The bloody red void is like a weeping blood, and countless dazzling lines appear from the heavens and the earth, intertwined, like the heavens and the earth to cover this piece of heaven and earth.

At this moment, whether it is Muyang or Zhuozhu tears, the eyes of the entrance to the Leichi have been looked at, and the look on the face has changed.

In particular, Mu Yang, an incredible color, all signs have shown that Su Bai has long died in the Leihai, after all, he has personally traveled to the eighth heaven.

Under the gaze of everyone’s eyes, a silhouette emerged slowly from the entrance to the thunder pool. The white clothed like snow is like the ray of yang in the sky. When you see the familiar face, Muyang is the whole person. If you are hit, you exclaimed: “You are not dead…”

“Your Excellency just hopes that I will die inside?” Su Bai walked out of the thunder pool and looked at the crowd’s look like a misunderstanding. It was a little weird, but when he heard the words of Mu Yang, he suddenly understood it. It seems that these people thought I have already died in the pool.

“How can you still be alive… I have been to you on the eighth day, even if you step into the six-pole King Dao, fleshly body out of the ordinary, but it is impossible to support so long in the eighth sea of ​​Leihai. Time.” Mu Yang brow gently wrinkled, for the eighth day of terrifying, he has deep experience, whether it is the violent thunder or the ubiquitous thunder snake, at any time people are killed.

Hear this, Su Bai has some accidents. Obviously, he did not expect that Muyang would go to the eighth day to find him, but when he thought about it, he would like to understand that the next person’s temper is that he would die in the thunder pool, but only white. The emperor has to deal with the latter, and once he has an accident, the latter will not be blamed.

At this moment, the old man slowly opened his eyes. If you look at Su Bai with a deep look, the voice is hoarsely said: “The thunder will only really start… Now, Leichi enters the confinement phase, and the speed is gone. ”

“Yes!” Mu Yang and others greeted the people, did not dare to disobey the old people, and left the area.

Su Bai also bowed to the old man and then left, but when he left, Su Bai looked at Leichi with some disappointment. He knew that in his own capacity, it would be difficult to enter the thunder pool in the future. It’s a pity, if you give me another Thunder, I can break the shackles and step into the Jiulong King Dao…”

After leaving the Thunder Pool, Mu Yang said nothing, and took everyone to the White Emperor Palace.

Soon, the imposing White Emperor Palace gradually appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Looking at the magnificent palace in front, Mu Yang turned his head to the crowd and started talking: “I went to see Bai Di adults and tell Lei Chi.”

Hear this, everyone nodded and watched Muyang step into the magnificent palace.

Waiting for the white emperor’s silhouette to disappear into sight, Xuan sighed, “The thunderstorm is coming, and in the next few decades, the thunder pool will not open…”

“I heard from the ancestors that there are not a few cultivation holy places in the city of Heavenly Emperor. Even if the Lei Chi is confined, it is not difficult to enter the cultivation sites as the mysterious brother!” Su Bai counted the days and entered the mine pool for more than a month. Time, the Emperor is always impossible to stay in the White Emperor Palace for so long.

“The cultivation holy land in the Emperor’s City is not a minority, but the cultivation land does not have much effect on the tempering fleshly body, less than the 10% of the Thunder Pool.” Xuanwei somewhat regrets that his fleshly body cultivation has reached the limit, originally intended With the help of this Leichi cultivation, I broke my own embarrassment, but I did not expect that only half of the cultivation will encounter the thunder.

Just then, in front of the White Emperor Palace, an elderly silhouette slowly appeared.

Seeing that silhouette, Su Bai’s eyes are a little strange, “Zhuzu!”

“Is the tempering effect of the thunder pool on the fleshly body so strong?”

The emperor slowly came, his eyes fell on Su Bai, and his eyes showed some strange colors. He was the Emperor Dao cultivation person, and his perception was extremely keen. Although Su Bai tried to converge his own aura, he could still have a clear feeling. What is the glory of Blood Qi to Su Bai within the body.

“The ancestors have been staying in the palace?” Looking at the pastor, Su Bai is somewhat surprisedly said.

Shepherd nodded slightly, started talking: “Well, some questions on cultivation just asked the White Emperor a little, small fellow, your luck is really bad luck, the thunderstorm of the millennium is letting you bump into it.”

For the sake of this Leichi cultivation quota, the animal husbandry paid a lot of price, originally he intended to let Su Bai cultivation in the Leichi to the East Xuan domain war.

“The bad luck is more than me…”

Su Bai looked at the side of Xuan and others, embarrassingly smiled, but he always felt that the change of Leichi had something to do with him. No, it should be the iron sword in his hand.

“Go!” The Emperor turned and turned to the White Emperor Palace not far away, and he took the lead.

“Everyone, let go!” Su Bai arched his hand at Xuan and others, and quickly kept up with the Emperor.

Spiritual Qi is transpiration, and the mountains of the mountains are looming, just like the pillars of the sky.

Walking in the city of Heavenly Emperor, Su Bai’s pores seem to be blooming, and Spiritual Qi is refreshing and comfortable.

“How? How do you feel?” The Emperor slowed down and walked alongside Su Bai.

“It’s not the overlord of the wilderness, the background is hard to imagine.” Su Bai sighed, this time the trip to the Emperor’s City, he once again felt the background of the ancient dynasty.

“It’s Ah! The background of the ancient dynasty emperor is far from sect, like the Thunder Pool. There are not a few in the Emperor’s City, let alone all kinds of inheritance… This is why the ancient emperor is becoming stronger. The gap between each sect and the ancient dynasty will only grow bigger and bigger.” The priest nodded, and the power of the ancient dynasty was in its background, occupying a domain, and its background was completely beyond what they could imagine. Unless they can appear in the sect of the extraordinary powerhouse, otherwise it is difficult to shake the dominance of the ancient ruins in the wild.

Thinking of this, the Emperor looked at Su Bai in a subconscious way. In his view, among the entire Taoist sect, the most promising is the only Su Bai.

Just thinking of Su Bai cultivation Sword Dao, she has some headaches.

Along the way, the Emperor and Su Bai were basically unblocked. Soon, the white jade ladder gradually emerged from the sight of the two, and the two left the city by the white jade ladder.

After walking out of the white jade ladder, Su Bai clearly felt that the Spiritual Qi between the heavens and the earth became very thin. Su Bai knew that it was not that the Spiritual Qi between the heavens and the earth was too thin, but that the Spiritual Qi in the Emperor City was too rich. The gap between the two is too big for him to have such an illusion.

After Su Bai and Mudi walked out of the white jade ladder, they went back directly to the stronghold of the sect. When they approached the ceremonial stronghold, they noticed that there was a lot of cultivation in the Sovereign Dao, and even Emperor Dao cultivation.

“Oh…” The priest was coldly snorted, looking cold in the distance, in that direction, there was an Emperor Dao cultivation.

“These people are really persevering.” The emperor sneered, took the lead in the stronghold, here is the emperor of the ancient dynasty, he is not worried that these people dare to do it here.

Feeling the terrifying aura, Su Bai brows slightly wrinkle from all directions, he did not expect that in the past, the number of people who stared at him did not decrease, but more and more.

Quickly keeping up with the pace of the Emperor, Su Bai and the Emperor went hand in hand and walked into the stronghold. However, just coming in, his face showed a strange color. “How are they here…”

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