164: First soak (6)

“Isn’t that guy really cool?”

“okay! It’s completely my style to have a model fit, shall I give it a sneak peek?”

“Try it. If it’s the staff here, you can sometimes meet while filming. but what if you don’t Crazy!”

Dain was sitting on the toilet with a stomachache. There is nothing to come out of an excessive diet, but it seemed that the day came early because of the stress, which caused the stomach ache.

It was around the time when she was rubbing her cold stomach because of the revealing clothes and soothing the pain. I could hear the voices of women fixing their makeup in front of the sink.

Just by looking at it, she was a female idol belonging to an agency that made the truth. Seeing them say things like that at that age, they wouldn’t be normal bitches either.

There were a lot of kids entering the entertainment industry with a flat face and a long, full body. However, if talent and effort were not supported, they quickly disappeared.

The future was obvious when I saw a fresh blue rookie talking like that on this floor where I thought I could do my best. As she looked at her girls and recalled her rookie days, she suddenly changed her complexion.

From their mouths came the word dark navy suit and gray checkered tie. Cheol-woo was the only person wearing a suit here, and he was wearing a gray checkered tie today.

“Oh my gosh, what a surprise!”

Dain hurriedly pulled up her clothes and opened the bathroom door. One of the surprised women burst out a thick exclamation without realizing it.

“What did you just say?”

“Everyone, Dain-senpai? hello. Rookie girl group . . .”

“What did you just say?”

“What am I…”

Standing in front of the seniors, they pretended to be meek and kept their mouths shut. She’d be out of luck if she heard all of her own shit.

Life in the entertainment industry will be difficult if someone is caught on this territorial floor. What if it was taken by Dain, who is called the female singer of the girl group…

“come! I’m going to shut my mouth Okay, let me give you a taste of what this floor is like today.”

Dain slowly approached them and said, Dressed in sparkling stage costumes, she looked like a never-ending female warrior.

But the opponents were never, hoarse. She kept her mouth shut because she was a senior, but their eyes were full of a sense of leopard.

It was a look in his eyes that he would never get discouraged by such an atmosphere. Rather, it was a look that felt familiar to this situation.

Woodang Tang! Aaaaah!

A loud noise was heard from the bathroom in the corner on the first floor of the studio. Cheol-woo, who was trying to find Da-in, ran straight to the place.

A female staff member of FNK was standing in front of the door of the women’s restroom. She then raised her hand to the approaching Cheol-woo and signaled that it wasn’t a big deal.

“It’s just common among women. I’d appreciate it if you could pretend you didn’t see it and go.”

Cheol-woo, who was stopped by her, checked the situation inside through the Warrior. Dain’s vital signs were a little rough, but there were no major abnormalities.

And the other women weren’t bald either. However, their vital signs only showed a very passionate shame.

Reassured, Cheol-woo turned to Da-in’s waiting room again. And then the door to her bathroom opened and she came out.

“Oh! brother!”

“Dain, Dain… are you?”

Cheol-woo’s pupils opened wide. Dain’s amazing appearance was reflected in the pupil.

“What is that costume?”

“How is it? The designer teacher prepared a costume that was perfect for this concept…”

Cheol-woo, who returned to the waiting room with Da-in, was angry. The clothes wrapped in a blanket were close to a shiny bikini.

“A bikini fit the ppongjjak concept?”

“Only the hook part is a bang-jjak rhythm, and the main part is the moonba tone and trap!”

Da-in responded to Cheol-woo’s question with an angry response. This outfit made it difficult to lose weight, but he was only talking about exposure.

“Do you really have to do this?”

“yes! They all come from experts, so every accessory has meaning.”

“Hmm! Then what can’t you do tup!”

“Thank you for understanding. brother!”

When Cheol-woo meekly agreed, she spread her arms and held his head. Cheol-woo, who buried his face between his breasts, rubbed his face, and was heartily pleased.

“But why do they catch them like rats?”

“what? Are you on their side now?”

When Cheol-woo inadvertently asked, she got angry and pushed his head away. Her lighthearted question, as she recalled her bloody landscape, which she had seen through her open door, made her angry.

“No, I was just asking if you were okay? I’m afraid they might even hurt you later…”

“huh! There’s no way these bitches can do me. All the bitches looking at my man just need to pluck the ink out of their eyes. If I hadn’t been filming, those bitches… ace! Thinking about it makes me mad again.”

Dain spit sparks in her eyes to see if Boa was getting hit again. If it was too late, they would go to the girls who had run away by car and fight even in the second half.

Dain was fine, but they were all messed up. What’s more, she ran away weeping as if she had been sentenced to death.

Seeing this, Hwaryeong’s words came to mind in Cheol-woo’s mind. It was a woman called Dain, who even shook her head, even with her one-sided temper.

“He will never let go of himself. Would you rather die together? Don’t you know when you see Dain looking at her with this body? Don’t even dream of crossing your legs in peace!”

We didn’t meet in the first place with the thought that we’d be crossing both legs. It’s just that this is what happened because I just lived my life the way it went.

But from now on, I couldn’t just let it flow. He knew that the relationship with Hwaryeong had been cut off and closed his eyes.

But if you find out about her relationship with Linda…

[Vital signs are very unstable. Shall I force it to stabilize by increasing hormones?]

‘No, it’s just temporary. maybe···.’

As much as the Warrior was concerned, his spine was trembling. Even if his mouth was torn, the fact had to be hidden.

I’m sure I’ll be able to bear it somehow, but Linda… It wouldn’t end quietly even if she had a bodyguard.

“What else is that expression on? Brother, are you hiding something from me?”

“No, nothing like that.”

Cheol-woo hid his expression and answered at once. But her eyebrows were rising terribly.

“Dain, we’re going to start filming!”

“yes! I will go now.”

Just then, one of the staff saved him. Dain, who had a suspicious look, walked to the filming set while hiding her shiny two-piece with a blanket.

Fortunately, the filming schedule did not get twisted. Now she has to work all night, resting in between.

“Warrior, is there any good way?”

Cheol-woo, who left the filming set, drove the car and asked the Warrior. But the Warrior remained silent.

He knew there was no answer. But he had to soothe his frustrated and heavy heart.

Dain’s filming went smoothly. Cheol-woo watched the filming for about an hour and watched the surroundings again to see if there was anyone playing quack.

Fortunately, there were no further provocations. So he called Il-ryong and told him to come here.

While waiting for Ilho and watching the filming, I got a call from Manager Ahn. It was a call to attend tonight’s promotion celebration and a dinner for uniting the department.

I forgot for a moment that it was today. He, the water owner and main character, could not be left out, so he was rushing to the dinner party.


“For the success of our shining sheep and Director Jang!”


The restaurant was crowded with more than 50 people. As I was working on two projects, the number of people suddenly increased like this.

Besides, I didn’t know how much more would be added depending on the progress of the work. It was a huge increase compared to when Cheol-woo first went to work.

“Chief Jang, please take my cup!”

“Miss Director, please have a drink too.”

The young employees were busily moving to get their favorite food. All the rest were ambitious and tried to impress their bosses.

Half of the people gathered in Planning Team 3 were volunteers. He was stimulated by seeing the incredible promotion of Cheol-woo and the promotions of his motives, Deputies Ahn and Kwak, to managers.

All of them were talented people who were full of confidence in their company life and self-management. Somehow, he was caught in the eyes of his boss, and he was burning with a desire to take on a key job and get promoted.

Cheol-woo drank the alcohol given to him by his subordinates. He was the one who had nothing to do thanks to the management of the Warrior, so he was in the process of managing his own people.

He looked at each person pouring alcohol and called out their names. Among them, there were clearly those who valued their bosses younger than them.

However, if they remembered their name, called them, and set their glasses, most of them turned into soft eyes. After all, ‘there are good reasons for getting promoted at such a young age!’ It was the expression

However, there were people who were furious when they saw Cheol-woo like that. That person was Director Yang.

Because Cheol-woo is too skilled in dealing with people, he thought that he did not stand out relatively. In any case, the person at the top right now is you.

In the end, Director Yang ran into a drinking glass with jealousy towards Cheol-woo, but couldn’t get over the drink and stretched out. Seeing such a move, the staff frowned.

“Aww, cheat!”

“Well, why did you drink so much alcohol that you couldn’t even win?”

Yang, who even drank alcohol, stroked his stomach and banged his head on the table. Four of the key members of the planning team 3 came to the pub for the second time.

This is because the drunk director sang ‘Let’s go second!’ As the world has changed, there has been a tendency to disperse early after the dinner party is short and simple.

“Sam did it. Everyone is only looking at you, Director Jang, it’s you~ My stomach hurts… Damn it!”

“Not a kid, what are you jealous of?”

“It’s because I’m lonely, because I’m lonely…”

“Aren’t you supposed to go home?”

“home? I’m still single and living alone in an apartment, what kind of family do I have?”


Everyone was startled by the bombshell remarks from Director Yang and opened their mouths. No one knew he was single.

“Are you divorced?”

“What man? Divorce, what do you mean by a good bachelor? ok!”

Director Yang was once again furious. It’s a shame that I’m alone, but seeing the bachelor as a divorced man made me feel feverish.

“Who knew that Director Yang was single here?”

Both of them were silent at Cheol-woo’s question. Who would see both moving and think he was single?

“Director Yang, I am sorry for this. You’ve been deceiving us like crazy all this time, haven’t you?”

“What man? Whoever cheated, cheated! She just didn’t say anything. So, are you going to brag about being single at this age?”

I heard it and it was. She just thought she was usually married, but she never really asked.

“Then maybe there is a problem with the function…?”

“You bastard, you’re just sitting there!”

When Manager Ahn asked a question, Director Yang tried to stand on the table. If Cheol-woo hadn’t caught him, he would have rushed to Ahn.

“Then do you have a lot of debt in the house?”

“No, I owe it because I bought an apartment, but I’m saving money while paying it off.”

“Then why haven’t you been married yet?”

“I don’t know, there are no women. A woman…. Strangely, I don’t have a relationship with a woman. I look at the line and there is no contact. Shit···.”

Director Yang grabbed a glass of draft beer and gulped it down. The excruciating loneliness could only be alleviated with alcohol.

The three of them looked at the director in such a way. A halo shone brightly behind his head, especially today.

At that moment, Cheol-woo’s cell phone rang. It was Chairman Kang. Cheol-woo got away from his seat and answered his call.

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