The old dragon emperor continued: “Xiao Long, this time, in order to avoid beat the grass to scare the snake, I can’t pass, this time Outer Territory Evil Demon, I need you.”

“I suspect that the more powerful the cultivation base, the simpler the Outer Territory Evil Demon will detect, only those with a low cultivation base can’t sense it.”

Xiao Long wondered: “Now I am already Immortal King Middle Stage, will Outer Territory Evil Demon not perceive it?”

The old dragon emperor smiled and threw a jade pendant.

“This is a jade, you can drop aura to a minimum. If you wear it, you should be completely hidden.”

Xiao Long took the jade pendant and activated Immortal Spiritual Power and refining it easily.

At this moment, the jade pendant incorporates his within the body, and he suddenly feels that his Immortal Spiritual Power aura seems to have disappeared, and he can’t feel it at all, just like an ordinary person.

鈥淕ood magical!鈥?Xiao Long was surprised.

Concentration of jade, it really has its subtleties.

鈥淩emember, Outer Territory Evil Demon is very sensitive to the Immortal Spiritual Power. When using the jade, don’t use martial arts. Even Immortal Spiritual Power should not be operated, so as not to be noticed by Outer Territory Evil Demon! With the wings of Outer Territory Evil Demon, there should be no problem with the road.” Old Dragon King said with a smile.

Xiao Long nodded, the mechanical wings of the Outer Territory Evil Demon, just no need to use Immortal Spiritual Power, can be used directly, but it saved him trouble.

Just being unable to use Immortal Spiritual Power means that he will lose many means.

But as long as you can get close to the Outer Territory Evil Demon, you can kill it, which is enough.

“Xiao Long, this is awkward, there are not many people who can help you, even I can’t help you, but we have contacted Eldest Senior Brother, he may come back soon.” Qin said. 鈥淵es, in the Territory of the Outer Territory Evil Demon, Immortal Spiritual Power may be limited. The best way is the Mortal Body power, or the Treasure of the Outer Territory Evil Demon. It happens that Qin Huang鈥檚 Mortal Body is in the wild. Second to none, you have the Treasure of Outer Territory Evil Demon, you are the most suitable person.”

The emperor explained.

鈥淓ldest Senior Brother Qinhuang?鈥?/p>

Xiao Long remembered the mysterious Eldest Senior Brother, Core Disciple’s Boss.

After he came to Free and Unfettered Dragon Palace, he only heard the name and did not see anyone. I heard that Qin Huang鈥檚 potential test is even higher than that of Qin Lan. Although it is nine and a half stars, Qin Huang is the closest one to ten stars.

“Xiao Long, take this.”

Qin Lan threw him a compass and was caught by Xiao Long.

“On the compass, I marked the location of the dragon scales.” Qin said.

Xiao Long took the compass and found that there is a marked orientation on it, which is where Qin Hao tracks the dragon scales.

“Are you waiting for Qin Huang to return, go together, or go now?” asked the old dragon.

“If you don’t want to be late, I will go to the Outer Territory Evil Demon now.” Xiao Long cup one fist in the other hand.

“Xiao Long, your friends, can let them come to me, I will assign them some Culture Technique martial arts, I have Free and Unfettered Dragon Palace. For many years, there are still a lot of savings!” Old Dragon King.

鈥渕any thanks!鈥?Xiao Long is all over.

Then, Xiao Long returned to Xuanfeng, called Yellow Hair and Fox Xiaomei, and let them go to the Divine Dragon Hall. The Old Dragon King gave them the most suitable Cultural Technique martial arts.

After getting Treasure, Yellow Hair and Fox Xiaomei are very grateful to go back to the more cultivation.

However, what surprised Xiao Long was that Mo Ying was not there. Inquired, Mo Ying actually went out during Xiao Long seclusion and has not returned yet.

“Big Brother Xiao, Mo Ying elder brother said before leaving, he is more suitable for the life of fighting, and went out to experience.” Fox Xiaomei said.

“Boss, you don’t have to worry, that fellow is a stuffy gourd. This kind of person usually has a long life.” Yellow Hair muttered.

Xiao Long shook his head, too lazy to pay attention to it. For Mo Ying, the discipline and Xiao Long, Mo Ying knew the most correct way.

After a greeting with the two people, Xiao Long left the Free and Unfettered Dragon Palace and followed the direction of the compass to chase the direction of Outer Territory Evil Demon.


At the moment, inside the Heavenly Punishment Palace.

鈥淓ldest Senior Brother is back!鈥?/p>

鈥渉aha! Eldest Senior Brother is back, the death of Xiao Long is here!鈥?/p>

“Eldest Senior Brother’s soul-hunting sword, even most of the elder is not its opponent, is the best person to assassinate Xiao Long!”

Heavenly Punishment Palace is boiling up and down because their Eldest Senior Brother is back!

In that incident, Xiao Long was directly seen by the Heavenly Punishment Palace.

No one will let such a person who controls their lifeline exist.

They are not fools. The reason why Qin Xuan can restrain the Origin Returning Sword is not his secret, but Xiao Long is helping in secret!

All responsibility is shirked to Xiao Long body.

Their Heavenly Punishment Palace, nearly 90% of the high level elder, has cultivated the Origin Returning Sword. Where can the Xiao Long such a nemesis be tolerated, they must retake the ancestral sword!

And to regain the ancestral sword under the protection of the Free and Unfettered Dragon Palace, they need a killer who is not restrained by the ancestors!

Eldest Senior Brother is the best person!

Cultivation base Immortal Venerable Middle Stage, but can rival Immortal Venerable Late Stage, and the assassination is first-class, hidden ability can be used in the perception of the old dragon.

Most importantly, Ji Wuming has no cultivation Origin Returning Sword, but another Heavenly Punishment Palace’s Ancestor’s chasing sword, which will not be restrained by the sword.

Heavenly Punishment Palace At the height of the hesitation, there were three Old Ancestors, and Profound Thunder Great Immortal was just one of them.

In the wilderness, it is the lineage of Profound Thunder Great Immortal. Ji Wuming is also a maverick. He has a special status, but in this special case, he can come in handy.

After a period of time, in the hope of everyone’s eagerness, Ji Wuming came back.

He appeared in the middle of the God Temple.

Palace Lord looked at the untitled under the black-robed, with a hint of a slight smile: “Ji Wuming, you haven’t come back for ten years, this time I can come back, I am very happy!”

Ji鈥檚 name is the first to say: 鈥淭he reason why I came back is because of one thing.鈥?/p>

“Because of Xiao Long? Our Heavenly Punishment Palace is so enemies, it is time to get rid of it!” White 鏁栨钵 indifferently said.

God Temple’s other elders also echoed: “It’s still Eldest Senior Brother understands the truth, returning at such a critical time, the old man is moved!”

The people at God Temple have praised Ji鈥檚 nameless!

They know that Ji is unnamed in the broader Heaven and Earth outside the wilderness. There are important things to do. At this time, not far away, ten million li will come back and must give up something.

Many old men are more tears to move unhindered.

“About Xiao Long’s portraits, features, his divine ability, etc., I will pass it on to you.” Bai Hao pointed out and intended to convey Xiao Long’s message.

Who knows, Ji has no reason to move backwards and has no choice to receive.

Bai Hao and others suddenly stopped.

“I didn’t come back for him, I don’t want to know anything about him.” Ji nameless shook his head.

“What is it for?” Bai Yu was shocked and wondered. I saw Ji鈥檚 nameless take a deep breath and said: 鈥淔or Outer Territory Evil Demon.鈥?/p>

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