Story of a Big Player from Gangnam

Corporate restructuring (2)


The advantage of Gu Gu 'a was that he instinctively smelled money well. When I thought I had good judgment and had the opportunity, I had the guts to bet boldly.

If a person doesn't do well, he blames others.

Gu Gun Ho also complained about his parents when he was stuck in debt while living. But I was lucky enough to win.

Gu Gu's school grades were a little over the middle. He was a good student because he was a metropolitan school, not in Seoul.

School study tends to be proportional to the environment of the house. If you met a good parent and went to school in Gangnam 8th grade in Seoul, you could have gone to a professional or large business. However, he did not realize that he had gained the wisdom to live in the world. I also did not know that there is a competitor's temperament for knowing and betting the flow of money. He had an unusual knack.

The bank manager in Gangnam, Seoul, called to visit the factory. Gu Gu called for a senior audit.,

“The branch manager of Gangnam Bank in Seoul is coming down today at 2 pm. ”

“I'll clean up the factory and prepare for the appraisal you mentioned earlier. ”

“Thank you for coming from the bank, so please take care of it. Wouldn't it be profitable to return the second financial institution to the first? ”

“Of course you do. ”

Gu Gun-ho also called the plant head, research institute, and sales director.

“Our guests are from out of town, so make sure your factory is cleaned and your antiques are organized. ”

“I understand.”

In his 50s and 60s, executives chiseled in front of the Gu Gun Wook.

The branch manager arrives, riding a black car with a handsome banker.

“Nice to meet you.”

‘The factory is wider than I thought. “

“Come on in. ”

Gu Gu leads the group of branch managers to the boss' office. The original assessment sheet was shown.

“When you borrow money from the second financial institution, it's 5 billion factory appraisals. The second plant with a laboratory next to it was valued at four billion. The rest is 2.5 billion warehouses, 1.2 billion dormitories, all 12.7 billion, one financial debt of three billion, borrowed from four second financial institutions, nine billion. The interest on the second financial institution alone is more than 60 million won per month.

“What is your current appraisal price? ”

“6.2 billion in Plant 1, 5 billion in Plant 2. Warehouses and dormitories aren't exactly what you'd expect. ”

Chief of Staff has come in.

“Say hello, by the way. This is our senior auditor.”


The chief auditor and the branch manager were surprised at each other.

“Sir, are you here? ”

“Oh, are you in Gangnam? ”

Gu Gun Ho was surprised.

“Did you two know each other? ”

“I was the one who took me as a branch manager when I was on the bus. I didn't know you were here. ”

“While I was a legal manager, I sat down because Gu Gu, who is here, was considerate of me. ”

“Oh, I see. It's a small world. ”

“You take good care of him now. ”

“Haha, of course I should. if the conditions are right.”

“I'll take a field trip once you finish reviewing the paperwork later. ”

“Is that so?”

Four people, such as Gu Gun Ho and Senior Auditor, Bank Branch Manager and Banker, circled the scene. Recently, the factory was clean. Staff at the site pretended to work harder as the rescue party circled.

“Welcome. It's a factory.”

The shop manager asked the factory some questions.

“How much do you produce per day? ”

“Where are your vendors located? ”

Most of them were large corporations. The factory owner has placed 3 delivery places.

“Well, they're all A + companies. ”

Just hearing the name of the company, the branch manager quickly knew whether the company's credit was A + or B +.

After a field trip, Guggenho and his group of branch managers head back up to the boss' office.

Senior auditor told the branch manager.

“The factory is actively running, so only two financial debt should be driven to the first financial sector. Even for me. ”

“Of course, for your sake. Moreover, Gu Gun-ho is a VIP at our branch, and I have to give it to him. But I have to report it to the top, so the documents have to be correct. ”

“Isn't that right? ”

“No, I think you're right. You haven't received a warehouse or dormitory appraisal, which would increase by about 20 percent. But there is one condition. ”

“What are your terms? ”

Gu Gu and Senior Auditor looked at the branch manager without his neck.

“Please change your main bank to our bank. ”

“To Gangnam Point? ”

“That's right.”

Gu Gu looked at the face of Senior Inspector General's Appreciation.

“Still, it doesn't matter. because the main bank is Gangnam branch, and the day-to-day transactions are with the same bank branch Asan. We just need to let the customers know. I need to change my bank. ”


The store manager said to Gu Gun Ho, raising and lowering his glasses.

“If you drive the second financial institution into the first financial institution, your monthly interest expenditure will be reduced by 20 million won. The corporate image is getting better. ”


Gu, thinking for a moment, looked at the senior auditor and said,

“Thank you for taking the time to receive your new warehouse and residence appraisal and for changing your bank account. ”

“I understand.”

The branch manager wanted to see the company's organization chart.

The secretary brought the organization chart.

“One laboratory in 12 departments, Hmmm… Gu Gun-ho is amazing. I admire that you run such a big company at such a young age. ”

“You're welcome. ”

“And take a good look at my senior here. You're a good man. ”

“No, I get a lot of help. ”

In the words of Gu Gu, his face turned red as a gratitude.

The bank manager turned and Gu Geon Ho sat alone in the boss's room.

I looked at the organization chart on the table.

“Draw the sword of restructuring? ”

Thinking this way, I covered the organization chart again.

“Let's do it after Amiel goes to Dijonsa. ”

Gu Gu, thinking like this, called lawyer Kim Young-jin of Kim & Jeong Law Firm.

“Are you free these days? ”

“Yeah, I'm gonna take a breath now. ”

“Amiel of Dijon Zephan said he stopped by our factory once, but he hasn't heard back yet. ”

“Is that so?"

“I came to Korea to watch our factory and ask for a round. ”

“Yeah, I remember hearing that, too. You said you wanted to go to the Hannamdong Fairy and listen to the sounds. Maybe.”

“Have you forgotten what you said? ”

“I'll call him. ”

“Yes, please. I don't speak English very well. ”

I was contacted by Amiel at Gimpo Airport.

“I'm glad it's not Incheon Airport. ”

Gu Gu found an interpreter in-house because he didn't want to owe it to Kim Young-jin's lawyer. I've called the Secretary General.

“Are you fluent in English? ”

“I don't speak English very well. Dr. Park is good in the lab. ”

Gu Gun-ho called Park Dae-ri. Park Dae-ri knocked on the door of the boss's office. He was the same age as Gu, who wore glasses and looked fabulous.

“Do you speak English well? ”

“I'm not very good at talking, I'm a simple conversationalist. ”

“I'm an engineer and I think I work at the lab. Where did you learn English? ”

“I was from Catchusa. I was an exchange student in the United States for a year. ”

“Hm. The American president is coming today. Can I have an interpreter? ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

Park Dae-ri was the expression described above. He thought he had a chance to get close to the boss... but he could get caught if he didn't. Park Dae-ri swallowed a dry saliva.

Gu Gun-ho drove to Kim Po himself. I burned down the lab's Park Dae-ri.

They didn't say much in the car. Gu Geon Ho didn't have any water for Park Dae Ri, and Park Dae Ri also couldn't talk because she was having a hard time. I wanted to ask how I could acquire a factory like this at a young age, but I dared not say it.

“It's a beautiful day. ”

“Yes, it is. Weather forecasts are nice until the weekend. ”

I had a simple conversation like this.

I recognized Amiel coming out of the airport exit at once. Flights from Tokyo were either Korean or Japanese, so Americans were very quick to notice.


“Old President”

I introduced Park Dae-ri next to Amiel.

“I'm an employee of our company, and I'm here to translate. ”

“Really? Haudu papu. ”

Amiel reached out to the clerk.

“This is the boss of Dijonjefan. ”

“Oh, really? ”

“Since you have a lot of time, why don't you take a look at our Asan factory and translate it into the Gangnam Palace Hotel, where you'll be staying. ”

Park Dae-ri translated. I didn't seem to be doing too well. It seemed that Amiel was also listening hard because he could barely pronounce it. It was natural to talk to Kim Young-jin's lawyer, but it seemed different. Still, it was good to be able to deliver everything.

Amiel looks around the Asan Factory.


Amiel nods.

The head of the Institute of Research, a German Doctor of Engineering, came out to meet Amiel. The principal of the research institute also spoke some English, but it was about as good as Park Dae-ri. Gu Gu felt that he should hire one staff who speaks English, Japanese and Chinese well.

Technical English did not have to be smooth. In the lab director's explanation, Amiel nodded and sent a positive sign, and the principal quickly noticed and answered Amiel's question. Amiel looked at the finished products produced in the factory and put them on his smartphone.



Amiel seemed generally satisfied.

Gu Gu took Amiel and Park Dae-ri back to Seoul. I came to the Palace Hotel next to the scheduled Gangnam express bus station.

“Take your luggage and ask it to come back down to the lobby. Tell her lawyer Kim Young Jin will be here soon. ”

Park Dae-ri translated.

While I was waiting for Amiel, Kim's lawyer came.

“Gu, Gu, Ha!”

“It's been a long time. You've been busy with patent lawsuits. ”

“You've been busy acquiring the factory, too. I decided to go to your factory once, but I couldn't go because I didn't have all the time. ”

“Yes, come slowly. ”

Gu Gun-ho introduced Park Dae-ri to lawyer Kim Young-jin.

“I'm lawyer Kim Young-jin from Kim & Jeong Law Firm. He's a close friend of mine. ”

Park Dae-ri bowed down deeply to Kim's lawyer.

“Who are you?”

Kim asked Gu Gun-ho.

“Yes, he's one of our employees. I'm here with Amiel for an interpreter. ”

“Oh, really? ”

Kim Youngjin's lawyer reached out to Park Dae-ri.

Amiel takes off his suit and comes down in a straightforward uniform.

“Young-jin Kim! ”


They hug with a smile.

In the lobby, Kim Youngjin talked to Amiel about what had happened. He briefly explained what he had said to the Governor.

Park Dae-ri stared blankly at Kim Young-jin's lawyer for how well he speaks English. His pronunciation, of course, was the same as that of an American. Park Dae-ri was good at English, so it didn't seem like a place to put out a business card.

Guggenho looked at Park Dae-ri and said,

“I don't need an interpreter now that I'm here. Good work. Across from the hotel is the express bus terminal, so Asanga should have a car. ”

“Yes, I'll go. ”

Park Dae-ri bowed to Gu Gun-ho.

The hook pulls out an envelope from the inside pocket.

“Grab a speedbus and have dinner on your way. You've had a lot of trouble translating today. ”

Park Dae-ri politely received the envelope from Gu Gun-ho with both hands.

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