Strange Life of a Cat

Chapter 392: Man and monkey

A report on genetic research once said that the similarity between humans and orangutans is very high, the difference is only about 1-2%, and it is this 2% genetic difference that makes orangutans intelligent, behavioral, psychological and other aspects of humans. There are considerable differences.

But that doesn't mean that stupid monkeys like orangutans are smarter than many animals.

The monkeys watched Zheng Tan twist the bottle cap off, screw it tightly, twist it again, and screw it tight again. After several repetitions, it is estimated that they also have itchy hands. Zheng Tan looked at the demonstration and put the bottle back in On the ground, then take a few steps back.

The little monkey that was carried by her mother monkey in her arms saw Zheng Tan's behavior, and she couldn't wait to get rid of it, and went to get the empty mineral water bottle. This time the mother monkey didn't drag it by its tail, and several big monkeys gathered together to watch the movement of the little monkey.

Zheng Tan didn't tighten when he twisted the bottle cap just now. So, the little monkey twisted the bottle cap according to Zheng Tan's action just now, and when he saw that he succeeded, the little monkey was so excited that he danced with his mouth. Shouted aloud, it seemed to show off.

A big monkey took the bottle and put the twisted bottle cap on the mouth of the bottle. When it moved, the cap fell off, put it on, and fell off again. Another big monkey next to it couldn't see it, grabbed the bottle, and took it. Put the bottle cap on it carefully, twist it with your fingers and pinch the bottle cap, it's not right, twist it again, it's still not right, stare at the bottle for a few moments, twist it in another direction, this time it's right.

After shaking the plastic bottle twice without seeing the cap falling, the big monkey called "Ohhhh" happily.

Zheng Tan watched the monkeys circling around and grabbing the bottle to play. The little monkey couldn't grab it this time, looked around and ran away. When the mother monkey turned back, the baby monkey had already run far away, so she couldn't make it back.

Now Zheng Tan finally knew how the little monkey was alone before. This is the type of talking in human children.

For a while, the little monkey didn't know where to pick up a slightly smaller drink bottle. The bottle cap was not screwed tightly. The little monkey tossed it and unscrewed it, and then tossed the cap tightly again.

Watching these monkeys playing with bottle caps, Zheng Tan sighed. A mineral water bottle can be so happy to play as a toy.

Just thinking. As soon as Zheng Tan's ears moved, he heard the voice, and it was Er Mao who came over.

Soon those monkeys also found the people who came over, a little alert. The baby monkey was called by the mother monkey. When hanging from the mother monkey. The little drink bottle in the monkey's hand did not throw away.

When a few people from Ermao came to the steep slope. Zheng Tan has climbed up and waited.

"What are you doing here, Black Coal?" Er Mao asked. In fact, Er Mao also had doubts in his heart. He thought of the orchid seedlings brought out by the cat four years ago.

Taking a step forward, Er Mao glanced down the steep slope.

"Hey. Brother Pei, is there a fire here?" Er Mao asked, pointing down.

Pei Liang said helplessly: "Yes, in fact, there are not many people in this place. Because of this, some people who visit the mountains have not paid attention to this. In addition, some people have neglected their duties and ignored this one. Below A lot of garbage was accumulated before. At that time, some people did not know what was thrown down. It was on fire. The plants under the **** were almost completely burned. The surrounding stone walls are still black. "

Even though many tourist attractions have notice boards, there are still some people who don't care, throw them at will, throw up at will, and even dump some dangerous things at will, presumably for fun.

If the person who threw the source of fire knew how much he had burned this fire, what would it be like?

"After that, there were a few more trash cans around it." Pei Liang pointed at something that looked like a stake.

In order to match the surrounding environment of tourist attractions, the trash can is also made closer to nature.

Zheng Tan took a look at the trash can. There are, there should be many places nearby to place such trash cans, but even though there are trash cans, Zheng Tan still sees the thrown plastic bottle below, although it is not like four years ago It was thrown everywhere like that, but it still exists.

"This littering phenomenon still exists." Er Mao said, looking at some of the less prominent wrapping paper below the steep slope.

"Surely not absolutely avoided, but there are also the" merits "of those monkeys," Pei Liang said.

"What credit?"

"The monkeys on the mountain are very alert and they are far away from strangers, so they rarely go down to the village to get along with people, but at the same time, their curiosity is also very strong. I have seen monkeys turn up and down several times. Dumpster. It is impossible for a cleaner to stare at the trash can at any time. How can hundreds of trash can be cleaned at once in such a large area, even if there are a large number of cleaners, they cannot always pay attention.

"Oh, those monkeys still have this habit? Eryuan, good daughter, let's not learn from those bad monkeys." Er Mao said to Eryuan.

With children, it is not good to stay in the mountains for too long, and the children do not have so much energy, so they only spent half a day in the mountains, and went back to the village in the afternoon.

The next day, Er Mao and Wei Ling did not go up the mountain, but took their children to the stall, while Zheng Tan followed Pei Liang up the mountain. Pei Liang was going to the hotel on the mountain, and Zheng Tan went to the steep slope.

When Zheng Tan passed, he just saw the little monkey holding a bottle filled with water and coming to the places where the leaves were growing. He learned what Zheng Tan was like yesterday and poured the water there. It's still not so smooth, but it's much better than not knowing yesterday.

Originally Zheng Tan was worried that the orchids there would die because it was too dry, but now he was worried about too much watering. Moderate watering would not teach the monkey for a while. Zheng Tan could only think of the good side. How can you say that there won't die because of lack of water? The weather here has been relatively dry recently.

The little monkey also found Zheng Tan, probably too small, not as overly vigilant as the big monkeys on the mountain, and yesterday's events also made the little monkey less wary of Zheng Tan and was not so timid.

Climbing up the steep slope, the little monkey sighed at Zheng Tan and raised the empty beverage bottle in Yang's hand.

Is this ... invitation?

Whether or not, Zheng Tan walked over. Seeing that the little monkey did not avoid it, he raised one hand and patted the monkey's head gently.

Good boy.

But it's not always good to slip out alone, this is still the minor among monkeys. Does the monkey have a period of rebellion?

After the water was poured, the little monkey was okay. He still held the small drink bottle in his hand. Zheng Tan watched it was too difficult to walk and climb the tree. Then he pulled a vine to tie the bottle and put the little monkey on his neck.

The little monkey was curious about this, and took off the ring and put it on again. She also shook her. He shouted several times, expressing his joy and joy.

Zheng Tan intends to stroll around the mountains and spend a long time in the city. When she comes to nature, she feels relieved. Although the greening in Chuhua University is very good. But after all, it is a plain area. It is still within the city circle, and it is different from the natural environment of the mountain forest.

Walking slowly while thinking about things. Of course, I also pay a little attention to the surrounding movements, and wandering in the mountains, I won't pay much attention.

Feeling the abnormality behind him, Zheng Tan turned and looked back.

That little monkey with a plastic bottle around his neck would follow, and other monkeys would follow. There were the two big monkeys yesterday, and some Zheng Tan had never seen.

Seeing them did not mean to declare war, but just followed, presumably to make fun, seeing their companions followed, they followed.

Zheng Tan walked away and saw that the monkeys were still following him. He originally planned to run up quickly and throw away the monkeys behind him, but after seeing a trash can, Zheng Tan changed his mind.

A monkey is flipping around the trash can, not necessarily looking for food. Pei Liang said that no matter whether it is a monkey who likes to go down the mountain or a monkey who always stays on the mountain, there is no shortage of food. People here are very good to them . Therefore, Zheng Tan is more inclined to believe that the monkey who turned the trash can just feels fun. As it turned, some food boxes and packaging bags were lifted out of the trash can.

Zheng Tan stood up, walked over, picked up a packing bag, and threw it into a trash can. Then squatted and looked at the monkeys.

At first, the nearby monkeys did not respond. After about half a minute, the little monkey with a drink bottle walked over, picked up a ball of paper that dropped beside the trash can, threw it into the trash can, and tried Look at Zheng Tan.

Zheng Tan thought for a while, and patted the little monkey's head gently in the past.

The little monkey was so happy that he called for a while, and threw another wrapping paper in, and continued to look at Zheng Tan.

Zheng Tan was too lazy to move this time.

But Zheng Tan didn't move. When the little monkey saw this, he moved to Zheng Tan's side, moved again, moved again, and moved to Zheng Tan's side.

Looking at the monkey with his eyes wide open next to him, Zheng Tan shook his beard, raised his hand and patted his monkey head again.

Looking at the monkey who was picking up garbage again, Zheng Tan wondered whether he was quick to forget it.

A big monkey standing next to it was scratching itching on the tree. When he saw the behavior of the little monkey, he probably thought it would be more fun.

There is a second one and a third one. The monkeys who had been watching around also followed the past and learned.

When the little monkey turned around again, he found that Zheng Tan was gone.

And here, no one expected that what happened between these monkeys was subtly changing the behavior of a large number of monkeys on the mountain. So that when tourists who come here later throw garbage at will or throw it to the trash can without dropping it, there will always be monkeys who pick up things that fall beside the trash can and throw them into the trash go with.

For this matter, local TV stations and provincial stations have come and interviewed. They used typical models to educate some people and throw garbage in the trash. This is something that even monkeys know. Do n’t you understand?

However, when outsiders praised the average quality of the monkeys here, most of the people in the village laughed and thought, thinking: that is that you have not seen the performance of the monkeys before, that is just a negative teaching material.

Of course, those are the last words, not to mention.

Zheng Tan didn't know that his rise as a fun thing would trigger this series of changes. He looked at the time and went down to Pei Liang's house on time. Later, Er Mao will sue Jiao Dao and Jiao Ma.

In the evening, the two children were taken to bed by their respective mothers, and the three brothers Liu Weiling, Wei Mao and Pei Liang were drinking there.

Well, most people get drunk easily when they are happy and sad.

Pei Liang is also ~ ~ After drinking too much, he partnered with Qi Da to play a weird set of monkey fists, and then one person and one monkey held the "golden hoop" to play Sun Dasheng. Noisy like.

Yes, Pei Liang, and Qi Da, one person and one monkey, have different languages, but they are noisy.

Er Mao looked at the one person and one monkey who were blushing, and rolled on the ground with a smile. Wei Ling was still slightly awake and took several photos.

Pei Liang's eldest son couldn't see it. Close the door. Don't let people outside look at his father's shame.

Zheng Tan who watched from the side remembered a joke from the past: It takes thousands of years to change from a monkey to a human, but it only takes a bottle of wine to change from a human to a monkey. (To be continued ...)

PS: I came back early tonight and planned to have a second change. As a result, I received three work emails after opening QQ, and the code was not processed until 10 o'clock. I only changed one, and then went to bed for a while. There were still many things on the last day of September. I ca n’t finish my eleven days before returning to my hometown. I'm here to sue everyone.

The original plan was to release the "Dashan" today, but only tomorrow.

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