a path of incomparable word momentum able to move unhindered staggered, cutting the sky.

The trepidation of the sky, the endless sword light condensed out, filling every corner of the world.

The voice of the old man echoed in the void, the uneasiness in his heart disappeared at this moment, and the Wanjian lock airspace was already running. In this world, he was the only master, as long as he had a thought, It can make this piece of emptiness turn over, and he looks at Su Bai indifferently, just like watching an ant.

The Sword Territory growers in the presence were all nervous, and the terrifying powers that permeated them in all directions made their true elements of the body almost stagnant, especially the sword light that condensed in the sky, so that their body hair was straight up. .

Hearing the words of the old man, Su Bai’s face did not change. The only deep scorpion was calm and calmly staring at the world. The endless sword light emerged from his sight, overwhelming. Spread from the sky, the world is enveloped, and these sword lights point to his position.

Su Bai is very clear and feels that more than a million miles of aura lock his figure.

“Is this your last slogan? It’s just that…” Su Bai indifferently said.

“But this? A big tone. For so many years, you are still the first one to degrade the Wanjian locks of my Xidiao Kedian. It’s nothing to say. It’s no benefit. Let me see now, what do you take? Resist the battle of Wan Jian lock.”

The old man corner of the mouth sneered a sneer. For the terrifying of the Wan Jian lock, he was clearer than anyone else. His heart was fretting and he saw the void around him. A path of blazing sword light condensed. He was covered like myriad of stars surrounding the moon. Previously, he witnessed how Yang Chang died, so at first he used the power of sword array to block the area around him for dozens of meters.

At the same time, the old man’s big hand waved, the original sword hovering above the Scorpio suddenly carried the majestic sword momentum, in an indescribable attitude, facing Su Bai.

Densely packed, looking into the past, there are sword light everywhere.

This is a very thrilling scene. In the distance, both the Situ cultivation and the Sword Territory cultivation have fled, but even so, the sword light that has come from the sky still makes them feel like a hail. Gallbladder.

Li Mingfan’s face is dignified. He is very aware of the terrifying of the Wanjian lock. The power displayed in front of him is not the limit of the Wanjian lock, but even so, he feels the back is cool.

Su Bai’s black scorpion reflects the endless sword light, the black hair is full of hair, and a terrifying aura is surging in his with the body, as if he has in the body with an ancient beast. Wake up from sleep.

In fact, more than 300 Jianchi Dongtians in Su Bai within the body untied the seal at this moment. It is like a smashing day, and the dazzling Blood Qi is filled in every corner of his body. The mighty, broken-out, behind him, condensed the Tianlong and Shenfeng phantom, huge incomparable, standing between the heavens and the earth, the cultivation who was present.

Feeling the power of with the body, Su Bai holds the iron sword and goes straight to the old man in the distance. The iron sword in his hand opens and closes, sweeping out, wherever he goes, the sky is shaking More terrifying, the screaming sword light has not yet arrived, it is directly shattered, it is simply unstoppable.

Even if those sword lights are endless, they can’t stop the pace of Su Bai.

The presence of the cultivation is all moving and looking at this scene, this scene is very shocking.

That silhouette is like a god who came to the world, and there is a power to destroy the earth and the ground, and what his sword points to, the sky is subversive.

“A good looking Blood Qi… his fleshly body is too terrifying.”

Li Mingfan’s mouth is big, incredulously looking at the silhouette of the sword, he looked out, after…the person has not yet used the cultivation base, just purely using his fleshly body power.

The same scene falls in the eyes of the old man, so that the old man has the feeling of scalp tingling. Is this the fleshly body power that Sovereign Dao can have?

Even those Sovereign Dao cultivations who specialize in the way of refining, I am afraid there is no such terrifying fleshly body power.

Looking at the approaching Su Bai, the old man passed a touch of uneasiness, and his blood essence with the body turned into a flame burning, turning into a majestic energy in his with the body whistling, his hands sealed, these The energy madness is integrated into the Wanjian locks. At this moment, he made a decision, not hesitating to price, urging Wan Jian to lock the air and exert its power to the limit.


The sword light is like a rainbow, running through the heavens and the earth, one after another.

These sword lights are more terrifying than before, and they all have lines that appear to be blazing.

The power of the Wan Jian lock empty array, at this moment, really reflected.

Only at this time, Su Bai really felt a little danger from this road. He did not use only the fleshly body power. The cultivation base of King Dao’s extreme environment broke out at this moment without reservation. With a big hand and a wave, the innumerable sword qi storm tears out in front of him. The boundless Sword Intent is like a screaming wave, surging, and colliding with the sword light coming from the sky.

“It’s useless…”

The old man stared at this scene, the sword light that fell down on the sword qi storm, the hard slash qi storm, and the price just the word on the sword light became Dim down.

After tearing these swords qi storms, these sword lights rushed to Su Bai.

Su Bai is not in a hurry, the iron sword in his hand swept again, and the endless Sword Intent is like a volcanic eruption, rushing in all directions, covering the sky.

Only Lonely Sword Intent …

Only Solitary Sword Intent …

Sorrow Sword Intent …

With Su Bai’s current Strength, he can’t integrate four Sword Intents into one sword.

However, it is possible to integrate Lonely Sword Intent, Solitary Sword Intent and Sorrow Sword Intent into one sword. These Sword Intents are beyond the existence of the master. The superposition is powerful and terrifying. It is only in the hands of Su Bai. The iron sword just touched the powerful sword light and the sword light broke apart.

A similar scene once again emerged in the eyes of the old man, even if the skylighting sword light is endless, it can’t stop the pace of the white clothed youth.

Similarly, with the approach of Su Bai, the old man really felt the terrifying of the latter Sword Intent.

Be aware that these sword lights are condensed with the power of sword momentum.

The latter did not use sword momentum at all, just Sword Intent.

But it is Sword Intent, which actually shattered the word momentum on it.

What the hello is Sword Intent.

Cultivation So far, the first time that the old man feels such a terrifying Sword Intent, the most irritating to his scalp is that the latter has not only one such Sword Intent.

“Who is he? How can there be such terrifying existence in the sword league…”

“Wan Jian locks the air and still can’t stop him… my Strength is not his opponent…”

The old man’s heart is getting more and more uneasy. Looking at Su Bai, who is approaching, he has a heart in his heart. His feet are on the pace of mysterious, and the whole body turns into a rainbow of light and goes backwards. Obviously, he is To escape from this place, you can still give him some time to take advantage of the current Wan Jian lock.

“It’s late…” A calm voice rang at the old ear, and the old man had a feeling of falling like a hail, because he noticed that the white clothed silhouette disappeared suddenly.

A sword light emerged over the old man, followed by a white clothed silhouette, Su Bai raised the iron sword, in the sword cry, the iron sword strike fell, and the old man’s head slash down, bring up Large bloody flowers, squeaking…

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