"How is it?" The moment Imperial Physician Chang walked out of the Internal Hall, I impatiently went to welcome him. Ru Mei's hoarse shout came from inside the room, the sound was heart shaking.

"Since I am no longer able to stabilize the dragon embryo, it will definitely fall." "It's just that there are still some difficult births." Imperial Physician Chang's face did not look good either. After all, he had always taken care of this baby with all his might. If something went wrong, Xuan Yuan would blame him.

I comforted him, "Imperial Physician Chang, you can rest assured. If there is anything you need, I will take responsibility for it." Imperial Physician Chang slightly nodded his head. "This humble subject is more worried about whether the Empress can safely bear through the production process …"

Mei Duo brought five Small Palace Maidservant s in and out, entering the house holding steaming hot water. When she came out, the clear water had already been dyed red with the blood. I could no longer smell the blood, only a dull feeling in my chest.

After about two hours of this, Matriarch He slowly walked out from the Internal Hall. "It's not good, Imperial Concubine. The aura of the Consort's child has been lifeless since birth."

What?" I couldn't help but be shocked and barged in, disregarding everything else. According to the rules of the imperial palace, a woman who had given birth to a child could not be a woman's sleeping quarters. And he's a stillborn child, which is even more unlucky.

It's just that at this time, how could I think so clearly, I just charged in. I have to see that child for myself. He really doesn't breathe, so I can't give up. Even if there was a sliver of hope, I still had to save him.

Sure enough, Palace Maidservant was holding a baby that was entirely purple, with blood still smeared all over its forehead. Madame Zhao fainted because of pain and blood loss.

I put my hand under the baby's nose and couldn't feel it. Steeling my heart, I lifted the baby's feet and let his head hang upside down. Ye Zichen slapped his butt heavily, thrice, while patting and crying. He couldn't help but feel a bit more energetic in his hands.

"Suddenly, there was a crisp sound, and the child started crying." Imperial Physician Chang, Imperial Physician Chang … " I crazily yelled, "Come take a look, come take a look!" "This child isn't dead, he will still cry …"

I cried tears of joy. I didn't care about my appearance and cried out happily. Hearing the voice, Imperial Physician Chang also rushed over, and took the infant from my hands. Only now did he realize that the child's mouth was covered in foam, and at this moment, his eyes were closed as he cried incessantly.

I fell to the ground and covered my mouth and nose with my hands. He kept thanking God for giving this child a chance to see the world and see the mother of his children with his own eyes.

"No worries, this child is truly lucky." "Even though he was born prematurely within a month, it seems like he is quite strong." Imperial Physician Shi examined the baby's pulse carefully and finally came to such a conclusion.

Only then did Mei Duo regain her senses and help me up. I also stopped crying and laughed: "That's good." She suddenly thought of the boy who was wrapped around by Jin Huan. She didn't know if he was a man or a woman, so she asked, "Is this a prince or a princess?"

Upon hearing this, Old Madam steadied herself and stepped forward. "Esteemed Empress, it's a little princess." I nodded silently. Daughter or not, I didn't have to suffer the pain of separation. She would guard her first mother and lead a peaceful and peaceful life.

Jin Douzi's voice came out from outside the door: "The emperor has arrived!" I hastily wiped away my tears and put on a bitter and bitter smile. "Chenqie congratulates Your Majesty on having another daughter."

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