176: Lay down and see (1)

[There is a car following.]

Linda was on her way to the officetel near the company. However, a few minutes later, the Warrior informed me that there was a follow-up.

‘Is that the guy you were trying to shoot?’

[Currently, it is impossible to accurately check the graphic chip installed in the drone.]

The Warrior said he could not verify the identity of the pursuer and the sniper. Drones are still in the testing stage.

He did not tell each company that made the parts about the exact purpose and finished product. So, from the beginning, I did not expect high specifications or completeness. Once I knew that it was working smoothly, I was thinking of improving the problem and upgrading in the future.

‘Use the license plate to check the vehicle.’

[···We received the reserved vehicle at Incheon International Airport at 3 am. The rental agreement is for a 34-year-old white male of US nationality. His name is Jones · W. Michael.]

‘huh! It’s a common name for the most common surname.’

Even the passport photo shown by the Warrior was the face of a common white male. It was the perfect face to camouflage, with mustaches and beards attached, and even sideburns.

‘The passenger is…?’

[There is not.]

‘Then it sounds like you’re moving alone…’

Cheol-woo, who grabbed the steering wheel, tapped the steering wheel with his finger and fell into thought. The fact that a man moving alone could follow him so quickly meant that he was a very talented person.

Normal mercenaries and killers move in teams. Although the number of people exposed is minimal, in reality, it was common to operate in a small team of 6 or less.

In the case of Cheol-woo, he had formed a team of 3 people including him. Of course, more often than not, each had their own tasks, but the high-risk tasks were often done in teams of three.

The reason why we were able to move on such a very small scale is that all three of us were top-notch. In addition, there were parts that were unavoidable because it was impossible to manage the three of them at the same time with a reasonable amount of money.

‘If you look at his actions and reactions, it sounds like he’s a pretty good guy…’

Cheol-woo concluded that way. The opponent shot Linda with a light heart and seemed to be trying to earn pocket money. Perhaps you plan to come in early in the morning and shoot me today and then get on the plane again.

‘You didn’t meet your opponent well today, you bastard! Huh!’

Before the return, all the people who could be the opponents of Cheol-woo were among the top 10 in the world. And the guy following his car now is probably around the corner.

In fact, Cheol-woo was a little excited because of the useful enemy he had met in a long time. It didn’t want him to be vigilant, but he honestly didn’t have any confidence in himself.

This was his home ground, and he had some knowledge of his opponent’s capabilities. From the moment he entered the country, victory or defeat was already decided.

Cheol-woo stepped on the accelerator hard. Then the vehicle following from a distance also slowly increased its speed.

Although it was an unfamiliar environment, he never lost his leisure. Cheol-woo deliberately changed the speed of the car and annoyed him little by little.

Already in his mind, a plan to capture him came to mind. I was planning on loosing the identity of the guy who gave me the order by catching him.

‘Warrior, call Geumryong and tell him to bring some of the things I want from the weapon warehouse. What you need is…’

[…] has been delivered. They say you can arrive within an hour.]

‘Are you kidding me? Give me 30 minutes! Tell them to decide what will happen if they are late…’

[…are you swearing?]

‘Okay, hang up!’

After finishing preparations, Cheol-woo changed lanes and continued to annoy the pursuer. By this time, he would have noticed that something was wrong.

If you keep accumulating that little bit of confusion, you will die like a frog in a pot, unaware that you are ripe. There was no need to think about how to deal with these guys once or twice.

“Baby, where are we going?”

“My officetel where we stayed overnight. Remember?”

“Wow! sure. I’ve always wanted to go there… It felt more comfortable than a hotel. How···!”

“You can keep using it while you are in Korea if you want.”

“…while I’m in Korea… how long will that be?”

Her face, which she liked as she held Cheol-woo’s hand on the gear rod, quickly darkened. She realized that she had made a mistake, and he apologized quickly.

“I’m sorry, Linda. I spit it out without thinking. what I’m saying is···.”

“You don’t have to apologize like that. As long as you keep your promise not to leave my side… I’ll be satisfied with that.”

“Five! Linda. please don’t say that Because I have no intention of leaving your side. I’m just asking for some time. It’s because I can’t think of only you and me, so I hope you understand a little bit.”

“understood. And don’t worry too much about what I say.”

She tried to put on a bright smile. The more he did, the heavier his heart became.

I couldn’t choose between Dine and Linda. And if Hwaryeong was forcibly removed, she probably did not know that the other two women would be threatened with life.

Had I known that this would be the case, I would never have met Linda or Hwaryeong. But the clocks of fate have already passed, and there is no turning back.

The miraculous return was literally just one miracle. He didn’t have the courage to die again because of the anticipation.

“cadet! What the hell am I supposed to do with this playboy?”

Dain banged her fist on the pillow she loved and was furious. After a dramatic meeting with Hwaryeong, he immediately went to film an album.

Throughout the shoot, the tendons in her forehead were sticking out. As she was filming, barely putting up with her boiling anger like a pro, her anger subsided a lot more than the first time.

After the filming was over, there were a few more minor schedules, but all of them were put off by the excuse of my condition. And it was time to take a break.

“Jang Cheol-woo, you playboy! Dare to give the ring to me and the old woman at the same time! Just this child… Brave!”

The moment I put on the blanket and closed my eyes, the anger that had subsided came back. Unbearable in her, she kicked her duvet and jumped to her feet.

But once again, holding back his anger, he chose to breathe. She didn’t want to appear disheveled until she heard the details.

She had faith in Cheolwoo. And that belief came from her own self-confidence.

I never thought he would abandon her and go to the old man. With that kind of faith and confidence, she didn’t want to cry and cry and cling and act cheaply.

I just wanted to quietly call him and give him a good run. I’d say get rid of that old man’s mouth right away.

But in order to do that, you must first find your peace of mind. With her cool demeanor, she recalled the advice of her older sisters that she should take the lead between the two.

“Once you calm down… After~! Think for a moment and clear your head. Then call the kid and tell him to clean up and you’re done! ok you can do it Dain!”

I picked up my phone to cool off my hot head. If you look for world news and trends that you haven’t looked at for a few days because you’re busy, your current thoughts will be cleared.

“Hey, Lee… Jang Cheol-woo. This playboy is really…!”

She trembled when she saw one of the linked articles while crossing social media. One of the hottest women was photographed in the article.

“Linda Grace, a New York celebrity and billionaire heiress. A secret visit to Korea.”

The photo showed Linda wearing sunglasses. And information about the accessories she wore and photos posted on her social media were lined up.

Her accessories in the photo were the same works that Cheol-woo gave them to anyone looking at them. Even though the design was different, it was recognized at a glance that it was the same concept made by the same designer as in the case of Hwaryeong.

Dain’s eyes widened when she saw the picture. Regardless of her cool image or whatever, the thought of grabbing Cheol-woo and kicking her came to mind.

Wheeing, Wheeing!

She kept trying to call Cheol-woo. But he didn’t answer the phone.

Biting her nails, she called countless times, and finally sent a text message. She then went to the bathroom to cool her rage.

“Jang Cheol-woo, you bastard. Chew up the text. Then you will die and I will die. Brave!”

As she was about to undress in the bathroom, she walked out again and looked through the refrigerator. But there was no ice in the refrigerator, let alone ice cream.

She said as she opened the bedroom door and looked at Ilho waiting in the living room. Ilho, who had been close-guarding her at the order of her Cheol-woo, sensed her unusual atmosphere and sat quietly on her sofa, holding her breath.

“Ilho oppa, can you go to the mart and buy me one big ice cream or two? Take my card here.”

“Yep! I’m going to run away quickly.”

“If you want something to eat, buy it together. I’m sorry I’m the only one eating.”

Ilho walked out with quick steps. He, too, was suffocating in the heavy atmosphere.

Watching Ilho walk out the door, she checked her phone again. She still hasn’t gotten a call from Cheol-woo.

“You just take it very seriously. Puffy!”

The sound of her teething echoed through the bathroom. And it continued for a while.

[I keep getting calls from Mr. Dain. What should I do?]

‘Don’t take it! never···.’

Cheol-woo, who grabbed the steering wheel, trembled. He had no idea what he was calling.

Rather, I was more afraid to contact him now. A cold sweat broke out on her back just imagining her growling her at herself with her sober expression on her face.

[A text message has arrived. It’s ‘Call me when you say something nice!’]

‘Ignore it for now. Anyway, you didn’t hear anything good to call, didn’t you?’

Cheol-woo tapped the handle with his finger and rolled his head. I was more afraid to receive a call from Dain than to be chased by a world-class killer.

‘Let’s dive! I’ll have to hold on to that guy and kill time.’

He hit the accelerator harder. It was thought that doing so would be a quicker way to get out of the angry Dain.

At the same time, the speed of the car following them also increased. He didn’t know yet what awaited them where they were going.

Snuggle up!

The car driven by Cheol-woo entered the underground parking lot of the officetel building. Ilho, who was returning from Dain’s errand to buy a kettle and ice cream, saw Cheolwoo’s side profile.

“Oh, boss! I···.”

Unfortunately, Cheol-woo did not hear Il-ho’s call. Mistaking that Cheol-woo and Da-in had promised to meet at the officetel, Il-ho walked slowly into the building.

“wait···. I think there was a woman next to me…? a! I must be mistaken, huh?”

With an envelope in both hands, he pressed the elevator button. But the elevator had already passed the lobby floor and was going up.

[John of the FBI New York just sent a message to his mailbox. The Sicilian Mafia is making a move to establish a nest in New York.]

‘Is that what you’ve already heard from Pietro?’

[The strange thing is that the New York bureau chief gave instructions to condone their actions for the time being.]


[Inside the FBI is speculating that it is a plan to clean up other organizations in New York that have been weakened through the Sicilian Mafia at once. John seems to think the same.]

‘Didn’t everyone say quiet after I swept?’

[That’s right. Almost all major organizations are doing nothing to clean up internally. The New York Police Department is expected to record the lowest crime rate in 30 years.]

‘By the way, I’m going to wipe out the organization. why?’

[The FBI New York bureau chief is likely looking for a promotion. If you record the lowest crime rate and the highest clearance rate ever recorded, it would be like winning the war.]

‘Hmm! It seems plausible…’

Tickle! slur!

While Cheol-woo was contemplating, the elevator door opened. While holding Linda’s hand, Cheol-woo approached the door of his officetel.

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