
Su Bai 绔椤湪镰 inch 澶 湴涓婏纴浠 湴涓婏纴浠 湜镌 杩欓 杩欓 杩欓 杩欓 杩欓 镄剆 镄剆 镄剆 镄剆 镄剆 word light 锛屼竴绉嶆棤锷涚殑镒熻镊唴蹇冩 锛屼竴绉嶆棤锷涚殑镒熻镊唴蹇冩澶勮敁寤 屽嚭锛屼粬韬笂濡 屽嚭锛屼粬韬笂濡 屽嚭锛屼粬韬笂濡 悓阆 悓阆 悓阆 镄勯晣铡嬶纴 镄勯晣铡嬶纴 镄勯晣铡嬶纴 镄勯晣铡嬶纴 镄勯晣铡嬶纴 镄勯晣铡嬶纴 镄勯晣铡嬶纴 镄勯晣铡嬶纴 with the body 娴佸姩镄勫姏 忓湪杩檕 ne sword 鍓嶉兘鍑濆浐浣忥纴鍙︼兘涓 锷ㄦ湭锷纴鐪 锷ㄦ湭锷纴鐪 锷ㄦ湭锷纴鐪 s s s s s s s s s s s s

Hey! Hey!

澶у湴宕╂簝锛孲u Bai 镄勮韩浣揿湪杩欎竴阆搒word light 涓嬩篃鏄摝瑙 e紑鏉ワ纴鎾曞紑鏉ワ纴鎾曞瑁傝偤镄勭棝妤瑁傝偤镄勭棝妤啀娆啀娆腑鍗屾潵锛屾 娌 Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒鍦⊿u Bai 镄勫 澶 纴涓 绉峜 绉峜 ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar € € € € € € € €

杩欐槸瀵笋 u Ying 镄刢lear comprehension 厛鍓嶏纴杩欑峰厛鍓嶏纴杩欑clear comprehension

Su Bai 阃氲 杩欑 杩欑 clear comprehension 锛岄殣绾 棿瑕佹帴 埌杩欓 埌杩欓 埌杩欓 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

鈥滆 umbrella 阆揝 word Intent 镄勭骇鍒槠涓嶅 瀹楀笀 瀹楀笀 Sword Intent 锛屼絾镊 皯涔熸湁瓒呰秺镄囩骇 皯涔熸湁瓒呰秺镄囩骇 Sword Intent 镄勫彲鑳 纴涓嶆劎鏄疭 纴涓嶆劎鏄疭 u Ying 锛屽鏋沧暟鍗佸 鍓崭粬 鍓崭粬 chain chain 殑璇濓纴浠栧湪 Sword Dao 涓婄殑阃犺缁濆鑳 韪忓叆鐪熸镄勫畻 韪忓叆鐪熸镄勫畻 堢骇鍒€[€濊伞绉峜lear comprehension 濡效北娑 娉夎埇娓呭喗锛屾穼杩嘢菇娉夎埇娓呭喗锛屾穼杩嘢u Bai 镄勫镄勫澶纴Su Bai 瀹屽叏蹇樿锻ㄨ韩闾g 鎾曞 瑁傝偤镄勭棝妤 瑁傝偤镄勭棝妤 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 绉峜 绉峜 绉峜 lear comprehension 涓€

鍙槸鍦ㄥ昆鍝嶅悗锛屽张涓€阆搒word cry 澹板湪澶╁畤闂存硾璧凤纴鎯婂ぉ锷ㄥ湴銆

Su Bai 鍙岀 鍐嶆钖戠潃涓婄┖ 鍐嶆钖戠潃涓婄┖ 涘幓锛屽彧 佹 佹 佹 佹 word word word word word word word word word word 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒屽嚭锛岃 umbrella 阆搒 word light 浠 浠 鍕 鍕 鍕 鍕 Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai

s死 sword light 鐬伅锛孲u Bai 鑴歌壊灏卞彉寰楄愧锏芥棤姣斻€备粬鏁翠翠浜浜殑绁炴櫤鍙殑绁炴櫤鍙缑妯缑妯硦镞犳瘮锛岀冲冲畲鍏ㄥけ铡荤煡瑙夛纴鈥滆伞鍙堟槸浠€涔坰word style 锛熲€

Key 屽湪 Su Bai 澶卞幓绁炴櫤镄勬椂 chain 欙纴杩欓 s sword light 宸茬粡杞 惤鍦⊿ u Bai 韬綋涓婏纴灏嗕箣杞 垚纰庣墖銆

璁镐箙涔嫔悗锛孲u Bai 镄 ig igure 鏂 墠鍦ㄨ 墠鍦ㄨ 镰 澶 湴涓婄┖缂撶紦 湴涓婄┖缂撶紦 湴涓婄┖缂撶紦 湴涓婄┖缂撶紦 湴涓婄┖缂撶紦 湴涓婄┖缂撶紦 湴涓婄┖缂撶紦 湴涓婄┖缂撶紦 湴涓婄┖缂撶紦 湴涓婄┖缂撶紦 湴涓婄┖缂撶紦 湴涓婄┖缂撶紦 湴涓婄┖缂撶紦楀厛鍓峵hat sword light 宸茬粡娑堟映锛屼絾缁欎粬宁”潵镄勫帇鎶戝皻鍦纴鈥滃おterrifying 浜嗐€傝伞绗笁阆搒 word style 镄勫▉锷涘凡缁忚秴瓒娄简word skill 镄勮 鐣 € 悓镞 悓镞 悓镞 悓镞 悓镞 悓镞 傝 傝 阆搒 light light light light light light light light light word word word word word word word word word word word word word word Sword Intent clear comprehension Village

鈥滃彧瑕佹垜鑳 灏呜 灏呜 绉峜 ar lear comprehension 瀹屽叏钖 敹锛屾兂瑕侀 Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying S S S S S S S S word Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai诲0锽冨杻阆掳纴浠栧啀娆°C姮璧风涅链涘悜鏄庢殚鍙桦寲镄勫ぉ绌癸纴姝ゆ椂浠栧寲镄勫ぉ绌癸纴姝ゆ椂浠栧掓槸掓槸屾湜杩欐牱镄剆 light 澶氭潵鏁版銆傝€屽氨鍦⊿u Bai 娉ㄨ杩欐楠澶╁畤镞 Hide 傝 傝 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 ぉ瀹囧啀娆 姩 姩 ¤捣鏉ャ ¤捣鏉ャ

镞犲敖镄凷word Intent threshold 仛 仛 仛 key 屾潵銆傜珶鏄寲浣沧粴婊 墤浜 墤浜 墤浜 纴鍑剁厼涔嬫皵寮ユ 纴鍑剁厼涔嬫皵寮ユ

鐩潃杩欑墖绗 鏂 浑鍗侬 浑鍗侬 so so so 浑鍗侬 浑鍗侬 浑鍗侬 浑鍗侬 Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai囧墤浜戜腑浼犲嚭銆傜浉闅旗敋杩滐纴Su Bai 鍗 兘瀵熻鍒 懆杈 懆杈 镶 镶 镶 镶 镶 镶 镶 镶 镶粬镄勮韩浣撴挄纰庛€

鈥 锲涘墤鈥 锲涘墤鈥 墤 墤 嚭锛岀珶鏄兘寮曡捣澶╁湴寮傝 嚭锛岀珶鏄兘寮曡捣澶╁湴寮傝 嚭锛岀珶鏄兘寮曡捣澶╁湴寮傝 銆傗 銆傗

Su Bai 韬綋鐣ュ井链変簺棰ゆ姈锛岃変簺棰ゆ姈锛岃骞堕潪鏄亹鎯骞堕潪鏄亹鎯岄岄鎶栵纴鎶栵纴屾槸锲犱屾槸锲犱婵婵锷ㄨ锷ㄨ岄岄鎶栵纴鍙岀洰鐩寸洿鐩潃涓婄┖鐩樻棆镄勫墤浜洿鐩潃涓婄┖鐩樻棆镄勫墤浜纴涓纴涓阆撴阆撴榛戠殑瑁傜棔鍦ㄥ墤浜戜笂钄揿榛戠殑瑁傜棔鍦ㄥ墤浜戜笂钄揿榛戠殑瑁傜棔鍦ㄥ墤浜戜笂钄揿€鏉ャ€


Key屽悗锛孲u Bai 渚挎槸瑙佸埌锛宎path of 鍫瘮灞卞渤绮楀. 镄剆word light 镊︼鐥曚腑鏆存帬帬屽嚭锛屽缇ゆ槦鐩村潬鑸悜镌€澶у湴bang bang Key 屾潵锛岄浜戝彉骞 纴澶╁湴澶辫壊锛屼竴鍓澶辫壊锛屼竴鍓镞ョ殑terrifying 寮傝 銆

鐩澒杩欎竴骞曪纴Su Bai 蹇冧腑 chain jade 笉鍑 rainbow 殑 dark 囨捈銆

Densely packed 镄剆word light 锛岃 frozen 瓒 湁涓囦 湁涓囦 阆掳纴鐪ㄧ溂锷熷か灏卞 阆掳纴鐪ㄧ溂锷熷か灏卞 缁忚 缁忚 钀 湪杩欑墖澶 湴涓婏纴澶 湴涓婏纴澶 湴涓婏纴澶 湴涓婏纴澶 湴涓婏纴澶 湴涓婏纴澶 湴涓婏纴澶 湴寮 湴寮 湴寮 濮嬫 濮嬫 濮嬫 濮嬫 湴涓婏纴澶犳暟宀╂祮镊︼扛鍙戣 屽嚭锛屾祦鐏啿澶╋纴 屽嚭锛屾祦鐏啿澶╋纴 Bai Bai Bai Bai ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig

Key 岃 涓 娆 娆 纴 Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig Ne sword key 屽 屽 搴旷殑娑埚け锛屽洖褰掍粬镄勮 浣掳纴寰呭埌浠栧弻鐪 搴旷殑娑埚け锛屽洖褰掍粬镄勮 搴旷殑娑埚け锛屽洖褰掍粬镄勮 镄勬椂 镄勬椂 镄勬椂 镄勬椂 欙纴浠栧 欙纴浠栧 缁忓彂鐜 缁忓彂鐜 缁忓彂鐜 缁忓彂鐜辫缮鏄珯鍦╯tone platform 涓婏纴 嬩腑姝 嬩腑姝 镌 镌 绗簲鍓戣耽銆

嶆柊 嶆柊 Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai 屽 屽悗 嶆墦 嶆墦 忚捣鐪 忚捣鐪 忚捣鐪 墠镄勭浜斿墤璧纴杩欐焺绗簲鍓戣耽姝 畨闱欑殑韬 畨闱欑殑韬 Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai浣旷殑鎸f墡锛屽悓镞讹纴铡熸湰钀》粫鍦ㄥ墤韬懆锲寸殑sword qi 宸茬粡娑堟映锛屾暣镆勫墤鍣ㄧ湅璧锋潵榛贰Hydrogen

鈥滃叾鍐呯殑澶ч儴鍒哠word Intent 宸茬粡娑埚け浜嗏€[€漟rowns 锛孲u Bai 鑳 borrowed umbrellas纴鍏埚墠浠栭潬杩戠浜斿墤璧(三)殑镞跺殑镞跺欙纴鐬棿灏辫兘镒熷欙纴鐬棿灏辫兘镒熷欙纴鐬棿灏辫兘镒熷鍒纴纴In chain 塖 word Intent 娑屽姩锛屼絾缁橲u Bai 宁 “潵镄刼pression 鍗 笉濡 笉濡 厛鍓嶉偅鑸 鐑堬纴鈥滃叾鍐呯殑 鐑堬纴鈥滃叾鍐呯殑 鐑堬纴鈥滃叾鍐呯殑 Sword Intent 搴旇鍦ㄥ厛鍓嶉偅鏁 墤涓 楀敖鈥 楀敖鈥 钖庡皻涓旇兘澶熷皢 钖庡皻涓旇兘澶熷皢 钖庡皻涓旇兘澶熷皢 Sword Intent 濡傛鏋佽嚧锛屾瘮璧稴u Ying 锛屾垜纭疄宸 寰埚銆傗€

锲炴兂璧峰厛鍓嶉偅terrifying 镄勬暟鍓戏纴Su Bai sighed lightly 锛屾湁浜涙儖鎯溿€

Su Ying 镄勬锛岀’瀹炶浜烘儖鎯溿€

鈥滃彧瑕丼u Ying 灏 湪锛岄偅涔堜粬濡 湪锛岄偅涔堜粬濡 粖镄凷 trength 缁濆鍙 闂紟 闂紟 闂紟 闂紟 闂紟 闂紟 闂紟 闂紟 闂紟 闂紟 闂紟 闂紟 闂紟 Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai勬儖鎯滐纴鏉 紑绗簲鍓戣耽锛屽弻 紑绗簲鍓戣耽锛屽弻 紑绗簲鍓戣耽锛屽弻 紑绗簲鍓戣耽锛屽弻 屽潗锛岀珶鏄湪杩檚 屽潗锛岀珶鏄湪杩檚 屽潗锛岀珶鏄湪杩檚 platform platform platform platform platform platform platform platform platform platform platform platform platform platform platform platform屾蒙娴稿湪鍏埚墠镄勯偅绉峜lear comprehension 涓€

涓 镶 镶 讥婕潃鐜勫ゥ 讥婕潃鐜勫ゥ 讥婕潃鐜勫ゥ 讥婕潃鐜勫ゥ 鏅 鏅 鏅 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Ning “潵镄刢lear comprehension 銆

Word线棰嗘偀Sword Intent 锛孲u Bai 姝ゆ棰嗘偀杩欓死 Sword Intent 鏄剧劧旋村姞镄勫缑蹇冨簲姞镄勫缑蹇冨簲嬶纴鐗嬶纴鐗嬶纴鐗杩欎簺clear comprehension 寮曞姩锛孲u Bai 瀵silicon umbrella 阆揝word Intent 镄勯 town 熺珶鏄湁绉嶆 press 笭鎴愮殑镒熻锛

In umbrella阆揝word Intent 纭疄out of the ordinary 锛孲u Bai 鐭ラ死瑕佸交搴曞皢杩欓死 Sword Intent 棰嗘偀锛屼篃骞堕潪鏄粈涔堢亩鍗旷殑浜嬫儏銆

In the quiet and dark ancient temple, Su Bai sat quietly. As time went by, a fierce aura bursted out of him. This aura is not as good as Lonely Sword Intent and Solitary Sword Intent terrifying. It is also very fierce.


In the extreme west of Last Sword Territory, a huge island floats in the sky.

On this island, the ancient temples of the mother-in-law are erected, and the Bodhi tree swayed out of the road, and the statue of the god Buddha, which can be seen everywhere, is hidden in the ancient temple.

In the north-south and northwest of the island, there are four steps to spread down the stairs, and there are more than 10,000 steps. Each step is one meter high and magnificent.

At these steps, there are densely packed people who worship, they are like a pilgrimage, three times and nine worships, looking at the ancient temples of the mother-in-law between the clouds. Whenever the Buddha light flashes, they open their mouths to sing Buddhist scriptures.

Here, it is one of the dominating places of Last Sword Territory, the West Temple.

Here, it is the yearning for countless cultivators, and the cultivators who go out here are all named Last Sword Territory.

At this time, in one place on the island, here is the place where the Buddha’s light is not illuminated. There are white bones and ruins.

No one thought of the West Tuolu Ke Dian, which was hailed as a holy place of Buddhism. There was such a place, and there was a silhouette sitting on the top of the mountain bone. He was dressed in an old robes and looked very thin. As if the bones of the skull are covered with a thin layer of skin, there is no flesh and blood.

Underneath the silhouette, two old men are half-squatting, and the two old men are respectfully looking at the skinny old man sitting directly above.

“A year ago, his cultivation base was just Entering Dao 4th Layer, and now the cultivation base has reached Innate, and there are two Sword Intents, one of which is a guru-level Sword Intent.”

“In addition, this child is also practicing sword array, and this innate talent has surpassed the existence of Su Ying… If he continues to let go, once he grows up, it is the disaster of my Xidianlu Temple…”

“Palace Lord, this child can’t be kept, why not take this demise plan and erase it…”

The hoarse voice echoed in this area, and the two old man half thinly fell, waiting for the response of the skinny old man.

After half a ring, the skinny old man slowly opened his eyes. His entire eyelids were sunken in. It looked very weird and looked gloomy. However, his nephew was fost of light and compassionate warmth.

The skinny old man passed over two old men, indifferently said: “this child I have useful…”

“Follow the law!” Although the two old man eyes have confusion, but nodded, respectfully withdraw from this area.

When the silhouette of the two old men disappeared completely in this area, the skinny old man was amazed and laughed. “God to my Sita, I missed the opportunity 17 years ago and missed Su Ying.” ”

“Now, his son’s innate talent is stronger than he is. He didn’t know the Sword Intent when he was not a weak champion. Even if this talent is a rare existence, it is a rare existence. With this stove, I am hitting the Emperor Dao. …even have the opportunity to step into Divine Dao Realm.”

“Just, there is this furnace, I am afraid that the autumn wind will not be too…” The smile on the face of the skinny old man gradually converges, brows slightly wrinkle, the tone with a little helplessness, “formerly, I should not plant the Buddha’s heart The law tells him…”

At the same time, Last Sword Territory, Qiu Dao Wu Zongzhong.

On the sword hall standing on the shore of the sea of ​​clouds, a beautiful middle-aged man looks up and stands up. He looks up at the lonely heartily. “The master Sword Intent, there is this stove, I will hit the Emperor Dao in the future. At this time, this Last Sword Territory is not what I am in the autumn of Wu Zong.”

“At that time, even if it is the Dong Xuan number domain, there is also a place for my autumn Wu Zong…”

“If I break through Divine Dao Realm, then I will sweep the East Xuan number field and become the East Xuan overlord.” At this time, the middle-aged man’s eyes became extremely deep, coldly squinting at this endless void. Its voice, such as the word cry, echoed in the vast sky.

“Congratulations to the Master, and find a stove…” Behind the middle-aged man, a white clothed youth stood respectfully.

“This stove is good, but the people who are eyeing this stove are not a few… Once I have a movement, the old vulture is not expected to watch the little fellow become my stove.”

Middle-aged man indifferently said: “Xuan Ying, this time you go to the field plan, go to the idiots, don’t ruin my stove, and smash this child to my autumn road. Wu Zong.”

“Yes!” white clothed youth looked up, his eyes like a sword, it is to tear this piece of heaven.

Liu Xuanying, Qiu Dao Wu Zong true disciple first person…

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