Shin Shin-Sook, CEO of GE Media, arrived this afternoon.

“I heard that the comic book exhibit was a success. ”

“It's not more than one expensive painting. Hoho.”

“Still, it's a great gallery promotion that students are coming. ”

“Students are noisy. ”

“Aren't they all customers of the future? ”

“It's because they're Gangnam children. They're buying 200,000 won, 300,000 won paintings. ”

“As a parent, I don't do bad things, so I'll give them to you. ”

“But I was surprised to learn the name of a Japanese cartoonist better than us when I heard the students come and talk. ”

“You see a lot of Japanese comic books. ”

“I also see books that haven't been translated. I'm surprised you don't know Japanese, but you can understand it. ”

“I'm glad you made it, even if it's not a big deal. ”

“Matsui Yoshitaka refused to offer a Japanese cosplay prop exhibition. ”

“What is cosplay? I think I heard it. ”

“Kids dress like Japanese cartoons, they dress like Japanese cartoons, and they do props. Usually, when there is such a competition, he comes out in all sorts of outfits and contests. I thought you were still at the Seoul School Trade Exhibition Hall. ”

“Then why didn't you say so? ”

“I thought the art gallery would be less prestigious. ”


"Next time, I'm going to push for a sculpture exhibition. “

“Is that so?”

“And on Friday night, Kim Young, the painter's nephew, decided to have dinner with the doctor. Mr. Gu, come out. I'll meet you on the university road. “

“Aren't I interrupting your meal? ”

“No. I went to Yangpyeong last time and got it well, so I decided to buy it. He did all the hard work that day. ”

“What is the relationship between Kim Young-un and the painter? ”

“This is my sister's daughter. She's my sister.”

“That would be the exact aunt. ”

“Yes. I followed my aunt well after she died. ”

“How did your mother die? ”

“She died of ovarian cancer in high school. I was there at the funeral. ”

“Is that so?”

“He's so big, he's so big. I cried like that at the funeral, and then I became a doctor. ”

“I'm sure he's alone. ”

“Yes, I live in Xinrim-dong. He was an elementary school teacher and retired from retirement. But you look like an investigator today. Hoho.”

“Yes? Well, I... ”

Guggenho stammered.

“I'm going down there. I'm sorry that I kept pushing Ms. Oh. ”

“No. Oh Yeon-soo won't be doing much now. ”

Shin Jin-sook turned around and said,

“I think the best painter has a good eye for you. ”


The hook turned red.

Choi wanted to marry his nephew Kim Young-un. I convinced my nephew not to marry me by phone.

“Look, there are times when it's marriage. I mean, look at me. We're losing time. We're living like this. You always do, don't you? I want to set up a cancer lab. A laboratory like that is not a disaster. If you're a doctor in the Chamberlain family, why don't you come quickly? I think I'm going to choke to death. ”

“Gu Gun-ho is a self-made man. You don't have to be a character. You have to be a person. I'm sorry to tell you about the money, but he said he's an entrepreneur who owns a lot of buildings and businesses in Gangnam. Shin Jeong-sook, who has the eyes of a man, also praised the pole. Who else knows? I'll start a thriving hospital in Gangnam. ”

“I know doctors get paid a lot of money. But how are you going to start a hospital without your parents' legacy? How many doctors have you loaned out to start a hospital and then failed? That's because doctors don't talk when they start a hospital and become bad creditors. Did you hear the son of a high-ranking doctor opened a hospital one day and killed himself? ”

“Mr. Gu Gun-ho did not go to Seoul University, but he went to university in China, and his Chinese friends also have university professors or deputy mayors. Seoul University is a big deal. Even after Seoul University, there are many women who starve. Gu Gun-ho doesn't only have money, he also knows how to enjoy art. My aunt bought the painting on the first day of the exhibition. I was told by Shin-Sook that a nice guy like that. Are you listening to your aunt? Busy? Got it. Hang up the phone.”

Writer Choi sold a lot of drugs to his nephew Kim Young-un, but I didn't know if it was eaten by Kim Young-un.

Guggenho stopped by Giant Logistics in Sunghwan. There were several heavy vehicles, it seemed to have knights, and it seemed to be quite energetic. Moon Jae, who was half-bodied and shouted to her lips, was pretty fat today.

“Oh, is the old boss here? ”

“Looks like you've grown quite a bit. ”

“We have 27 cars in our yard right now. There were two pajos transporting books, one more because we were known to be a big company. ”

“Really? So there must be three papages. ”

“Diyonkorea is three generations old because Yoon told them to send one more. ”

“Did Yoon get in the dump truck you were talking about? ”

“Then I'm in. I'm in five 25-ton cars. ”

“What kind of car is that in front of you? ”

“That's the art truck. ”

“How much is sales? ”

“About 100 million a month. However, there is a recommendation from Old Master. ”


“I want more trucks. Can't we spend it on car increases when we make a profit? ”

“Yes, increase it. ”

“You don't take anything from the old boss. ”

“Growing cars means increasing my assets, so it doesn't matter. ”

“Really? Thank you. ”

“And how much do you get paid here? ”

“The commission is 180 a month, the chief is 220, I'm 250. It's the same salary they used to make at the G.H. Media. ”

“Is that all you got? How much does the new boss get? ”

“The new boss gets 350. ”

“The media is out now, but both the new president and Moon are underpaid. I guess I was too indifferent. ”

“At the end of the year, the new president offered to renegotiate his salary when he made a business report to the old president. ”

“We have two months till the end of the year, so let's wait a little longer. But you should do 300 a month. I have to do business, so the fee is 1 million won per month. ”

“Well, I'm sorry about that. ”

“If you have good management grades, you can renegotiate your salary. ”

“No, I love it these days. Don't be jealous to drive a car SM5 with a fare of 300 and a flat fee of 100. ”

“Why should I? You should be a high-end car driver on a hundred-dollar salary. ”

“No, thank you. ”

It became Friday afternoon.

Gu Geon Ho also had a new haircut, a shiny shirt, a new tie, and headed to Dongdong University.

Guggenho took the Bentley and told Sangho.

“Park in the right spot at the art theater near Hyehwa Station, line 5. ”

“Yes, ma'am. ”

Sangho liked these specialties because he could pay 1.5 times more for special meals.

I went to the restaurant that Gu Gun Ho promised. It was a small restaurant on the second floor of the Hop House.

Shin Shin-Sook raised his hand when he found Gu Gun-ho entering the restaurant. I was sitting with a woman doctor named Young-un Kim. The food doesn't seem to have been ordered yet.

“Sorry I'm late. ”

Gu Gun-ho sat on the chair next to Shin Jung-sook. Kim Young-un was surprised to see Gu Gun-ho. From a surprised look, I didn't think he had told me that Gu Gu Gu Cho was coming in advance.

“How do you do?"

Gu Gun-ho greeted Kim Young-un. Kim Young-un's face became stiff and received a greeting.

“Young-un, you know this guy, right? He was the one who wanted to serve me dinner because he had a good reputation. ”

When Gu Gun Ho sat down, the waiter brought the bottled water. The new boss shuddered.

“You got a lot of traffic, right? ”

“Yes, a little. ”

“Are you here with the knight? ”

“Yes, I said I was going to be late. I would have put the car in the parking lot and gone to dinner by now. ”

“Oh, look at me. I left my car by the side of the road. I'll just go first. Enjoy your meal. ”

The new boss waved his hand and left. It seemed like the two of them had left the room to talk.

Shin went and Gu Gun-ho spoke to Kim Young-un.

“I owe a lot to Yangpyeong that day. ”

“Oh, yeah. ”

Kim Young-un still said with a tense face.

“Do you want to order a meal? ”

Gu Gun-ho gave Kim Young-un the menu.

“Place your order first. ”

Kim Young-un gave the menu back to Gu Gun-ho.

Gu Gu Cho picked up a medium-sized menu that was neither too expensive nor too cheap.

“Are you sure this is okay? ”

“If you like, do it. ”

Kim Young-un calmly replied.

Gu Gun Ho called the waiter and ordered food.

Gu Gun Ho drank fresh water again. I didn't know what to say.

“I heard you live nearby. ”

“Yes, I live in Myeongheedong. “

“Is this an apartment?"


Another moment of silence passed.

“In fact, I was so grateful to Kim Young-un that I wanted to serve him a meal. Instead, I was served a meal first. ”

Kim Young-un looked up and knew what he was talking about.

“Last month, when my mother was hospitalized at Seoul University Hospital for vertebral joints, she suffered from constipation. At that time, I was shocked to see Kim Young-un give me an enema directly. And I thought," You know, doctors do terrible things. "Thank you so much."

“How many hospitalizations are you in? ”

“I was in a regular room and moved to a private room. ”

“Ah, ah. I think I remember. ”

Kim Young-un smiled faintly for the first time. Gu Gun-ho thought that Kim Young Eun's smile looked quite cute.

“Let's stop talking about food soon. ”

Guggenho drank fresh water again. I found a lot of strange bottled water today. After a long time of mojo, Gu said again.

“It's hard being a doctor, isn't it? ‘

Kim Young-un answered with a faint smile whether Gu Gun-ho's words sounded warm.

“It's rewarding. ”

There's food. It's steak. They both ate without saying a word. Gu Gun-ho pushed Kim Young forward with a delicious plate of food.

“That's enough.”

Kim Young-un pushed the food dish back in front of Gu Geon Ho.

“What do you do now? ”

“We own two manufacturing factories and rent out buildings in Sinsa-dong, Gangnam. I just eat and live. ”

Kim Young-un smiled as he said he lived on Gu Gun-ho's food.

“Do doctors eat and live? ”

“Yes, I live to eat. ”

Guggenho ordered a bottle of beer. And I poured out a beer for Kim Young-un.

“Just have a drink. I'll drink the rest. ”

Kim Young-un didn't answer anything.

“Then you'll be living alone here in your apartment. I live alone in a Dogok-dong apartment. ”

“Where is Doggok? ”

“Two more stops in Yangjae-dong. ”

"Did you invest in the company you just left? ‘

“Yes, I made some investments. He knew a lot about paintings. In my gallery, I had my first exhibition of Northwestern arithmetic in China, and then an exhibition of young Chinese composers. Also known as avant-garde art. ”

Gu Gu, who heard from Shin Jung-sook on that day, chatted about art knowledgeably. I used to be a slouch, but this day, a beer went in and I could tell., However, Kim Young-un listened curiously.

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