Strongest System in the Dragon Ball World

6 First Quest Real Nature And Circuit Village

This Quest really crazy, there's no clue was given . Who could guess whatever the problems were. i bet that if someone else that in the same boat as mine would thought so.

4 people in the vehicle and i asked them

" Hello, If you guys being given a mission to solve problems and there's also rewards and punishment depending on the results while the time limit was two years . What would y'all do? or at least what do you think? "

" You're really rude kid, now waiting for me to greet you back huh.... . " Vous said

" Well well . Don't mind it too much. If it me then I'll already solve it. " Brad said

" Hahaha , Brad you're such a braggart. "

" you're not that far either though Vous. "

" Well , do you guys had the answer or not? "

" Don't Rush Lein, we beed to relax a bit you

know. It's jot good to be so serious like you

all the time . " Vous said

" It's not me but you're the one that was too

relaxed even till now though ." Lein said

" hmm... guys? "

" Hey , Just answer his questions already. "

" Xhail that was a question right? no need to

rush, take it easy ." Vous said

" Hah, just said to him that you guys doesn't

know. Why speak too much? "

" Well there's one person more serious than

me . " Lein said.

" Okay I'll just explain once, the answer is to complete the mission you need to solve all the problems that you come across all the way till the time limit or find a way to finish all the problems before then. You don't need to search the problems because you'll know whatever it was the problems when you encounter it ."

{That was really incredible , with just so few information he could get to the conclusion that i couldn't imagine. If i could i would brought him to the real world to make him the planet carefree's King. } Kalan thought .

"Chail san , will you be willing to work under me ? " That was what Kalan would said if he was sure that was absolutely possible.

Because of that Kalan said " Chail san , will you give me a way to contact you later?"

" What?! you seriously doesn't know? " Brad

" about what? "

" Of course about the systems , everyone have system since birth and can chat just through searching on the system's search engine to find the person then there it is. " Brad

" Of course there also map on the system. so you could locate anyone that became your party or friends who allowing you to locate him/her . " Vous

" ... " Kalan had been baffled . It was unbelievable that everyone had it , the system that made Kalan who he was now. This made him a bit better from his depression . At the thought the he was useless if he hadn't the strongest system.Because you are using it doesn't mean that you're useless." I still trained , thinking, and have my own will . I'm going to complete this and returned, maybe apologize to bulma too. " Kalan deep in thought and these would be a small step forward that Kalan had.

While chatting and the group could see the circuit village up ahead . By the way from Xhail and his friends ,A fact that in this world beside system it also had magic and martial arts.

The village was made of roughly fined stones and bricks . Several houses had cement but for painted house was very few. There's also houses made from woods. Kalam could saw them because the transportation was like a little truck that had windows at it's back.

And other reason was because the houses made in straight horizontally and sparsely distances that made it easier to spot.

" What's that!!, that houses are burning. " Vous

" Quicker , put more magic power you have. I'll give you more Lectric points. "Xhail

" 50 points." Driver

" Deal " Brad , Lein both said at the same time and right at the time when the driver said Fifty . They reached the village entrance in practically several seconds from what usually needed several minutes. Kalan just observe and staying silent until they got down from the vehicle . He was stayed silent because there's nothing to be said because he was new here that he knew nothing.

They could see that around 200 people kneeling down while around 100 people standing , shouting, and bullying the people whom kneeled . They hold weapons like staff, axe , swords and many other varieties.

Swiftly they moved towards the people .

What they could see was a despair that the villager had.

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