
The glass spins a few more times.

Gu Gun-ho wanted to drink because he was exercising today.

A young woman in a gorgeous kimono comes in when Samisen stops calling. Based on the Geisha makeup, it was like Amiel said. The young woman knelt on her knees, placing the debt in her hands on Tammi. Then he bowed with his hands on the floor of the room.

“Nice to meet you. I'm Morrie Coke.”

As Morrie Coke slowly raises her head, the group is greatly surprised.

“Ugh! What a beauty! ”

I couldn't see well because the light was dark, but my face was light blue.

With the exception of American Amiel, who has little sense of Eastern beauty, Gu Gun Ho, Kim Youngjin, and the translator's lock widened their eyes. In particular, the lock wiped the glasses again and stared at him dazed.

The two women holding Samisen begin to twist the Samisen rope again.


“Tng ta-da.”

Morieco, who was sitting on his knees, slowly got up with his debt. Morrie starts dancing to the sound of Samisen.


It seemed that the heavenly virgin had descended completely. Kim Young-jin's lawyer swallowed his saliva and Gu Gun-ho felt itchy somewhere. The only lock was the mouth.

Samisen's pitch rate was pathetic somewhere. It was not modern music, but an old finger. Eiko starts singing to Samisen's fingers. It was a sad song.

“Sadameno Michi and Gadenakumo.....”

Gu Gu Khwa tapped the lock with his mouth wide open.

“What do you mean by that song? ”

“The path of destiny is to smell the scent even if it's far away. ”


Guggenho felt pity for singing Geisha Morrie. I don't know if it's because of the tune of the song, but Gu Gun Ho's nose went dark.

“The path of destiny, far away. ”

Gu Geunho also thought, is his life really the right way to earn money? At the end of the dance, Morrie folds up her debt and kneels back on the ground. Then he placed his hands on tatami and tightened his head.

“Thank you for seeing me dance so little. ”

While the three Koreans were sitting in a daze, Amiel smiled and applauded.


Hearing Amiel's applause, three Koreans suddenly came to their senses. The horse raccoon next to me said.

“Did you enjoy the show? She is the prettiest and most popular Geisha in Do-Cheon. ”

“Excellent. ”

“Aikoh doesn't come out of nowhere. Especially Amiel and the old boss came and called me. ”

Eiko takes a step back and says hello again.

Amiel said to the horse master in a cheerful manner.

“I think she's prettier than ever. As an American, I can tell. ”

“Popularity pierces the sky, but I'm worried because I haven't raised my head yet. Plus, I'm 20 years old this year. ”

“Can't you lift your head? ”

Gu Gu Gu thought that she also learned golf. After you learn golf at practice, you can say you put your head on the field along your boss for the first time! Eikora guessed that the dancing geisha was the same.

Gu Gu asked.

“Your Highness, what do you mean he can't lift his head? Do you learn golf?"

“Hoho, this has nothing to do with golf. I haven't lifted my head. I haven't lifted my virgin ticket yet. ”

“Really? Well, maybe we should just date. ”

“I mean, I haven't found someone to lift my head yet. Because I'm a geisha, I'm looking for someone to lift my head among my guests. ”

“Looking for one of your guests? ”

“The man who can lift his head should be a gentleman who has courtesy and thievery, and he should be a lifelong patron. Geisha only has a reliable patron, and she doesn't usually get married. The successor chooses the gentleman himself. ”


Guggenho was interested in Geisha's customs.

“People are lining up to lift their hair because they have low color characters. ”

“I stood in line. But Eiko won't pick someone to lift his head unless he's a master of the underworld. ”

Gu Gu tried to ask if a foreigner could lift his head. However, before Gu Gun Ho even spoke, the interpreter restricted book asked His Highness for some time.

“Can the U.S. or the U.K. lift their heads? ‘

“Hohoho, are you talking about the Amiel statue? Amiel is married.He's so picky, he doesn't want a bride. But no one can enter such a noble fairy. ”

“You have your sons, don't you? ”

“The son of Chamberlain is like a jerk, so he hates it the most. ”


“Poor kid, to be honest. because my mom and dad, who were elementary school teachers in Sapporo, grew up orphaned after losing their parents to a car accident. I was 14 years old when I first started preaching to my relatives. Hohoho, but I guess they're all more interested in Eiko than they are in drinking. ‘

“No, let's have another sake. ”

Guggenho couldn't erase Eiko's impression of returning to the New Otani Hotel. I remembered dark eyebrows, shiny eyes, and thick lips. Above all, her dazzling skin excited the breasts of the guava.

“Morrie, I want to see her dance one more time. Will I be able to go alone with that fairy? But you have to know Japanese to do anything. ”

Gu Gu took the bottled water out of the refrigerator and drank it. Gu Gun-ho decided to return for a short time. It was also because Kim Young-jin's vacation was over.

After returning home, I contacted Cho Won Chul again.

“Gu Geon Ho? You've been well in Japan, right? ”

“Yes, I went well. ”

“The alumni meeting is tomorrow at the Lee Suk-ho store. ”

“Lee Suk-ho from Merchant Guild? ”

“Lee Suk-ho closed the shop that day and lent us the hall. ”

“Really? Got it. I'll get out.”

When Gu Gun-ho went to Lee Suk-ho's store on the business trip, about 10 of his classmates came. They've been drinking since then.

“Hey, Gu Gun-ho! You don't recognize me. I'm the boss now. ”

Cho Won Cheol woke up.

“How was Japan? You said you went golfing. ”

“Hey, it's been a good time. Looks like you're getting good. Go golfing to Japan. ”

Lee Suk-ho recommended a seat.

“Your seat's been cleared. It's a lot of traffic from Gangnam to here, isn't it? ”

He looked around. Half of them were wearing ties, half were wearing a jamba. Everyone in a tie looked like a salaryman.

I brought out some food and put soju in a box, but soon I ran out. The atmosphere naturally became noisy.

“Hey, fuck you, lagoon! Drink up, too. Don't you eat as an owner? ‘

“Fuck you, you eat it! ”

“Hey, Byeong-chul Hwang! Are you wearing a tie to get dressed? I was so fucking proud when I went to your lab. You can't leave because you're in a meeting? Drink this with your bees today. ‘

“Hey, what if I pour a beer full of soda? ‘

“You have to eat it. ”

It was loud enough that my ears could fall off and my cigarette smoke was terrible. In my mid-30s, I felt like a mayor because I met my classmates who were polite but not burdensome for a long time.

Gu Gu did not like this atmosphere.

Cho Won-Chul was next to me and recommended that I keep drinking, but I thought about it somewhere else. I remembered a quiet fairy in Shinjuku, Japan, or a secret fairy in Hannamdong. The quality of the Old Testament was gradually becoming noble.

“By any chance, I don't see the Moon Jae Ceremony sitting in front of me in Q3. ”

Gu Gun-ho suddenly remembered his classmate Moon Jae-ho and asked a friend in the front seat.

Moon Jae Ceremony was a difficult child living with my grandmother.

“Ceremony? Drive his car. That possession cost me a fortune. I can't even come here now because I'm his disciple. ”


Gu Gun Ho was heavy in heart.

“Maybe I'm skimming their money because I'm making money on stocks. ”

Suddenly, Lee Suk-ho shouted.

“Hey, stop talking and listen to me. Cho Won Chul, who organized the meeting today, said. ”

The sound of chatter subsides. Cho Won Chul got up from his seat.

“Well, it's been 15 years since we graduated from high school. ”

“Oh, just get to the point! ”

“So now I want to have regular meetings and make friendships with each other. I brought a handout here. Take a look. ”

“What's the name of your fraternity? What's that supposed to mean? ”

“Well, there were a lot of people who lived in Incheon Xuan or Bucheon. The school's over there. So we called it the Western Conference to commemorate the breakdown of our memories in the West. ”

“It's like a specimen. ”

You hear a hissing from everywhere.

Cho Won Chul read all the handouts. The content was to create a reunion of brotherhood called the Western Union. I agreed with all the members of the fraternity, but I was beaten for 30 minutes, with a fee of KRW 30,000 or KRW 50,000. Gu Gu wanted to leave with all the money.

“What do you think about relief? “

“I'm good, I'm good. I'll just follow.”

The election of the president after the cost of attendance was also time-consuming. They all recommended a good deal of money. Gu Gu jumped. Being president and hanging out with them was horrible.

“Since Cho Won Chul has called this meeting, Cho Won Chul better do it. I don't. I don't fit in. I'll pay you a dime. ”

Gu said no, and Cho Won Chul secretly wanted to be president. It was a clear picture of the reclusive Gu Gun Ho and the politically strong Cho Chul.

Gu Gu showed haste.

“Let's give him a big round of applause since he's become Cho Won Cheol. ”

One or two people applauded, and soon everyone applauded. Gu Gu got up from his seat.

“I went to Japan last week and had some extra travel to do. It's a big deal to be here today, but I'll shoot the second round. Isn't this the famous Itaewon? I'll come to Itaewon and take my time off my throat. Don't you feel sad if I go? Isn't that right?”

“Yes! Yes! Gu Gu speaks well. I didn't like it when I went to school, but now I see that's not it. Thanks to Gu Gun Ho, let's play together today. ”

“Let's go!”

About a dozen of my classmates marched to Itaewon in droves.

As soon as Gu Gun Ho came to work, he called lawyer Kim Young-jin.

“Lawyer Kim? Can I talk to you?"

“Well, it's possible. Oh, I'm sorry I went to Japan last time. You spent a lot of money, didn't you? ”

“No, I don't. ”

“Rumor has it that the fairy in Shinjuku is very expensive. ”

“It's okay. I had fun. ”

“But what are you doing here in the morning? ”

“I'm looking for an accountant. You have a lot of accountants in your law firm, don't you? ”

“You know what?”

“If you know any accountants, I called to see if you can find the accountant Lee Nak-jong of Incheon Accounting Firm. I'm sorry I've been busy all morning. ”

“It looks like an accountant's association, but you'll find it in no time. Why don't you ask the accountant's office where you're trading first? ”

“I don't want to let our accountant know. If you ask me to sleep with you all the time, I'll bother you later. I'd like to get an introduction from someone I know. ”

“What else are you planning to do? ”

“It happens. I'll tell you the details later. ”

“Got it. I'll see what I can do. I don't know if I'll soon find out because I'm not the only accountant. ”

I got a call from lawyer Kim after lunch.

“No one knows Lee Nak-jong personally, and some of our colleagues know the head of the accounting firm. ”

“Then you'll know. ”

“I asked the representative, and she said that Lee Nak-jong's accountant looks like someone in the fabric. ”

“Yes! I will! ”

“I'll give you my number. Write it down. It's not a personal phone. It's a work phone. ”

“Yes, sing it. ”

Lee Nak-jong is an accountant traded by the water wave industry.

Gu Gu was lost in thought.

“Ask me how the water wave industry is doing? ”

Guggenho shakes his head.

“If someone who doesn't eat noodles suddenly comes to me and asks me what's going on in the water wave industry, I won't tell you. Accountant Dory is the one who's supposed to keep secrets from her clients. So how do we approach it? ”

The hook crosses its arms and goes back into the long warehouse.

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