Zhang Tianci opened Zhong Yang's box and pulled out a set of bright yellow Dao Fu and Dao hat of Zhong Yang and dressed them up.

However, there are ghosts all around, which can be described as a ghost mountain and a sea of ghosts. In fact, the enemies in the circle are hard to escape. They are just in front of Zhang Tianci's body and behind, and they are just a few feet away.

The disturbance of the wronged souls is still spreading to the outer circle.

The old ghosts in the outer circle have heard that the great immortal of the Heavenly Master is here. They all want to see the excitement. For a time, xuanyiguan was surrounded by water, and the ghosts covered the sky and the sun, countless.

In the middle, Zhang Xuangang chanted the mantra. The Dragon sings, the dew falls, and the tiger roars. The red phoenix spits out the rosy clouds, and the tortoise and snake show the spirit. One step thunder, two steps thunder, three steps, evil spirit never invade. "

Seeing Zhang Tianci's chanting, the spirits around him gradually quieted down. And this kind of quiet quickly spread to the outside. In an instant, there was no sound near xuanyiguan, and the needle could be heard.

But this quiet, but people feel a huge depression, because there are too many ghost eyes around, are watching Zhang Tianci and others.

When Jin Siyu and Zhang Tianci first met, they also met this scene in jinfengshan. But the number of ghosts tonight is ten thousand times that of that time.

After lighting incense and candles, Zhang Tianci walked around the altar and stood behind the altar.

Wen Qian and Da guangtou stand around the altar of Dharma, while Jin Siyu and Zhang YUELIAN are separated from Zhang Tianci.

The three talented boys appeared together, scattered around the altar of Dharma, staring at the ghosts around.

Although the lineup is also strong, but in the environment of ghosts, these people are like a lonely boat in the vast ocean.

Zhang Tianci rang the bell and read: "the golden furnace can only burn the soul fragrance, and the sound of burning and singing is long. The holy name has been heard under the golden palace, and the ghost is full of jade. In the long night, ten kinds of lonely souls go to the Taoist temple! "

Hearing the sound, the wronged souls gradually gathered in front of the altar of Dharma.

Zhang Tianci stopped for a moment, then continued to ring the bell, and then read: "when will the solitary soul be suspended? Who will be responsible for the exposure of his body? Body such as catkins dance with the wind, like peach blossom by water. Tonight, the Zhai official has pity on you, so that he can inherit his merits and go to Yingzhou. "

The ghosts heard and peeped at each other. Some ghosts in front of them had knelt down and looked devout.

"A stick of moral incense is willing to surpass the three realms. Heaven is merciful and preaches the secret mantra. If you pull out this dead soul, you should cross the bridge as early as possible. I wish that the nine spirits could be separated from the three paths Zhang Tianci continued to ring the bell and chant the mantra, paying close attention to the dynamics of the wronged souls.

The spirits seemed to wake up, and a large number of them knelt down.

But when Zhang Tianci looked around, he found that those old ghosts with deep morality were watching. Even, some are still floating in the air, eyes squint at themselves, a face of disdain.

Zhang Tianci put down the bell, took out the Tianshi seal and the fu magic mirror. The seal mirror was integrated into one. He said in a loud voice: "Zhang Tianci, the signer of Tianshi mansion in Han Dynasty, is going to preach here. Anyone who doesn't accept it will be punished!"

After that, Zhang Tianci turned the mirror in his hand and swept it around the sky.

Red light flashed by, dozens of old ghosts were swept by the mirror light, a cry, fell into the ghosts below.

"In front of the Heavenly Master, those who refuse to accept it will die in smoke." The big bald Rao Guanghua drank a lot and cooperated with Zhang Tianci.

The ghosts fight the millet and kowtow on the ground.

More wronged souls have been completely awakened, kneeling on the ground and shouting: "master of heaven, I have a grievance, please make the decision!"

Seeing that the situation was under effective control, Zhang Tianci was a little more stable.

It's not fun if these evil spirits make trouble at the same time. The seal of Heavenly Master and the magic mirror given by Zhang can't be suppressed.

"Take your time and listen to me!" Zhang Tianci didn't dare to give these guys a chance to complain. He was worried that their grievances would infect each other. So he rang the bell and said:

"there is a poem in the Department of Du Gong:" if you don't see the head of the Qinghai River, no one has ever collected the bones in ancient times. The new ghost is wronged, the old one cries, and the sky is wet and stuffy. Bitter, rest rest rest, cloud dark, night long. After the Qingming cold food festival, it is the autumn of yellow flowers and leaves. More lamentable, the voice of lonely geese in the air, little fireflies swim out of the window. There is no sacrifice in the ancient tomb, and no one collects the bones in the wasteland!

Some were trampled by shepherds, or stolen by wild apes, or eaten by crows, or termites. Crows and crows peck, sun and smoke. Regardless of industry and Commerce and skills, how can we divide the prime minister and the prince? It's hard to avoid heroes, riches and nobles, but wise and wise people always stop

If you suffer in this life, you will not be able to practice in the previous life. You need to learn from the wrong path and realize the relationship between cause and effect. Today, we are going to open the forum to help you return to your nature and get rid of the sea of misery. "

It was a long night, so Zhang Tianci had to use the name of the saying to hold back these wronged souls first.

If the wronged souls are willing to listen to their own bullshit, naturally the best; if they don't listen, then they should try to wait until dawn.

At that time, the wronged soul will surely fade away, and we can think of another way.

All in all, the night ahead of us will be over!

Fortunately, Zhang Tianci has recited the ancient books of Longhu Mountain. He has many lines, not to mention talking about it all night. It's OK to say "saying" for a year."Life is rich and noble, even less contented; when in poverty, we use all the tricks of the organ. Once he died, the five bitter whirled into the wrong way. One after another wanders and suffers from suffering from hunger and cold Because you and other lonely souls refuse to practice truth in life, how can they leave the bitterness after death

Zhang Tianci, looking at the dark and overwhelming ghosts in front of the altar, plucked up his spirits and went on with the so-called saying: "every day of the moon, a cry of sorrow; a wild crossing of a tobacco village, he walked alone to sit alone. I can't tell you all about it. If you can't do it, you can have a happy life Where is the sound of desert river sand? It's clear that the night moon is bright, and the corpse is still alive... "

"Live! What's the use of these birds? What kind of retribution for good and evil, benevolence, righteousness, propriety and faith are not all deceitful bullshit! "

Suddenly, a loud drink interrupted Zhang Tianci's words. A tall and burly ghost figure, with a flat crown on his head, a dragon robe on his head, a white jade belt around his waist, and heavy platform shoes under his feet, blustered into the Dharma altar!

Lying trough, it's still a ghost of the emperor!

Zhang Tianci was startled. He pointed to the ghost with his sword in his hand. He said, "don't be rude, Sancai boy. Take this maniac for me!"

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