Storm of Kings

Chapter 89: Ghost people

?????? The next day, the sky was bright, and the square in front of the main hall trembled.

?????? Although the movement is not too big, the young people present are not easy, and many people are still awakened.

?????? Zhou Lie poked his head out of his sleeping bag, and he saw Xu Tianbao approaching and whispered: "This is the sound of the Qingbei warship sliding into the river. Many monks carry supplies at night, and Shouguang Temple is preparing for battle."

?????? "You just came back?"

?????? "Well, Liang Peacock is very careful and didn't find a chance to make a move at night."

Xu Tianbao tightened his cloak and said: "Besides her, she is not only the strong boy and the Hua family kid in the daytime, but also a girl in black. It is this girl in black who can't escape her every time I want to get close. After a few attempts, the other party has become suspicious."

?????? "I don't have to worry about her for the time being. It was originally scheduled to board the ship at noon. It seems to be much earlier."

?????? As expected, as soon as the voice fell, I heard the voice from the main hall: "The ship will be dispatched in 20 minutes. You can bring your mounts, but if you are slow for a while, don't expect the sailing brother to wait for such lazy people."

?????? "Why are you in such a hurry? Only for twenty minutes?" Some teenagers complained, and some started to act immediately.

?????? Xu Xiaohuan and Xu Xiaoning hurriedly packed their sleeping bags, the fat man took out the jerky and buckwheat cakes, tore them into strips and added them to the small steel pot prepared last night and heated them with the soup.

?????? Qiqige and Su's brothers and sisters go to take care of the mounts, each has its own division of labor.

?????? Zhou Lie simply ate something, sat on Ad's back fifteen minutes later, and followed the crowd.

?????? It was only one night, and it was said that there were 500 places, but at least 700 people came in.

?????? As for the Qingbei warship, can it put so many people down? Only after reading it will I know.

?????? Time is not long, the people in front ran, and Zhou Lie's team also accelerated their pace.

?????? The sky was dim, and I saw a pier from a distance. The river was frozen hard, and I saw a huge bronze artifact parked outside the long bridge.

?????? From the appearance, this green shell warship is more like a car than a ship. The hull is covered with dizzyingly large and small echo patterns, and the bottom of the ship is wrapped in layers of cyan clam shells.

?????? Everyone has never seen such a huge mussel shell. If these giant mussels are still alive, just take out the mussel meat, it will be enough for all the villagers in Kaiyuan Village to eat for a whole day.

?????? came over from a distance, and the two parties agreed to see the ship hand over the knife.

?????? Zhou Lie was very happy, raised his hand and threw the Yi Huo Zhan Iron Knife over.

?????? "Buddha Immeasurable Life, I wish you all the best. Remember, when you face choices, don't be blinded by benefits." Kong Yuan seemed to have a point, but he didn't give much hints when he was in the crowd.

?????? "There will be a period later!"

?????? The two sides have said goodbye...

?????? Ade set foot on the Qingbei warship, 700 people plus mounts, squeezed and squeezed, should reach the upper limit of the load.

?????? As the piercing sound of the flute spread, my feet began to tremble.

?????? "Library, library, library..."

?????? The Qingbei warship spewed out a lot of warm and hot water and began to quickly turn the bow,

?????? Next, the boys and girls stared at the farther and farther pier. Some of them couldn't help but wrap their clothes tightly, as if doing so could drive away the ensuing cold and haze.

?????? Entering the year of white fog means that you will never see the sun that vents the powerful firepower above your head on weekdays.

?????? The earth is like experiencing a scorching summer, and a cold winter is suddenly ushered in, but this cold winter is very abnormal, and some strange celestial phenomena will appear at any time.

?????? Just like now, the Qingbei warship has just sailed out for half an hour, and blue and purple bands of light appear in the sky, soft as a scarf in the hands of a fairy.

?????? A roar came from the bow: "Be careful, the geomagnetism is coming."

?????? Next to Zhou Lie, the Su family brothers and sisters reacted fastest. The three of them pressed hard against the deck, and suddenly wavy blood patterns appeared under their feet.

?????? At the same time, the cyan and purple lights floating in the air swept down.

?????? "Clang, clang, clang..."

?????? The hull of the ship rubbed into fine sparks, and then several teenagers approaching the ship screamed, spraying bleeding arrows and blood mist on their bodies.

?????? After a while, more than two dozen boys and girls fell down, shocking the others to retreat quickly, away from the boat gang and the mysterious blue-purple light band.

?????? "Look, we are surrounded."

?????? Someone yelled and saw cyan and purple rays all over the ship.

?????? The Qingbei warship was galloping on the river, but at this moment it seemed to have fallen into the clouds and mist, and there was no sight a little further away.

At this time, the ship's bow shouted again: "Don't panic! This is the evil spirit formed by geomagnetism. It is no different from the storm in nature. Try to reduce the metal objects you carry on your body so that you won't be the target of the geomagnetic steel evil. "

?????? Everyone woke up like a dream, and quickly threw the unusable metal objects in the luggage from the ship.

?????? These metal objects were still in the air, and they clanged, and they were completely corroded by evil spirits before they landed.

?????? "Brother Lie, do we... also throw things along?" Zu Wanhao felt sorry for the pots and pans, and couldn't help looking at Zhou Lie.

??????In an instant, cyan and purple light and shadow gathered, and they attacked Zhou Lie and his party.

?????? Pots, bowls and pans are just the second thing. There are a few heavy swords in the bag. This is the culprit that attracts the magnetism.

??????The Su brothers and sisters changed their colors at the same time, and the three of them were like plucking the strings, causing the blood lines under their feet to rippling, and suddenly pulling up the evil spirit of resistance.

?????? The blood turned into a light film, blocking the oncoming terrible murderous opportunity, letting everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

?????? Tang Qiqi stood with his hands behind and nodded in praise: "Good job!"

Su Liuli rolled her and said in her heart: "Wait, you little demon girl will not be able to jump for a few days. If we hadn't become grasshoppers on a rope, our brothers and sisters would also be affected by evil spirits, otherwise Ghosts will work hard!"

?????? Zhou Lie felt his feet shake, and the Qingbei warship began to accelerate.

?????? "Library, library, library..."

?????? This huge warship glide fast on the frozen river, and finally got rid of the influence of the geomagnetic steel brake after five minutes.

?????? "It has passed..."

?????? "My God, finally passed."

?????? Many teenagers breathed a sigh of relief, but when they saw the scene ahead, they felt numb in their hands and feet.

?????? The sky is brighter a lot, and the field of vision opens up.

?????? The river is covered with icicles of all sizes, no, that???s not an icicle! But the huge fish and shrimps encountered ultra-low temperature when they protruded out of the water, half of their bodies were frozen there.

??????In particular, many water snakes that are several meters in length are the most "tall" and the most hideous.

?????? The Qingbei warship collided with it, and the slight obstacle was not worth mentioning.

?????? The wind howled, five or six hours had passed unconsciously.

??????Many teenagers lay leeward or hid in cabins where the smell is not too good. They plan to stay on for another five or six hours to increase the speed of the boat at this extreme speed. Maybe they can reach the coastline at night.

?????? At a certain moment, Zhou Lie suddenly had a bad feeling.

?????? Before he reminded everyone, there was a loud noise in my ears.

?????? The green shell warship plunged into the water at once.

?????? If it is just water, there is no need to worry at all. The problem is that besides the water, there is mud, and the crazily ejected figures.

?????? "Guimin, it's Dongying Guimin..."

?????? "Mother, copy guys, **** these ghosts!"

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