140: Go back and see (5)

“Where are you, kid?”

“Hey, boss! No matter how much of a subordinate you are, it’s not uncommon to start swearing.”

As soon as I answered the phone, I could hear manager Yang’s lively cursing. Would it be overkill if I missed Yang’s shrill voice as much as Kerencia?

As if knowing his feelings, Manager Yang also welcomed him with stronger cursing. He was very excited to see his voice cracked slightly.

“This bastard, inside or outside, can’t jump out in front of me quickly. Do I have to listen to your work through someone else’s mouth? hem!”

“At the end of the day, is that sound angtal? It sounds very cute…”

“Yeah, I’ll show you my cute side, so hurry in! Just five minutes.”

“I’m sorry, but it’s the president’s office right now…”

“But this child… The boss isn’t in the office right now…! Where are you selling drugs? Four minutes left.”

I was so vigilant, I got a counter shot in the stomach. An unknown sense of defeat creeped up from the side of the ship.

After hanging up on the phone, Cheol-woo stretched out to the fullest and got up from the sofa. Now it was my turn to go down to the office to hang out with boss Bitnari.

“You told me to write a business trip journal every day, didn’t I?”

“Because I’m an app, do I have to exaggerate and do something like that?”

“I would rather pretend to listen to a baby. What is this, chewing your boss and treating it like gum…”

As soon as they met, the two started arguing. Manager Yang also said he would die from overwork every day, but his forehead was greasy.

“No matter what you say, there are no gifts anymore. Come to think of it, the cause of the manager’s hair loss was because he liked free things…”

“When did I ask you to buy me a present… And last time it had no effect.”

“It is an incurable disease that mankind has not yet solved.”

“Let’s stop! An incurable disease may flatten your nose.”

“It will never happen. Huh!”

“No, I’m from the Marines!”


“Yeah, even though he was a cook, he said he was a marine corps…”

It’s not very reliable, but I thought I’d end the flirting here. Cheol-woo changed the topic as he looked around his office.

“But every time I see you, the number of people keeps increasing, don’t you?”

“Things like that come out of the mouth of a manager. Do you know how many days you work last month and this month?”

“Are you arguing again? Someone who knows well that I’m not doing this to play…”

“It’s really good to say it’s a pierced mouth. So, what did you bring on your business trip?”

“I think you will be surprised to hear it, so I will upload it slowly as a report. All of this comes from my heart, who was concerned about the manager’s health…”

“Who is this Meg again…? Anyway, the president wants to see you, so go to the secretary’s office quickly!”

This was the reason that Manager Yang had called him urgently. Since it was the heavenly president’s order, one manager had to follow it unconditionally.

“What do you want to see?”

“How do I know that?”

“If it’s an eye-opener for the manager, shouldn’t that be enough even with the eyes closed? How can you move in such a dark place in company politics? Ttttttttt!”

“Okay. The job of a manager is too heavy to die, but what kind of director is a director? Don’t even let me do it! No I can’t!”

“Is that lie true?”

“Stop talking and run straight to the president’s room! If it leaks somewhere in the middle, then you really die and I die. Be mindful!”

Cheol-woo rolled his eyes and tightly shut his mouth. Yang always knew him very well.

“Hey, aren’t you answering straight away?”


“Do it right! If anything else is said above, then really…”

While Manager Yang spoke and glanced at the door, the figure of Cheol-woo in front of him disappeared. After a moment’s silence, he looked around the room and shouted.

“Chief Jang! Are you really going to come out like this, you bastard?”

Surprised by Yang’s shout, the employees all looked at him at once. Due to Cheol-woo’s mischief, he had no private office, and he turned his chair back and coughed in vain.

‘What’s the latest schedule for that young man?’

[There was no official schedule except for attending the economic forum held in Korea for two days. The personal schedule is unknown.]

As Yang was concerned, Cheol-woo came out of the company. The only good memories that Chairman Kang called were the memories of buying stocks at once.

In fact, it was too cumbersome to sell elsewhere, so it was like giving it to me at a low price (?). Thanks to that, I was able to hold a large sum of money in my hands, but instead, I had to attach a cumbersome hump.

If that raccoon is looking for him, he’s probably trying to entrust him with a daunting task. Naturally, from the first day of his return, he didn’t want to see or hear anything that bothered him.

After connecting with Godfather. The Warrior has planted backdoors in the CIA and White House networks, as well as the Department of Defense network. Through the back door, the Warriors were going in and out regularly and asking for big information about the world.

So, as a test, he instructed the Warrior to look for President Kang’s track as well. However, he could not find out the fate of a small (?) like the president of a domestic conglomerate.

“Well, I can’t help it.”

Cheol-woo gave up coolly and pondered where to go to make up for the rest of his time. He wasn’t tired enough to rest in Kerencia or an officetel, and he had no one to play with.

“where are you?”

“In your mind.”

Just then, a phone call came from Hwaryeong. For a while, she responded unresponsively to her joke that she had brought out inadvertently.

“…why is that, what’s going on? Where are you sick?”

“Okay, what’s the purpose?”

“I want to see you.”

“When did you know I came to Korea?”

“Oh my goodness! Did you drink a lot of tea? It’s me, I’m always looking around you, so it’s so soon…”

“Father, no. Mom? Or the author…?”

She wasn’t the kind of woman to sit still while he was away. She was a woman with enough action to approach Jae-young with the excuse of her business.

“I will make no comments. It is a principle to protect the identity of the informant.”

“There are spies everywhere. So what’s the purpose of the call…?”

“Are you calling only when you have something to do? Even if it’s just nothing special, sometimes…”

“It’s nothing special, so I’ll stop boiling…!”

“Come on, wait a minute… Are you going to be so mean?”

“What do you want to say instead?”

“let’s meet!”


“Right Now!”

“Where are you…?”


“okay. I’ll go there now. wait!”

I had nowhere to go, but I thought it was okay. She also had a present for her in her pocket.

When the destination was decided, he began to walk without hesitation. I felt very fond of walking the streets of Seoul after a long time.

[Severe fine dust.]

“Damn, the fucking chicks to eat ···.”

Giving up walking, he called a taxi.

“Come on!”

The way she greeted Cheol-woo in her office was very awkward. Her make-up darker than usual and a short mini skirt that seemed uncomfortable were telling her readiness.

As soon as the taxi stopped in front of her office building, her secretary rushed to her. Then she came to her office with a free pass without any inspection.

“Good job, Secretary Kim! Stop leaving and don’t call my room until I tell you otherwise!”

When Secretary Kim closed the door and left, Hwaryeong, who had a stiff expression on her face, rushed to him. And then she licked her lips.

“What are we going to do?”

“Smell it! Ha!”

“What smell?”

“The smell of cigarettes. Doesn’t it come off at all?”

“Ho! Have you ever smoked?”

“Yeah, I was patient enough to wear out my molars and quit smoking. My dentist also confirmed that there was no odor in the mouth.”

She proudly talked about her achievements in the past. Cheol-woo’s words that her mouth smells like cigarette smoke must have been very shocking to her.

“Awesome, Cha Hwa-ryeong! Good work!”

pat pat!

He lightly brushed her hair and praised her. She told her father not to deal with her toxic cigarette smoker, but she couldn’t push her girlfriend out of her cigarette with a single word of her own.

“Oh my! Don’t be like this…”

“Then what?”

“Yogida… side!”

Hwaryeong pursed her lips and lightly kissed his lips. Her cheeks suddenly turned red.

“Did you call me all the way here to do this?”

“Is not it? There is nothing in the world more important than a reward for my hard work.”

I tried pretending to be angry, but it didn’t work for her. There was no way I could hate her for proudly demanding a reward for her efforts.

“Yeah, our Hwaryeong did really well! Side, side, side!”

It started as a playful kiss, but it quickly heated up. When I woke up, the two of them were rolling around on the long sofa.

As if determined and trying to seduce him, under the miniskirt, high-elastic black stockings that seemed unlikely to pass through blood were revealed. One leg line was definitely the highlight.

“Do you love me?”

She asked, with her lips covered in lipstick. Her eyes were longing for the truth.

“yes. I love you.”

“Really, really?”

“Yeah, I really love Cha Hwa-ryeong. Are you okay?”

“Ah. what else is it? The atmosphere is broken…”

Although she grumbled about breaking the atmosphere, her eyes were smiling. Little by little, a girlish expression appeared on her face, which was always full of greed and passion.

Cheol-woo saw that, and heat rose from his chest. He hugged her and gave her a deep kiss again.

“Come on, wait! Soundproofing here…”

Half-naked, she stopped his hand and glanced at the wall. There was a small door there.

I put my hand against the wall, and a door without a handle slid sideways, revealing a room. There was one bed in the room.

“What else is here? Are you so determined that you even brought the bed?”

“Even if you think about it. If you’re tired after working overtime, it’s a place to close your eyes for a while. You’re driving people in a strange way… you bastard!”

Cheol-woo threw her on the bed and threw her away. Then she flew her body over it. The door closed automatically, creating a perfect closed room, and only soft lighting illuminated the narrow room.

“Now that this has happened, let’s go very hot.”

“Wait a minute···. What is this hard thing? I keep getting stabbed and it hurts.”

She stopped Cheol-woo as she climbed up and complained of pain. It was then that Cheol-woo remembered the box in her pocket.

“Oh, I forgot the present.”

“What kind of gift are you giving me?”

“Yeah, wait a minute…”

After taking the box out of his pocket, Cheol-woo moved near the light. He called her closer with her hand gesture and then opened her box, wrapped in her black velvet.

Come to think of it, the directing I saw at Tiffany’s seemed to show the jewel in the most dramatic way. So, I opened the box by setting the angle under the light on purpose.

As expected, the diamond necklace, which was lit up in a soft light, dazzled its appearance. She looked at her necklace as if possessed.

“He came and picked it up.”

“Blood! What other nonsense is that?”

“There is only one in this world.”

“Are you really prepared for me?”

“Your name is written here. This necklace is made just for you. look!”

“Oh, really!”

She was moved to see her name engraved on her necklace. Thanks to her, for the first time in her life, I was able to see her brimming with tears of emotion.

“Look back. I’ll put it around your neck…”

“like this?”

She pushed her ponytail aside, revealing her white neck. As she slid her necklace around her neck, she looked at the small mirror on the wall and watched as she twisted her body to and fro.

“Then do you want to do what you did?”

“Hey! live a little Your clothes are wrinkled!”

“I don’t know about that…”

Cheol-woo, who hit her from behind, started to play with her hands harshly. Indifferent to her perfect soundproofing, she yelled at her.

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