
Gu found the phone number of Lee Nak-jong's accountant entered on his smartphone and called.

“This is Dijon Korea's relief. ”

“Oh, are you the boss? ”

“We need to adjust the audit report because of the Venture designation. ”

“I understand. I've heard stories. You must collect all audit reports that have already been distributed. ”

“I understand.”

“And you have to get rid of them. ”

“I'll do that. ”

“That's why you called from China. We wish you a venture designation and good results. ”

“Thank you.”

Gu Gu arrived at the time of the incident. Moon Jae Ceremony said.

“The community is tomorrow at 10 a.m., so rest up at the hotel today. The hotel is in the suite of the Shangri-La Hotel. ”

“Good work.”

“And we'll have dinner together at home. My wife said she was preparing a meal. ”

“My lord? I'm sorry, then. ”

“You must have only eaten what you had in China. Let's go eat some miso stew. ”

“Yeah, look at the baby's face, too. ”

Moon Jae Ceremony brought the car to the hotel with Gu Gun Ho around 6 pm. Gu Gun Ho went to the flower garden apartment where Moon Jae Ceremony lives. There were no elevators in the apartment, but the stairs leading up were quite spacious.

When I opened the door, it smelled like miso stew.

“Sun-young's dad is here. ”

When Moon Jae Ceremony called her name, the wife of Moon Jae Ceremony in apron jumped out.

“Welcome. ”

Moon Jae's wife put her hands together and politely greeted Gu Geun Ho. I felt like I was wearing light makeup. He also put on weight and looked completely different from when he worked at the book cafe before.

I was living in a rented house with no money and no wedding, and no tomorrow. So I was speechless and frowned. But not now. A smile spread over the noblewoman's face. Money was like a magician.

“The house smells delicious. ”

Gu looked around the house. There was also a soft couch and a large TV in the spacious living room. The bed was visible through the open door. I saw a woman who looked at me as if she was a housekeeper with food in her kitchen. I thought he was special because Gu Gun Ho is coming.

“Is it worth living in China? ”

“Yes, I'm getting used to it. ”

“Good. Haha. ”

“Can I see my princess? ”

Moon Jae's wife went into the room and held the baby. The baby opened his eyes wide and looked at the hook.

“You look beautiful. Give me a hug. ”

The baby cried when the hooker held the baby. He couldn't help but hand the baby over to the wife of Moon Jae Ceremony. The baby laughs out loud as his mother hugs him.

“I laughed and left. I think he's babbling, too. ”

“Then it's been 100 days. ”

“That's why it's so cute. Raise it well.”

Gu Jae went to the dining table with instructions from Moon Jae Ceremony. Moon Jae's wife laid the baby down and introduced the housekeeper.

“He's helping us with our work. ”

Gu Gun-ho smiled and nodded his head and said hello.

There was a rich dining table, with miso soup and everything I had seen in Korea, including kimchi and steam, butter buns, grilled fish, steamed eggs, tofu, grilled fish, and steamed ribs.

“Haha, when did you get all this? ”

Moon Jae Ceremony answered for me.

“He bought it himself on his bike to the market. ”

“You seem to be good on your bike. ”

“I got my driver's license. ”

“Oh, really? ‘

The housekeeper said something to Moon Jae's wife. The Guggenho seemed to have mixed a few noble dialects. It seemed like he was asking what kind of alcohol to bring. I heard what Moon Jae's wife said, and she spoke fluent Chinese with a noble accent. I heard that he speaks good Chinese, but he seemed to be doing really well.

“No, you've barely been to China, and you speak Chinese. ”

“I know how to do something simple. Hoho.”

Gu Jae-ho was surprised when his wife shouted and laughed.

[What a cheerful girl who kept her head down without saying anything. Besides, since you're so fluent in Chinese, Moon Jae-Seok seems to have met a nice girl.]

“Isn't there a knight out there with you? Let's come in and eat together. ”

“It doesn't have to be that way. I think he's on the phone somewhere. He'll be back when he's done. ”

As soon as Moon Jae Ceremony finished speaking, the article came up. The reporter and Moon Jae-ho's wife said something to each other, but Gu was surprised again.

[Huh, a woman who's been here for less than half a year speaks Chinese like that. You're better than me at Chinese school. Apparently, he has a natural aptitude for language. “]

The Moon Jae-ho couple and Gu Gu, and the knight and housekeeper ate together. In China, knights and housewives often dine together. Gu Gu asked the knight. “Is Korean food a good fit? ”

The knight smiles and nods.

Moon Jae's wife brought a white beau. I only drank Moon Jae-ho and Gu.

“I'm glad you speak good Chinese and are adapting well to Chinese life. ”

Moon Jae-ho received Gu's words instead.

“He's been reading poetry lately. In the evening, I also learn Ulhu, a traditional Chinese instrument. ”

Moon Jae's wife glanced at Moon Jae Ceremony.

“You're embarrassing me! ”

The wife of Moon Jae Ceremony, however, did not dislike it. Gu Gun-ho drank a drink and thought to himself,

[It's not like life in China has adapted, but the fish have met the water.]

“Let's have a drink too. ”

“I'm not good at it. ”

Gu Gu asked the housekeeper for two empty glasses. When the housekeeper brought the cup, the medical professional followed the drink and gave it to the wife and housekeeper at the Moon Jae Ceremony.

“Just one drink at a time. The driver next to me doesn't drink because he has to drive. ”

Moon Jae's wife and housekeeper drank a little alcohol.

At the end of the meal, Gu Gu Gae asked.

“What happened to trying to get him to leave? ”

“Good places are expensive and I don't like cheap places. I'm looking for more. ”

“A hundred million people here is a good place to catch a store. ”

“Not really. There are over 300 million stores on the side of the square right now. Then maybe you can do whatever you want. You could do McDonald's or KFC. ”

“Hmm, really? You don't have to go where you sell chili, do you? ”

“I know, but...” But what about the chicken? Do you want Korean? “

“No, buy a live chicken here. All you have to do is bring in the Korean West Powder. ”

“Right? But wouldn't you rather go with the Chinese people in your company to get a store or something? Wouldn't you blame it on a Korean? ”

“If not, I want to go with a judge or clerk when I sign a contract. ”

“That would be nice. Eek? But is time already like this? ”

Gu got up from his seat.

“Since I've been eating Korean food for a long time, I think I can digest well. The food was crisp and very tasty. Eat well. ”

Gu Gun-ho even greeted the baby.

‘Farewell. Sun-young. “

The hooker took out an envelope and handed it to the baby. The baby grabbed the envelope tightly.

“Haha, he must know how to put money in an envelope. ”

‘Oh my God, you sent me a lot of money at childbirth, and I gave it to you again. “

“This time, I didn't have enough preparation to come from the injury. Thank you for many things today. ”

“I don't know if you enjoyed your meal. Hoho.”

“Don't come out because you have a baby. ”

Gu Gun Ho returned to the hotel after 10: 00 p.m.

The community opened, renting a conference room at a small hotel not far from the terminal. When Gu Gun Ho arrived, Cho Eun Hwa was at the meeting and was talking to the account manager.

“Omar! It's been a long time, old man. ”

“How are you? You're prettier.”

“I think Old Man is fatter than before. ”

“Do you deserve to stay here? ”

“Yes, I'm fine because Moon is good. Be good to her, too."

“Oh, really? ”

“My wife soaked Kim Chi in it. ”

“Oh, really? ”

The people of the Middle East have arrived. Passenger Transportation Corporation Yen Runjeong and Changchun Vice President are here. Greetings and meetings began as the community of judges.

Since it was the first term of the joint venture, Dongho was Jenluncheon, the president of the passenger transportation construction, and the vice president was Moon Jae Ceremony. Guggenho just attended as a verb. However, the practical reality was a relief effort.

The community began as a society of judges' office leaders.

There was a business report of Moon Jae Ceremony and in the middle, Cho Eun Hwa interpreted it. The real meeting started after the business report. The battle between Jen Lung and Gu Cho began.

“Terminal construction has begun. Construction begins after the civil works are finished. One party must send $5 million in second-hand investments under a joint venture. ”

“Terminal site must be in the name of the lyrics. We have not yet heard that the land has been changed to the name of the tillage. It needs to be solved before you can make a second investment. ”

“We are in consultation with the construction firm. The first funding was spent on both transportation arrangements, construction deposits and civil works. Construction contracts were signed in the name of a joint corporation. If the following process does not take place, you will be required to pay the penalty fee. ”

Gu Gu said while drinking water.

“Terminal site must be full width in the name of the thread. ”

“Now, this is an analogy to the Land Use Permit of the Construction Office at the time. There's an order to work, and if you insist on a full-length plot of land in the name of the lymph thread, you're asking me to tie it up? You don't want me to?”

“I came all the way from Korea to be rational. Do you think I came here to play? ”

The speech began to increase gradually. The others were silent without intervention.

Changchun, Vice President, asked for a meeting.

“Take a 10-minute break. ”

The meeting started again in 10 minutes.

“The money went into the file. The next process involves electricity design, pharmacopeia design, environmental design, waterproof design, sewage pipeline drainage plan, and fire-fighting design. ”

“The cessation of construction is not the responsibility of one party, but the responsibility of the other. ”

“Moreover, there will be more than 60% of road routes coming out, and we won't be able to take a step. ”

“Transportation is separate from construction. Do not associate. ”

“A single suppression can also have an impact on the sustainability of transportation. ”

“We should ask the legal interpretation of the other provincial teachings, not in this region, whether the claims of one side are compelling or the other side is compelling. ”

“Suit yourself. The trustee doesn't pay a lawyer's fee. ”

“I can't spend a dime on a second investment. ”

“That's the spirit of rationality? ”

“Who's gonna say that?” Speaking up again. Moon Jae Ceremony and Eun-Hwa looked at Gu, anxious. Pan Gong-Shi and the Chinese executive manager also looked anxiously at the face of Jen Lungqiung, the president of the Passenger Transport Corporation.

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