133: Once removed and seen (6)

Ta-ah! Pavat!

Tou-doo-doo, trurr!

Blackhawk’s engine ignited after being hit by a sniper rifle shot by Cheol-woo. At the same time, the helicopter’s fuselage leaned sharply and quickly turned its nose toward the river.

“it’s crazy? What if the helicopter crashes into Linda’s apartment and fires the engine?”

“don’t worry! Because Linda isn’t there, and her helicopter’s engine isn’t one.”

Pietro, startled by Cheol-woo’s sudden action, protested loudly. But Cheol-woo’s reaction was still relaxed.

The Warrior already calculated the direction of the helicopter’s fall and gave the target point. As expected, the helicopter, which had difficulty maintaining the aircraft due to strong strong winds, slanted and flew over the East River again.

thud! Push City!

Eventually, the aircraft that could not recover its center of gravity collided with the surface of the river. There was no dramatic explosion, but the plane collided with the tension of the water surface and split in two.

“Hey, crazy! Did you shoot a helicopter and drop it now?”

“What else are you asking while watching?”

“Because you can’t believe it even if you see it, do you?”

“So, you too, act straight forward. I will watch with these two eyes.”

Cheol-woo, who put down the sniper rifle and switched to a rifle, took a pheasant-hunting posture and slowly walked towards the apartment. Crossing the park on the riverside and crossing one road was the entrance to the apartment.

Pietro, who heard the accusation, quietly made the limousine guard. It was the moment when Cheol-woo was about to enter the front door alone.

“Did the boss just do that?”

It was Fred’s call. Cheol-woo glanced at the public parking building on the other side of the road on the right. The call came from there.

Still, the military satellite, Godfather, was working fast. Thanks to this, the detection radius of Cheolwoo was maintained at 2km.

The warrior’s ability in connection with Godfather was beyond imagination. Without these synergies, no matter how hard you might be, you wouldn’t be able to kill a helicopter like a fly.

“Did you call to ask that?”

“No, I called because I was worried.”

“Carpet in the living room of the apartment. That’s what Miss Linda loved so much, and she wanted to tell her never to get blood on it . . .”


In retrospect, it was a very minor call in this situation. But I couldn’t say anything to him.

In fact, Linda’s angry expression was more frightening than the navy seal in front of her. Of course, she’s never shown anything like that before.

But he had no vain belief that a woman’s feelings would always be at peace. I could tell just by looking at Dain.

Although the Warrior was replying to her messages in real time, sometimes unexpected situations occurred that even the Warrior could not handle. At that time, the Warrior called for Cheol-woo, and after judging the situation, he bravely chewed on the reply (?) and took a dive for a while.

To date a woman, sometimes it takes courage to run away from the scene, and wisdom not to commit an accident was very important. So, if possible, avoid getting blood on the white carpet in the living room.

“Ah, what else?”

“It’s Macke. Your request to withdraw from operation has just been granted.”

“Who did you ask for it?”

“I am the presidential aide. He got very angry when he heard me.”

“Then it will be straight bread.”

“yes! Those who have been deployed will be withdrawn immediately.”

“It won’t be that easy…”

“I crashed their helicopter into the river.”

“I wonder if you’ve already dealt with them all…?”

“I was just about to start cleaning.”

“Do you want to stop at this point? For now, they too will try to cover all the cases. But if a battle breaks out in Manhattan…”

“You want me to send those who broke into my house nice? Why do I have to do that?”

“I will negotiate the next day. It would be much better for Mr. Linda to put them in debt and get them adequate compensation.”

“···Hmm! This is only causing conflict…”

“Trust me just once!”

“…Damn it, carpets keep them alive. good! So, let’s stop here. I’ll leave the rest to you…”

“Thank you, boss! You will never be disappointed.”

Mackay, who had stopped Chul-woo’s footsteps with difficulty, hung up the phone abruptly. No matter what he said, it wasn’t easy for him to negotiate with the president’s aide and the CIA.

From now on, he has to mobilize all his connections to get the price he wants. With the belief that it brings world peace (?), he tried with all his might.

bang! Less squeaky!

The locked door smashed and people with guns poured in. The people at the mobile command post looked back in amazement.

“Don’t hold back! Put your hands behind your head and get down on the floor! If you resist even a little, you will be killed immediately.”

“Get down quickly! hurry!”

Men in special forces uniforms laid them on the floor and tied their wrists back with plastic wire. If you look at the clothes or patches you are wearing, it was a green beret.

“Major Frank. I am arresting you on charges of disobedience and corruption.”

“Ouch! Allegations of corruption, what am I talking about?”

Major Frank, who was lying on the floor with his hands tied behind his back with the others, shouted in an unjust voice. But no one here stood up for him.

“You have to go to the interrogation room and ask for something embarrassing. Do you know how much damage you have done to the country today?”

“Isn’t it just an accident that happened during the operation? It’s not much different from the accidents that happen in the Middle East or Africa. If we just hide this case like those cases…”

“Shut up, you bastard. How can someone from the Ministry of Defense Research Institute be so incompetent? Do you know how many soldiers died today at the command of a bastard like you? ㅤ!”

The enraged soldier spit in his face. The other soldiers who were watching the scene also made nonchalant faces.

Many comrades lost their lives by greedy and incompetent political soldiers. It was also an unhonorable operation that was difficult to reveal.

If they weren’t soldiers, they’d have given him bullet holes right away. That was their common sentiment.

“Listen, you bastard. You will be dismissed from all positions as of this time. If the allegations of corruption are proven, he may face life imprisonment. And the project you were in charge of is also discarded from this moment. Everything involved will also be removed.”

A man with the same rank of lieutenant colonel ripped off Frank’s insignia roughly. Then he grabbed his hair and pulled it upwards.

“What, what? No matter how much money has been spent on this project so far. All of that…”

“Yeah, you idiot. A lot of money was lost because of your wrong choices. Do you know who the hell you touched? The commander was contacted directly from the White House. Because of you stupid…”

Frank tightly closed his red, bloodshot eyes. His past days passed like a lantern before his eyes.

Shortly after joining the Navy Seal, he was injured during an operation. After that, he struggled and, indeed, with great difficulty, got another chance.

His unfulfilled ambitions grew bigger and bigger, but reality did not always keep up with him. And in the end it turned out like this.

At the end of the past memories, only darkness remained. It seemed like an example of his future.

The special teams, who were contacted late, walked out of the apartment. The black hawk they were riding with fell into the river and couldn’t even see its tail.

It was also funny to see him come down with a rappel from the sky and walk out in a sullen posture. However, by looking at their gentle gestures, they knew that they were lucky enough to survive.

They gathered in the park across from the apartment and waited quietly. Then several black vans came and took them away.

“Children, you guys know how lucky you are today. Still, I said one word, so I’ll come back alive. Of course, you won’t know this until you die. Huh!”

Fred watched them from the top of the nearby parking lot to the end. Opening his eyes from the scope, he opened his chest and went down the stairs as if he had done a great job.


“Bay! Are you okay?”

Cheol-woo entered the temporary dormitory in the building next door. Then Linda, dressed in a gown, quickly ran into his arms.

With tears in her eyes, she looked at his body and face with a worried expression. And only when she saw that he was fine, she finally let out a sigh of relief.

“Are you okay, aren’t you surprised?”

“yes! I’ve been sleeping all this time, and suddenly I heard that there might be an attack, so I moved here. But I don’t know exactly what you’ve been up to… I keep getting replies saying it’s okay to send a text message…”

She looked pathetic and buried her face in his arms. She wanted to hear his voice firsthand, but her voice was full of small rebukes that she only kept texting.

Cheol-woo smiled and hugged her tighter in his arms. Then she put a lip stamp on her face.

“Sorry, the Zambito gang used some trickery. So this commotion also happened. It’s all settled now…”

“Really, is it all over now?”

“Yeah, it’s all over now. The rest of the little things can be left up to someone else. ah! But Pietro’s uncle is dead.”

“Oh! Is he dead?”

“Yeah, with Zambito Inspiring Taengi….”

“Mr. Zambito together…?”

“yes! There will be no one to threaten you now. At least on this New York floor…”

“More than that… I’m just thankful that you weren’t hurt. If you were hurt, I would…”

There was moisture in her voice, unable to speak. She supported her chin and lifted her head to see clear tears in her eyes.

Tears welling up in her jewel-like pupils, along with the tip of her blushing nose, entered his eyes. It made his heart tremble more than anything else in the world.

“Since when did our Linda become so pretty? Yo, she has tears in her pretty eyes, so I can’t stand it.”

“tooth! Seriously, you are . . . !”

When Cheol-woo covered Linda’s lips with her lips, she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Then he relaxed his body and accepted him completely.

Amanda, who had moved to the dorm with Linda, came out of the kitchen with hot soup and found the two of them. She quietly stepped back from her and went back into the kitchen.

A mess unfolded in front of the party, who returned to the apartment. If she hadn’t moved ahead of time, what she would have suffered was the scene that told her everything.

Amanda sighed, rolled up her arms and stepped forward. At the same time, he politely asked Cheol-woo.

“I will clean this place by tomorrow morning. We’ll be using the room next door, so I hope you two stay at the hotel tonight.”

“Amanda, are you okay alone?”

“Don’t worry, miss! There are three gentlemen here, so I can finish it quickly. Ho Ho!”

“Oh! why me···?”

“no! You should leave this to the cleaning company!”

Fred and Eddie strongly objected, but the seed didn’t work for her.

“You can never leave a private room like this in the hands of someone else. Don’t you know how precious each and every piece of furniture here is?”

“How do we know that?”

“If you look at it, we are men too…”

No matter how much the two of them whined, they ended up holding a broomstick in both hands. Even Paul, who was making excuses for his wife, couldn’t escape her demonic powers.

“Shall we go to the dinner date we promised in the morning?”

“… can I decide the date course?”

Linda, who was insistent on cleaning up the house together, was smitten by his suggestion. She felt sorry for the others, but she couldn’t give up dating him.

He nodded and took her hand and walked out. She planned to go on a date late into the night and fall asleep at the hotel.

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