Story of a Big Player from Gangnam

Cosdium Play Magazine (1)


Shin Shin-Sook, president of the media, once again looked at the butterfly sculpture made by Sakada Ikuzo.

“I've made it exquisite, but it's hard to judge until I see something else. ”

“This is a gift because Park Jong-seok of Mobile gave his daughter away. ”

“Oh, really? ”

“I should have brought some more. ”

“By the way, the Chanel handbag you gave me last time gave it to the best painter. He said he received an excessive gift from his nephew. ”

“Do you have any plans for Mr. Choi's exhibition? ”

“Nothing yet. He's resting a little bit, and then he wants to get back on his feet. ”

Shin Jeong-sook said while drinking the tea that Yeon-soo brought.

“You know the Japanese teacher, Matsui Yoshitaka, who organized the last Japanese comic book exhibition? ”

“I know. You speak Korean well because you're from a special party. ”

“He wants me to start a magazine. “

“Magazine? ”

“Let's start a Cosplay magazine. ”

“Cosplay is about dressing up as a child comic book character. ”

“Hoho, that's right. The industry has made a lot of progress in Japan. There's a magazine in Japan about him that says he's not in Korea. ”

“There's a lot of cultural differences between Japan and us. Will that work? ”

“I am confident that there will be more than 5,000 copies. ”

“Isn't that what you get when you hire journalists? The labor costs...”

“Magazine content has partnered with Japanese magazines to copy half of them. The other half is a Korean journalist chasing the event. ”


“And I want you to hire me as a guest reporter for GE Media. ”

“As a guest reporter? Haha, I don't know about this, so you're on your own. ”

“Yoshitaka gave me some Japanese Cosplay magazines. I'll bring it with me. ”

“Done. I've got a lot of things on my mind, so the children's magazine won't be noticed. I don't know. ”

“Sakada Ikuzo's Yokohama exhibition will be there when it's scheduled. ”

I went to Seoul National University Policy Graduate School like Gu Gun-ho did. In the meantime, I've missed a few classes on business trips between Japan and China. When people saw the slogan that had appeared for a long time, they welcomed it.

“Wow, isn't this the secretary? ”

“I knew I'd lost my sight of the Secretary. I heard you went on a business trip between Japan and China, but now you show up. ”

“Where does a married man go when he's not having fun? ”

“You didn't bring any bread today? ”

Secretary Lee Jin-woo quietly called Gu Gun-ho.

“It's a shame I don't have a secretary. I didn't know when I was here, but I knew the secretary had a lot to do. Kim Young-jin attorney of Kim & Jeong Law Firm has done a lot of work while the secretary is away, thank him. ”

“Haha, got it. He's my friend. You don't have to say that. ”

After the first hour of the lecture, Gu Gu Gun Ho changed bread and health drinks.

A four-year-old congressman took a piece of cake and said,

“Did you buy this rice cake for a business trip? ”

“Haha, rice cake is made from Korean rice. ”

“Well, now that the secretary's in school, you get one of these. You can't drop out of school. ”

The rose and lilac scents became dark in May.

Gu Gun-ho looked out from the 18th floor of Shinsa-dong, Gangnam.

“I've been married for over a month and a half. ”

Gu, again, sat at his desk and sent an email document about his entire company.

[To: CH Mobile Co., Ltd.

Diyon Korea Co., Ltd.

NH Development Co., Ltd.

GH Media Co., Ltd.

GH Logistics Co., Ltd.

Chinese GTH Train Embassy Co., Ltd.

CH Soap Co., Ltd., China

The filing deadline for the quarter of this year was April 25. Please let us know how much you're reporting. If you have a company that has not yet reported, please report the reason.

In addition, please send one copy of the previous year's External Audit Financial Statements to the Shinsa-Dong GE Development Office and report the quarterly profit and loss status via email.

President Gu Gun-ho]

I tried to go to the bathroom after sending an email, but I got a call from the secretary's office at 00.

“Are you Mr. Gu Gun-ho? ”

“That's right.”

“This is the Secretary of the Minister of the 00s, and I'll replace you. ”

The Minister of Home Affairs was the president who studied together at the graduate school of policy.


“Yes, this is Gu Gu. Minister.”

“Park said her mother had passed away. ”

“Mr. Park? ‘

“Oh, you know, the guy in the back seat with the ugly face. ”

“Oh, yeah, I remember. Aren't you the sort of sporty guy with the hair and the wrinkles on his forehead? ‘

“Yes, because your mother is dead, text your graduate students. Valine is at 7: 00 a.m. the day after tomorrow, and the morgue is at Seoul University Hospital in front of the university. ”

“Very well. I'll text you. ”

“And send me a harmony in the name of the graduate school of policy. ”

“Very well. In the name of the chancellor?" "

“No, you can send it to the graduate school. Sending in the name of the minister will be done here in the secretarial office. ”

“Very well, Minister. ”

Gu, who was sitting in the president's office, grumbled and texted the graduate students of policy.

“I was wrong to ask the secretary to speak to lawyer Kim Young-jin. It's annoying.”

Gu Gu called for a representative from Zhongyoung.

“You wanted to see me?”

Gu said as he gave me the note.

“Just send her to Seoul University Hospital. The sender's name is on the note. ”

“I understand.”

“And I only put 100,000 won in the envelope. ”

“I understand.”

“The surcharge is 100,000 won, and the harmony is set aside, so I'll give you the money. ”

‘Okay, boss. “

“And ask him to come in. ”

“I understand.”

The Chief of Staff came in, who was hired with Mr. Oh when he came in, and he was a certified tax professional.

“Are you good at your job? ”

“Yes, you can. ”

“It's not a manufacturing company, so it shouldn't be that complicated. The rent pusher is the instructor, isn't he? ”

“Yes, it is. ”

“Every company under GE sent all the financial statements for external audit last year over here. A total of 7 companies. Take the Chief of Accounts, collect it and bring it to me. ”

“I understand.”

Representative Jung-young came back into the boss' room.

“I acted in harmony. ”

“Well done.”

“Here's an envelope. ”

“Nice writing, by the way. Are you in?”

“Yes, you just came in and wrote me an envelope. ”

“Well done.”

At 6 p.m., Gu Gu came down to work. Bentley's car is waiting at the front door with the ignition on. A building security guard in uniform opened the car door and saluted Gu Gun Ho.

Gu, who was in the car, told Sang-ho.

“Today I'm not going to Dogok-dong Tower Felis, but to Seoul University Hospital. ”

“Seoul University Hospital? Are you going to see your wife?”

“No, go to the funeral. One of the police officers is going to get an award. ”

“Oh, then I'll go to the Palace of the Palace rather than to the university. The funeral home is a good place to go. ”

“Must be a lot of traffic, huh? ”

“Yes, I'm going to be pushed. It's time to go home.”

I got a call from Youngjin Kim on the way.

“Are you going to the mall today or tomorrow?"

“I'm on my way. ”

“Really? I'll see you there at 8: 00. ”

Gu Gun-ho called Kim Young-un as he was passing by the National Theatre. I was going to text you, but then I called you myself.


“Yes, it's me. ”

“What brings you here?"

Kim Young-un asked with a slightly tired voice.

“Where are you now? Is this a house or a hospital? ”

“” Hospital. I'm on call tonight. “

“I'm going to Seoul National University Hospital. We'll be there in a minute. ”

“Are you... not sick? ”

“No, go to the funeral. Someone I know got an award. Let me see your face while you're gone. ”

“I'll see you Friday night. ”

“But I came to the hospital, and I need to see your face. ”

“I have rounds, so be back after 7: 30. ”

“Got it.”

My car was pushed too much and I arrived at the hospital at almost 8 o'clock. Bentley's car in the Gu Gun Ho was parked in front of the main entrance of the University Hospital.

Gu went to the on-call doctor's office. Kim Young-un in a white robe was working in front of the computer.

When Gu Gun Ho went in, Kim Young-un got up from his seat.

“We've come this far, but we can't just leave. ”

Under Kim Young-un's neck in a white robe, white skin was more dazzled under the light. It was like an inviting lily.

Gu Gun-ho hugged Kim Young-un and said.

“I miss you every day. ”

Kim Young-un left in a hurry.

“Don't do this. Someone's gonna come in and see you. ”

“What do you think? ”

Gu Gu said with a nice smile.

“Looks like you're working too late. ”

“Well, I'm a little busy. ”

“Really? I'll go, then. Don't overdo it. ”

The hook turns and waves.


Kim Young-un called Gu Gun-ho in person.

“I'm sorry, I'm not very good at it. ”

Gu Gu said with a smile.

“I'm sorry I haven't been good to you either. ”

Kim Young-un waved his hand with a smile.

There were many people at the funeral. I could barely see the police officer in uniform.

The harmony sent by Gu Gun Ho stood firmly at the entrance.

“I bowed down twice to the one who died, and I bowed down with my comrade. I stood in the front row to see if Park's security was a boy or boy. After being right, the security guard said.

“The chancellor is here. Thank you."

Park's security detail introduced me to the brothers standing next to him. Then I led Gu Gu to the place where the mourners sat.

“Congressman Jo, you're all sitting over there. ”

In one corner, several graduate students were noticeable. They sat in front of the usual and had drinks.

“Oh, is the secretary here? Have a seat.”

Guggenho looked for Kim's lawyer, but he didn't see him. A congressman poured a bottle of wine for Gu Gun Ho.

“The secretary has a knight, right? ”

“Yes, I do. ”

“Well, pick up a few glasses. ”

There was no Minister Lee Jin-woo. The graduate student in front of him was a minister of a different ministry than a less familiar congressman. They only talked to each other. Gu Gun Ho was not a public official, and he was much younger.

Gu Gun-ho stood up and looked around, wondering if Kim Young Jin had come. There are young people sitting at the far entrance, and I can see the face of the Great Lakes. It seemed like the pilgrims were sitting down and eating.

“Oh, sorry I'm late! ”

Youngjin Kim burst in.

“Did you have a reputation? ”

“Yes, I just did. ”

Kim Young-jin came and added a few more drinks. There were more and more patrons.

When people sat tightly, they sat close to the people next to them. A strong man in his early 50s, who was drinking next to him, kept looking at Gu Gun Ho. Guggenho also looked at this person constantly because he seemed to have seen him somewhere. But I couldn't remember.

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