Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 946: Dimensional salvage search plan opened

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There is an old saying, "It doesn't hurt to sell Ye Tian with a cub." At this moment, Tony is like this.

When the preparations are not perfect, directly start the dimensional salvage search plan. An inattentive, that kind of void energy from recoil can split a dimensional world directly to the impact, even if it is created by God for countless years. Cheng Tian, ​​if it is forced to recoil all at once, it will also be greatly damaged.

If the stable dimensional and dimensional world is a small island filled with stars, then heaven is a large island that has been strengthened by God for many years, while the void is an endless ocean.

The Dimensional Salvage Search Project is like a man-made wind, trying to locate and find the scattered island fragments scattered in the sea.

But this kind of man-made wind is also limited. If the operation is clever, it can avoid the danger in the sea, regardless of whether it is harvested or not, it is still considered safe.

But if you don’t pay attention, this kind of man-made gusts will trigger changes in the sea, it is very likely that it will bring about sea storms, and may even trigger a violent tsunami.

For this kind of terrible disaster, let alone dense islands like heaven, even a continent like the main universe, in the terrifying tsunami, it is very likely to suffer huge disasters.

It’s not that Tony doesn’t understand the dangers, but it’s only a few days since the Dark Palace meeting that the earth’s birthday has passed. Accompanied by the invasion of the Void Zerg, the interstellar war between the Kerry Empire and the Skuru Empire, he looked at the future of the earth. The impact it will receive is absolutely unparalleled.

Without the intervention of external forces, Tony naturally had to find some solid enough power for the human side of the earth before the storm in the main universe came to shelter the wind and rain.

The Arcanist plan was a success, but also a failure.

As Tony expected, arcane magic, something that is half scientific and half magical, is obviously much easier to accept in the human social order than magic, grudge and the like.

At the very least, arcane and the science that has been developed by mankind for two thousand years are closely related.

For example, those elder scholars and school students, the higher the level of education, the easier it is to step into the arcane road.

But in the same way, although this arcane path is much more stable than magic, vindictiveness, abilities, and so on, it is also easier to popularize, but no matter how fast you get started, arcane magic cannot be accomplished overnight. It takes a long time to become a strong man in the universe, and it takes a long time to accumulate.

If there is no threat of the invasion of the Void Zerg and the backstab of the Kerry Empire, Tony may slow down and allow the Arcane Road to spread slowly in human society.

As long as there is a period of ten or eight years, and a group of students who have been cultivated since childhood leave the school, less than 10% of human beings on the earth can become the existence of arcanists.

The short ones pick generals, and 10% of the human population can definitely pick out millions of good seedlings to form a super elite arcane army.

At that time, even if the level of technology and resources are not comparable to those powerful forces in the universe, the army of millions of Arcanists will be enough to deter any forces that want to invade the earth.

Unfortunately, whether it is the Zerg or the Kerry Empire, it is impossible for the earth to fully develop in ten years.

It is for this reason that Tony will risk destroying heaven and execute the dimensional salvage search plan.

As long as a sufficient number of fragmented worlds can be found, and with a group of young arcanists that have emerged, Tony can also use the National Deity Plan to create an elite team of demigods.

Not much, as long as there are three to five thousand people, Tony will be sure to completely drive those Void Zergs out of the earth.

If there is an eight thousand demigod arcanist, Tony feels that with the addition of the Avengers, he will be able to enter the Zerg in the Void Passage.

"The Astral Pillar can protect us. Once there is a real recoil of void energy, the Astral Pillar will activate and spontaneously open the Astral Portal and teleport us to the earth. We will not encounter anything. Danger."

"As for heaven, with the mighty power of the infinite God, it means that some overlapping worlds are broken, and it won't take long for it to automatically recover. No one will blame us, and it won't really cause any huge losses."

"Everyone, success or failure depends on this. Once we succeed, we will embark on the path of gods. We will be the forerunners of the age of earth gods, and we will be remembered forever by future generations..."

On the main console of the Astral Pillar, Tony gave a speech with a "fanatic" face.

If you have old fritters like Dr. Banner and Stephen, you don’t need Tony to encourage them, but the hundreds of immature arcanists among those star pillars are still young, even With a large number of high school students, Tony naturally has to go as far as possible to ridiculously talk about these little guys, so that these little guys will not be nervous, afraid and other emotions, causing operational errors.

"Tony, the first time I found out, you can be so bullshit!"


After the flicker, Dr. Banner took a look at Tony with a very strange and weird look, which made Tony's mood a lot irritable.

Back then, when Tony was still a playboy, Obadier fooled the employees of the Stark Group in this way. Well, many shareholders were also fooled.

Tony himself had never imagined that after many years, he would eventually become what he hated.

What a tricky world.

Tony sighed inwardly, quickly condensed all his emotions, and focused all his attention on the main console of the Astral Pillar.

The Dimensional Salvage Search Project is launched.

As the energy is transmitted to the astral pillar community, a series of arcane runes are lit up like dazzling stars. The infinite energy reactor of nearly a train of skin gathers endless energy and passes through that star realm. After the transformation of the pillar, an extremely violent gamma-ray energy flow was formed.

"Stephen, open the dimensional sequence marker and search for the dimensional crack..."

"Banna, adjust the gamma storm coefficient and direction. Once you find the dimensional crack, don't hesitate to release it to the air..."

Tony and others have no ability to search for the dimension at all. All they can rely on are the records of the void dimension from the Supreme Sanctuary, and the only gamma energy flow that can be detected in the void.

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