Zhang YUELIAN nodded, opened the door and asked, "who is shouting here?"

"Are the two masters coming in together? I want to see the great immortal of Tianshi. Please give us a reason! "

The news spread so fast that we found it here! Zhang Tianci and others looked at each other and shook their heads. W

"you are just farting. Taoist people should practice hard, do nothing, and do nothing. How can you get Tao?" Guan Yunzi scolded.

Baoshi Taoist was even more angry and said, "OK, today we'll let the Heavenly Master judge us! In the old days, when Chuang Tzu went on a field trip, he saw big trees, but the woodcutters didn't take them. Chuang Tzu asked the reason, the woodcutter said, because this big tree is useless. Chuang Tzu suddenly realized that trees live long because they are useless, and people need to be useless to live for a long time. Isn't that the truth

Guan Yunzi sneered and said, "if you say Zhuangzi, I also say Zhuangzi. Chuang Tzu went to his friend's house, and the friend ordered his servant to kill the goose to treat him. The servant asked, a goose can crow, a goose can't bark, kill which one? Chuang Tzu's friend said, "it's useless to keep the goose that doesn't bark. Kill it! Therefore, the useful can survive, the useless will be eliminated - is my reason wrong? "

The two old men each stuck their necks and stated their own views. Then they looked at Zhang Tianci and asked Zhang Tianci to be the master.

Nima, this is clearly to amuse me!

In ancient times, two children argued with Confucius and today two old men said it was useful or useless to tease the great immortal of the Heavenly Master!

Zhang Tianci's face was green, and he waved: "go away..."

Seeing that the situation was not right, Zhang YUELIAN pressed Zhang Tianci's hand in a hurry, and said with a wink: "don't worry, big immortal. If you have something to say, you are all from the Taoist school."

It's not a real person's bearing to ask people to roll directly. It's not good to spread it out, so Zhang YUELIAN stops it in a hurry.

Zhang Tianci reacted and pressed down the anger in his heart. He squeezed out a smile that was not a smile. His fingers said, "roll, roll Rolling the Yangtze River East, the waves washed out heroes, right and wrong turn empty, green mountains still exist, several sunset red! You two are more than one hundred years old. You look like you are immortal. But fighting for this kind of thing is a disgrace to the disciples of Taoism! "

The Taoist priest Baoshi and Guan Yunzi said, "what the great immortal taught us is, but this truth, you have to tell us, is life useful or useless?"

Do you mean to make me difficult?

Zhang Tianci nodded and said, "OK, today I'll tell you about the relationship between usefulness and uselessness. You say Zhuangzi, I also say Zhuangzi. If you ask me, Chuang Tzu's students have also asked Chuang Tzu. Zhuangzi said that the way follows nature and changes with time. People can advance or retreat, protect their body, and raise their ambition between being useful and useless. When useful, it appears like a dragon, but when useless, it hides like a snake. Therefore, whether it is useful or useless is decided according to one's own conditions and the changes in the surrounding environment. To eat the ancients and not to change is to look at the sky from the well and seek for the sword. This is also the basis of Taoism, the relationship between opposition and unity, understand? "

Baoshi Taoist and Guan Yunzi looked at each other and said, "I see. Thank you for your advice."

Zhang YUELIAN saw Zhang Tianci's correct answer. She was relieved. She faced two experts and said, "if it's OK, you can go."

"Well, let's go first. I'll disturb you." The two old men laughed and turned to go.

"Stop!" Zhang Tianci suddenly stopped the two old men and said with a smile, "you two are so old that you fight each other in the street, and you don't know morality. I will inform the leader of your sect about these things. Let your leader strictly restrain the disciples in case this happens again

These two old men must have come to make trouble on purpose to test their own vanity and reality.

If you want to get rid of the chicken, you'll have to pay for it?

"Dashen, this is just a small matter. Don't inform our leader?" The Taoist priest said with a smile.

"It's better to start with small things. What's more, since you know it's a small matter, do you want to disturb me? Well, I'll make it clear to your leader. Go ahead and I'll talk to your leader. " Zhang Tianci waved.

Seeing Zhang Tianci's bad face, Taoist Bao Shi and Guan Yunzi stopped talking and said goodbye.

Zhang Tianci looked at Zhang YUELIAN and said, "sister Lianjie, send a letter to the master teachers of Liuren sect and Yuxian sect, affix the seal of Tianshi, and ask them to give me an explanation. It's outrageous to harass me for no reason

"Don't be angry, Dashun. I'm afraid it will happen in the future. You are so young and become a teacher of heaven. Naturally, some people will come to test you. Calm response, not impatient, is the demeanor of a real person. It's certain to inform their leader. When I send a letter to Longhushan, I'll ask those old folks to draft the letter, then I'll show it to you and send it back. " Zhang YUELIAN said.

When the Heavenly Master preached the letter, the wording must be appropriate. She admonished the other party and made them unable to refute. Therefore, Zhang YUELIAN was very careful.

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