Strategists Reincarnation Death Match

2 Experience of an Afterlifetime

(BM) "R-Roxi, how can you be here?" Baron cried in disbelief.

Counter Worker (CW) "Actually I'm not Roxi, I'm in this form because people tend to not argue with the person they care for most, and that makes all the difference when you are working 24/7 every day non stop with 1 year shifts.Please sit down and place your hands on this crystal ball. Please hurry up and sit down you will be the last person I will process on my shift." She said ecstatically.

(BM) "Yes... of course." He said as he snapped out of his daydream, sat down, and placed his hands on the crystal ball. The ball glowed a bright blue for a split second then died down to reveal a bright blood red four on the glassy surface. "four? is that good or bad?"

(CW) "Oh dear... in a nutshell there are over 50,000 planets you can get assigned to, but generally the closer your number is to one the crueller the world will be. You will be going to planet 4, the planet of the military strategists. The people who are transported over there are people who have generally all been to war in one point of their lives or another, and have been scarily good at commanding troops to wage war. To survive in the top 20 worlds will not be an easy task, even less needs to be said about planet four."

(BM) "well, is it possible for me to go back to Earth now that I have died?"

(CW) "Is that what you want? Well in that regard you have actually managed to luck out quite a bit. First of all only the top five planets have the privilege of letting people back to Earth. Secondly you are Chinese and the Chinese communities in these top 5 planets are actually quite powerful already. The tricky part is to convince them to put enough of their resources into you for you to have a chance to win the death match tournament, once you do you can opt to return back to Earth. Hardly anyone does though, since if you win this tournament you will have the admiration of everyone else in your world, and if you go back to Earth you get none of that prestige"

(BM) "Is that so? Then can we please get started?" He looked at her longingly.

(CW) "Wow, you are still so polite after death? Most people can't even be polite when they are alive, you may not be the first but being polite towards us does have its privileges. You are hereby granted one request before you are sent to planet four. Most people tend to choose to see how their loved ones cope with their loss."

(BM) "I see, then let me just see what Roxi did after my death please"

(CW) "You know what? Since you are the last on my shift then I'll accompany you until you are transported to planet four. Follow me." She said as she smiled and led Baron to another large hall with a bunch of what appeared to be televisions connected to something high into the ceiling and floating about. "Can I get service over here?" She seemingly yelled into the void. Suddenly a tv floated over and after playing around with it she turned to Baron and said "here you go."

(BM) "Thank you very much" Baron licked his lips as he focused on the tv in front of him. Once the screen came into focus he could see Roxi hugging his corpse with many tears coming out of her eyes, and many bullet wounds in her body.

(CW) "Fast forward a bit" she said.

The screen suddenly showed Roxi in ahospital room looking absentmindedly out of a window, obviously she was no longer behind enemy lines and was most likely in a military hospital somewhere. A doctor walked into the room, and approached Roxi.

Doctor Steve (DS) "How are you today Roxi?"

(RB) "...I'm Alright" She said after a pause"

(DS) "So I'm sure this comes as no surprise to you but you are diagnosed as no longer fit for work on the field and will therefore be taken back to China once the next supply chopper comes, once there....."

Doctor Steve kept on talking but Roxi Blaze was no longer listening as she just continued to stre out blankly into the distance.


(CW) "....and thats as much as i'm allowed to show you, unfortunately." She said to Baron as he just kept staring at the blank screen.

(BM) ".....No, no its fine, you've done more than enough, much appreciated ma'am.

(CW) "ohhhhhhhhh, I can see why your lady friend misses you so much, I bet you appreciated her when she hasn't received any in such a long time. haha." She said smugly.

(BM) "Please don't say that with her face, I beg of you." He said solemnly

(CW) "Haha, alright, alright, whatever you say. Now that we have got that out of the way its finally time for you to continue on to planet four. Come with me" She smilingly said to Baron as she led the way to another large hall with 5 big portal looking constructs in the room with labels on each of them. The portals read respectively from left to right: 1-5, 6-100, 101- 1,000, 1,000-50,000, and 50,001+.

(BM) "Wow, how grand" He exclaimed

(CW) "Alright since you are going to planet 4 you will go into the portal to the left, but before you go in you have to talk to the person standing in front of him." She pointed to a figure in front of one of the portals.

(BM) "Is it possible for me to request something else before I leave?" He asked the Roxi lookalike.

(CW) "That depends, what is your request?" She asked cautiously.

(BM) "Can I embrace you? I never got the chance to do it with the real Roxi, and I would be a lot more confident in facing challenges if you grant my request." He said slowly.

(CW) "Hmmmmm, alright i'm already in a good mood so why not." She smiled at Baron and went in for a hug. Baron received her and after a few seconds of embrace he let go and slowly walked towards the portal while saying "

(BM) "Thank you for everything." He said affectionately while slowly letting go. "Truly, thank you."

(CW) "I'll wait for you to go into the portal before I leave" She said while waving off to Baron Magellan.

Baron continued to the portal until he stopped before the man standing in front of the portal.

Portal Worker (PW) "Name?"

(BM) "Quasar Magellan"

(PW) "I see, planet four hey?"

(BM) "Yes, that's what i've been told"

(PW) "Good luck then, this planet is one of savages, the few who climb to the top are absolute overlords on this planet." He warned.

(BM) "I'll do my best" he said heeding the other's warning.

(PW) "Good, now give me your left hand." Baron reached out his left hand and the portal worker grabbed and stamped a big 4 on Baron's hand. " Alright off you go."

(BM) "Wait for me Roxi" He silently said to himself as he slowly stepped into the portal and disappeared into the light.

(CW) "God save his soul" she said as the smile she had put up for Baron disappeared, and she left while muttering " a bad man will birth from the death of a good man"

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