Strongest Demonic Fiend System

Chapter 991: The third form!

"This... you... are you a Saiyan?"

   seemed to think of something, but suddenly, Frieza exclaimed in surprise.

   "There is nothing wrong with what you said like this, so be it."

   Duan Feng shrugged and slowly explained.

   After he gained the ‘Super Saiyan’ ability, Saiyan’s blood was indeed flowing in his body.

   In that case, he is considered half a Saiyan.

   " are actually a Saiyan!"

   Frieza's whole face turned extremely blue.

   Saiyans he hates most.

   Saiyan has the strength to challenge him.

   After all, the blood factor flowing in his body will increase his strength every time he recovers from a fiasco.

   He had already destroyed the entire Saiyan planet, but he did not expect that there were still survivors.

   This greatly exceeded his accident.

   "I played very well just now. Then, it's my turn."

   gave a soft drink, and then Duan Feng's figure changed and disappeared.

   When he appeared again, he had already reached the sky above Frieza.


   "What a fast speed."

   Frieza was shocked.

   That speed is too fast, even so fast that he has no time to resist.


   A muffled sound sounded, and Duan Feng punched Frieza's body.


   And the latter's body, the next moment, directly hit the ground fiercely.

   The whole ground instantly turned into a huge hole.

   Just a simple move is to directly make Frieza hit hard.

   I have to say that after starting the Super Saiyan, Duan Feng's strength has made a qualitative leap.

   Previously, his strength was Doudi.

   But there is still a big gap between the strength of Doudi and the energy in the universe.

   The energy of this state of Super Saiyan is different.

   This is completely comparable to the cosmic energy of Frisana.


   "You dare to damage my body!!"

   Frieza gritted his teeth and cursed.

   He always cherishes his body very much. Under normal circumstances, he does not allow others to hurt his body.

   But now, he was injured, and still seriously injured.

   How can this make him not angry.

   "You are right, I did."

   Duan Feng shrugged, a little speechless.


   He didn't expect that the fierce Frieza in front of him would actually say such words.

   "Boy, I won't let you go, never!"

   Frieza furiously said.

   Then his body curled up together again.

   The energy in his body is released again.

   "Then...what does the monster do?"

  Chu Qingcheng, Xiao Yuting and others are all confused.

   "It seems to be evolving."

   Duan Sisi's eyes condensed and said again.

   "What, he still retains strength?"

   Chu Qingcheng's heart was shocked.

   "Is this going to start the third form?"

   Duan Feng shrugged, without much surprise.

   Frieza normally has four forms.

   are: the first form, the second form, the third form and the final form.


   There is a state of 100% full strength in the final form.

   One can imagine how terrible Frieza is.

   And now, he just started to use the third form.

   With the sound of Frieza's low drink, his muscles swelled further.

   Moreover, his body began to develop horizontally, and the whole body had to be said to be a bit ugly.

   But ugly returns to ugly, that strength is twice as powerful as the second form.


   At a certain moment, Frieza completely evolved.

   At this time, his head is huge, and he has six horns on his head, which is extremely sharp.

   "I want to completely abolish you!"

   Frieza looked directly at Duan Feng, and said in an extremely cold voice.

"I am waiting for you."

   Duan Feng shrugged, and did not feel much surprised by Frieza's third form.

   After all, this is something he already knew.

   "Huh, still pretend to me now, let me die."

   With a cold snort, Frieza's figure suddenly swept out, turned his palm into a fist, and smashed Duan Feng fiercely.

   The sound of sonic boom resounded through the void.

   If Duan Feng is hit, I am afraid it will instantly turn into fleshy flesh.

   "Jie Wang Quan!"

   Facing Frieza's obvious and not weak blow, Duan Feng shouted, and immediately came out.


   Two fists collided in an instant, and a loud rumbling sound resounded across the sky.

   "Om~ Om~"

   The entire void, at this time, there were humming sounds.

   It seems that the void will explode.

   Very terrible.


   At a certain moment, the two people in the void were suddenly shaken off.

   Under the fierce blow just now, neither of them had any benefit, and they were evenly matched.


   "You actually took my offensive?"

   Frieza's face changed again.


   He had never thought of such a situation.

   He originally thought that after he cast the third form, he would achieve crushing.

   But now, it's just evenly matched.

   How can this not surprise him?

   "This guy, his strength has more than doubled."

   Duan Feng's face became a lot more serious.

   You should know that this is only Frieza's third form. If the final form is shown, I am afraid that the strength will skyrocket I don't believe it! "

   "I never believe this is true!"

   Frieza furiously said.

   Afterwards, its tail was swaying, when even it rushed out again.

   And Frieza's subordinates have already been stunned.

   How could they not think that their own king would be transformed again and again?

   Moreover, the strength is even stronger.

   Of course, the ugly image really shocked them.

   "Boom~ boom~ boom~"

   A series of loud rumbling noises, followed by continuous resounding.

   The two people in the void disappeared in a flash, each position stayed for less than three seconds before disappearing.

   then collided in another place.

   The teleportation-like duel in the field, no one can see clearly.

   includes Chu Qingcheng, Xiao Yuting and Duan Sisi.

   As for those Frieza's men, not to mention, they can't even catch a shadow at all.

   "Boom~ boom~ boom~"

   Every time there is a loud rumbling sound, one can see a terrifying energy spread out from it.

   The surrounding hills and rivers have already collapsed everywhere.

   I have to say that the energy sputtered is indeed quite amazing.

   Even Chu Qingcheng and others, I am afraid they can't bear it.

"How could this be?"

   "Impossible, it can never be like this!"

   At a certain moment, Frieza's roaring voice came out again.

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