Studying Science in the Alternate World

Chapter 352: Sky Arcana Mage

Chapter 352 Sky Arcana Mage

 “You want to grow a brain?”

 Duke looked at the wise man in front of him with some surprise.

"Yes, the knowledge of spiritual arcana is like a big explosion now. It is increasing like crazy. It is difficult for me to handle it anymore." Shell Wise said warmly, "I have already told Chief Director Theia to look for a new tower. The spirit shares the burden for me.”

"You can just find the tower spirit to help you share the burden. Why do you need to fuse the light brain into your brain?" Duke was a little confused.

 The idea of ​​the Shell Wise Man is a bit whimsical. He actually wants to merge with the optical brain and let the optical brain become its brain.

In this way, we can use the powerful computing power of the optical brain to process all the information of the Offa Tower.

But Duke has concerns in his heart. He does have the idea of ​​​​building an AI intelligent brain. In the future, he will build some intelligence similar to "Xiao Ai", "Tmall Elf", and "Alpha Dog", but that is not to create Self-aware robots.

It just uses this kind of artificial intelligence, like Xiaoyi, to assist arcane mages to better control spiritual arcana.

Moreover, he regards the Shell Wise Men as equal intelligent beings and does not want the Shell Wise Men to integrate into the network.

"Ever since I was discovered by humans, I have quickly integrated with the Tower of Offa. During these thousand years, I have been managing all the information on the Tower of Offa... However, I am also afraid that I will gradually be eliminated by the spiritual arcana. , no longer needed.”

Hu Zhizhe spoke calmly, with a calm tone, but there was a trace of sadness in his words.

 The ancient spirits are not human beings after all and cannot truly integrate into humans.

 Before the Shell Wise Man was discovered by humans, he was just a confused spirit body, accompanying wild beasts. It was only when he was discovered by humans and merged into a tower spirit that he saw what civilization was. And he placed all his trust in the Tower of Offa.

 I thought that it would be like this for the rest of my life, accompanying Offa Tower until the end of time.

It’s just that the amount of spiritual arcane data stored in the Offa Tower is increasing, and coupled with the development of the Ring of Wisdom, the light brain is directly connected to the Offa Tower.

Gradually, Hu Zhizi discovered that his status has been continuously diluted, and over time, he may be completely marginalized.

"I regard myself as the recorder of spiritual arcana. When I can no longer completely record the information of spiritual arcana for mankind, I know..." The wise man Shell said leisurely, "It's time to make changes, otherwise I will will be abandoned by the times.”

"No one will abandon you, Shell Sage, you have integrated with the spiritual arcana of the Seven Towers Federation." Duke comforted.


 “Trust me, yes.” Duke reassured, letting the Shell Wise Man stabilize first.

 As for the integration of the Shell Wise Man with the Light Brain, he had to convene a meeting of the stars and discuss it with the stars to ensure safety.

After all, once the ancient spirit is integrated with the optical brain, it is equivalent to becoming a "god" on the Internet. It can swim around the entire Internet, and even use the Internet to continuously iteratively evolve itself, and eventually evolve into an omnipotent existence.

Just like the 550W that almost wiped out mankind in the movie "The Wandering Earth 2" he watched on Earth.

Perhaps one day, the wise men in the shell will be like 550W and feel that in order to continue human civilization, we must first destroy mankind...

 At that time, it would be embarrassing.

 Before convening the meeting of stars, Duke first discussed with Selsus: "Sir, do you think this is feasible?"

"I didn't expect that the Shell Wise Man would have such an idea." Selsus didn't know much about this. "The development of the Ring of Wisdom is far beyond my expectation. However, the issues you are worried about may not be true in my opinion. What a big deal.”

 “Oh, why?”

"First, before the Shell Wise Man became the tower spirit of the Offa Tower, he had already concluded a contract, and it was restricted by the contract. It would not harm humans. Second, even if the Shell Wise Man was truly integrated into the optical brain, it would be nothing more than a human being. It’s just one more arcane weapon.”

Seersus shook his head and continued: "The ancient spirit is a living creature after all, and the law of life also restricts it. It is impossible to survive on the Internet... When consciousness is separated from the carrier, there is only one way back to the real spiritual sea."

"Is that so?" Duke nodded, "I hope I am worrying too much."

“Actually, I am very pleased that you can take this into consideration. In the future, spiritual arcana will be developed under your leadership. Only by thinking more about problems can we find out and fill in the gaps, and put spiritual arcana on the right path and develop rapidly.”

 After communicating with Thersus, at the meeting of the stars, most of the stars agreed to give the Shell Wise some brains.

 The stars have transformed into levels of life, and have a deeper understanding of the laws of life and consciousness.

 So I’m not worried about the wise men growing their brains.

After the meeting, Duke went directly to the Shell Wise Man and told him the good news: "Shell Wise Man, the stars have unanimously decided to allow you to integrate the optical brain and connect yourself to the Internet."

 “That’s great.” The wise man smiled.

"But I plan to take a two-step approach to your fusion of light and brain."

 “Duke, please speak.”

"The first step is to build a super brain in the Offa Tower and connect it to the Offa Tower. This way you can use the super brain to go online and sort out the information on spiritual arcana." Duke expressed his thoughts, “But this step is ultimately a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution.”

"Yes." The wise man in the shell replied, "There is a light brain in the Offa Tower. I have tried to touch the network cable, but I cannot process the information transmitted by the ring of light."

"So you use the super brain to assist first and give it a try." Duke said, "When I find a proper solution, I will integrate you with the optical brain. You can be directly connected to the Internet and quickly process the explosive growth of spirituality. Arcane knowledge.”

 “Then please leave it to Duke.” The Shell Wise Man waved his tentacles gently.

Constructing a super-brain in the Tower of Offa is exactly what the title implies. This holy place of spiritual arcana would be difficult to keep up with the development of the times without a super-brain to process data.


 Soon, a superbrain center named "Tangchi" was built in the Supreme Tower of Arcana. Since there is no need to consider the volume issue, only three generations of optical cores can be used for stacking. The construction speed is very fast and it was completed in less than half a year.

The completion of the Tangchi Super Brain and the fusion of several new tower spirits have allowed the Shell Wise Man to process the data of the Offa Tower with ease again.

“I feel very comfortable now.” Hu Zhizhi was very satisfied with Tangchi Super Brain, “But unfortunately, it is not my brain, it is just a tool.”

 At this stage, the assistance of the Super Brain and the Tower Spirit have indeed allowed the Shell Wise Man to maintain the operation of the Offa Tower.

But in the foreseeable future, with the further explosion of spiritual arcana, sooner or later the Shell Wise Man will fall into the embarrassment of being powerless.

“Don’t worry, Shell Sage, I will definitely help you grow a brain in the future!” Duke promised with a smile.

 “Well, I’m waiting.”

  Farewell to the Shell Wise Man, Duke also dispersed his clones, and his consciousness returned to Oak Tooth Mountain.

In midsummer, Oak Tooth Mountain is in a prosperous state. The branches and leaves of the ancestor of the oak tree cover the sky and the sun, and Ji Yulu is like a small bulge, nestling next to the ancestor of the oak tree. These two 3-ring big elf tree kings really make Lingya Mountain feel fairy-like.


The fundamental reason for the floating fairy aura is Duke's burning of spiritual crystals regardless of cost, providing Oak Tooth Mountain with rich spiritual particles.

 Otherwise, without spiritual particle sorting, the two Elf Tree Kings will "starve" to death sooner or later.

"The times are changing so fast." Duke stood in front of the window, looking at Cuihai City in the distance. Although Oak Tooth Mountain and Duke's Sage Mage Tower are not high, their combined height is enough to overlook the entire city. Panoramic view, nothing is missed.

 This is also the reason why he chose to build his mage tower here.

At this moment, Cuihai City is not the shabby appearance it was when it was first built. Instead, it is a large city with a population of nearly three million, which is only over one million less than Shenjiao City.

Over the years, Cuihai City has continued to encourage childbirth and at the same time continued to absorb immigrants from outside, resulting in its current prosperous scene.

 The streets are busy with traffic, and countless cars and shuttles of novel styles are shuttling quickly.

The overpass crosses every street, with both vehicular and pedestrian roads, as well as special paths for spiritual animals to run around. A criss-crossing but orderly transportation network has been formed, connecting every high-rise building in series.

 Coupled with the fancy big screens and floor lighting.

Cuihai City is just like a sci-fi metropolis in the cyberpunk style, but the only difference is that the greening of Cuihai City is quite good.

Tall trees are dotted between the buildings, making the fussiness caused by the colorful colors less and adding a touch of freshness and nature.

The factories with billowing black smoke exist naturally, but they are blown away by the constant wind attribute magic outside the Green Sea Valley, and are quickly purified by this vibrant nature. There will be no long-term pollution or damage to the ecology.

 Duke looked far into the distance.

 You can see a spider-like puppet on the exterior glass of a building, climbing quickly and constantly releasing 1-ring arcane spells for cleaning operations.

At the same time, you can also see a Qi Refiner on the street, suddenly chanting a spell and releasing a palm-sized growth totem.

This growth totem is attached to a newly transplanted sapling. The sapling quickly grew into a large tree at a speed visible to the naked eye, which is about the same size as the surrounding street trees. The Qi Refiner climbed onto the branches of the big tree and continued to use the growth totem to fine-tune the tree.

 Make sure that the big trees grow lushly and have a special shape to form a truly beautiful landscape.


 A group of knights riding black leopards galloped past the galloping road. They wore uniform black standard leather armor, and uniformly hung standard lightsabers at their waists.

This is the Black Patrol.

 After the vigorous development of the Ring of Phantom Beasts, the number of 1st-level great knights can be said to be rampant.

 So Cuihai City chose to domesticate and cultivate a large number of 1-ring spirit beasts - thin-cheeked panthers, and then the knights made contracts with the thin-cheeked panther cubs. Then a unified first-level knight was trained, riding a unified black leopard to maintain city security.

The black mounted patrol team riding on black panthers had just passed by, and suddenly a new group of knights flew in between the buildings above the galloping road.

These knights all ride the 2nd ring spirit beast - Blue Eyed Falcon.

"Well, the Wind Cavalry Patrol Team." Duke smiled slightly. If the Black Cavalry Patrol Team just now were ordinary policemen, then this Wind Cavalry Patrol Team is similar to the armed police. Although they are all 1st ring knights, their mounts are 2nd level after all. Ring spirit beasts are naturally stronger.

Of course, the Wind Riders are actually a group of eliminated Grand Knights.

Cuihai City officials tamed the Blue-Eyed Falcon, not to train this group of wind patrols, but to train phantom wind troopers.

 2nd Ring Spirit Beast - Blue-Eyed Falcon If properly cultivated, it can evolve into 2nd Ring Phantom Beast - Divine Eye Falcon. This phantom beast can fuse with the knight, thereby greatly strengthening the knight's power and giving the knight the ability to fly. Such 2-level fantasy beast knights form Cuihai City's powerful mobile force - the Phantom Wind Warriors.

 The 2nd-level Phantom Beast Knight, wearing a 3rd-level lightsaber, has a combat effectiveness that cannot be underestimated, and the Phantom Wind Warrior is faster.

 Very suitable for supporting the entire Black Dragon River area from possible attacks by spiritual beasts.

However, as far as Duke knows, the Phantom Wind Warriors team has not grown yet, mainly because the probability of the Blue-Eyed Falcon evolving into the God-Eyed Falcon is not high. With the help of the beast blood pill breakthrough, most blue-eyed falcons can only be upgraded to 2nd ring spirit beasts, but cannot evolve into 2nd ring fantasy beasts.

 Fortunately, even level 2 phantom beasts can improve the combat effectiveness of the Great Knight, which is why today's Wind Cavalry Patrol Team was created.

The Rangers passed through the gap between the buildings and quickly disappeared.

Duke's gaze also shifted to the street. He could see children everywhere on the sidewalk, all born in the past ten years.

 It can be said that this is the first baby boom in Cuihai City and the entire Seven Towers Federation, and the baby boom continues to rise. More and more market town habitats were established, allowing humans to gradually break away from their reliance on spiritual springs and gain a foothold in the forest. "Although...this era was not established by me alone, it was ultimately my influence that led to such earth-shaking changes!"

Having a sense of accomplishment in my heart.

Duke closed his eyes and felt the spiritual feedback in the dark, which was the aspiration of everyone in the entire Wilderness Continent.

 After a long time.

Just now he opened his eyes, two rays of divine light came through, and Duke showed a satisfied smile: "That's great, I'm a 6th-level Sky Arcana Mage!"

 There is not a trace of stagnation, everything falls into place naturally.

With Duke's current understanding of spiritual arcana, it is no longer a factor that restricts cultivation. Time is the only obstacle. Nowadays, to cultivate a ring, the twists and turns of energy lines require countless spiritual particles to be piled up, and it takes a lot of time.

“Actually, it’s not bad. In a little over seven years, I was promoted from the 5th ring to the 6th ring. This is faster than my promotion from the 4th ring to the 5th ring!”

Duke grinned.

 The next step is to complete the sixth ring, then listen to the whispers of the stars, walk through the Chapter of Stars, and become a real star.

“Ibuprofen,” Duke called to his assistant.

The door of the office opened, and it was not ibuprofen that walked in, but another bright girl, the 1st-level arcane mage-Jiang Wanda.

“Sir, the director of ibuprofen has gone to Shenjiao City, and I am now on duty.” Jiang Wanda came over respectfully, “Sir, do you have any orders?”

 “Hmm.” Duke nodded.

His assistant team has been expanding again and again. There are almost 20 or 30 level 1 arcane mage assistants in Arcane Holy City and Cuihai City combined.

 Duke was also impressed by the Jiang Wanda in front of him.

 Or even if he has no impression, Xiaoyi will retrieve the information from the database and put it on the Dou Qi holographic screen.

"Jiang Wanda, female, 29 years old, 1st-level arcane mage...the first batch of immigrants in Cuihai City...father Jiang Ge, currently works in the logistics office of the Third Street Patrol Jiang Teluo, 1st-level arcane mage, in the Ring of Branding Mage Tower serves as an assistant professor.”

After casually looking at the information, Duke ordered: "Take my magic spirit card and go to the magic spirit tower to update the information and say that I have been promoted to the sixth level Sky Arcane Mage."

“Ah.” Jiang Wanda exclaimed, quietly looking at Duke with admiring eyes, and then calmed down, “Okay, sir.”

 Taking the Faling Card, Jiang Wanda quickly rushed to the Faling Tower in Cuihai City.

 A moment later, buzzing buzzing... six bells rang in a row, flying over the entire Cuihai City and the entire Heijiao River.

This time Duke didn't say hello again and asked the Faling Tower not to ring the bell. After all, it was useless to say hello. Sooner or later, the flattery that should be flattered would be flattered. Even if the six bells don't ring, the media will spread the word overwhelmingly once they get the news.

This is indeed the case.

 The bells had just ended when the largest portal website on the Internet - Voice of the Seven Towers - updated the news on the front page of the website.

 “Congratulations to Chairman Duke for being promoted to Sky Arcane Mage!”

 Subsequently, the news was reprinted on some other websites.

“The forty-one-year-old sky arcane mage, the sage Duke once again broke the record of spiritual arcane magic and paid tribute to the greatest arcane mage in mankind!”

“Duke, the sage, the stars, and the prophet, was successfully promoted to the 6th level Sky Arcane Mage on the morning of June 15, 4437 in the Storm Calendar. After conquering the earth and ocean, he is about to conquer the sky!”

“The number one sage in the world, the six-ring prophet and the eight sages, have traveled across the earth and oceans and reached the sky, and will soon become the brightest stars.”

“The youngest 2nd level Arcane Mage, 3rd level Arcane Mage, 4th level Earth Arcane Mage, 5th level Ocean Arcane Mage, 6th level Sky Arcane Mage, Duke!”

 “The sky is just the beginning, the legend of Duke Sage continues.”

On the message forum opened on the website, there are countless real-name netizens who left messages below to express their congratulations, and everyone is celebrating.

An arcane mage from Heron City in the Wave Realm left a message: "The forty-one-year-old sky arcana mage is an incredible record in the history of spiritual arcana. However, considering that this is a record set by Sage Duke, everything is so natural. .Homage to the great spiritual incarnation.”

  “Salute +1”

  “Salute +2…”

  “Salute +120”

Netizens from all over the world formed a long queue to leave messages.

An arcane mage from Sunlight City in the Burning Light Domain left a message: "I have been looking forward to this moment, guessing when Lord Duke will break through. Now it seems that he will definitely be able to pass the Chapter of the Stars before he is a hundred years old. It is a pity that my life span , is no longer enough to support me until the day when Lord Duke attacks the 9th ring sun."

Another arcane mage from the same city left a message jokingly: "You can return to the sea of ​​true spirituality with peace of mind, and we will burn paper for you."

  “Burn paper +2”

 “Burn paper +3…”

  “Burn paper+69”

 There is still a group of netizens who form a convoy below.

An arcane mage from Fantu City in the Evaporation Realm left a message: "I'm so excited, Lord Duke is so great! The forty-one-year-old arcane mage in the sky is spiritually superior. I am the same age as Lord Duke, but so far I have Still just a 2nd level arcane mage. I offer my highest respect to Lord Duke."

“I am just a great knight, but I also want to give my heart to Lord Duke. It is the ring of phantom beasts that helps me and my guys break the shackles!”

"Mr. Arcane Mage upstairs, and the great knight, hello, I am a level 1 Qi Refiner, and I would like to express my respect to Sir Duke. If Sir Duke had not created the Ring of Qi Refining, I might still be there. Farming in the countryside."

"I am a…"

 There were countless comments, but because of the real-name system, they were all unanimously praised and praised for Duke's promotion to Sky Arcane Mage.

 No one dares to say a bad word.

Of course, even if the real-name system is not used, the news about Duke is full of praise. Anyone who makes a thorn in the side will be attacked by other people.

 It is actually Duke's achievements that far exceed people's understanding of spiritual arcana. Achievements at the six-ring level, as well as numerous achievements large and small, have created a well-deserved status as the number one sage.

 From the supreme stars to the humble people, he is recognized as the first sage by everyone.

“Actually, I don’t really want to see flattery.” There was nothing to do in the afternoon, so Duke stayed in front of the optical computer and browsed various major websites at will.

 All websites were flooded with the news that he was promoted to Sky Arcane Mage.

Looking through the comments section, Duke shook his head and sighed: "Without exception, it's all flattery. Alas, it's easy to get lost after reading too much. You can't hear any advice or see a single negative comment. Fortunately, I am determined and will not Will be easily swayed.”

 Fork the web page and turn off the computer.

Duke closed his eyes, leaned close to the back of the sofa chair, and looked into the spiritual sea.

The sixth ring orbit is still open, with approximately nine slots for space redundancy, in addition to four additional operating slots, which have been used up.

"With the nine free slots, which arcane weapons can be sublimated?" Duke thought silently. With the Arcane Hand, there is no need to consider the arcane wonders. Except for the three sets of forbidden magic systems, all the free slots are available. , are used to cast arcane weapons.

 His current arcane weapon.

Level 4 has two pieces, the Arcane Eye and the Earth Dragon Armor, and there are two free slots.

Level 5 includes the Scepter of Growth, Sword of Dragoon, Energy Storage No. 1, Energy Storage No. 2, Arcane Weapon Shield, Arcane Armor, Arcane Weapon Hand No. 1, Arcane Weapon Hand No. 2, and Arcane Weapon Hand. Hand No. 1, Arcane Hand No. 2, and Arcane Hand No. 3, a total of eleven pieces.

 Level 6 has a Forbidden Hand.

"The Eye of Arcane Weapon, Armor of Arcane Weapon, and Shield of Arcane Weapon should be upgraded to level 6, which is the three items; the Hand of Arcane Weapon should be upgraded to one item, which is the fourth item; Energy Storage No. 1, Energy Storage 2 The trumpet should also be sublimated, these are the fifth and sixth items; the Hair Growth Scepter and the Dragon Rider Sword should also be sublimated, these are the seventh and eighth items..."

Duke's eyes scanned all the arcane weapons one by one, and he already made a decision in his mind: "Finally, cast Forbidden Hand No. 2, and the nine free slots will be completed."

As for the sublimation of the arcane weapon, there will be three empty slots on the fourth ring orbit and seven empty slots on the fifth ring orbit. Duke will slowly fill them when he returns.


Duke's mind suddenly flashed with inspiration: "For the time being, I have no pursuit of ordinary arcane weapons. Why not, forge them all into weapons so that I can use my energy to control the sword?"

  He is a unique 4th-level dragon knight, and currently only has one arcane dragon knight sword.

“Well, that’s it, Dragon Knight Sword No. 2 to No. 11, make arrangements!”

  In any case, there is no need to redesign and develop these dragon-riding swords, which means it will only consume some spiritual materials. With Duke's current worth, just pulling out a hair on his body would be enough to pay for the materials to cast several arcane weapons.

 There is no need to worry about the cost at all.

"However, these are all side effects. A few more dragon-riding swords will not increase my combat effectiveness much." Duke thought, and his thinking eyes moved to the ring structure of the four-ring sand eagle, "Sand Eagle The eagle is the core of combat effectiveness!"

 “And it’s going to be soon.”

Duke glanced outside the spiritual core and saw Xiaoyi's progress chart.

The optimization process of the four-ring Sand Eagle has reached 95%. In another month or two, it will reach the limit of the four-ring structure.

Thus sublimated into the five-ring sand eagle.

“I don’t know what magical powers it will bring when the four-ring sand eagle is sublimated into the fifth-ring sand eagle!” Duke was looking forward to it in his heart.

The first-ring sand eagle, the second-ring sand eagle, and the third-ring sand eagle are all ordinary arcane weapons with various functions.

 When it reaches the level of the four-ring sand eagle, it will no longer stack functions, but strengthen the various functions of the sand eagle, and it will be accompanied by powerful structural functions, which are the abilities that Xiaoyi defines as magical powers. The magical power of the four-ring sand eagle is arcane decomposition.

 “Hope is a magical power more powerful than arcane decomposition...”

Withdrawing from the inner view, Duke stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the sky in the distance.

 The body automatically floated in the office without wind. He did not release arcane magic, but relied on the spiritual particle aura released by this body. With the help of a powerful aura, he directly suspended himself in the air and could fly at will.

Sky Arcana Mage, the reason why he is called Sky Arcane Mage comes from this.

The gravitation force can no longer restrain the Sky Arcane Mage, and neither the earth nor the ocean can satisfy the Sky Arcana Mage. Only the sky is the destination of the Sky Arcana Mage.


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 (End of this chapter)

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