156: Hold and see (6)

“In Team A, Director Yang will be the temporary team leader, and Team B will be headed by Manager Jang.”

“Then where is the department?”

“Team A returned to the construction company, and team B was instructed by the president to remain at the headquarters and work closely with related departments.”

Pointing to the diagram on the screen in front of the conference room, Manager Ahn explained the reorganization plan. Director Yang, who was listening to the explanation, glanced at Cheol-woo.

He could now be sure. President Kang Min-seok’s words are those of Cheol-woo…

On the first day of joining the company, I was suspicious of the golden spoon, but it turned out that he was an alien man who controlled the diamond spoon from behind. I fell in love with this guy from the beginning…

‘I’m glad it wasn’t cut…’

“What are your complaints?”

Cheol-woo asked, looking at the moving sheep with a poopy expression on his face. He had already given me a rough plan, but he couldn’t figure out why he was making that kind of expression.

“Ah! It’s a complex shopping mall. But shouldn’t I at least give one of those two under me? Asking people who don’t know anything to go ahead with the complex shopping mall project…, I’m sure I’m the only one who’s going to die…?”

It was a sensible thing to say. Instead of Cheol-woo, who was only going outside, the three of them had taken on the arduous task as one body.

Of course, that is just the one-sided opinion of Director Yang. Die in the end, it was the two managers who worked.

However, the two managers were about to be lost to Team B. When he died, I moved in Yang, he was sure to be himself.

“I heard it and it is. So, will you take the one you want?”

“Well···. Then, let’s take Manager Kwak with us.”

The moment Yang pointed out one person, the expressions of the two managers changed dramatically. The chosen one feared death, and the unchosen were busy holding back their laughter.

“No, you seem to be misunderstanding something. It wasn’t the person Mr. Yang wanted, I was asking if any of those two people wanted to follow Mr. Yang.”

“Oh! What, where is that law? What if the boss is black?”

At Cheol-woo’s words, Manager Kwak’s complexion, which had turned earthy, returned again. Watching Manager Kwak’s face change like a chameleon, Manager Ahn put on an anxious expression again.

“That’s right, it’s here. I need two too. So, isn’t it the boss’s job to respect each other’s opinions? Do you still have the old way of thinking like, ‘Ka-ra-myeon…’? Director Yang, are you a kkondae?”

“Hey man! What do you see people as… Hurry! There, two managers, do you want to work under the director or just under the manager? Choose wisely, can your life be messed up?”

Director Yang narrowed his eyes and raised a smirk. However, the choice of the two managers was decisive.

“I want to work under the former manager.”

“I… I am also with the manager…”

“Look at this. Because you’re doing kkondae, people don’t gather around you. Huh!”

“No, these are testimonies…”

The lights came on in the eyes of both directors, and the two managers lowered their eyes. But no one wanted to change doctors.

“Damn, this is why we collect black-headed beasts…”

“I hate brats with hair.”

“But this child…”

“Come on, let’s stop the meeting and pack up. There will be a department dinner in the next few days to serve as a farewell party and promotion celebration, so let the two of you tell them to attend… The meeting is over!”

“hey! Should I tell you where to go?”

“Shall we have a buffet at a nearby hotel, or is there a place to recommend?”

“If it’s a nearby hotel, maybe that high-end buffet…?”

“Yeah, it’s a farewell party and promotion celebration, so you have to eat well. I scraped it all off with a beopka…”

“Right now, I will make a reservation. I don’t know if there’s a T.O on our side.”

The two managers moved quickly. It was an opportunity to taste high-quality buffet food of tens of thousands of won per person for free, covering East and West, meat, sea, and ball.

I said that busy people don’t have to come, but I’m sure everyone will attend. Only those who don’t come will suffer.

“If you can’t make a reservation, make a reservation for the pub in front of you.”

“I will definitely make a reservation. By any means, by any means, surely…”

Manager Ahn made a decision. I’ve never had this kind of enthusiasm after becoming an exaggeration.

Seeing this, Director Yang shook his head. The bastard who seduced him with food had no talent to resist.

Cheol-woo’s cell phone rang from the conference room. It was a massive message.

He sent me a picture. It was a picture of a drum and a machine that could be easily operated with a button at the site as instructed by Cheol-Woo.

“Okay, then let’s start the full-scale operation. to prepare…”

Satisfied with the photo, Cheol-woo sent a text message to Dengji and others to inform the operation of the operation. A full-fledged manna rehabilitation project has begun.

“Oh, sir, are you here?”

“Yes, you are in Room 3.”

Min-seok asked the waiter who was carrying the liquor bottle. Whether he knew Min-seok or not, he obediently informed the location of Director Oh Jeong-gil.

“Who else…?”

“You are with Yangjeon Group Executive Director Kim. The others have not arrived yet.”

When the waiter answered, Minseok pulled out a list. Yangjeon group Kim Sang-yun was on the list.

“Once we got them both.”

“Can we just collect the two of them?”

“Let’s put it in the car and see if there are others.”

Il-ryong, who was next to Min-seok, asked. Cheol-woo had attached him to help Min-seok.

Geumryong’s gang members were waiting outside the room salon. I’ll do it as secretly as possible, but if there are a lot of people to collect, I thought I’d leave it to them.

As I opened the thick door of room 3, I heard loud music. While waiting for the other members, a light drink had already taken place, and the naked girls were singing and dancing while holding the microphone.

As Minseok entered the room, a musty smell filled his nostrils. Before the hallucination party, it looked like he was lightly sucking hemp first.

“uh! Who is this, isn’t it Minseok? hey, it’s been a long time Come sit down! Just in time, a good quality medicine came in, and I need to suck it up. Huh!”

“Yeah, dogs stop pooping. How can a drug addict stop taking drugs? Not knowing that, our kondae kept talking nonsense saying that you were awake. Giggles!”

The two of them, both drunk and on drugs, were smiling with hazy eyes. Min-seok, who saw her past self, frowned and asked.

“Who is the member coming here today?”

“Jungil and adults. And I came in as a newcomer…”

Mr. Oh, the host of today’s party, answered Minseok’s question. Even while Minseok stopped visiting, he was bragging that the number of new hires had increased considerably.

After hearing the story, Minseok checked the list again. None of the remaining members were on the list.

Min-seok, who confirmed that there was nothing more to do, shook his head at Il-ryong. Then Il-ryong, who had been standing quietly behind him, closed the door and stepped forward.

Puck, puck! Whoops, whoops!

Aww! Aww!

The Ilryong approached them without saying a word and slammed their fists into their chins one at a time. The two defenseless stretched out on the soft sofa.

Min-seok inserted a check into the breasts of the girls who screamed in surprise at the sudden situation. Then their mouths were closed in an instant.

“Two people, go.”

As soon as Minseok called, the Golden Dragon gang ran to the room. The good guys carried the two of them one by one and hurriedly ran out.

Min-seok and Il-ryong walked out following them. He quietly exited the room, muffled by witnesses who did not know English.

“Two bastards with no intentions, the other car follow me!”

The golden dragons moved according to his orders. A van carrying two idiots left unintentionally, and the other car followed behind Minseok’s car.

And after a while, a van joined the party. In this way, the ‘trash collection operation’ proceeded quickly.

A message came to Manho’s cell phone. In the text that Minseok sent, the names of two people were written on it.

Ouch! Ouch!

Manho took out a piece of paper with the list on it and erased the names of the two people with a ballpoint pen. There were still more than 20 names left on the paper.

“It’s a good start. Then shall we go?”

Man-ho said to Il-ho who was behind him. But he didn’t answer anything.

Man-ho and Il-ho were both tenants of Cheol-woo’s building. He knew that Ilho was reticent because he worked at Jaeyoung’s bakery and had an acquaintance.

So, without hearing his answer, I entered the dark building. Their destination was a private house.

smart! Rumble!

When Manho knocked on the iron door, a small window in the middle of the door opened. Then he looked at him without saying a word.

“I’m here to introduce you to President Ping.”


I entered the code to enter the house and the iron gate was opened. There were three strong men inside, and there were only a few tables lying around in the empty room.

“Hey, our Director Jung. Long time no see. Do you come here often to play? Huh!”

“Because I was abroad for a while…”

“Hey, you played internationally. How is your board these days?”

A middle-aged man with his hair all white pretended to know him. This was a private house operated by a membership system.

“Are you more in our members?”

“The team of President Hwang and Director Park is here. You’re flying right now. Huh!”

“Then guide me.”

“But who is behind…?”

“I’m a field student. I’ll see you often in the future, so I’ll say hello later…”

“Oh, you are new. nice to meet you My name is Mr. Bae, the head of the house.”

While he bent over and asked for a handshake, he looked closely at Ilho. Even if he pretended to be, he felt that he wasn’t an ordinary guy.

Ilho refused to shake hands with him. Just by looking at the calluses on his fists and hands, it was clear that he was going to be vigilant right away.

“He’s a bit sloppy in his cleanliness… I hate being in contact with things below.”

Manho quickly made excuses. Since most of the people who came here were those with aristocratic disease, Director Bae readily agreed.

“Open the door!”

“yes! Come this way···.”

When I opened the iron closet attached to the wall of the empty room, a narrow staircase appeared inside. If you follow it down to the basement, it was a gambling hall.

“Have a good time!”

“Yeah, I’ll tell you to work hard…”

Manho put a check in the pocket of Bae’s shirt. Then his vigilant face was released at once.

Whoops, whoops! Whisper!

As soon as I went down the iron stairs, a large room appeared. There were enough dozens of people to gather and gamble.

Around a few tables, girls in bunny girl outfits walked around. They were serving gamblers with drinks, alcohol and pills on a tray.

“Hey, here’s a cup of Mizuwari!”

A man who was reading a card ordered whiskey from Bunny Girl. Then a woman took a tray and offered it to him.

slap! 🥺!

“An old-fashioned bangtan gets kicked once. Huh!”

The man with the glass slapped the buttocks of the bunny girl and gave a sinister smile. It was his own way to relieve the stress of gambling.

“uh! who is this No director Jeong, when did you return to Korea?”

A man with a whiskey glass pretended to know while looking at all the numbers. He was on the list.

“It’s been a few days.”

“I heard rumors circulating that you died in America, so I said, ‘You sucked this bastard and ended up going first’. Giggles!”

The man joked about his death. Still, he did not let go of his hand.

Manho wasn’t even looking at him. He looked around and found the ones on the list.

“There are four of us here, so shouldn’t we have to ask for a few more people?”

“Isn’t there an emergency door here?”

At Manho’s words, Ilho looked around and asked. There were four people who stood praying in the gambling hall.

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