
Gu Gun-ho contacted Min-hyuk Kim the morning after the reunion was over.

“Did you get in okay last night? ”

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. There were seven people left. They went back to the house. They went to the second and the third place. ”

“I took Kang Minho out with a big mouth and just went in. After driving Kang Minho's cab, I also took a cab. I was so drunk, I couldn't make it to the second round. ”

“Kang Min-ho, what's wrong with him? Let me see your hands. ”

“Nonsense! He's drunk, too, so he'll regret it with a clear conscience. ”

“The kids also said they need to take a look at Kang Minho's hands. ”

“Who went to the 2nd and 3rd car yesterday? ”

“Lee Suk-ho, Cho Won Chul, Hwang Byung-cheol, Moon Jae-shik were all there. I paid for the second round and Moon Jae-sheol paid for the third round. ”

“Well done.”

“I'll be back in the morning. China shouldn't leave their seat too long. ”

“Oh, and how much more than 1.5 billion is left in Gonzan-si's withdrawal? ”

“I spent half a million on fixtures with that money. Some of the machines had been up and running for a long time, and some of the wages were backed up, some of the rent was backed up. ”

“Other than that, how long do we have? ”

“After the factory started, sales increased and some of them were recovered and put in four accounts. There should be 1.3 billion left now. ”

“Well, then, buy yourself a warehouse. ”

“Warehouse? Our factory is big. We don't need to buy a new one. ”

“It's not the use of GE's Exhaust Co-op, it's what Dijon needs in the future. ”

“Oh, you need a place to store your stuff in order to sell it to the Chinese market in Dijon Korea. ”

“That's right."

“How many square feet would that be? ”

“Average is between 300 and 1,000 square feet. It's not a factory, it's a warehouse, so there's not a lot of power. ”

“I'll give it a try. ”

“Just to find out, we need to see if we can get the land in our name. ”

“If you buy land, of course we have ownership. ”

“You know, China doesn't. There are a lot of real estates that can be registered and fraudulently bought and leased by landowners. ”

“Well, I have to find out. ”

“It's easy to get around and see if the branches will go up in the future. ”

“There are warehouses and real estate investments. ”

“Yes, you can borrow money from the bank when you need it. ”

Every morning, the temperature went down pretty well and it was the early fall when I had to wear long arms.

Gu Gun-ho met with Youngjin Kim at Incheon Airport to go to Seattle.

“You're wearing long sleeves. I'm dressed, too.”

“What's so big about this bag? I'm going to America to bring a blonde beauty. ”

“It's empty, it's empty. I just picked up some clothes and a book. ”

“I brought a book, too. It'll take more than 10 hours to read. ”

“What book is in your hand? What book?”

“This? I'm just bored. ”

“What's the title? Business Model Design Compass? American book?”

“Haha, I'll read it all and let you know. ”

“I only brought magazines. ”

“I like magazines, too. ”

“Tickets are Korean Airlines Business Class. ”

“Economy class is good, too. Economy class. ”

“If you want to go for a long time, you have to stretch your legs. ”

Gu Gun Ho and lawyer Kim Young-jin arrived at Seattle Tacoma Airport.

Seattle is a city on the Pacific Northwest coast of the United States, famous for its airline, Boeing is famous for its Starbucks 1st and Amazon bookstores. Rymundel DiYonsa was also here for the Guggenhorn.

“You can rent an airport car, but take the light rail. The light rail goes all the way downtown. ”

“I like anything. ”

Gu Gun Ho and lawyer Kim Young-jin arrived at the Sheraton Hotel downtown in the dark of the evening.

“Old boss, we have to go tomorrow morning, so let's just get some sleep today and sightseeing in the city tomorrow. ”

“Yeah, I think I ate the wrong food on the plane. ”

“Do you want some medicine? ”

“No, I brought laxatives, cold medicine, ointments for wounds, etc. I always prepare these things when I travel. ”

“You're thorough. I should take the role of President Gu Gu, too. ”

“Are you moving to the rental car tomorrow? Even DiYonsa.”

“He said he would prepare it here at the hotel. I'd love to go on a tour of Boeing since we're in Seattle. It's a little vague because I haven't applied in a while. ”

“Boeing will do the sightseeing later. The factory is so spacious, it only takes all day to see. ”

“Is that so? But don't you think we should have dinner? ”

“Okay, let's unpack and meet in the lobby. ”

Gu Gun-ho and Kim Young Jin had a light meal at a restaurant next to the hotel. Youngjin Kim ordered wine but Gu did not eat because of diarrhea.

“But you're relieved to eat, right? ”

“Yes, I'm sure. Hotel may not be fancy, but Downtown is great. Great to see downtown. ”

“Go up and rest today because your stomach hurts too. ”

“No, I'll just walk downtown myself. I think I'm gonna have to turn off my boat. ”

“That's good, too. Maybe it's just sitting on the plane for a long time. ”

The Gugunate walked downtown in Seattle.

The bright lights and english sign were definitely exotic landscapes.

“Beautiful city. ”

Walking around the roadshops in Downtown was different.

“Chicken belly? I could use a beer for a piece of chicken. Ouch, diarrhea again. ”

Guggenho walked the streets listening to the American people's chatter in his ears.

“I have no idea what the Americans next to me are talking about. ”

An old middle-aged lady approached and spoke to Gu Gun Ho. Probably asking for directions.

“Aidon Spike, English. ”

Guggenho threw this horse and ran away.

How much did he bet?

Gu Gu felt his stomach relaxed.

“Walking is best for exercising. Dinner at a hotel restaurant sounds like a waste of time. ”

Gu Gun-ho returned to the hotel and fell asleep eating an egg yolk from Korea.

Angelina Lane, Dijonsa's handler, was a rather fat woman in her late 40s.

“Hohoho, you thought of her as a blonde beauty after just hearing her name? Thank you for coming from a far-off land in the Far East. Have a seat."

Lane seemed quite optimistic. I laughed and laughed well when talking to other employees. I was polite when others treated her, whether she had a high rank or not.

“Ms. Gu, Ms. Kim, nice to meet you. I had an afternoon meeting with Brendan Burke, vice president, overseas. In the meantime, Burke has instructed me to show you the field line. ”

“Thank you."

“Specifically, you two were asked to do your best by Richard Amiel of DiJonesepen. ”

“Thank you."

“We respect Brendan Burke and Richard Amiel's opinions. ”

Angelina Lane calls someone on the phone.

Angelina Lane asked a few questions before someone called her on the phone.

“What is the population of Korea? ”

“More than 50 million. ”

“What is the income of the people in Korea? ”

“About 30,000 dollars. ”

Angelina Lane calls people and asks light questions in case the visitors get bored. Her eyes look clear, smiling beyond the glasses.

A young man in uniform came in. He seemed a little black.

“These two are businessmen from Korea. Those of you who may be joining us. Line 5, line 6 only. No photo shoot allowed. ”

“Yes, chief! ”

Gu Gun Ho and Kim Young Jin went to the site.

The site was connected to the second floor and there was a handrail passage on the second floor. The production site was inaccessible and could be seen downstairs along the second floor corridor.

“Wow, it's huge! ”

Kim Youngjin's lawyer was surprised.

“I've never seen a factory like this. Amazing. Looks like you're looking at the Noryangjin Fish Market. ”

“Haha, that's what I thought. When I was studying for the civil service exam in Noryangjin, I occasionally went to the fish market. It looks like you crossed a bridge at Noryangjin Railway Station and looked down at the fish market. ”

“The product spills out, it's in the belt, and it's in the basket automatically. ”

“Well, it's all automated. ”

“World-class company. ”

“I want to own a factory like this. ”

Kim Youngjin looked back at Gu Gun Ho with a smile.

“Pray for success." ”

Kim Youngjin's lawyer patted Gu Gun-ho on the back.

Brendan Burke, Vice President of Foreign Affairs, held an interview this afternoon.

In the small conference room, there was a small toner and a paladin on the table.

“Greetings. I am Brendan Burke, Vice President of Rymandell DiYonsa. ”

Brandon Burke appeared to be in his late 50s, considerably taller. He was a shaved head. He was handsome.

“Gu Gun Ho, president of GE Mobile, Korea. ”

“I'm Youngjin Kim, a lawyer at the Kim & Jeong Law Firm in Korea. ”

Gu Gun-ho and Kim Young Jin gave Burke their business cards.

Three men have come from Dijon's side. Mr. Burke, Angelina Lane, the vice president, and a young black woman with glasses came in and sat down.

The interview started.

On Mr. Burke's desk were documents and business plans from the Guardian. Even the business card I just gave him was left next to the documents on the table.

“I've looked at the financial statements of GE Mobile. We didn't meet our standards very well. The debt ratio was too high. Do you have an extraordinary plan to reduce debt? ”

Angelina Lane, who was next to me, listened to Burke.

“The Capitol Incredis, for example. ”

Lawyer Kim Young-jin said in a low voice to Gu Gun-ho.

“Do you have a plan?" he asked. ”

Gu said decisively.

“I don't have a plan to increase. However, new product development is increasing sales by 15%. We plan to reduce debt to new revenue margins. ”

Gu Gu took out the AM083 assembly made by Sakada Ikuzo this time from his bag.

“This is what we made. Double extrusion. ”

Burke and Lane opened their eyes wide and touched the product given to them by Gu Gun Ho.

“Did you really make this at Giant Mobile in Korea? ‘

“That's right.”

Mr. Berg continued to touch and crumple the new product given by Gu Gun Ho and smelled it.

“Which company used raw materials to make this? ”

“Dijon America.”

A light smile spread from Mr. Burke's lips.

“Okay, here's the next question. The credit rating for GE Mobile is B-. This is also the part that we're very reluctant to do. We don't want A +, but we want A-. I want to hear from you about this.

“This time, we focused our debts on the first financial bank in Gangnam, Seoul. We have also eliminated the warranty debt from Korea's Credit Guarantee Fund. This section has not yet been reflected in the financial statements, and I think it will all be reflected in the final statement of December and will be okay until 'A-'. ”

“Yes, sir. All our registrars are taking notes next to you. Moreover, lawyers from the Korean law firm are also attending, so I can trust his words. ”

“Thank you."

“I just have one last question. ”

“Tell me.”

“This is one of the most scored items you have seen and evaluated in your submission. He graduated from China High School of Business Administration. Is that correct?"

“That's right.”

“I am HSK Grade 6 Qualified. Is that correct?"

“That's right.”

“There's an old boss of yours investing in China, GE Vegan Co., Ltd. The company was acquired five years ago and was recently acquired. Is that correct?"

“That's right, I bought the water wave factory. ”

“There was nothing in China that caused Phinens. Although the company is small, we will give it a high rating. ”

“Thank you."

“According to your business plan, you can use your contacts in China and target Korean car makers in China to sell more than 300 tons per month. ”

“I'm confident about that. ”

“Very well. Good work today. We will discuss the interview again with our overseas investment review committee. I will inform you of the outcome of the discussion through Director Angelina Lane. In the meantime, our steps will be visiting GE Mobile in Korea in the near future. ”


Brandon Burke jumps up and reaches out to the Guggenhorn. Gu Gu felt his hands were so warm.

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