.

“Leaving Park’s house, gangsters reside everywhere. Since they were guarding the alleys alternately like that, most of the original residents sold their houses at a bargain price and left. You can think of this whole alley as their hideout.”

Team leader Seo whispered lowly, pretending to be guiding Cheol-woo. He noticed a while ago that he also had a swarm of guards attached to him.

“Where do you buy it?”

“It occupies a room right next to the inspiration house. I just sleep, so I don’t need to be bigger.”

“If I had lived like that, I would have saved some money.”

“It’s like retirement money. Huh!”

As they chatted, the two came to the old tiled house. It was an unusual form of remodeling a hanok into a Japanese style.

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