159: First soak (1)


The road in front was blocked by a van and a car with lights on behind it. It was truly an outlier.

White vapor rose from the front of the vehicle and the driver fainted. I had to give up the thought of escaping like this.

Rumble! widely!

The crooked door opened and the team leader got out. Ilho got out of the van as if following him.

“As expected, it’s a Royal Family. I saw that there was even a bodyguard… Huh!”

Team leader Seo looked at Ilho and smiled coldly. What he was struggling with was the identity of the opponent, but he was not afraid of the opponent’s power.

Ilho did not respond to his provocation. He just quietly approached him.

swish! swipe! Shake! Shock!

Ilho attacked first. Team leader Seo lightly dodged his quick fist and fired a low kick without a break.

But Ilho also lightly avoided his feet. The two quickly grasped each other’s skills and tried to find a gap in the other’s breathing.

“Wow! Isn’t this completely unarmed? I can only see afterimages.”

“Shall we place a bet on who will win?”

With the headlights turned on, Cheol-woo and Man-ho watched their confrontation in the car. Manho was very excited by the unusual movements of the two people.

“I have no money to bet. I will return the check I have to Minseok hyung.”

“Then how about just having a good night?”

“Then there is nothing you can’t do. I will bet on Ilho hyung.”

“No regrets? I’ll bet on that black jacket guy…”

“Are you okay, Ilho hyung’s skills aren’t a joke…?”

“You have to worry! If I make up my mind to hit you hard, you’ll probably fracture your skull? Huh!”

When I heard it, it seemed that way. I can’t even tell if the person next to me is a human or a monster…

A while ago, I saw myself dealing with 15 gangsters alone. This time, I found out that death is really possible even by just passing by.

‘The really scary thing is that I didn’t sweat a single drop… Was it someone right?’

Manho’s worries ended there. It was important that Cheol-woo saved himself and embraced him whether he was a monster or not.

What is more painful than addiction is that there is no meaning in life. However, through Cheol-woo, I realized that I was looking at my parents and my life with a very twisted look.

Also, there was no one I could trust and rely on as much as I did, except for my dead older brother. Thanks to that, he barely got the courage to start a new life.

“Still, if you’re a man, you should shout ‘go’, right?”

“Arthur. There is no obligation to be strong as a man.”

“Then why not bet?”

“Oh, is that the story?”

While the two were having a chat, the two outside the car were engaged in a fierce battle of nerves. We prepared the counter by reading each other’s breathing and gaze, but no one moved first.

“What is it, Gimpagesuri…”

“Even though you’re not moving, are you both sweating?”

“Both of them are weak. Look at me, when have you ever seen me sweat?”

Before the boring search, the audience was very disappointed. In the meantime, Cheol-woo was rummaging through the inside of the car, looking for something.

“What are you looking for?”

“I was wondering if there was anything to eat… I’m bored with my eyes, but I can’t be bored with my mouth.”

“I brought some bread, would you like some of this?”

“Is this our bread? If that’s the case, it’s Daehwanyoung. Huh!”

Manho took out some bread bags from his small bag. I brought it from the store to eat on the go.

I never even thought of this before. When I was hungry, I went to a high-class restaurant, and when I was hungry, I went to the membership room salon.

But back then, I wasn’t as comfortable as I am now. He was always hungry, looking for food, greedy for alcohol and women, and sucking drugs.

However, I liked the way it looks now, much more than it did when I was a mess. A single loaf of bread, which cost only a few pennies, satisfied his heart much more than fine cuisine.

“oh! The two got together.”

“Anyway, the results are already out. Ilho is one step below that guy.”

“It seems to me that the two are close…?”

“The texture of the action is different. That guy is conscious of what’s going on behind the scenes, so he’s saving his energy. There will be a final decision soon…”

“You know it just by looking at it?”

“Sure. My eyes can’t lie Both of them!”

puck! Beetle! Whoa!

As if to prove that Cheol-woo was right, Il-ho allowed a blow to his leg and staggered. As if he didn’t want to give him a break, the team leader followed and tried to stretch his fist.


Just in time, Cheol-woo rang Klaxon. Surprised, team leader Seo stopped and looked at the place where the sound was coming from.

He got out of the car with the bread he was eating in his mouth. He then motioned for Ilho to back off.

With his feet limping, Ilho gently retreated. The opponent’s ability recognized the delegation.

Tick! Tick!

As Ilho retreated, Cheolwoo walked slowly and flicked his fingers towards the opponent. It was a very cheeky gesture, but the opponent took a step back.

“red! What are you doing?”

“Stop joking around.”

When Cheol-Woo put the bread in his mouth and spoke, he couldn’t understand what he was saying. Team leader Seo couldn’t stand it and pinched his teasing attitude.

Cheolwoo also seemed frustrated, so he took a handful of bread and ripped it open with his hands. Aiming for that very moment, the team leader quickly jumped out of the hand holding the bread.

puck! with a bang! Shoo! bang! dump!

As if he knew that Cheol-woo would, he scattered the team leader’s fist trajectory with his arm. At the same time, he grabbed the back of his hand with the opposite hand and threw it with all his might towards the wrecked car.

Team leader Seo flew away without a chance to resist and crashed into a car. He wasn’t seriously injured thanks to the car body that was crushed by the impact, but his eyes were temporarily out of focus.

Whik! puck! dump!

Cheolwoo didn’t even give it a break. Simultaneously with throwing his opponent, he mechanically followed in and ‘kicked’ his opponent’s jaw with his foot.

The blow was light, but the impact shook his brain severely. Team leader Seo, whose eyes were opened, lost his mind without being able to use his strength even once.

“Wow! I can’t really get along with my brother.”

“No, it was quite difficult. It’s never been easy to kick things like this.”

“Sheesh! If you say something like that while chewing bread, you have no sincerity.”

Between my thumb and forefinger, there was still a piece of bread smeared with sugar powder. And his mouth was muttering hard, chewing the bread.

“I’m going to buy a drink or something. I’m thirsty just trying to eat bread. Ilho binds these guys up and puts them on the island. Whether you rest there or come home, do whatever you like.”

“yes! So what will the manager do?”

“I’ll go tomorrow… no, the day after tomorrow.”

“Then today…”

“I have a date appointment. You can’t give up dating because of these guys. Tie it properly and hang it up. You won’t die if you starve for a day or two.”

Ilho bowed his head and approached Team Leader Seo. The gangsters who had been watching the fight in the van also got out of the car to help him.

“Brother, I will go to the island first.”

“Is that so? do what you like Go and help them with their work…”

Manho also helped pick up the guys who were tied up with Ilho into the car. Then they got into the van and left the scene.

Cheol-woo, who was still muttering bread, got into the car. The bread was sweet and soft, but a little stiff. He also disappeared from the scene, promising that he would talk about the problem of bread when he met his father.

On the way home, I called in advance, and Da-in came to the front of the company and was waiting for Cheol-woo. I parked the car in front of the building and rang Klaxon, and Dine ran over with a smile.

“Are you hungry?”

“Yeah, I’m very hungry! But I can’t eat it recklessly because it’s filming for the music video tomorrow. Heh!”

Dain sat in the passenger seat and rubbed her face on his shoulder like a cat. As if he had just finished showering, the scent of good shampoo tickled the tip of his nose.

“Then shall we eat sashimi? I’m full, but it’s low in calories.”

“no! When I eat sashimi, I want to drink soju.”

“Then there is nothing to eat…”

“It’s my brother’s job to find it. Find something delicious and eat it without any hindrance to tomorrow’s filming. Crazy!”

“It’s ridiculous, but I’ll do my best anyway…”

“Oh my, that line was great! I’ll add an extra point to your brother’s extraordinary posture!”

“Additional points, what’s good about that…?”

“I don’t know either. Anyway, it will be helpful later. What!”

“okay? Then you should accumulate a lot of bonus points. Huh!”

Whatever it was, it was enough if she felt good. Cheol-woo drove the car quietly, wiping the Warrior to find the menu.

[In the data posted by Manager Kwak, the unit itself was incorrectly written in the demand forecast part. Also, the results are very incomplete because of the ambiguity of the prediction criteria. Shall I instruct you to make a full revision?]

‘No, I don’t think this is a simple calculation mistake, is it? I think it’s because I’m not a professional. If the meticulous manager Kwak makes this kind of mistake, no matter how many times he corrects it, the answer will not come out.’

Cheol-woo and Da-in were having a meal. I ordered a course meal with konjac brown rice and tofu steak as the main dish.

The menu was chosen by the Warrior, and she liked it very much. She did not expect that she would find food that was both nutritious and full.

I was just trying to be satisfied with being with Cheolwoo, but I was so happy that I was able to enjoy even the food I liked. The problem was that Cheolwoo didn’t like this food, but…

Leaving her on a diet, she didn’t have the courage to cut meat on her own. She couldn’t be bothered for days to eat one.

A data was sent through the Warrior while we ate it while pretending to be delicious. It was a material posted by Kwak.

It was intended to predict future demand for Pharaoh hotels and casinos, but the figures were not accurate. Of course, the document review was done by the Warrior, and he was in a position to receive only the results.

However, while working day by day, he was a man who pointed out the Mac like a ghost about his work. It was immediately recognized that the problem that the Warrior pointed out was not just a matter of numbers, but a matter of expertise.

[I agree with that opinion. I don’t think there is any person or organization in Korea that can accurately predict this scale.]

‘Then I’ll have to ask Steve in New York…’

There was no one better than Steve when it came to casinos. He was a heavyweight expert in all casino-related work on behalf of the deceased Thomas.

[Shall I contact you?]

‘Take it slow, take it slow! There’s no rush.’

On behalf of him, the Warrior chewed fake meat, instructing Kwak to point out the problem. Thanks to the Warrior, he was a Cheol-woo who ate his work day by day.

When I thought of Manager Kwak, who would be frustrated by his boss’s squeamish intellectual qualities, his appetite suddenly changed. The boss’s unfathomable love is a subtle craving and reprimand.

“Brother, ah!”


Cheol-woo opened his mouth wide as he watched Da-in eat a tasteless tofu steak with a fork. Promising to chew up everything that tries to interfere with this happiness…

Manager Kwak, shocked by Cheol-woo’s intellectual qualities, said that he stayed up that night. The next day, news broke that gray hair had increased on his head.

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