104: Do it once and see (1)

“Hook-chung. The Master is still unaware that the Chinese were involved. It’s because I’m blocking information in the middle.”

With an expression of helplessness, Dario confessed to the faction that Zambito supported. While showing off how much he is covering Zambito’s eyes and ears in the middle…

“Does Zambito really not know about that?”

“I know what you are worried about, but the Master will never know. I’m the one who’s been with the Master all my life. His intentions are known from one to ten.”

“Then what?”

Dario said firmly. If he denied it, he had a wretched face as if the work he had devoted his life to would collapse.

Cheol-woo also kept an eye on him and said nothing. But his doubts did not fade.

Dario was the one who wore the husk of an ally and was taken hostage. It was strange that he used such a person as a butler and treated him like a servant.

According to Dario, Jambito was a person who looked ahead several decades and prepared a piggy bank to be used as an emergency fund.

Did such a prudent person really consider Dario to be his own limb? And you really didn’t know what Dario was doing?

It was Cheol-woo, who had met quite a few squirrels who were said to be the best in the world before returning. What they had in common was that they never trusted others.

Dario firmly believed that he could see through Zambito’s thoughts. But can a person who has never reached the peak understand the thoughts of a person who has reached the top?

It was no different than saying that a person who has never tried to murder completely understands the thoughts and feelings of a murderer. Of course, it wouldn’t be very impossible, but in Cheol-woo’s eyes, Dario wasn’t like that.

It was a mistake for me to run here for my nephew right away. Of course, there was a reason for coming to deliver Zambito’s message.

But if he had been Zambito, he would never have sent Dario to this place. It was not a matter of faith. I should have sent someone other than Dario, even for Hana.

But in the end it was Dario who came here. So, with what intention did Zambito send him?

After Chul-woo thought for a moment, the surroundings became quiet. No one dared to break his silence.

“Oh, this is very rude. With the guests in front… haha!”

After a while, Cheol-woo, who woke up from his thoughts, apologized with a humble smile. But Dario didn’t care much.

“It’s okay. But you look exactly like the Master of your youth.”

“yes? I’m pure Korean, not even 1% of Italian descent…?”

“No, I’m talking about the atmosphere. The atmosphere that draws people around and the way he is immersed in thought is exactly like the master in his youth. Perhaps the Master will be very happy to see you.”

“Is that so? Whoops!”

The expression of love and hate crossed Dario’s face. The owner, who has served him all his life, was the hero of his youth and the enemy of today.

His expression showed that his affection for him was as great as his hatred. He also felt the pressure to destroy the figure with his own hands . . .

“Tell me again. Master has no intention of giving up Miss Linda. I was originally going to tie him up with that ugly bastard, but now he knew that was impossible.”

Linda trembled at his words. Then, as if instinctively, she grabbed Cheol-woo’s arm with her hand.

Pietro’s intentions were already known. And before the conspiracy, I instinctively hated that grumpy guy…

“Is that because of me…?”

“No, because of MS-13. They started moving first. Haven’t we already met while crossing the Hellgate?”

“Aha! Those guys were MS-13. How can they be clumsy and like gasoline…”

It was said that they were also targeting Linda. Linda, who was pretty and wealthy, was after all around the world.

“But what about it? This girl is already mine…”


Cheol-woo wrapped one arm around Linda’s shoulder and kissed her on the cheek. Her expression, which had been hardened as she listened to Dario’s words, quickly turned red.

“This is nothing, there is nothing to negotiate. Because I don’t want to breathe the same air as my bastards. Let’s go to war! We will send them all to the goal in a short time.”

“It’s such a hasty decision…”

“This is a notice, not a decision. Notice that there is no room for negotiation. Go and tell Zambito. Don’t even think about flirting with someone else’s girl. Then you can hit your head in the coffin… For those bastards who are MS or something…, that’s what I tell myself. After all, I was going to give you a reward for the grand welcome.”

“Are you really confident that you can handle both at the same time? They are the strong and the bad guys even in New York!”

“Do you know why I came to New York? Of course, the first reason is to protect our Linda. But there is also a second reason.”

“Second… what is that?”

“I want to test how far I can go. I wonder how well my skills will work in this world…”

Cheol-woo held Linda in one hand, crossed her legs, and said loudly. From his wide-open chest, his aspirations welled up.

“Whoa! This is something I didn’t see very well. Correct, you’re not the master you were when you were young. He had never said such a crazy thing.”

“Again, I don’t have even 1% of italian blood. The only thing I look like is my father. What else would you like to do?”

“What do you mean?”

“What would you like? It’s an alliance with us.”

Cheol-woo said, kissing Linda’s forehead with ‘powder’. She was smiling happily as if she was listening to her talk about another world.

“You’re crazy even if you’re crazy. Are you just going to fight the two factions with that?”

“Well, if it doesn’t go well, would you rather die? And if I’m at that level, it will be difficult for the other person to survive.”

“It looks like I didn’t pick a hand well. I also have to re-establish my resolve. haha!”

“It was already late. The fact that you came in front of me means that you have already made up your mind to go all the way…”

“her! I can’t hide it in front of you. Huh! I’m already old trash. I will discuss the future with Pietro and decide.”

“…well, shall we just turn it on? I think my head hurts a little…”

“Just treat it as an alliance handicap. He’s ugly, but he’s the future of our family. Please allow me to see my older brother who died in prison proudly in my other world. That’s the old man’s last wish.”

Dario said pleadingly. Unfortunately, the dubious was his last hope.

His determination could be read from that desperate look. He, too, knew that Zambito was suspicious of him.

The loud noise in front was just bluffing for negotiation. The eyes of those who were ready for his death had seen it many times. Unfortunately, their determination had no effect on the general public…

Dario took Pietro and left. McKay also returned home, promising to visit again tomorrow morning.

Fred and Eddie stayed in the guest room, just in case. Cheol-woo, who came into the bedroom, sat on a wide chair with his back, contemplating which one to kill first.

After taking a shower, Linda opened the bathroom door and came out. Dressed in only her thin gown, she walked without hesitation and knelt in front of her chair where he was sitting.

She placed her arms on his knees. Then she carefully placed her head on the arm.

Cheol-woo had unreasonable expectations for her daring behavior. Since she is still with a daring Western woman, she had high expectations.

If I had expected something like this from Dain or Hwaryeong, it was clear that I would only get rid of swear words. The night was clearly dominated by him, so he didn’t know why he had to keep an eye on them.

“Huh! Bey, what is your true identity?”

“What are you talking about, are you really me?”

Contrary to expectations, a sigh escaped from her mouth as she leaned her head back. She then revealed the questions she had in her mind.

“You don’t know me as a fool, do you? You can’t be just an ordinary Korean office worker. Of course, thank you for saving me from the airport. And I trust you more than I do. But I’m very curious about your identity. Your past and your purpose for coming here…”

“That is what you misunderstood. As you know, Korea is still in a truce. That’s why Korean men are compulsorily dragged into the military (?). As you can see, I went to the toughest place because I was in very good shape. I think it’s special forces, like Delta Force or Navy Seal…?”

“Pak. strong. de…?”

“ah! You should be deceived by Koreans saying that it is very dirty and difficult. I can’t express that feeling in English. Anyway, I’ve been wallowing in places like that. Of course, I also played in practice several times. Men like me are all over Korea. Among them, I am very special, though.”

While talking, Cheol-woo gently stroked her hair. She enjoyed his touch without hesitation. As she said, her gestures showed that he trusted Cheol-woo more than herself.

“Can you really believe that, that there are people like you in Korea…?”

“It’s not like it’s all over the place, it’s probably the right expression to say that it’s embedded in the elements. They call them reservists. haha!”

She won’t be able to understand this joke. Besides, it’s hard to believe that even if you give tanks or self-propelled artillery to the full-bodied men on the street, they can operate enough…

“blood! So, what’s your purpose here? Of course, I know it’s for me, but as you said before, is there another reason?”

“Hey, are you disappointed with my words? When I said that I came here to test my skills…?”

“No, I was relieved. That you didn’t come here because of me… I don’t want to be your burden. I just want to be someone who gives love and joy.”

Linda brought out the story she had hidden inside. Chul-woo was the only one she could rely on in her sudden death of her father.

And he did not disappoint her expectations. He acted recklessly, sometimes ruthlessly against his enemies.

At first, he was afraid of what he didn’t know. But from the moment she arrived at the airport, she fell in love with his extremeness.

The enemies targeting her were ferocious and tenacious. She was never a well-bred, educated aristocrat who would save her from those ferocious beasts.

Like a seasoned hunter, Cheol-woo defeated the beasts that preyed on her. He was truly a prince who saved her from her crisis.

“I don’t want to see you die or get hurt because of me. If you are in danger, you can throw away all of this property. If so, will you leave me?”

Her eyes were moist as she looked up at him from her lap. Seeing her as if she was a girl begging for her love, he lifted her up and put her on her lap. And after he kissed her deep on her lips, he said firmly.

“Linda. As you can see, I have some fortune. Of course, it’s not as great a fortune as your father… You know I’m not protecting you because of money i won’t give up on you Of course, I won’t let you go…”

Linda’s face turned red at his firm words. And in the end, even the tears I had been holding back were shed.

But her eyes were full of joy. She opened her fresh lips and called out his name in her soft voice.

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