115: Take control and see (4)

“Wow! What else is this?”

“Shhh quiet! Right now, we are engaged in a car chase.”

“What, what? With whom and why?”

It was Brian who was beaten by Cheol-woo and passed out while whining that he was scared when he tried to escape on a rope from the roof of a five-story building. When he came to his senses, the cars around him were crashing into the truck like crazy.

Up until now, he was proud that he had lived a life of hard work. However, after he met Cheol-woo, things he had never imagined before were happening.

A world full of blood and fighting between cars. It was even doubtful whether this was New York, where he had lived until now.

I felt like I was going to have a panic disorder right away. Now he was in a state in need of emotional rest before he could survive.

Boo! Cuckoo! Hairy! Gee geek! Whoops!

The group of Hook-chung desperately blocked Cheol-woo’s truck, which was out of their control, and tried to stop. However, the difference in weight alone was not enough for them to do anything about.

The high-powered German-made engines used in armored vehicles and tanks were enough to push away everything in the vicinity. Like a lion herding a herd of zebras, he played with four vehicles by himself.


“I warn you, if you vomit in the bag in the back seat, you will throw it out of the car!”

“Ugh! Is this poetry, a corpse bag?”

Brian couldn’t stand the sudden movement of the car and started to get car sick. But he couldn’t stick his head out the window.

It was a situation in which the whole head could be blown away if it was made a mistake. He barely covered his mouth with his hand, desperately preventing it from going down his throat.

At that moment, Cheol-woo gave a sharp warning. Following his words, I unintentionally looked at the seat next to me and found a long, black, human-shaped bag lying on the seat where he was lying.

Brian groaned and walked away from the bag. He didn’t even think the bag would contain his favorite cash.

Boo Woong! Tang, right!

Puck, Puck Puck!

Knowing that the car they rode could never defeat Cheol-Woo’s truck, they began to open fire. Seeing them pull out their guns as they cross the sparsely populated subway depot, they seemed more thoughtful than the MS-13.


“Damn, I’m going to die like this!”

“It’s tough…”

Brian bowed his head tightly at the sudden gunshot and trembled. A truck approaching from the opposite lane was startled by the sound of gunfire and slowed down.

Cheol-woo stopped the truck on the right side of the road. Then, with a gun in his left hand, he pulled it out of his car window and fired at 8 o’clock without aiming.

bang! pop! Cheeky! Kudang!

The bullets aimed at the front wheels of their cars flew and hit them without a hitch. While driving, one of the wheels exploded and the car staggered, and the car of a colleague who was running from behind was also picked up.

bang! pop! profit!

This time, it was aimed at the front wheel of the car following from directly behind. The car behind him hurriedly braked as the innocent bullet hit again.

The collision with the wall of the overpass was barely avoided, but even a truck that was coming from the opposite side could not be avoided. A truck crossing the lane to avoid a collision with cars in the opposite lane collided with a stopped vehicle.

Aww! Crisp! Snuggle up!

The front of the car was smashed and the car turned one revolution. The truck’s slowing didn’t lead to a major accident, but their car was literally scrapped.

bang! Crisp! Boo woo woo!

Now there was only one vehicle left. There was a person in the car named by the Warrior as Hookchung’s vice-boss.

Cheol-woo fired a shot at the car running in front of the monster truck. Then the rear window of the car was broken, and the car of the startled ones recklessly accelerated.

“Did you deliberately shoot off?”

“No, you got it right. On the window …”

“I mean, I didn’t do any fatal damage to the rest. Intentionally···.”

“Whoa! Aren’t you curious about where Hookchung’s headquarters is?”

“Are you saying you’re going to do the reverse now?”

“no! Was that what you were trying to do in the first place?”

Cheol-woo put down his gun and answered with a smirk. The car’s rear window was broken and the car was running away.

Cheol-woo leisurely started chasing while raising his slightly flowing sunglasses. The vehicle that received the left turn ignoring the signal entered Queens Boulevard.

Farokaway was the place for those who ran away to let their engines explode. It was like an island on the outskirts of a wildlife sanctuary between John F. Kennedy Airport and the North Atlantic Ocean.

The scenery I saw while following them from a distance felt like I was driving the road towards Dongducheon. There was a two-story wooden house, and the fence was all surrounded by something like iron bars.

Occasionally, I saw a house with a barbed wire installed on the wall of a military base or a prison. It felt like a mouse was running down a narrow road in a quiet country town, but this place was also a part of New York.

“Paul, have you been to this town?”

“No, I was young when I lived in New York. At that time, I couldn’t even dare to come to a place like this. Manhattan is the only New York that the world knows about, but in reality, there are places like this on the outskirts of the city. Harlem is just one of them. Rather, the people who live there are wealthier than here.”

“Brian, are you?”

“I’m from Queens, but it’s my first time in a neighborhood like this. It definitely reminds me of the past… It’s just like the town I used to live in. Damn, when will we ever be able to redevelop a town like this? Hey, Boss! You use your strength.”

“Why are you driving everyone out of here…?”

Cheol-woo accepted Brian’s words as a joke. Brian answered with a grin in response to his crooked question.

“flaw! What about redevelopment? The reason Harlem has a lower crime rate than before is because the middle class has flowed in through redevelopment. The ‘broken windows theory’ and everything they say is just the delusion of scholars. Doesn’t the environment get better when money goes in? Isn’t that right, Paul?”

“I am from that Harlem. The redevelopment forced our house to be pushed farther outward. Harlem may have a lower crime rate, but that’s not a fundamental solution. Because somewhere, crime is going to be more prevalent anyway. Continued by people who have been driven out with no money, no home…”

It was when the two had a heated discussion about redevelopment. The car reflected in Cheol-woo’s retina stopped at a dead end.

“Wow! A lot of people here might die. Children, you have saved a hideout well. Huh!”

“I agree. If you go all the way to the Atlantic Ocean on the left from here, you will find the Bermuda Triangle.”

The car was moving more and more into a remote island-like place. Abandoned houses, thick forests and damp swamps stretched out by the roadside.

I thought that maybe the whole town was a hideout for Hookchung. It was such an atmosphere that there was nothing strange about suddenly firing guns from all directions.

Queek! Bump!

Cheol-woo stopped the car on one side of the road. A group of people, who were very nervous, looked suspiciously at his actions.

“I will walk from here. Because it is a secluded road, if you enter by car, the road is blocked and you may not be able to get out.”

“Have you been here before?”

“No, but just looking at it, it’s a lonely road. I don’t think there’s anywhere else to go unless the car runs on the sea.”

“Me, should I get off too?”

Brian said, leaning heavily on himself. He originally thought he was attending the Manhattan board of directors around this time.

But the reality was that he was parked at the entrance of a spooky town. After meeting Thomas, he lived a luxurious life, but he did not have the courage to go out.

“The two of you are waiting here. If the tail runs, it will only get in the way.”

“Damn, if only I was ten years younger…”

Cheol-woo said as he grabbed his weapon. Brian was relieved at his words, and Paul was sad.

As a soldier and a mercenary, there was nothing in the world to be afraid of when traveling around the world. But after the injury, he was no longer the man he used to be.

Paul wasn’t foolish enough to be rude in a place like this. He was now nothing more than a piece of junk living in the city as a security guard. He lamented that he had become so rusty before he knew it, and he bit his taste buds bitterly.

There were three ways to get here from Queens to Parokaway. All of them had to cross rivers and seas.

It was, in fact, an island, a secluded place. There were so few people.

There was Rockaway Beach on the other side, but it was so secluded and quiet. It’s like Eurwang-ri Beach in the off-season.

No matter how I looked at it, New York felt like a region that included Seoul and parts of Gyeonggi-do. New York was a noisy, messier, and more dangerous place than Seoul.

Anyway, I never thought of coming here with my family. New York was just a good place to make money.

[There are 42 people in a three-story building.]

‘Damn, there are a lot of filthy bastards here too.’

At the end of the road, there was a plausible three-story building. And a car with a broken rear window in front of it was parked along with other cars.

The building was cracked in several places, and paint was peeling all over the place. He looked so gloomy that anyone would think, ‘This is the den of bad guys.’

What was unusual was that there were several ropes for escape from the roof of the building. Half of the windows in the building were also broken, so it seemed like an easy way out if you wanted to.

Besides, behind the building was a forest. The forest covered with darkness enough to make you wonder ‘how many were buried there?’ was the best escape route.

And past that forest was Jamaica Bay. It was a wild animal sanctuary, so there was no human footsteps in this natural area.

If you throw a corpse over there, the fish will take care of it, and if you make up your mind to hide, it will be the best hiding place for a large number of people to even dare to find. It was a famous place with all the best conditions for a crime den.

As an overseas Chinese, he was very sensitive to feng shui. There was no doubt that this was the base of Houkchung.

Then I got a call from McKay. I was reluctant to answer the phone directly, so I connected through a warrior.

“Boss, I think the board of directors will start in a little bit. Where are you?”

“Parocaway! It’s probably going to be Hook Chung’s home base.”

McKay, who did not know English, was silent. Cheol-woo stopped his steps and asked him.

“Who is leading the board of directors?”

“This is Steve Wilson. He must have betrayed us.”

“What about Brian’s bastards?”

“I do complain, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect.”

“…have the bonds arrived?”

“Not yet. We got a call that we would arrive in about 20 minutes, but we don’t have time to negotiate or make a deal in advance.”

There was a sense of urgency in McKay’s voice. She tried not to show her emotions as much as possible, but it seemed that she couldn’t hide her impatience.

All of Linda’s fortune was at stake in this bout. As it is a property of denial recognized worldwide, there was no choice but to play a bloody battle that no one would back down.

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