122: Calculate and see (3)

“And above all, aren’t you young? Our new boss is…. Whoops!”

McKay spit out the final words and smiled broadly. Those two lovers possessed what those who possessed power and wealth most envy.

Being young meant being active, and active people were bound to have more opportunities. The people here knew all too well that even though they could see through all the flow of money in the world, they could not get it unless they worked hard.

“Come on, let’s quickly join the ranks. Calculations and legal issues seem like I’ll have to do it myself. I’m too anxious to leave it to that gentleman named Brian…”

Mackay’s pace accelerated. If he wasn’t good at calculating now, things could be multiplied later.

Cheol-woo entrusted all financial management to him. From now on, not even a cent will be used without his permission.

“Huh! Wouldn’t it be great if the sale went well? It was a great success, draw!”

Negotiations were completed in an hour. As if he had already prepared it, McKay finished all the work without hesitation.

Brian, who had been helping him by the side, had a rather tired expression on his face. He patted his tense shoulder and gave a smirk mixed with constant grumbling.

“If a construction man in New York says that, what do other builders say?”

“Don’t talk. New York’s real estate boom is over. Do you know how much the building vacancy rate is decreasing these days? At least some of the luxury resorts were sold and barely escaped a loss, but now even those are showing signs of declining.”

Brian said with a smirk. As he said, it was a period of real estate slump.

But this cycle has always been there. In densely populated areas like New York, if you wait, the price will rise again someday.

The fact that Brian, who knew it well, was savage, meant that his financial situation had not been smooth. So Thomas was forced to go to the other world to bring in funds.

“In the future, we will further subdivide our funds and diversify our investments in various places. The proportion will change according to the economic cycle, but we need to manage our funds with a focus on safety.”

“Hey! Safety is good, but if you take care of yourself too much, you can’t have fun when a big wave comes. In particular, real estate takes a very long time to predict and prepare for the future. Don’t act like a moth, push me hard!”

“Still, you can’t move the salt bale when it rains. At least avoid the rainy season… Well, even if I say this, it will be up to him to decide in the end, but…”

“Yeah, so I’m looking forward to it. I don’t know if you know, but the behavior of our boss is just a real man! How wild and unstoppable it is that this old body trembles with anticipation. Huh!”

The two of them looked at the entrance of the hall, and the figure of Cheol-woo changed into his clothes. While McKay worked hard to convince shareholders and directors to buy stock as an excuse, Cheol-Woo was led by Linda to shop in an underground shopping street.

Cheol-woo was wearing a wide-brimmed jumper. He was also wearing a military girdle inside.

He fought four battles in a row for half a day, but his appearance was the same as when he first left the house. Judging from his unscathed, immaculate appearance, no one could have imagined that he had dealt with three New York gangs and two Chinese special forces teams.

But Linda didn’t like him. I just wanted to show the cool side of my man to the people gathered here.

Linda took McKay by the hand while he was dealing with shareholders and headed to the underground shopping mall. At first, she was only going to buy a suit, but when she saw his clothes fit, she was cut off at once.

In the end, she was finally able to stop shopping after buying several custom suits and her suits and dresses that matched the one she was wearing. It was only stopped because Cheolwoo strongly restrained it.



My friend went to the hairdresser on the same floor. It still seemed insufficient in her eyes, who wanted to make him stand out, but others burst into admiration over his changed appearance.

A dignified gait for a large size. There’s even a finely combed hairstyle… His youthful appearance changed to that of a trustworthy manager at once.

Above all, his eyes shining like a wild beast instilled great faith in the viewers. And next to him stood Linda, dressed in a suit like a couple.

Behind them stood two good-looking men like a folding screen. Paul and Fred’s hands were full of Linda’s shopping.

People seemed to see the future of G Company from those who walked in with their arms crossed. The rosy future of the company, which will rise higher than it is now, was unfolding like a fantasy.

“What share?”

“We have secured 12.3%. I declined because I didn’t think I needed any more.”

“Well done.”

“I was just washing the dishes on the board the boss laid out.”

“Isn’t the original dish to be finished by washing the dishes? You have to wash the dishes well so that your next meal will go smoothly.”

Mackay answered Cheol-woo’s question coolly. As the trend had already waned, he focused on the work behind the scenes for a future friendly stake rather than securing a stake.

“Then, we will convene the board of directors again soon.”

“yes! boss.”

“The preparations are already over. boss!”

As soon as Cheol-woo spoke, the two bowed their heads and responded coolly. Now it was Steve’s turn to play on the board they had laid out.

“Before that, Bryan should go to Steve!”

“Yes? Why are you asking me to meet him…?”

“Tell him what’s going on and let him know that you’re making a final offer.”

“Is there a need for that, anyway, the situation has already completely turned …”

“I want Linda to take over the property and powers, if possible, without difficulty or noise. And anyway, the current business structure will continue as it is. Wouldn’t that be good for you too?”

“Of course it’s good for me, but…”

“You shed a lot of blood today. I think this is enough, I… Even so, if you can’t read the current situation, it wouldn’t be worth working with. The world is wide and we have to find talented people again.”

“Wow! Okay. boss!”

“The boss is Linda here. Be mindful…”

“You really…”

Linda fell into his arms. She cared deeply for her to get rid of the two people she had regarded as her family since her childhood.

I was very happy that Cheol-woo recognized her heart. Even if she happened to think the same thing with him, she already had her pods tight and it just seemed like her destiny to her.

Brian didn’t vomit any more. As soon as he gave his order, he turned to look for Steve.

People who read the atmosphere were scattered around the building waiting for the board to start again. The gang following Steve was also on a frenzy to find the last reversal.

While looking for Steve like that, Brian admired himself. The current order was like an indulgence that included not only Steve but himself.

I will cover all the mistakes of the past. But any further resistance is unacceptable.

Their authority and position will remain intact. I can’t guarantee their children, but…

“Worse than dead Thomas. Our new boss is…. haha!”

It was Brian who wanted to see Thomas who died suddenly. A benefactor who discovered them and made them grow this much.

However, their relationship deteriorated day by day due to their unique meticulousness and greed to shake the table. If the two had genuinely supported them, Thomas would not have gone to distant Asia and died.

“Perhaps both of us are being punished for ignoring someone like our father and older brother. Steve is your goddamn friend!”

His long-time competitor and his search for a friend seemed weak for some reason.

Mackay was also admiring Chul-woo’s decision. No matter how hard he tried to cut Chul-woo’s ability and vessel, he was far exceeding his expectations every time.

He showed his strength and gave his opponent one last option. People said it wasn’t to rewrite, but that was only applicable to those who didn’t have control.

Cheol-woo said he would leave all the money management to McKay. He planned to have two people under him to monitor and guarantee his own autonomy.

Although they filled the reins that were invisible to the two, they secured space for them to run wild. And, at least, the more they perform, the more they will try to give them the appropriate authority and rewards.

As friends and rivals, it was obvious that the two would work harder to beat each other. On top of that, Linda only needs to control the excitement of the two of them.

Above all, Steve could never turn down the offer. He must have an eye for recognizing the new boss’s bowl.

And if you hear from Brian about his own experiences… It was like being forced to choose a gun in your mouth openly.

He had no choice but to commit suicide. Mackay continued to ponder on Cheol-woo’s actions, which the more he thought about it, the more he admired it.

While thinking, ‘Will the day come when I will show such dignity (?)?’ I hurriedly began to prepare for the re-opening of the board of directors.

“Are you really going to hand over authority to me?”

The board of directors ended in a snap, as McKay expected. Linda officially became the new owner of G Company.

The agenda decided by the BOD will be reflected in the regular shareholders’ meeting to be held later. This is because it has been proceeding in that way, and with the exception of the new CEO, everything is the same.

During the board meeting, Steve made no comments. He was just faithful to his role as a beggar.

As a result, Linda’s succession of management was passed unanimously. No one could question her qualifications.

After the board meeting was over, Brian led Steve to visit Cheol-woo. Steve, with his shoulders drooping, confirmed the conditions that Cheol-woo suggested through Brian.

“Yeah, no matter how much Linda is the heir, it won’t be easy for her to come of age. At least until then, I want you to lead. Of course, after that, if you like the way you do your work, the position will continue to be yours.”

“How do you think I would believe that…?”

“Don’t get me wrong! This isn’t a matter of what you believe or not believe, it’s a matter of life and death! Do you think that if I lift my hand even now, you will be able to see the sun tomorrow morning?”

“I don’t want Linda to be a workaholic like Thomas. Of course, if she wants to, she will support me lavishly, but . . .”

“We are just agents.”

“It was originally. It’s just that your owners have changed. Still, it’s an official succession by the family, so I don’t want to throw you away with a single knife. Isn’t this something you should be thankful for? What, do you want more?”


“Then swear allegiance.”

Without hesitation, Steve knelt down and took his hand as he sat in the chair with both hands. He even tried to kiss the back of his hand.

“Hey, hey! What else are you doing?”

“Chu, you have been told to swear allegiance…”

“Are you Italian or are you from the Mafia?”

“Did you not know? Me and Brian were both mafia idiots and came to Thomas…”

“…Damn, that’s why an old man like a jambiton was swinging you two at will.”

“Of course, there are times when you need force when doing business, and I always borrowed the hand of the elder Zambito at that time. It was the same with Thomas.”

Steve said it was obvious. There were occasions where direct force could be used in places that could not be seen anywhere in the world. He did not use the word ‘chaebol’, but all the power behaviors of a society that adopted capitalism was there.

“Keep in mind! Your boss is Linda. I just want her to be happy…”

“Yes! I will keep that in mind.”

Hearing their answers, I suddenly remembered Geumryong. He wondered how long he could last if he brought him here…

Then Linda came into the room. It was the turn of the secret succession ceremony here once again.

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