112: Take control and see (1)

“It was a great response. Where are you from?”

Despite Cheol-woo’s praise, the black man remained silent. He had an expression on his face that he could not yet accept that the defense plan he had made was so futilely broken.

“From a style point of view, it doesn’t seem to be on the navy side, Delta Force or Green Beret…?”

“…from Delta Force.”

“…then do you know Fred?”

“Fred, are you talking about Fred the donkey?”

“Yeah, right. Stinky Donkey Fred. Maybe Paul, who says you are bodyguard at Chelsea?”

“…you know me. Did Fred tell you?”

Cheol-woo raised the gun he was aiming for. Seeing this, Paul asked with a smirk in his eyes.

“You must be from the Navy Seal? We don’t usually have the muzzle pointing upwards. Whoops!”

Paul said as he struggled to get his big body up. And at that moment, he suddenly rolled his body from a kneeling position and ran towards Cheol-woo’s leg.


Cheol-woo had already predicted that he would be like that. Even if this side has no intention of attacking, it was right for a professional to try to take control of the situation until the end.

It was a decision to kill and live, and then to decide. He had to never entrust his life to someone else for even a single moment.

That was the attitude and spirit of a professional. Cheol-woo really liked Paul’s attitude.

Whik! Degururu!

Paul’s attitude and spirit were perfect, but his damn body was in trouble. I couldn’t act agile until I gained weight like that.

It really looked like a bear rolling around. With a movement so slow that it made him yawn, he could never even touch the collar of Cheol-woo.

puck! gagging! Boo Woong! Kudang!

Chul-woo kicked Paul’s body, which was rolling with his enormous weight as a weapon, with one foot. Paul believed only in his massive body and did his job, but his opponent’s strength was far beyond what he had predicted.

He experienced a levitation he had never experienced in his life. Although he was tediously trained in karate, he only floated on the ground once or twice after he was born.

He flew in the opposite direction with the rolling momentum and rolled back under the desk. The wind smashed two legs of the desk, which had been working fine.

“Gagging! Shibal, it hurts so badly. Damn it, surrender. surrender!”

Struggling with his body, he spewed blood from his mouth. With just one kick, I could feel how strong the human standing in front of me was.

“Hey, Brian. It seems like my abilities are over here. I couldn’t protect you until the end, so I won’t take the rest. I’m sorry.”

Brian stood still with his hands raised behind his head. He finished off his half-white hair that had been turned all-white in the back of his head.

He looked like a western-style cowboy. At first glance, he looked like Mexican, but his thick skin was close to white. He even had a long mustache, so he was a mexican man who only wore a wide-brimmed hat.

Brian’s eyes widened. In the blink of an eye, the workshop went back and forth, and I watched as Paul, whom I trusted, surrendered while floating his body.

As far as he knew, it was difficult to find a person who was better at security than a writer named Paul. Seeing him give up willingly, I realized that the person in front of me was at least different from the gangs in New York.

“What do you want? My property, my status? I hope you don’t want my body. Huh!”

“I think I’ll have to borrow some from your snout first.”

“Hey, deep kissing with a man is the norm…”

A person named Brian was full of leeway even in this situation. Or maybe he just jokes around and wants to look relaxed.

Anyway, I liked his attitude. Because people who sluggish like this are more tenacious than those who pretend to be strong.

“You can have a deep kiss with Linda, so don’t worry about that…”

“Linda, Linda Grace? Man, you were from Linda’s side. After all, even if it rots, it’s Junchi, right? Even if Thomas died, he would have closed his eyes comfortably. Huh!”

“No, if I had known you were going to hit the back of the head like this, you would have jumped out of the fire. is not it?”

“Did I betray you? you’re welcome···. It was Steve’s side who betrayed him. That motherfucker tried to surprise me, and I was just hiding here to save my life…”

Cheol-woo’s expression twisted violently at the whispered words. Then he spit and screamed.

His eyes were full of hostility. Whatever the case, there was a strong antagonism between him and a man named Steve Wilson.

“You two are on your own. I want Linda to take over her management safely!”

“Looks like Steve was flirting with him. I told her that I heard her revolt.”

“So isn’t it?”

“Well, you could say it’s half right. Because I had no intention of swearing allegiance politely from the beginning. However, I’m not the type of person who’s been smitten enough to beat betrayal without end. Because I was the one who followed Thomas more. Not Steve, but me…”

Sparks flew out of Brian’s eyes as he spoke. Still, there was no hesitation in what he said.

You won’t be able to say that confidently until after you’ve not memorized the script. At least he said he believed he was not a traitor.

Of course, the best scammers were those who deceived themselves. Until the moment he died, he had seen a number of people calling out to him that he was innocent.

Then, in many cases, evidence came after death. Most of them were proof that they were the real bad guys.

“You say things like that to get rid of the mafia outside. Are you going to say that they are so moved by your loyalty that they protect you with guns like that?”

“Well, that’s…. I had no choice but to live. Because Steve has been rumoring me for a long time as a Zambito nerd. Of course, Thomas believed in me until the end. As long as he’s dead, I…”

“I have no interest in your sincerity or loyalty. However, it’s just my interest to know who she’s going to be her strength right now. How about you?”

“flaw! What do I want in this situation? I’m the kind of person who thinks that there is no faith to exchange for life. From that time when I was a bum.”

Even in this situation, he smiled proudly. At the same time, he was saying that a dog-like life was the most important thing.

This person has been around for a really long time. He was the kind of person who lived and behaved the way he wanted.

Ironically, these humans are more likely to succeed and gain a high reputation. People were enthusiastic about his naive words, and tried to follow the illusions they threw out.

“Shut up that little snout and call me! And tell me you support Linda.”

“Then what is the benefit to me?”

“I’m not asking because I don’t know. That the time you can breathe becomes that much longer…”

Cheol-woo lowered his gun again and said lowly. His eyes were smiling like a joke, but everyone in the room could feel his sincerity.

“Damn, is my chance of independence flying away like this? It’s like fucking Thomas. If there was a back boat like this, I would tell you sooner.”

He groaned and lowered his arms. Then he carefully shoved his hand inside the top.

The other hand continued to be raised, signaling that he had no intention of rebelling. He slowly got out of his arms and turned on his cell phone and dialed the speed dial.

“It’s me! How was the conference hall?”

The unintelligible call continued for a long time. Of course, the Warrior was checking all the details. The stories said Brian nodded his head and looked at Cheol-woo.

“It looks like an emergency board of directors is convening. After all, Steve, that bastard is using my excuses to devour the company. Huh!”

“But what if you held up Linda’s hand at that moment?”

“like! You must see Steve’s poopy expression, yes. Huh!”

“Then tell me to do that!”

“Hey! I’m totally on Linda’s side. Make sure you vote that way, unless instructed otherwise. okay! I will go there too. Make sure you’re betting on Steve. Huh!”

He looked at Cheolwoo and winked. This kid had a knack for making serious situations funny.

“Don’t hang up and ask for a Mackay change.”

“Who, McKay? ah! Are you talking about Mackay on the financial side? Did he join us too? Good job. Even Steve can’t go wild anymore.”

He trembled as if he had already become a team. Trying to secure his life with such light words and deeds was also a feat.

“You want a change?”

“Then put the phone gently on the table!”

Brian’s expression hardened as he spoke coldly. He felt that his life had not yet been secured.

“Mackay? It’s me!”

“boss. I knew I was going to get Brian, but I didn’t expect it to end so quickly. Whoops!”

“Do you still have some time?”

“Yeah, I thought there was going to be an emergency board meeting, so I laid down a number of obstacles ahead of time. It would take two hours to get them all removed.”

“What is the expected voting result?”

“If Bryan raises our hand, we will have a slight lead. However, when I came here, I noticed that there were more centrists than I expected. It would be hard to be optimistic if they had a different mind.”

“Is there anyone who would trade their rights for bearer bonds?”

“. All actions are for profit. If the price is the same, wouldn’t it be the basics of investing to move toward the less risky side?”

“Okay, let me take the bearer bond and go there. Find the ones you sell.”

“All right!”

Cheol-woo hung up the phone and put the phone back on the table. Brian grinned as he grabbed the phone again.

“It’s a bearer bond. Then the result would not be obvious.”

“Okay, now you can comfortably close your eyes.”

“I don’t want you to make such cruel jokes. My goal is to live until I poop on the walls…”

“Then what are you going to give me? You’re not trying to say that your life isn’t worth a penny, are you?”

“Damn, I think I met a very strong boss this time. Okay, I’m loyal to you. Just like I did with Thomas. I will work like a cow and follow like a dog. Is this enough?”

“Well, all right! Instead, think of and follow Linda like me.”

“Miss Linda is very clever, but she still lacks a lot to take care of us…?”

“I want you to fill that gap! Or why would I use you? A person who will betray you if you leave.”

“Damn it, then I have a lot of work to do. Huh!”

“It’s not up to me…”

Brian laughed at his answer. It was because of his answer that did not show even the slightest hint of responsibility.

If such a person becomes their boss, they will want to throw things away right away. But for that to happen, he has to risk his life.

His dark future was clearly visible. In addition to the share she had played so far, the figure of herself who was going to roll hard, unfolded in her mind like a fantasy.

“Then, we don’t need the mafia outside anymore, right?”

“Sheesh, what do you know? After all, that old man, Zambito, must be just like you…”

“Then let’s wipe it out and go to the office! Paul, can you move?”

“Don’t worry, show! Are your legs still intact?”

Paul, who had been listening to what was going on, answered, revealing his white teeth. After examining his condition, Cheol-woo called for Pablo, who was still shooting hard.

The gunshots that had been flirting outside were now running towards the end.

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